Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

One quick blow to the temple knocks Mim out. Though still and unconcious, he continues to open and close his mouth, as if speaking words in his sleep.

it is quit for a few moments, but then Ya'shenn and Daraz hear, from the back of the shop,

" Mim! What did you drop this time, you clumsy fool? I told you , I'm not to old to lift my end of things yet, were're not hiring any help ..."

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Not good. You're the telepath, do something. I don't want to shoot this berk if I don't have to."

Nonetheless, Daraz retrieves, loads, and readies his crossbow, aiming it in the direction of the voice.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru raises an eye ridge, inviting the Scion to speak his terms.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azriael' wrote:
Ar'dru raises an eye ridge, inviting the Scion to speak his terms.

"You will ... uurf ... allow some of my minions ... to follow you through the portal ... ugh ... to Sigil ... Do not ... interfere with their mission ... our internal politics ... rrrah ... do not concern you ..."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

About to reach for Mim's battered head, the psion turns and reaches out to almost, but not quite, touch the arm Daraz is using to hold the crossbow, gesturing downward. She doesn't actually touch him, not wanting to set off the trigger. Or Daraz, for that matter.

~Conceal that, and yourself, please.

How was she supposed to find in a matter of moments what others had not located in years?

Attempting to avoid the worst of the blood and mess, Ya'shenn reaches for the unconscious githyanki's topknot, feeling the scalp underneath it with her fingertips. Should that fail, she cuts open the back of whatever Mim is wearing and examines the skin over his spine, as well. Should there still be no sign of a mark, the psion visually examines his ears, nose, and finally, mouth.

[OOC: If darkvision doesn't cover the last three, she'll pick up a light source in the room to help. If there is no suitable light source in the room, she'll use her own. Incidentally, does Mim appear to be at dead, dying, or unconscious right now?]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[DM- Mim's out cold and wounded, but still alive.]

Ya'shenn checks over Mim as thoroughly as haste allows. She cuts off his braid, but no mark. She cuts the back of his tunic to check his spine, still nothing ...

Meanwhile the voice of Mim's master ranges from room to room, "Mim, where are you, idiot? Why did you lock the door? Mim? Mim!"

[Incidently, Schaaz-Khaal came up from the cellar. How'd he know the door is locked? Magic, of course. -DM]

Schaaz-Khaal is bound to walk in and see her at any moment. Ya'shenn cradles Mim's head and looks it over. Could she have been wrong about the mark? Could it be somewhere other than the central nervous system? Mim is still mouthing words in his sleep. Ya'shenn grabs Mim's jaw and peers inside his mouth.

She thinks she sees something on the roof of Mim's mouth, but she's not sure.

[Please, oh please give me permission to say "she sticks her finger in there" - Evil DM]

[Also, Daraz needs to roll if he's going to hide again, but this time his x-bow is already loaded]

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Before giving my word I would know why you do not simply send your minions through the portal alone if you have ready access to it." Replies Ar'dru

Sense motive

4 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 15.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
She thinks she sees something on the roof of Mim's mouth, but she's not sure.

Ugh... please tell me they didn't...

Ya'shenn tilts Mim's head to get the best illumination for that 'something' that she can.

'Azure' wrote:
[Please, oh please give me permission to say "she sticks her finger in there" - Evil DM]

[OOC: Understand, now, I'm only doing this to make EvilDM happy. So gross.]

If that proves to be insufficient... Grimacing, and pressed for time, Ya'shenn closes her eyes for a few moments, concentrating on a psionic skill she'd learned as a hatchling, though for much more innocent purposes. A thin but otherwise very ordinary glove takes shape over one of her hands, seemingly out of nothing. She also tries not to think about Mim's personal lifestyle (if he had one), or communicable diseases.
Mentally having to remind herself, several times, why she's doing this, the psion inspects him there... manually... with her gloved hand.

[OOC: Manifest trinket to glove that hand. She has some limits.]

[OOC: His mouth, Azure. Sticking out tongue What did you think I meant, eh?]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ya'shenn feels inside Mim's mouth. Sure enogh, there is a scar, upon Mim's soft palate. Almost impossible to see, and Ya'shenn shivers when she thinks how the mark was 'drawn'.

Suddenly, as she is tracing the scar, Mim snaps out of his stupor and bites Ya'shen's hand! In her mind's eye, she feels the enthralled portion of Mim's psyche suddenly awake, and try to defend itself in an insane frenzy.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
Ya'shenn feels inside Mim's mouth. Sure enogh, there is a scar, upon Mim's soft palate. Almost impossible to see, and Ya'shenn shivers when she thinks how the mark was 'drawn'.

Suddenly, as she is tracing the scar, Mim snaps out of his stupor and bites Ya'shen's hand! In her mind's eye, she feels the enthralled portion of Mim's psyche suddenly awake, and try to defend itself in an insane frenzy.


[OOC: Yep, always wear gloves if you have to put your hand in some stranger's mouth.]

A few moments before the bite, Daraz is able to sense a mental 'click' from Ya'shenn's mind, immediately followed by overpowering revulsion and disgust.

Of course, that's swiftly followed by physical pain.

Ya'shenn reaches out for the nearest heavy, blunt object she can find -- probably plentiful, what with the thrashing Mim had done earlier -- and does her best to beat Mim over the head with it. Hard. She's much less reluctant to use violence when a proven thrall is trying to bite her hand off.

She also tries to extricate her hand, or failing that, wriggle it out of the glove.

Somewhere in the midst of all this, the psion manages to send to Daraz: ~And there is his mark. The mental message is flavored with utter disgust and loathing.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azriael' wrote:
"Before giving my word I would know why you do not simply send your minions through the portal alone if you have ready access to it." Replies Ar'dru

Sense motive

"Because it is watched and guarded," The kobold sorcerer answers for the Scion, "But you will get us through." He hops on top of another kobold's shoulders and casts a spell. Instead of a stack of two kobolds, Ar'dru find himself face-to-face with the likeness of Boz.

[Sense motive result: These guys are probably up to no good for the temple of Tiamat, or they wouln't have to sneak into Sigil.]

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru shrugs, unsurprised at the base nature of these lesser creatures. "I will certainly assist your entry into Sigil as you seem willing to reciprocate. I advise that you take the lead if you intend to take the form of my former guide."

He makes a sweeping gesture with his hand, inviting the transformed kobolds to lead.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Aaagggghh!" Ya'shenn reaches out for the nearest heavy, blunt object she can find -- probably plentiful, what with the thrashing Mim had done earlier -- and does her best to beat Mim over the head with it. Hard. She's much less reluctant to use violence when a proven thrall is trying to bite her hand off.

Ya'shenn grabs a bell, about the size of three fists, lying on the floor next to her. She clubs Mim in the face with it.

[DM- Ya'shenn needs to make an attack roll vs AC 10. Daraz needs to make a hide roll vs DC ... oh, never mind, you succeed in either surprizing or flanking Schaaz-Khaal, your choice]

6 Bonus for spot to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 7.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:

[DM- Ya'shenn needs to make an attack roll vs AC 10.]

[Check below.]

[OOC: OK, I'm going to make a joke concerning the broad side of a barn now.]

4 Bonus for Attack to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 9.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Daraz will remain hidden shoot Schaaz-Khaalin the back as soon as the oportunity presents itself.

Atack: 23
Damage: 7
Sneak attack: 12

11 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 23.
0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d8+0, the result is 7.
I rolled 3d6+0, the result is 12.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'weishan' wrote:
Daraz will remain hidden shoot Schaaz-Khaalin the back as soon as the oportunity presents itself.

Atack: 23
Damage: 7
Sneak attack:

[OOC: Heh. Does Ya'shenn get a chance to warn Daraz that that might be a bad idea, before it occurs?]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

OOC: would he listen though? Puzzled

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'weishan' wrote:
OOC: would he listen though? Puzzled

[OOC: Well, he would be attacking a githyanki who probably isn't enthralled. Ya'shenn, at least, won't be happy.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

OOC: Daraz is really, really, paraniod, and from his perspective, a shopkeeper (mage or not) isn't contributing much to the war effort, and is therefore unimportant.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'weishan' wrote:
OOC: Daraz is really, really, paraniod, and from his perspective, a shopkeeper (mage or not) isn't contributing much to the war effort, and is therefore unimportant.

[OOC: Ya'shenn won't allow herself to be a party to his murder, without severe provocation, anyway. Daraz's actions are his own, though.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

OOC: If you sounded angry enough, he'd probably listen--again paraniod and trynig to avoid conflict.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'weishan' wrote:
OOC: If you sounded angry enough, he'd probably listen--again paraniod and trynig to avoid conflict.

[OOC: OK, if Ya'shenn would figure out what Daraz is planning, but bear in mind she's preoccupied at the moment by a thrall gnawing on her hand]

~DON'T shoot the elder warlock, you fool. I will not be a party to his death.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"If you insist."

Daraz changes his plans and steps out behind Schaaz-Khaal, his crossbow raised.

"Please be still. We are trying to avoid dead bodies if at all possible," he says to Schaaz-Khaal. "We can explain."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[OOC: I'll need to know if Schaaz-Khaal attacks immediately or not. If not, Ya'shenn has plenty to say, but she's being gnawed on by Mim right now. And yes, that tends to be distracting.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[I love novel and interesting RP situations Smiling ]

Schaaz-Khaal is an older githyanki, dressed in the simple but comfortable robes of a scribe. He has silver hair, peppered with black, short and of a single length, as if he had shaved it all at once some time ago. He hurries to where he hears Ya'shenn cry out, and draws a silver dagger. Before he can react, Daraz steps behind him, and speaks. Schaaz-Khaal raises his arms, dagger still in hand.

"We can explain."

"Then you better get started, basher, 'cause you've got an awful lot of it to do, pointing a weapon at me in my own place of business."

There is a noise from the front door, like all the locks locking at once. The lighting in the entire place seems to dim, though darkvision cannot penetrate the corners. A breeze wafts through the place, smelling of incense, and a haze, whether fog or smoke, seems to follow it. As the breeze and the haze swirl arround Daraz and Ya'shenn, all their enchantments fall away, including their disguises.

Ya'shenn is still stuggling on the floor with Mim. Her clumsy attacks with the bell are ineffectual in damaging the mad child of Gith, as he fends her off with his flailing arms. He bites down on her hand, and it sounds like he's trying to talk around her fingers.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 8.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 14.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Daraz pulls his cloak over his face as best he can while keeping his crossbow.

"We have heard from a frequent customer that there may be an spy here. This fellow has a mind mark in his mouth, so as far as I'm concerned, we were told correctly. We can show you. Please cooperate. We want no casualties, and if there is a way to remove we--or rather she--will do her best to."

Daraz is resigned to the fact he may be giving away the group's secret to annother thrall, but he consoles himself in knowing that he's made some effort to hide the source of the information. He also curse the lost mindlink. It'd be extremely usefull at this moment.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[DM - Mindlink is Psi, not magic, so it's still up.]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'weishan' wrote:
He also curse the lost mindlink. It'd be extremely usefull at this moment.

[OOC: Not seeing anything in the post that indicates the loss of the mindlink.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[OOC: Actually, what does Daraz look like, un-magical-disguised? Just wondering.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Daraz looks like a fairly plain looking (though slightly pale) githzerai. His extremely large and heavy hooded cloak is his most defining feature. It is systematicly dyed and bleached in jagged geometric patterns to provide comoflage, and only his hands and the top half of his head would be visible. You can't see any hair under the hood.

"What do you propose we do about this?"

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
He has silver hair, peppered with black, short and of a singlr lenth, as if he had shaved it all at once some time ago.

Ugh, not him too...

Illithids often shaved their thralls bald. Partially because many did not particularly care for the taste of hair with their brains, but also because fleas, lice, and other parasites could be a real problem in the thrall pits...
In a state of pain and distraction considerably laced with disgust, Ya'shenn takes a swing at a target that's virtually a sitting duck, seeing how it's firmly attached to her hand...

...and misses.

Cursing ripely in frustration and pain, Ya'shenn continues attempting to wriggle her hand free. [OOC: Escape Artist check!]

Well. She does have a good deal of training at being able to concentrate when in physical pain. Though that usually involves being hit with sword or spell, not being gnawed on by frenzied thralls.

Ya'shenn's eyes narrow to slits as she continues to struggle.

'Weishan' wrote:
"We have heard from a frequent customer that there may be an spy here. This fellow has a mind mark in his mouth, so as far as I'm concerned, we were told correctly. We can show you. Please cooperate. We want no casualties, and if there is a way to remove we--or rather she--will do her best to."

~Drop the crossbow, or at least point it somewhere else.

"I hate to be the one to tell you this, warlock. In fact -- aggghh --" Ya'shenn utters a number of curses that she would not, under any ordinary circumstance, allow to pass her lips.

"Your apprentice is -- ugh --" Being mauled and bitten by the berserk Mim, or at least what's left of poor Mim, is doing nothing to help her efforts at diplomacy.

"He's right. Mim is one of the marked. He's a thrall, a tool -- aiiiie -- one of them drew a thrall-mark on his palate. Even for a ghaik, that is twisted. Oh, and would you please do me the small kindness of getting him off me?"

[OOC: Escape Artist check. I don't know whether it's possible to declare a full defensive action (+4 ac) in the same round as such a check, but if it's possible, she will.

You know, I think I'll say that due to how distracted she is just now, she doesn't notice Daraz's zerai-ness right away. Probably in the next post, though.]

1 Bonus for Escape Artist to do
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 3.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[OOC: I would like to point out that not only did Ya'shenn roll against an AC 10 and MISS, she just rolled a 2 on the next check she made. Awesome!]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

OOC: Join the club, Zim. This is a jinxed game, in case you haven't noticed already. Puzzled We've almost died multiple times, set other party members on fire, executed a chair, etc, etc, etc.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'weishan' wrote:
OOC: Join the club, Zim. This is a jinxed game, in case you haven't noticed already. Puzzled We've almost died multiple times, set other party members on fire, executed a chair, etc, etc, etc.

[OOC: It's all in fun, until you roll a natural 1 on an Escape Artist check to break a grapple at the worst possible time. Isn't that right?

Oh, and where's the execution of the chair? How did I miss that??]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

OOC: I said that too. You dashed my hopes that that idea would die, 'cause I don't want to deal with that right now.

Somewhere around page 12 (I think), JK executed a chair with his pistol. He thought it was Grazz. I helped. I rolled (and failed miserably) to aid him with his intimidate check).

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"WHAT!?! Mim, a thrall? It ... it can't be! No. NO! Mim!"

Schaaz-Khaal looks at Mim for a moment, then kneels down and tries to separate him and Ya'shenn. Unfortunately, even with Schaaz-Khaal's aid, Ya'shenn cannot extract her hand from Mim's mouth.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 10.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 18.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[OOC: I can hear EvilDM's maniacal laughter from over here. :shock: :mrgreen: ]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Schaaz-Khaal looks at Mim for a moment, then kneels down and tries to separate him and Ya'shenn. Unfortunately, even with Schaaz-Khaal's aid, Ya'shenn cannot extract her hand from Mim's mouth.

"I'm... arggh... afraid so..." There is an unsteady tremor of pain in the psion's voice that hadn't been there before.

Ya'shenn attempts to fight off a surge of sudden panic. Right now, Mim has a deadly grip for a mage. "I... need you to stand back for a moment..."

[OOC: If she can manage it without hitting Schaaz-Khaal and Daraz as well, Mim is getting a mind blast to the face. Preferably angling it downward, so as not to take out half of Git'riban as well. She won't do it if she would clip either of them, though. Also, if I have tallied her PPs correctly, Ya'shenn would have a few left after this... but not many. Manifesting defensively, under the circumstances.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

I’m back! As per Azure’s instructions, I’ve been tasked with wrapping up Du’minh’s job with certain notions. Azure, let me know if there’s something here you want changed.

Seconds tick by to almost rhythmic sounds of steel meeting whetstone. Du’minh paces slowly with dull clanks of steel, keeping the sharpener occupied with small talk. They play subtle word games of inquiry, the old gith prodding about the slayers of Sight, Du’minh dodging questions and in turn looking for further indications of the sharpener’s thralldom.

Nearly all the arrows in the quiver Du’minh delivered have been processed when the elder gith encounters a setback. He loses his grip on an arrow and it spins around with the wheel to jam the sharpening stone.

“Hmpf,” grunts the sharpener. “My apologies, warrior, I’ll have this mess cleaned up and your arrow replaced.”

He rises to his feet… one foot, in fact, the other one being wooden in nature, then humps with uneven pace over to a trapdoor in the back of the store.

“Let me just get supplies from the cellar, I will not be long.”

The sharpener opens the trapdoor and heads down a set of stairs, leaving Du’minh to his own devices for a while. The Rish stretches his fingers in anticipation, itching to end this pretence. A few moments later the mental signal arrives from Ya’shenn:


Du’minh sets to his mission with resolution. He walks back and closes the door securely, then heads for the trapdoor while unsheathing his ceremonial ring-dagger. It creaks noisily, but stealth is neither an approach he masters nor desires.

The cellar is filled with sets of shelves of various tools and weapons, stacked and crowded in piles – most of them glinting with sharp points and edges. The whole apparent room doesn’t appear too large, but the proprietor is nowhere to be seen.

Du’minh walks down with steady steps but keeping on his guard, glancing right and left for any signs of his target. He doesn’t reach more than a few feet into the room when one of the nearby sets of shelves suddenly tips violently over in his direction, and wood and sharpened daggers rain down at the Rish. Shielding his head with his arms while assorted weaponry bounce off of his armor, the “trap” has little effect but slowing Du’minh down.

The warrior flings the furniture to the side and sees the sharpener hump away to tip another set at him.

“Why?!” cries the old gith.

“You know why… Deep down, you know.”

Du’minh forces his away through, while the sharpener keeps backing away and tipping over furniture to hinder or block progression.

“Get away from me, get out of my shop!”

“No. You serve the enemy, knowingly or not.”

Finding himself out of furniture and backed into a corner, the old man reaches for a sharpened spear by the wall.

“You are out of your mind, your judgement is clouded!”

The sharpener jabs at Du’minh in panic, but the veteran warrior grabs the weapon just before it reaches his chest plates. With cold determination, he snaps the head section off and steps forward to backhand the sharpener and send him flying into the wall.

“It is you who are no longer in control of your own mind, you whose judgement is guided by outside forces.”

The sharpener slumps down the wall, exhausted and coughing.

“Madness… I… don’t believe you… I will not believe you…”

A bit of doubt slips into Du’minh’s mind as he towers over the beaten and broken man. Could the scar be something else? What if Grazz had been mistaken? Then his sight drops down to the wooden leg – as the old gith is sitting with his back against the wall and his legs resting outstretched, the Rish-i-Chal catches sight of a mark on the base of the stump. The mark, and it seems it could activate at any moment now.


Du’minh drags the sharpener to his feet with one hand and stabs him with the ring-dagger in his heart. It is a quick and simple execution, and the warrior gazes into the eyes of his target throughout. The sharpener dies swiftly and Du’minh drops him to the floor.

Just then, the sounds of steps emanate from above and the voice of another gith can be heard. A new customer has arrived, one who is beginning to search for the proprietor. Eventually this gith finds the open trapdoor and heads down, coming upon the scene of smashed wood and tools laying all about the cellar. Back in one corner lies the corpse of the sharpener, though the killer is nowhere to be seen.

Du’minh gains his bearings in an alley near the shop, having left the scene by gliding through dimensional space. He sends word through the telepathic link.

“The sharpener is dead. Status for the rest of you?”

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Du'minh's mind reaches out to Ya'shenn's through the link they share, but he does not get the response he expected. Instead he gets a jumble of emotions including, but not limited to, revulsion, pain, and a heathy dose of fear. Then something happens. It's like watching a bolt of lightning from within the safely grounded interior of one of the great steel planar raiders...


Ya'shenn changes tactics, an instead of pulling, head-butts Mim. She uses a good deal of her psionic strenth to short out the synapses of the reptile-brain that is the only part of Mim not in REM sleep. He spasms violently, but Ya'shenn retrieves her wounded hand. Mim's muscles sieze up, and he stops breahing entirely, but still his tounge flops about in his slack-jawed, gibbering mouth, and his eyes stay wide open.

Schaaz-Khaal stumbes back, and uses the shelving to stand again. His face betrays no emotion but rage.

"If ... If you knights have slain my son in vain," his voice wavers slightly, "Y ... you will die by my hand, and it will not be quick."

He steps forward, and pushes Ya'shenn off the incapacitated Mim. The warlock grabs Mim's jaw nd examines his mouth, summoning a tiny ball of light, and when that proves insufficient, he, too must feel inside Mim's mouth for the scar. Once again, the scar activates upon touch to protect itself, but this time Mim is weak, and can barely move. Schaaz-Khaal whispers a hoarse enchantment, and lightning flies from his eyes and fingertips. He follows it up with a stab in the forehead with his silver dagger, blue arcs of arcane lightling leaping around Mim's head.

Schaaz-Khaal begins crying, then sobbing then ... laughing, "Ah ha ha! You can't see us, Sight! You know nothing, Knowledge! What more will yo do to me, Will?" He painfully stands, and reaches out his hand. A large pole-axe from the other room levitates into his grip, and with tears streaming down his face (a rare sight among githyanki, though Ya'shenn is in the minority that have seen them before), he motions for Ya'shenn to move out of the way ...



Ar'dru and the transformed kobolds, along with a pack of hangers-on and scouts, make their way through the tunnels. Eventually, they emerge from a stone trap-door in a ruined tower. atop a fairly prominant hill. Ar'dru and the kobolds stay in cover, as they can see patrols of abishai scouring the landscape in a state of military high-alert, but they seem to be concentrating more on another area.

"We should be able to see the portal manifest from here. It may be a bit far, and I can only really levitate, so you'll have to pull us along." Not-Boz says, "Hmm, here we go ... "The Boz-double changes slightly, and takes on wounds, including a serious one to the left wing, the kind that might make it difficult, but not impossible, to fly.

It is a tense wait, and a few times they must retreat back through the trap door as a patrol nears, and hope the portal wasn't manifesting while they hid, but eventually one of the kobolds sights the faint shimmer of a planar breach manifesting in the still-intact window of a ruin not far away.

It is a bit of a dash, and if the blood on abishai head Ar'dru holds proves to be too old to activate the portal, he will likely have several chances to acquire some fresher.

0 Bonus for mim's save to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 11.
0 Bonus for abashai spot to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 3.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru pulls the levitating not-Boz through the air after him using the broken ruins to cover his movements whenever it does not unduely hinder the speed of his passage.

(ooc - any rolls needed? And welcome back Dunamin, hope you feel better soon)


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azriael' wrote:
Ar'dru pulls the levitating not-Boz through the air after him using the broken ruins to cover his movements whenever it does not unduely hinder the speed of his passage.

(ooc - any rolls needed?)

[Yea, roll for "Luck". Any die, any mod, even means the blood is too old, odd means it works. If it doesn't, you might as well roll initiative vs. the inevitible trio of abishai. - EvilDM]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Void Keys

Schaaz-Khaal stumbes back over to Mim's body, tears streaming down his face. He hefts the pole-axe and cleaves Mim's head from the body. His aim is poor, and he bites also into the breastbone. His whole frame shakes, but with deliberate effort he says to Daraz and Ya'shenn in a slow, even voice, "Now, you knights of the post will tell me how you knew this to be. You will tell me everything, and you will not lie, or I will turn you both into piles of fine ash. Understand?"

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Already feeling the beginnings of a migraine headache, Ya'shenn pulls away from the thrall and examines her arm for bite marks and blood. In addition to every other thing that could possibly go wrong this evening, she mentally adds the possibility of disease transmission to her list of troubles. She has no idea how clean-living Mim was overall, but that kind of contact with a brain-eating carnivore... ugh... unhygenic was not strong enough a word.

'Azure' wrote:
"If ... If you knights have slain my son in vain," his voice wavers slightly, "Y ... you will die by my hand, and it will not be quick."

The psion actually gives Schaaz-Khaal a strange look, before realizing he's using planar cant.

'Azure' wrote:
A large pole-axe from the other room levitates into his grip, and with tears streaming down his face (a rare sight among githyanki, though Ya'shenn is in the minority that have seen them before), he motions for Ya'shenn to move out of the way ...

Ya'shenn backs well out of range. With a squeamishness unusual for one of her race, the psion looks away just before Schaaz-Khaal swings the poleaxe. Even keeping her psionic senses as far away as possible from the ambient energies in this room, that doesn't prevent her from hearing the too-familiar swing and thud.

'Azure' wrote:
"Now, you knights of the post will tell me how you knew this to be. You will tell me everything, and you will not lie, or I will turn you both into piles of fine ash. Understand?"


Ya'shenn looks around for anything in the room that will do as a makeshift shroud -- not only because she doesn't want to look at what's left of Mim a moment longer than she has to, but also because it won't help the warlock's state of mind, either.

He's just beheaded his own son, has you locked inside the building, and is possessed of unknown magical might -- but probably lot more than you can handle while psonically drained. Be conciliatory. Calm him down.

"Schaaz-Khaal," she says as carefully as she can manage under the circumstances, "If you do end up turning me into a pile of fine ash, I'd prefer that you not do so in a moment of rage that you might regret later." Remembering the sound of doors and windows locking, "I'm certainly not going anywhere. Would you please consider... putting that down and possibly even sitting down somewhere, if only so you don't go into shock in front of me?"

Setting down the weapon would free his hands for spellcasting, which normally wouldn't be advisable -- but continuing to hold it would remind him forcefully, every moment, what he just used it for.

Ya'shenn closes her eyes. "My trigger happy acquaintance will, of course, do something about that stick of wood he's carrying, before even more violence occurs."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"I have done a great many things that I have come to regret, and a great many more which I do not, but fully expect to regret some day in the future." Schaaz-Khaal watches Ya'shenn pull a capet from an ajoining room and cover Mim with it. He does nothing to hinder her. "Only the taboo that cast me out of the Band of Ruby was completely immune to the possibiltiy of regret, until now. Come."

He motions to the back of the shop, indicating that Daraz and Ya'shenn should go first. [Daraz notices that Schaaz-Khaal will not enter the same room as he, but instead keeps an open archway between himself and the loaded crossbow. Daraz notices there are faint runes glowing on all the open archways between the small, stock-crowded rooms, and (rightly) suspects an attack wouldn't pass these wards. What follows assumes that Daraz puts his crossbow away and complies.]

Schaaz-Khaal leads the pair to a spiral staircase in the back, and then down into the basement. At the base of the stairs is an open, pillared chamber with a long table and benches. There are many large bookcases here as well, with hundreds of bound books and scroll cases. Schaaz-Khaal motions for Ya'shenn and Daraz to sit, and retrieves a scroll case from one of the shelves. Within is hidden a wand, and he keeps it trained on the pair as he takes a seat opposite them.


Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

(roll for luck)

Ar'dru thrusts the severed head at the portal and snarls in disappointment at nothing happens.

With angry eyes he turns on the not-boz.

"Hold out your hand" he growls as he flexes his claws


0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d2+0, the result is 2.
6 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 10.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Not-Boz grumbles when the portal does not open. When asked to present a hand, he balks. "No! It has to be fresh blood of the slain. Damn! I thought that we got here quick enough."

None of the abishai patrols spotted them, so Ar'dru has a choice: ambush a patrol or fly back for a kobold. Or, he could simply betray the scion and slay the imposter before him.

0 Bonus for abishai spot to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 2.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru glares at the glamoured kobolds, "You will assist me in procuring a key or one of you will provide it yourself."

Assuming one of them does not wish to volunteer Ar'dru arranges the kobolds to assist in the ambush, deliberately setting them in a position where they will likely take the enemies first attack (if the terrain allows).


6 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+6, the result is 12.
1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 6.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Daraz complies, reluctantly, and unloads his crossbow.

"I think you should talk."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson


The illusion of Boz does not show any emotion, but Ar'dru can feel the tension coming from the pair of kobolds. Not-Boz signals the kobolds, still in hiding a couple of hills away. They do not comply at first, but then half a dozen start sneaking towards the portal's ruin.

"It pains me to sacrifice one of our own, but we can't start fighting abashai. I'm going to need my spells."

Minutes pass, but the portal does not skip to a different archway. As the small gang of kobolds nears, the other kobold, the beefier one underneath the sorcerer, speaks,

"You better just stay the hell out of our way when we hit Sigil, half-gith."

Ar'dru notices, that part of the illusion is a grevious wound to the throat, bandaged but obviously something keeping "Boz" from speaking, and the kobolds' voices from giving them away.

Once the kobolds reach the ruin, Not-Boz inspects them carefully. One is slightly scrawnier and less well-fed than the rest, and is determined to be the weak link. This one is sacrificed for the portal key, while the others are turned invisible. [And follow through the portal, but Ar'dru may or may not notice this, depending on future action.]

Waiting on the Sigil side of the portal is the golden-scaled Theopolitan and three kobolds. These kobolds are normal-sized, perhaps a foot shorter than their fiendish dire cousins in Baator, and they wear the vesiments of priests. A bound and helpless gnome lies on the altar in front of the portal. The kobold priests are surprized to see Ar'dru and "Boz" emerge from the portal, but the gold Draconian remains calm and greets them politely.

"A welcome return, Son-of-Fire. I hope Her Dark Majesty smiled upon your quest? We will attend to our wounded, thank you. For returning my kinsman, honorable duthka'gith, you have my personal gratitude." Lind, the Theopolitan, bows, "And for slaying the black venom of Bel, your martial powers have my admiration." she adds, refering to the head Ar'dru carries.

She motions to the priests to help "Boz", but he pridefully waves off their aid and walks slowly toward Lind, leaning heavily on the altar. He motions to Lind, as if he has something to tell her but due to his neck wound, can only whisper ...

[Ar'dru's got to make a choice of honor, here. Will he warn the Theopolitan of Tiamat, or stand aside for her assassins? Tune in folks, same gith time, same gith station.]

0 Bonus for kobold sneak to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 20.
0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 17.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 16.
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