Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
“Illithids are parasites, but Sight must have been desperate -- I can’t see most ghaik being happy about being alive only through what they would consider a ‘thrall’ race. The potential for infiltration is obvious, but it seems to me it would be beneath a ulitharid’s pride.”

Du’minh takes his seat again, tapping his temple in thought while considering this perspective.

“On the contrary, I find the actions of Sight to make a good deal sense in light of its position, field of expertise, and recent events.
First of all, I suspect this whole magical bonding was intended as a last resort, a backup plan to dodge true death. Sight might even have foreseen that its demise would come to pass and sought to evade this fate.”

“Earlier, Gy-Nath pointed out how unlikely the odds that an elder brain should reside in the City of Doors. Thus, there might be general concern among ghaiks in Illithid House, that they risk not being rejoined with such an entity upon their deaths. This would especially pertain to flayers working in the field, particularly those participating on the attack on Git’riban. As commander of the forces, Sight must have known it would be the prime target.”

“Grazz speculated that Will might have had a hand in the death of Knowledge. If so, I would suspect the ulitharid to have taken steps to keep this influence secret, namely by preventing the brain of Knowledge to join with an elder brain in time and spill the conspiracy. Now, if Sight had suspected this, precaution and fear could further have motivated it to accomplish this ritual.”

The mage hunter taps the crystals through the cloth, trying to get a feel of their resilience. He turns his attention to Obsidian Orb, seeing as how she may be more knowledgeable in this field.

“They certainly might be durable to capture such powerful magic, but I am not certain they are indestructible by… conventional means.” The Rish-I-Chal claps his flail for emphasis, then nods to the Athasian mage. “Chieftess, what are your thoughts? Can it be done?”

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
"It seems to me," Obsidian Orb speaks, "This creature's magical eyes are powerful artifacts indeed. I have some ... passing ... skill in enchanting items." She sneers slightly, and removes her own eye [This is probably where Ya'shenn notices O.O. has no eyelids, only scars where they were once removed with a sharp blade]. She holds it in the palm of her hand, a small orb of black volcanic glass. It is evident by how she moves that she is not blind, but the that the Orb still sees outside her now-empty eye socket.

Ya'shenn's own -- natural, and still intact -- eyes widen visibly as the Athasian chieftain removes her own eyeball. Clearly the Githyanki wasn't expecting that.

'Weishan' wrote:
Would it be possible to destroy Sight's soul without destroying the eyes? If they found thier way back into the hands of annother Ghaik, they are potentially very useful to us as long as Grazz lives."

The psion looks from one face to another as she crosses her arms over her chest, clearly disturbed by some of the words she’s hearing.

“Even if the eyes do not contain Sight’s… personality and will…” Ya’shenn doesn’t want to use a word like ‘soul’ in connection to a ghaik. “…They were still the prized possession of an illithid, probably crafted by Its own hands. Such abominable works do not grant true power, merely corrupt and enslave those who would make use of them. If they do contain Its personality, if one of us attempted to wield the eyes… that person would very likely become Sight’s host and thrall. An item as polluted as this should be destroyed, not preserved.”

[OOC: Yep, stoking the fires of anti-Illithid fanaticism over here. Cool ]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:

“They certainly might be durable to capture such powerful magic, but I am not certain they are indestructible by… conventional means.” The Rish-I-Chal claps his flail for emphasis, then nods to the Athasian mage. “Chieftess, what are your thoughts? Can it be done?”

"Items imbuned with magical power are often much more durable, but few approach indestructability. The question is; just how powerful are they? I have much experience studying items of unknown powers and origins from the ruins in the wastes, but if these orbs have a sentience associated with them, examination shall become a contest of will. The Yanki Clan seems wary of the danger posed by their enemy, even in death. I deem this wisdom, and will defer to their judgement. Otherwise I would have desired another eye, one than can see the future, for I must currently rely on the Black Spears' tribal seers for their hazy and cryptic prophesies."

"Should the Yanki Clan seek to destroy these items, as the m ... as lady Ya'shenn deems prudent, I would suggest one of three methods. Heat on a volcanic scale should be sufficient to destroy, or failing that place the items out of reach. Using a weapon with imbuned with magical power itself might work, but in shattering the orbs much power may be released. The last would be to place it in the path of a Nightmare Beast of Athas, for nothing made by thinking beings can withstand the creature's destructive force. I suspect there are other beasts in the planes that have the ability to disenchant magic items as well, but I know not their names nor realms.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Du’minh very carefully skims over the eyes with his auravision, keeping in mind that overwhelming magic might sting through his sense of the Art.

“In that case, I suggest we seek out a portal to where such means may be found: Gehenna, Athas, the Plane of Fire or Magma, there are many options. The crystals need to be destroyed, the taint of ghaiks is heavy about them.”

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

After listening to the others speak, Ya’shenn mentally prods Grazz through the telepathic link. ~The ulitharid, Will, she reminds him. ~What does It look like? Perhaps It has psionic ability above and beyond that of most ghaik?

'Azure' wrote:
"Should the Yanki Clan seek to destroy these items, as the m ... as lady Ya'shenn deems prudent

The woman represses a sigh. To judge from her expression, Ya’shenn isn’t sure whether to be faintly amused or genuinely disturbed by the Athasian’s choice of words. “You flatter me too much,” the githyanki responds, a bit dryly. “My bloodline is entirely… commonplace.”

[OOC: Going with the OOC thread, i.e., Orb inadvertently used a word that implies noble blood.]

'Dunamin' wrote:
“In that case, I suggest we seek out a portal to where such means may be found: Gehenna, Athas, the Plane of Fire or Magma, there are many options. The crystals need to be destroyed, the taint of ghaiks is heavy about them.”

“Agreed. I lean toward destroying the resonance stone as well… before it does any more damage. If Will created it with the specific intent of luring another ulitharid to its doom, it’s probably not very healthy for anyone to carry around.” She looks over to Du’minh. “In this case, I should be able to protect myself from its effects temporarily, if I must, but I’d rather see it destroyed as soon as possible.”

~Is there more you wish to ask of Grazz, Du’minh?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
After listening to the others speak, Ya’shenn mentally prods Grazz through the telepathic link. ~The ulitharid, Will, she reminds him. ~What does It look like? Perhaps It has psionic ability above and beyond that of most ghaik?

"Big tall ulitharid, about nine foot, what more is there to say? Here." Grazz thinks about Will and how it appeared. Du'minh and Ya'shenn see a large powerful ghaik, more heavilly muscled than Sight was. "Intel says Will's got the most powerful mind in Illithid House. Telepath, dominator. Probably the best at setting spies all subtle-like. It might be hard to worm much out of the 'lithid lovers I mentioned, even for the best Double-Edged Mind. Just so you know, the elderly sharpener has a mind mark that keeps him one hundred percent dominated, so he might be able to report in if you don't get a quick drop on him. The street orphan Miik'ka has a psi seal on het foot, so now and then she wanders into their Parlor. She'll have no memory of her visits, of course. As for the young mage up at Void Keys, I never found out where his mark is, he might not have a visible one, but subconcious foci haven't the same power as physically fusing nerves into psionic glyphs, or so I understand."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

“I think we are sated with information, brothers and sisters. There are no more issues of pressing matter I find need to discuss at present, in light of the yearning I feel for acting on what we have learned.”

“What say the rest of you?”

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
“I think we are sated with information, brothers and sisters. There are no more issues of pressing matter I find need to discuss at present, in light of the yearning I feel for acting on what we have learned.”

“What say the rest of you?”

"If the rest of you have gotten the information you sought," the psion replies, "I am content."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
“I think we are sated with information, brothers and sisters. There are no more issues of pressing matter I find need to discuss at present, in light of the yearning I feel for acting on what we have learned.”

“What say the rest of you?”

"Indeed, 'tis a windfall of intelligence. I am well pleased with this, in the least," Gy-Nath, who had been watching the hallway nods to Du'minh, "The future of this endevor is now upon my thoughts, and it is heavy. Illithid House has been dealt a heavy blow, from within. Will must expect a windfall indeed if It was willing to make such a sacrifice, neh? If a strike is to be made, I suspect all will agree that it should be made as quickly as possible. I fear that a new triad and a new House will arise before the spans* since Knowledge's death pass ninety-nine**."

*[A span is a somewhat variable unit of time, used mainly to coordinate millitary actions. 99 spans would be between 8 and 9 days.]
**[Ninety-nine is an auspicious number in githyanki lore (rule of threes and all that). Gith's original rebellion was a 99-span struggle.]


"Well, if you cutters're going to be making operational plans, I don't need to know the details. I've got some shaking up of my own to do. If you're still around after raiding the House, let me know how it turned out. I'm going to be making for Curst. You can get a message to me in the traditional way: tie a note to a rock and throw it over the outer wall."

Grazz begins gathering up his gear, strapping on his shortswords, tying his laceless boot on with a strip of cloth, etc.

"I'd like my ring back, if you please, but you can keep the poisoned spikes, I've got more."

[DM - Unless anyone restrains him (and verbally will work), Grazz will leave the party now.]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
Grazz begins gathering up his gear, strapping on his shortswords, tying his laceless boot on with a strip of cloth, etc.

"One more thing, Grazz, before you go. I know you like to sell information...Look me in the eye and tell me you have no intention of relaying this conversation to anyone else."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
'Azure' wrote:
Grazz begins gathering up his gear, strapping on his shortswords, tying his laceless boot on with a strip of cloth, etc.

"One more thing, Grazz, before you go. I know you like to sell information...Look me in the eye and tell me you have no intention of relaying this conversation to anyone else."

Grazz stops for a moment and approaches Ya'shenn. "I can't do that. Word will get out that I met with a few 'yankis. I do promise, upon my grave, to lie like a 'loth about it to anybody who asks, save three whom I trust implicitly and will not decieve. I have no plans to meet with any of those three before making for Curst, however. There should not be any need."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
Grazz stops for a moment and approaches Ya'shenn. "I can't do that. Word will get out that I met with a few 'yankis. I do promise, upon my grave, to lie like a 'loth about it to anybody who asks, save three whom I trust implicitly and will not decieve. I have no plans to meet with any of those three before making for Curst, however. There should not be any need."

[i]Got you, chant broker[/i], Ya'shenn thinks to herself, though she doesn't relay that across the mental link. Instead, she looks to each of the others. "Under the circumstances, that may be the best we can expect from him."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru nods his assent as Grazz exits the remains of the room. He then turns to the others,
"It is my experience that dragon-fire often proves a powerful means of destroying unwanted enchantments and I would be happy to offer my services before we traipse across the planes in order to destroy these items."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[DM will assume Du'minh gave Grazz the ring of regeneration back. If not, say so. Grazz will not force the issue as outnumbered as he is, but will NOT be happy if he doesn't get it back.]

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

As Du’minh returns the ring, he grabs sudden hold of Grazz’ hand and leans close to whisper in his ear, despite the option of going through their mental link.

“Of course, should you learn any new developments to aid our fight against the illithids, you would see fit to inform us.”

He then lets go and drops the ring in the palm of the Accursed and waits until the Zerth has left them.

“That went surprisingly well, I think. However, there are matters we need to address immediately in the absence of resident githzerais. Starting with Vivec.” The Rish fixes his sight on the necromancer.

“Given the memories of Sight’s rituals and the unusual phenomena during the communication spell, I feel fairly certain that Vivec was not in full control of his actions during our fight. He will not be the first gith to have fallen prey to ghaik mind-tricks, so let us put this incident behind us and focus on Illithid House.”

“Second, we need to decide on how to approach all these options we have learned. I suggest we start by destroying the resonance stone right now and deal with the three thralls here in Git’riban, since these are local matters that I do not believe would take us too long. Then I suggest we seek to destroy the crystals of Sight through a quick planar trip. Du’minh turns to Ar’dru. “Battlebrother, you are welcome to try your might, but I fear it may not be enough.” Leaning forward in his seat, the Rish-I-Chal clenches his gauntleted fist. “Then I advise we move on Emir Rouge, I wish to stop this flow of slaves for the ghaiks. We could spare a good deal kinsmen from being delivered to this gruesome fate and we would cut off a major resource for Illithid House.”

The mage slayer then shifts to address the women among them.

“Third, I am a bit uncertain where you stand, chieftess Obsidian Orb, and you, sister Ya’shenn. Will you stand with us against the corruptive influence of mind flayers in the City of Doors, or do your duties call you to different battlefields?”

Slightly metagaming here to keep Trias’ PC an effective party member (irony included).

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:

As Du’minh returns the ring, he grabs sudden hold of Grazz’ hand and leans close to whisper in his ear, despite the option of going through their mental link.

“Of course, should you learn any new developments to aid our fight against the illithids, you would see fit to inform us.”

While her ears are nowhere near as honed as her psionic senses, Ya’shenn nonetheless cranes her hearing in that direction. [OOC: Listen check]


“Third, I am a bit uncertain where you stand, chieftess Obsidian Orb, and you, sister Ya’shenn. Will you stand with us against the corruptive influence of mind flayers in the City of Doors, or do your duties call you to different battlefields?”

Once the Accursed has departed, Ya’shenn mentally detaches the tethers that had been connecting the three minds.

“It is my duty as a Githyanki to strike at the illithid whenever and wherever It appears. I would be honored to join you and your brothers in your hunt.”

"Brother Du'minh, I think we should also consider when and how to go after the 'rooms' of Illithid House directly. It's difficult to truly surprise a ghaik, but the longer we delay, the more likely they will realize that their security has been compromised, and the more likely that they will drastically bolster their defenses, or even counterattack."

Ya’shenn gazes meaningfully toward the hole in the wall. "As far as that is concerned," she gestures to the resonance stone, “I would be happy to see the ghaikstone destroyed, but I could hardly suggest using dragon-fire in here. We’d have to try it somewhere else.”

She turns toward Daraz. Given the nature of psionic healing, the psion grimaces inwardly, not being at all fond of the hideous pain of burn injuries. “Questioning the Accursed took much of my concentration, but I have not forgotten you. Let’s have a look at your wounds.”

[OOC: The Grazz – Ya’shenn – Du’minh mindlink is now turned off. Detect Thoughts turned off, as well. Assuming Daraz consents, taking a look at the injuries, then manifest Empathic Transfer/Body Adjustment. If he’s badly injured, not going to attempt to transfer all that much damage at once (i.e. she will be conservative with her OWN hp), but Ya’shenn can at least try to patch him up. EvilDM, let me know if Ya’shenn needs to make a Will save to keep from screaming in horrible horrible pain, or anything. Eye-wink ]

2 Bonus for Listen to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 16.

BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Du’minh produces an honest smile to the psion.

“I am glad to have you among us, sister, and your field of expertise is particularly desirable for our pseudo-warband, since a telepath should shield us from further deceit and outside manipulation and infiltration.”

“I agree about the time perspective here, we should not wait too long before launching a direct assault on ghaik safehouses. The insight we have in paths, safeguards, and countermeasures throughout Illithid House becomes less valid the longer we wait, and their destabilized rule will not last forever. I am just thinking we should also take out their slave supply lines through Emir Rouge in this chaos, since that should make a big impact in the ghaiks’ means to mobilize thrall fighting forces.”

“So how about we finish off the stones and the three Git’riban thralls, if such can be accomplished in less than half a day, then launch a raid on Illithid House by backtracking through Sight’s path? We take them by surprise and fight our way deep into their sanctums, penetrating until we are forced to retreat and repeating our assault as soon as we have recovered. At some point the ghaiks will likely reinforce beyond our capabilities, move their operations from where we can strike, or otherwise cut off our approach. When this happens and the strategy no longer seems viable, we break off and switch target, going for Emir Rouge and the slave supplies. How does that sound?”

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"The ghaik may change thier plans regarding the slaver too if they realize they've been compromised. We should kill Emir Rouge first if it is at all possible to to do so quickly and quietly. If not, I agree that we should attackilthilid house immediately."

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"I agree with brother Du'minh," States Ar'dru "destroying the ghaik supply lines will hurt them for a time but I doubt the pirate is their only source and cutting if off now will only alert them to the fact that we have penetrated their operations."

Unless anyone moves to stop him Ar'dru moves to collect the severed head and packs it so that it is completely covered with opaque cloth. "This item must also be dealt with as a matter of some urgency."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

“Your zeal is praiseworthy, brothers, but we only know where this Emir Rouge can be found – not where his lair truly is.” I should have asked that, if only to be thorough.Outside this district, as much as we might like to slay him where he stands, he is probably protected by the graith.”

Ya’shenn nods to the Rish. “That seems sound to me. They may become curious about the… disappearances of their thralls, but that depends on how often the illithids check on them. One thing -- I am not sure exactly where the rest of you stand currently, but if I am to fight the ghaik I would prefer to do so at full strength. Beyond the fact that at least a few of you here are clearly wounded, I’m not sure what your status is. We will have to make some preparations before striking at the House, I’m sure.”


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Gy-Nath nods at the Rish's suggestions. "Your tactical instincts are strong, Du'minh. There is some risk in taking out the ghaik spies before we move on the House, but also risk in leaving foes to our backs. It would not be good to return from a lightning raid only to be ambushed at our doors, neh? Remember, Grazz said the old sharpener had a mind mark, and suggested we get the drop on him. He was also unsure of the young warlock up at Void Keys. To be safe, he should be completely surprized by the deadbook as well. Now, both of them should be easy to find, but the street-orphan Miik'ka does not have a static address. Perhaps we should search for her first. She is the least likely to report in, I think."

"Ah yes, the tribes of the young. I know them." Obsidian Orb replaces her black glass eye, "Leaderless, except for those with the strenth to take what they will from the others. They remind me much of The Free, escaped slave tribes of the wastes, especially in their pridefulness."

"We have bought their eyes and ears many times before, with baubles, food, and threats, for very little passes in the streets of Git'riban that they do not mark. I do not know this Miik'ka nor where to find her, but my head scout very well may."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

For the first time in a long while, a streak of optimism has replaced the late dark mood that has affected Du’minh these last few days.

“We would appreciate any intelligence your scouts may enlighten us with, chieftess. Hopefully we can locate and eliminate all three spies in a swift series before the House can be alarmed, then shortly after begin the raid on sanctums while their eyes in Git’riban are blinded.”

“Sister Ya’shenn and the rest of us should certainly be at full strength before the attacks, so perhaps we best depart and catch some rest now. I do not suggest we regroup at Haven Port, however, considering the attention we have drawn.”

Cutting a grimace, the warrior of the Band of Steel casts a look at the stone he has put on the table.

“I would rather not retake possession of the resonance stone until we can destroy it, but I shall do so if there is no one who can handle it without falling under its influence.”

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Before we depart, Let me be of help. Allow me to heal you all so that you will be at your peak after rest.

Sister Ya’shenn what know you of the Sorcery that manipulates life and death?

Cure light wounds on Daraz

14hp healed
9 hp healed

6 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d8+6, the result is 14.
I rolled 1d8+6, the result is 9.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
Cutting a grimace, the warrior of the Band of Steel casts a look at the stone he has put on the table.

“I would rather not retake possession of the resonance stone until we can destroy it, but I shall do so if there is no one who can handle it without falling under its influence.”

"We are going to rid ourselves of the stones immediately, yes? Before anything else?" As she speaks the words, the psion slides easily into a light trance state, clearing her surface mind of extraneous thoughts. With an expression of calm concentration, Ya'shenn reaches toward the resonance stone herself, though she does not touch it as yet, keeping her hand a few inches away. Usually, the effects of a resonance stone are more or less intense based on distance; she's testing to see whether or not her mental protections are actually working. She's all too conscious of the fact that this thing severely altered the judgment of a ulitharid. Accordingly, the psion doesn't want to find out what it might do to her brain.

"I would like to see Sight done away with in a final and permanent manner..." She looks meaningfully over at the cloth-covered severed head. "And it's best to get rid of the resonance stone before it makes more trouble. I'm willing to try the duthka'gith's idea... just not inside this room."

'Trias' wrote:
Sister Ya’shenn what know you of the Sorcery that manipulates life and death?

"Ah, you are a death-mage then...? Of such arts I know but little." Beyond what you can't help but observe, by living in Tu'narath, of course.

[OOC: Manifesting empty mind to see if it's actually working to protect her against the stone's influence, or if she's feeling suddenly inflated with ghaik egotism. If I'm reading the description right, empty mind is free, as an at-will racial ability.

Does the stone look like it'd be relatively easy to break/shatter/cook with dragonfire, or does it seem as hard to destroy as Sight's eyes?]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[DM - Unlike the arcane-imbuned eye-stones, the resonance stone should not be harder to shatter than any gemstone of the same mineral composition. A heavy blow with Du'minh's flail should do it, but it'd be better to place it on a hard unyielding surface.

Well, since Empty Mind is free and at will, then no, it should not be powerful enough to block out the stone's effects. In fact, for this particular stone that has a very short range but a very severe effect, nothing short of a powerful null-psi field would work.]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[OOC: You know, I'd written a lengthy post, but first I need to know how much free will/free emotion Ya'shenn really has left, before I can post a response. Did she get the full 'you are god like' hubris-infesting dose when she's taking pains to be careful while testing her defense against the object, and has been warned about its effects? Specifically, I don't know if she'd have the faculties left to recognize and reject the influence.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[I really liked what you posted, actually, it seemed spot on to me. The stone only affects emotions, not free will per se, so Y' can choose to put it down at any time. That's also the trap, though. Since it doesn't actually hamper free will, only influences the kinds of thoughts and emotions which arise within the bearer, psionic defences are mostly ineffective.]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Weak-willed cattle, all of them…

...and so deliciously easy to shape to my wishes and desires.

It is a shame to perceive such feeble will in my brothers – the Liberator would weep to see it – but weak-minded fools like these deserve to be dominated and used. If they lack the strength to take care of themselves, I suppose I shall have to do the job for them…

“Gah!” The psion recoils away from the innocent-seeming stone as if she’d just stuck her hand in a fire. “Destroy that thing!”

Ya'shenn turns her back to the others, visibly disturbed.

“Kith’rak,” she says after a while in a low voice, her back still turned, “if I’m ever in possession of that evil thing, please see that I’m separated from it… by force, if necessary.”

The woman looks down at her hands. “Gith’s blood, that was bad…” I am not going to underestimate this ‘Will’ again. Ever. That thing is so much stronger than a normal resonance stone. “Ah… best bet is to knock over the table… go after it with that flail, Du’minh, it doesn’t look as tough to break as the eyes. If you put a hole in the floor in the process… so be it, I am not carrying that thing.”

[OOC: AHHH! it BURNS!!!!! ]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

“So be it. Grazz did pay the innkeeper for damaged property, so a little more should not make a difference. Stand back.”

The Rish-I-Chal stands from his seat and waits for everyone to back off, then brandishes his heavy flail. He takes hold of the table with his other hand and slowly tips it over so that the resonance stone rolls off near one of the walls, then steps up for the swing but approaches a little too close in doing so.

Du’minh hesitates, starting to reconsider whether this is the best use of his prowess and taking a strange look back at the rest of the giths while lowering his Arbiter.

“Look at those fools, inching away from a mere crystal like it would strike them dead. If they need my might to protect them from simple trinkets, they would fare pathetically in the battle to come.”

“What am I doing wasting my time with these weaklings, anyway? If they lack the strength to fend for themselves, their lives are already forfeit. They would risk the mission, so perhaps I better…”

The hunter slowly turns with a dangerous gleam in his dark eyes, strengthening his grip on the flail and taking a step towards his companions. Then a shimmer of confusion washes over his face, followed by resolve, and he swings.

The impact is directed at the resonance stone, coming down hard with a resounding smash as metal meets crystal.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The crystal shatters into three large pieces and several smaller ones. For an instant, a fraction of a second, really, the emotion flashes in the minds of all present. Those whom have handled the stone and felt its full effect recognize it, but to the rest it is lost before they can even really feel it.

[DM - Handling the fragments reveals that the stone has been rendered non-functional.]

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 3.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 14.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 10.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

“It is done.”

Du’minh picks up one of the shattered crystal shards, studying it for a while. He figures that a broken fragment would not be a viable target for divination magic to track them down later on, and bags it in case it should prove useful in the future.

“Now I suggest we retire for the night and rally early on to prepare for our tasks. Would any of you have a preference to a secure meeting point?”

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

I suggest it be in one of our kips - seeing as how a public place may not be nearly secure enough for talk of so sensitive a nature.

Visibly relieved that he is no longer considered an enemy (for the time being), and in an act of further reconciliation, Rey offers more help.

Does anyone else need healing before we leave?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

OOC: Does Daraz know his house is protected from divinations? If so, he might offer his place.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Very well, shall we meet at my kip?" Gy-Nath suggests, "It is a second-floor walk up on Silver Void Street, not far from here, toward Duskgate Road. It isn't protected from scrying, but I have aquired an item that will warn of any attempt at divination or clairvoiance. Look for a door-within-a-door, that will be my place. It is not yet antipeak, but I suggest we make our preparations as quickly as possible and meet before half-ascending."

"As for the head, Ar'dru should take it through a portal to the plane of fire, Avernus, Gehenna, or some other volcanic area. Portals like that are more common in the Lower Ward, and since it is on the opposite side of Sigil from Git'riban, there is less of a chance of spies marking your actions. Also, since you can fly, you are probably the only one of us who could get to the Lower Ward and back in a timely manner."

"Obsidian Orb, if you could talk to your scouts and find this Mik'ka, it would greatly help us. In fact I am almost of the mind that we should assign assassins to take care of the spies in Git'riban before we meet. Preferably, moving in pairs and trying to strike as simultaneously as possible. What say you, children of Gith?"

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"I agree with this course of action. We would to well to be rid of any possible threats before we try something ambitious like this."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Gy’s suggested meeting time would give Du’minh enough time to give a full report to K’dar and pick up his improved cloak, right?

“Excellent proposition, brother. Mim sounds like the highest priority of the three, as Grazz noted that he only reported directly to a member of the Triad - a point I think we should keep in mind when assigning strike forces to take out the spies.”

“However, we would need some means to signal when all are in position and ready to strike, if the hits are to be synchronized. Could you or Ya’shenn lend some telepathic aid in this regard?”

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru nods in assent "Sound reasoning brother. If there is no further business for me here I shall leave immediately and rendezvous at your home."

Assuming no-one has anything further to say to him Ar'dru strides out to the balcony and begins winging his way across the torus to the Lower Ward.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The psion is visibly relieved when the resonance stone is finally destroyed. Illilthids often littered their lairs with such objects, the same way other races might use houseplants or decorative vases… But the specific intent behind the design of that stone seems especially sinister. She would even have preferred one of the more commonplace ‘terror’ or ‘despair’ stones.

Ya’shenn is silent for a long while, brooding over the thoughts she’d had while in the object’s effective range.

'Dunamin' wrote:
“However, we would need some means to signal when all are in position and ready to strike, if the hits are to be synchronized. Could you or Ya’shenn lend some telepathic aid in this regard?”

He speaks easily of slaying other githyanki, the psion thinks to herself. Assuming Grazz’s information was accurate, there’s little else to be done for thralls so thoroughly conditioned. It is still an unpleasant task.

“I could, yes. Be aware that once established, I can maintain the link at any range – provided, of course, that we all remain on the same plane of existence. To establish such a link I will need to be in proximity with all of you at the same time, so bear that in mind as you plan.”


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

“Such a link sounds perfect for our needs, sister. I look forward to once more feel the passion of battle.”

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[before everyone leaves]

"Very well, then. Three assassination teams, coordinated by myself and Ya'shenn. She will give the order to strike at the spies, and it will be soon. The teams will then disband, to meet one rest-span later at my kip, refreshed for our strike at the House."

"Orb will handle the street urchin. Consider it a test of our alliance that you do not reveal our darks, even to your tribe. Daraz, Vivec, you two are our best shadow-operatives. Go up to Void Keys and take out the young mage there. Ya'shenn will accompany you and alert the other teams when it is time to strike. Du'minh, since you live near The Heart of The Void, you have the old gith in the sharpener's shop."

[D knows the place, and has patronized it before. In fact, he was waiting for K'dar there in the opening scene.]

Gy-Nath bows low to Obsidian Orb, and then slightly less lowly to the others, "Forgive me, chieftess, brothers, for I am used to command. However, if there are no objections ...? ... So it shall be. Ya'shenn ... "

[DM - Ya'shenn will set up the mindlinks, and rest afterward to replenish her psi. Assuming just under two hours for the teams to get set up before the assassinations.]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
"I look forward to once more feel the passion of battle.”

Early on while Gy-Nath is speaking, without turning her head, Ya’shenn casts a surreptitious, sidelong glance in the Rish’s direction before looking away again. It’s unusual in that the psion’s attention is normally strongly focused on whichever person she’s speaking or listening to at the moment.

'Azure' wrote:
Gy-Nath bows low to Obsidian Orb, and then slightly less lowly to the others, "Forgive me, chieftess, brothers, for I am used to command. However, if there are no objections ...? ... So it shall be. Ya'shenn ... "

Ya’shenn makes mental note of just how much respect the captain shows to a not-Githyanki, but says nothing of it. He has his reasons, she assumes, and so far, at least, the psion is inclined to follow him.

“Certainly, kith’rak.” It takes her a bit more effort than usual to slide into a trance state, but the psion manages it. Taking note of every mental signature in the room, she fashions the mental tethers that will connect them. Obsidian Orb is the last of them to be added to the shared mindlink, and Ya’shenn inwardly hesitates before doing so.

Sometime, when she’s able to do so privately, she’s going to ask one of the others how an Athasian chieftain got involved with this. Ambition rolls off the tribal chieftain like a miasma – surely, one did not have to be a telepath to perceive that?

~Done. The woman’s mental voice is particularly clear and distinct, even more so than her spoken one.

Aloud, she says, “Grazz provided a good deal of information about Illithid House that’s easier to communicate mind-to-mind than it is to write down… specifically, its layout, and visual identification of several illithids. Unless there is an objection, I would share this with the rest of you, to make certain it is not lost.”

What she doesn’t actually come out and say directly is that she wants to make sure that information isn’t lost if both she and Du’minh are killed in the next twenty-four hours or so. While one should not be overly pessimistic, it is also true that githyanki of the martial castes seldom die peacefully of old age.

[OOC: Pretty sure the layout information hasn’t gone beyond Ya’shenn and Du’minh yet. Unless an objection is raised, Ya’shenn will impart the knowledge Grazz provided of the layout and defenses of Illithid House to the others. She will also provide the visual identification of Will and the other illithids Grazz mentioned while mindlinked. Du’minh would note that the especially icky parts dealing with the abuse of thralls have been edited out, as much as it’s possible to do while still preserving identification of each illithid.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

A bit of internal speculation occupies Du’minh on Gy-Nath’s distribution of forces – is trust the only motivation behind assigning the Rish as sole agent for taking down the sharpener?
He shrugs it off and gives attention to testing out the mental link, nodding to his companions.

“Now you all have seen what we might face, as it should be. I shall send note when I have tracked down my target.”

Following the lead of Ar’dru, the Rish takes his leave if none have more to say. He heads to the exit of Haven Port and takes a few steps out, then slides through dimensions to cover as much distance as he can towards his home and lose any would-be followers in the process.

Du’minh then walks the last stretch until reaching his kip, follows all his usual procedures to bypass and reactivate safety measures, then heads up to K’dar to check on his condition and provide him a full report.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson


It takes less than an hour for the duthka'gith to wing his way across the ring to the Lower Ward. Once there it is simply a matter of hiring a couple of touts and visiting a few key shops to find a number of currently active portals to choose from. Fearing ambient conditions in most fire realms might prove inadequate, he narrows it down to a choice of four portals.

#1 - Portal to Imex's realm, THE hottest fire plane known.
- Disadvantage - Even Ar'dru will take damage each round.

#2 - Portals to The Crumbling City, Gehenna. Throw the head into a very deep lake of magma.
- Disadantages - Portals skip around a bit, and you might get dumped in Torch (no big, just means taking a series of portals). The Crumbling City is a Blood-war burg run by the 'loths.
- Added Bounus - Comman and therefore cheap portal keys and several portals.

#3 - Avernus, near The Caverns of Tiamat.
- Disadvantages - Need paperwork from The Baatorian Embassy, or forged papers.
- Added Bonus - Tiamat's servants are still friendly with duthka'gith, so forged papers will ... probably ... be good enough, and much more quickly available.

#4 - The Forges of The Tower of Lead. You have directions to a couple of ever-burning furnaces reputed to be the hottest enclosed areas in the multiverse. If this isn't screed, it may be the best bet for melting the stones down quickly.
- Disadvantages - They might be in use, but that's why you get directions to a couple and hire a guide. The Portals are run by the Azer, and the jink cost is of a much higher order.
- Added Bonus - If you do want to spend the jink, you have the opportunity to pick up a special item from these very skilled craftsmen. I'll PM or OOC some ideas if you choose this route. (I may rule that they won't even let you through the portal without making a sale and providing a guide, so be prepared to loose LOTS of liquid assets. Yes, they'll take a signed IOU if it is notorized bt THEIR arcanaloth lawyer.)

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson


The Rish-i-Chal walks back to his kip. Within, Gish K'dar still sleeps on his bed. K'dar wakes as soon as Du'minh enters the room, instinctually drawing a blade, but them smiling at his battle-brother. Although not completely healed, his strength has returned. He listens eagerly for Du'minh's report.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ya'shenn, Vivec, and Daraz

As the trio walk up Silver Void Street, they notice it is particularly active this evening. Githyanki are equaly at home, peak and antipeak, and there are quite a few mixed gith on the street. The real activity, however, comes from the Dabus.

There are an inordinate number of Dabus in Git'riban. Usually, even the enigmatic keepers of Sigil tend to give the gith ghetto a wide berth, hence why it's streets and alleys are perpetually crumbing, and razorvine grows unchecked in many courtyards and lots. Since the illithid raid in the wee hours, Dabus have been drifting into Git'riban from neighboring districts and random portals. No longer floating unresponsive, they now gather in groups of three or six, puttering around. Some are pointing up brickwork, but two watch and mix little batches of mortar while one works. Some snip at razorvine, but the plants seem to stay about the same size, just better pruned. Some sweep dust and grime from the cobbles, but they almost seem to be pushing it around in circles, or back and forth. Half the time, one or more watches while another works. Every gith on the street feels like the Dabus are surrepticiously watching them behind their backs, but nobody can catch a Dabus actually staring at them.

[Du'minh didn't notice so much, as the Dabus have now largely abandoned standing around in The Heart of The Void.]

It takes almost two hours for the trio to walk all the way up Silver Void Street, as they enter a handful of shops on the way to dislodge any possible tails. They even shop as if planning a few-day excursion to the outlands; backpacks, travel rations, rope, a blanket, and other cheap and innocuous items.

At the corner of Silver Void Street and Swans Way, facing each other across Silver Void are the huge, sprawling, Silver Void Steelworks, and the unassuming wooden door of Void Keys.

Each of the assassins has been inside Void Keys before, and knows what to expect.


A placard witout any writing, just two crossed silver keys, hangs over a stout wooden door at the top of a wide flight of half a dozen steps. Inside are several cramped rooms, shelves full of spell components, potions, scrolls, odds and ends, or books (toward the back). All and sundry are carefully labeled, and actually arranged in a very orderly, but rather complex, filing system.

The somewhat larger (and yet still very cramped and chock-full) rooms are near the entrance, while the farther in one comes, the more specialized or specific towards spellcasters the wares become. The rooms in the basement are the records, workshops, and the book bindery.

The place is run by an older githyanki warlock, Schaaz-Khaal. He keeps detailed records of the portals in and around Git'riban, and stocks their keys. Usually, he is in the basement or working within the shop, while customers are greeted and directed by his apprentice, a youngish githyanki named Mim.


Ya'shenn remains aware of the other githyankis' actions, though she looses Ar'dru when he exits Sigil. She is also aware of Gy-Nath and Jhank'kors' actions.

[DM - Only Ya'shenn knows this, of course]

Gy-Nath and Jhank'kor

Gy-Nath takes Jhank'kor first to a back-alley clinic just off the Square of the Mind. He solicits the aid of the head healer and four assistants, at which point Ya'shenn looses Jhank'kor. She sees for the first time Jhank'kor's mind mark. After some time, the healers, Gy-Nath, and Jhank'kor travel to Fell's Tatoo Parlor, where Gy-Nath leaves Jhank'kor and the healers.

The entire endeavor must cost Gy-Nath a pretty sum, as he leaves his armor and primary blade at Fell's as collateral. He even argues a bit about not leaving one or two the other weapons and specific talismans he carries, but he does not relent, and takes only them (two swords, two daggers, two rings, two amulets, and a large gem in a rawhide pouch) and some wrappings for his 'gith-hood'. Gy jogs all the way to a tower near the Guild Market, populated by armed tieflings, humanoids, and mis-matched demi-humans. He retrieves nearly all the jink he has stored in a small room there, and returns first to Fell's, then heads back toward Git'riban alone and re-armored.

[If Ben comes back (crosses fingers and toes), he'll meet ev'body back at Gy's]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[OOC: Before arriving at Void Keys]

One person’s sensory input is noticeably missing – if indeed such a word can be applied to a half-graith from Athas. Without actually attempting to communicate with the Black Spear chieftain, Ya’shenn checks whether she’s getting anything from Obsidian Orb at all. Perhaps the Athasian is canny enough to be warded against psionics…

She’ll need to be able to access the chieftain eventually in any case, in order to coordinate the attacks.

The psion’s thoughts had been on the upcoming, and unfortunate, assassinations. Said thoughts, as usual, were not something to be eavesdropped on easily: to do so would require getting through the psionic equivalent of fortress walls, spiked pit traps, poison arrow traps, hungry guard beasts, and so on.

Behind those habitual defenses, two things that she picks up on during the trip cause her thoughts to absolutely seethe with paranoia. (More paranoia than usual.)

Of course, Ya’shenn might feel even more paranoid if she knew that her two companions were both, in fact, githzerai.

'Azure' wrote:
She sees for the first time Jhank'kor's mind mark.

At the exact moment that Jhank’kor’s mind mark is revealed to her perception, both Vivec and Daraz see the psion stop dead in her tracks. The woman says nothing, but her body language, at that moment, clearly radiates how disturbed she is.

After some moments, the woman takes pains to relax her tensed muscles and match the pace of the other two, as though nothing had occurred.

Keeping a close eye on that part of her awareness, Ya’shenn notes that Gy-Nath is obviously taking steps to deal with the situation. That is a small relief, at least. It confirms her earlier opinions of him, actually – he seems a good commander, a good son of Gith, concerned about the welfare of his subordinates even at some cost to himself.

'Azure' wrote:
There are an inordinate number of Dabus in Git'riban.

As if the illithid psionic seal were not enough on its own, now the paranoia goes into full swing. Ya’shenn knows much less of graith matters than a resident of Sigil ought to, but she knows enough to be wary of the Lady of Pain.

By the blood the Liberator shed for us, what if even this has been incorporated into Will’s planning? Herding us all – githyanki, githzerai, whichever illithids It despises – until we provoke the Bladed One’s wrath? While It watches and laughs from a distance?

Her thoughts run wild with guesswork and speculation. The only thing that seems clear is the apparent interest of the Lady of Pain.

As they travel, Ya’shenn does what she can to read the faces and alien body language of the dabus, doing her best not to be obvious about doing so. Is there a sense of anything beyond that watchfulness of theirs? Displeasure? Anticipation?

Given Gy-Nath’s choice of words when assigning the teams, she suspects that Vivec and Daraz are more practiced at the art of the bloody knife than she is. In any case, Du’minh is not likely to be in position for a while, and she’s not even getting input from Obsidian Orb. She is likely to follow the lead of her companions for now.

[OOC: Sense Motive on our friendly neighborhood dabus, especially to tell if they seem to have any ‘mood’ other than general alertness. Also checking to see if she’s getting anything at all from Obsidian Orb.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
One person’s sensory input is noticeably missing – if indeed such a word can be applied to a half-graith from Athas.

[OOC: Sense Motive on our friendly neighborhood dabus, especially to tell if they seem to have any ‘mood’ other than general alertness. Also checking to see if she’s getting anything at all from Obsidian Orb.]

[ >< The DM is an addle-cove to forget the Athasian. Feh! He's fired. I'm taking over now! -Evil DM]

Obsidian Orb

The Athasian returns to her tribe, and summons the Head Tracker. He proves to be a young gith, just beyond the age of First Hunt. He is also a psion, and Ya'shenn knows that he senses her presence, but with a singe word from his leader does not pry further. After a short conference, Orb and the Head Tracker set off together.

Before Ya'shenn's group even reaches the top of Silver Void Street, Orb and her tracker are meeting with a dozen mixed gith youth in a run-down tenement, trading jinx, food, and drugs for information. One of the youths proves to be Mik'ka the traitor. Orb very slyly examines the girl while they talk and smoke, her obsidian eye never betraying the direction of her gaze. The young girl, one of the dominant members of the gang due to her bearing and age, does not seem to have any strange marks or scars, though like many of her peers has many piercings.

In the midst of their conversation, and while Orb is passing a burning pipe to Mik'ka, she sneers and licks her teeth, a signal for the Tracker. Without warning he knocks Mik'ka down. Shivs are drawn, but Orb remains seated and calmly asks,

"What's that?"

On the bottom of Mik'ka's left foot, mostly obscured by grime from the Birdcage's streets, is a deep scar. It is twisted into a strange pattern, and looks as if it were made by a supple stylus dripping strong acid.

Mik'ka lives perhaps only three more minutes, as she is first pummeled by a hail of bricks and stones, then carved up by the shivs of her fellows, for they know exactly what the mark on her foot meant.

Ya'shenn gets just the smallest whiff of smug satisfaction from Obsidian Orb as she watches the fatal beating, but the chieftain is well practiced at hiding her thoughts from prying minds, and a little whiff is all Ya'shenn gets.


[Sense motive checks that are not natural 20's automaticly fail on Dabus. They're myserious.

Also, Zim, I edited Gy-Nath's post just a bit ]

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The return to health of his captain brings a smile to Du’minh’s face, and the Rish pulls up a chair by the bedside.

“It is good to see you have recovered some, brother. I bring good news and have much to tell, but the time to strike back at the ghaiks has moved close and I cannot linger for long.”

“We have uncovered what role Grazz has played and bested him in battle. However, a bargain of sorts has been struck…”

The mage hunter provides a quick report of events since he left, keeping in mind that he is expected to act out his part this very night. There is barely any mention of being influenced by Sight’s resonance stone, however – Du’minh feels shamed of his own weakness in this regard. He makes certain to provide K’dar with all key strategic information regarding Illithid House.

“Had we not been stressed for time, I would have proposed that much of these mental recollections I now hold be recorded in sensory stones. Thus, even if we fall in the coming days, others would be able to identify ghaik high-ups and have foreknowledge of Illithid House safety measures.”

“Should you need to contact me urgently, seek out the kip of Gy-Nath – he remains connected to all of us by the psionic link and I will let him know telepathically that he can trust you. I go now to play my part and take down the spy before we commence the raid. As time allows, I shall check up on you again and keep you notified, brother.”

The warrior rises from his seat and stands at attention. A bit hesitantly, he puts another issue he has been pondering to words.

“If… When I return from the raid on the ghaik sanctuaries, I had hoped we could talk more about the Band of Steel’s role in the Silver Eyes. I wish to learn more of what progress had been made to uncover relics of the Liberator, what our disposition is to current state of events, and of what is expected of our warband to further these causes.”

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

K'dar listens to the report. He is elated at this turn of events.

'Dunamin' wrote:
“If… When I return from the raid on the ghaik sanctuaries, I had hoped we could talk more about the Band of Steel’s role in the Silver Eyes. I wish to learn more of what progress had been made to uncover relics of the Liberator, what our disposition is to current state of events, and of what is expected of our warband to further these causes.”

[in progresss]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

K'dar listens to the report. He is elated at this turn of events. He is 100% in support of the party's upcoming raid on Illithid House, but he does express some concern over the neccissary time lag between the elimination of spies and the main raid. When he asks the targets, his face blanches at the mention of Mim.

"Mim of Void Keys?!? Great Queen! Her master Schaaz-Khaal is one of the high-ups in the Silver Eyes! How can this be? Surely Schaaz-Khaal has his apprentices routinely psionicly screened. How could a spy get so close without being detected? I must warn the Eyes! I cannot fathom how much of their operations the ghaik have been privy to!"

'Dunamin' wrote:
“If… When I return from the raid on the ghaik sanctuaries, I had hoped we could talk more about the Band of Steel’s role in the Silver Eyes. I wish to learn more of what progress had been made to uncover relics of the Liberator, what our disposition is to current state of events, and of what is expected of our warband to further these causes.”

K'dar nods, "Brother, I ... I am sorry to have kept darks from you, but your role was to be a weapon drawn against ghaik-chal at the proper time."

"That time has now come."

"As for your questions, they deserve to be answered. I will not worry about sending you into the nests of the foul ones carrying knowledge, for if Mim is indeed a ghaik spy, they know more of the Siver Eyes' operations than I do. The Band of Steel threw in with the Silver Eyes, mostly because they are the one power bloc no others will oppose. They are the most committed to, and best positioned for, the war against The Great Enemy. That some among them favor peace, and even alliance with the Zerth, was something I have learned to live with. This is especially true of the Eyes here in Sigil."

"One of the Regalia of Gith has been recovered, or so I have heard. Gith's Sword, the very first silver sword, was recovered during the battle of The Darkfields on Abeir-Toril. The Darkfields, however, was concurrent with the destruction of Tu'narath. They say at the very moment Vlaakith fell, a young officer tasked with defending the sword became infused with power. The True believe that Gith's soul returned and inhabited her body. The young officer is now the leader of The True, and the warbands from The Darkfields have become the core of her believers."

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