“Very well, then. Reasonable defences and knowledge of the terrain is still good terms.”
Speaking aloud to Grazz again, Du’minh furthers their intent, showing less hostility than before but still determination.
“I will take you up on that oath, Grazz. I will also be the first to respond, if you break it.”
“Step outside and we will escort you to where this conversation may be held in more private and controlled environs… and we will find out where we all stand.”
The last part is spoken while the Rish trails his sight to Vivec, eyes flickering with magic-dissipating energy.
Although obviously not pleased Ardru nods at Du'minhs advice and whispers back "I would be happy to offer my abode for the meeting although its physical defences are not as formidible as some of the others that exist in this district."
Looking up at Grazz he states aloud "Remove your ring, I will not stand idly while our advantage slips away."
"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer