"Why did the Elder Brain not devour you, weakling? You cower in holes and run like cattle! You are not worth the name of illithid! Stand and fight!"
The double-saber wielding ghaik feels Du'minh's hatred rebound upon it and takes a step back. Seeing its companion turn to flee, however, it hisses angrily again, "You cowardly little brood-sucker! You aren't leaving me here alone. I swear if you run now and I kill these two thralls, I'll slice you and bury you in mineral salts!" The telepathy is so strong, that everyone 'hears' it.
The other illithid hesitates, for it knows it's martial companion sends only the truth. It quickly stows the crystals it carries in a small, slung bag, then draws a shortsword which crackles with an odd, dark purple energy.
['thid #2 lost this round's action, so we're just waiting on Du'minh's battle with squddie Do'Urden]
Whilst continuing to Hide and move without a sound, Rey pursues at full speed.
No, Rey does not squeeze the rat to inflict moderate wounds, he cast it after squeezing.... Rey shall not resort to domestic violence... that is until Ista tells him she's pregnant again with another litter of cranium rats.