Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Although obviously not pleased Ardru nods at Du'minhs advice and whispers back "I would be happy to offer my abode for the meeting although its physical defences are not as formidible as some of the others that exist in this district."

Looking up at Grazz he states aloud "Remove your ring, I will not stand idly while our advantage slips away."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

“Very well, then. Reasonable defences and knowledge of the terrain is still good terms.”

Speaking aloud to Grazz again, Du’minh furthers their intent, showing less hostility than before but still determination.

“I will take you up on that oath, Grazz. I will also be the first to respond, if you break it.”

“Step outside and we will escort you to where this conversation may be held in more private and controlled environs… and we will find out where we all stand.”

The last part is spoken while the Rish trails his sight to Vivec, eyes flickering with magic-dissipating energy.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Seeing Grazz being led out the door (if I can see it), "Hey, If you want to get Grazz, he's just walked out the front door!" Daraz will jump off the balcony if he is chased. If they buy it, he'll try to escape through a window in the front or somesuch to meet up with the rest of the party.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[sorry wei, and Ben, splitting the action didn't work as well as I hoped, so let's bring it back. Az, Dun, I hate to railroad you guys, but, in interest of moving on ...

Edit, notice Grazz never replied to any mention of Vivec, ignoring the name completely. Tri, it's up to you how Rey's going to react, smart=run away, fun=follow 'em upstairs.]

"Oh, sure, why should I try to stop loosing blood?" Grazz removes the ring at Ar'dru's request, nonetheless. He tosses it towards Du'minh. "This is for you, Rish. I got it from a cutter named Gim-Raan. You'd hate him, thought his life was more valuable to his people than his honor."

'Dunamin' wrote:
“Step outside and we will escort you to where this conversation may be held in more private and controlled environs… and we will find out where we all stand.

"I'd rather my corpse be found sooner instead of later, thank you. Besides, if I do survive I'd like to drink here again, and I can only assume the rest of you lot are still upstairs having some trouble with the management, otherwise I'd've been shot in the back again by now. So you'll follow me, cutters."

Without waiting for a reply, Grazz turns and starts back up the stairs. He retrieves his dagger, but then holds his hands above his head, the dagger held in his left. The pirates at the base of the stairs glower but part to let him pass.

Obsidian Orb quickly communicates some instructions to her tribe using some cryptic hand signals. She picks up, ironicly, the smallest, nearly-leafless plant [the one that ash-robes was carrying] and steps in beside Du'minh and Ar'dru. "Is my aid worthless, Yanki?" She demands, "For my boon I would hear what this gith has to say. I desire to know much about the Great War, for the gith of Athas have forgotten the Great Gith, and the Enemy, except in vague legends. It was the search for knowledge that made me what I am, and brought me to Sigil. Obsidian Orb will accompany you as an ally, or shall This Now end and Next Now begin?"


Grazz climbs the stairs. The first pirate he encounters at the top is loading a pistol. Grazz swiftly snatches it from him and smacks him on the forehead with the butt. "None of that, Finn me'lad. Action's over, go back to yer rum." He pushes past the other pirates [total of 5 up here + bartender]

When the bartender catches sight of Grazz, he yells, ignoring the blade at his throat. "Hey! You scum sucking scallywag! Bosun'll have your gizzard this time, Grazz!"

"Feh! I know yer old man better than you do, pup! I've been banned six times, but my jink always brings fair weather outa 'im. Besides, I might not be done destroyin' stuff yet. Git back to yer bar 'till I'm ready to settle up." He then hands the pistol to another (slightly bewildered) pirate and kneels, using his dagger to scrape his tanglefooted boot from the hallway floor.

Jhank'kor and Daraz see Ar'dru and Du'minh close behind Grazz, weapons at the ready.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Of course milady," Replies Ar'dru to Obsidian Orb, "It would be an honour to assist you in learning more about you peoples heritage, and hopefully their future." The last words are muttered so that OO can hear them but the rest of the tribe should not be able to.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The Rish-I-Chal is a bit surprised by the chieftess’ reaction and responds calmly.

“My apologies, Lady Obsidian Orb, your aid is appreciated and your alliance most welcome.”

Absentmindedly, Du’minh’s hand is drawn to pat his pouch while speaking. Amplified arrogance starts swelling within and he mumbles under his breath when she has passed.

“… though no savage mage is truly worthy of my time.”

His newfound hubris sating his ego, the warrior picks up the ring and puts it on while smiling to himself.

Rightfully mine.

Then he follows upstairs to rejoin the rest of the band, walking past the pirates with an attitude of utmost superiority.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Rey quickly takes Jhank'kor aside, and before he can react, looks firmly into his eyes:

I am Vivec, the Healer...

He puts his hand on the yanki's shoulder... to establish trust...and extend an offer of healing.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Daraz quietly follows the rest of the group at the very rear, looking leerily over his shoulder at the armed pirates and then leerily in front of him at Grazz and Vivec. He keeps his crossbow loaded and in his hands, but his finger is held away from the trigger for the time being.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ooooooo.....*slams evil PC into closet and presses hard against the door* What I'd love to do upon the words, "I am Jhank'kor, your killer..." :twisted:

Jhank'kor's eyes flare with malice at Grazz's return. You can hear the knuckles of his right hand snap at the warlock balls his fist in an attempt to withhold the welling fury and siren song of eldritch power. Shrugging off the temptation, he glowers and says in a deathly calm, "Did this bastard child of Zerth get in your heads, warriors? Or are you returning to make this a full warband execution?"

The sudden tug on his arm sends him a bit off-balance, but the warmage scrambles upright with the aid of his staff. Whirling to glare into Vivec's face, the mage snaps his hand to Vivec's throat, theurgy hammering in his veins. His grips tightens for half a moment but then drops his arm to his side. His sullen eyes glance to Gy-nath before boring into Vivec again. "I do not care who you are, dog of a Zerai. I'd rather find a drunk priest of Pelor before I allowed your filthy hands to heal me." The mage raises his voice for the rest to hear as he steps back a pace or two nearer to Gy-Nath. "Any true son of Gith here who can tend wounds?

As an afterthought, the warlock adds toward the bartender with a point of his chin to Vivec, "Oh, here's the man you're looking for."

Intimidate: 28

-1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+-1, the result is 5.
11 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 28.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
Amplified arrogance starts swelling within and he mumbles silently under his breath when she has passed.

“… though no savage mage is truly worthy of my time.”

[OK, I'm assuming 'under his breath' is a more accurate description than 'silenty', seeing as how you're soooo arrogant right now .
. . ]

0 Bonus for listen to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 15.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Benyamin' wrote:
"I do not care who you are, dog of a Zerai. I'd rather find a drunk priest of Pelor before I allowed your filthy hands to heal me." The mage raises his voice for the rest to hear as he steps back a pace or two nearer to Gy-Nath. "Any true son of Gith here who can tend wounds?

“Doubtful,” a feminine voice replies from further down the water-damaged hallway. “There’s a daughter of Gith here who might, though. What is it this time?”

One of the doors has opened along the hallway – one of those leading to the private rooms.of the Haven Port Inn. The figure turns, clearly examining the devastation up and down the corridor.

The speaker’s build is not that of the legendary female warriors of the Githyanki: not one to gleefully cleave anyone in half with a greatsword. Rather, this one has the look of either a mage or a psion, to judge from the absence of armor, or the staff, shod with Astral steel, that she leans slightly upon.

But the real kicker is the third eye in the center of her forehead.

A psion, then. Onyx in color, complementing the color of her natural eyes, the gem isn’t actually attached by a cord or any other visible means. If one can get past the third-eye thing, one might notice other details. Long black hair has been elaborately braided and beaded, and multiple earrings hang from the serrated ears. Like most githyanki, she favors bright, strong colors in her dress.

As githyanki tend to go everywhere armed to the teeth, this one also has an ornate dagger sheathed at her belt, as well as a light crossbow and a pair of bolt cases among her effects.

The woman takes her time looking at the various persons present. Hmm. One large, confident warrior with a recently bloodied weapon. One duthka’gith. A badly wounded githzerai. It wasn’t so unusual that he was wounded; given the apparent bloodshed, it was only unusual that he was alive. One with a bandaged wrist, who had spoken. An Athasian gith. And one familiar figure.

“Kith’rak.” Spotting Gy-Nath, Ya’shenn bows with precisely the correct amount of politeness. Assuming, or simply pretending to assume – for the sake of his dignity – that the captain is actually in control of the situation. Her voice had been somewhat sarcastic before, when first opening the door; it is quite polite now. “Perhaps my assistance would be of some help to you?”

One might quickly notice that the female githyanki speaks an extremely ‘pure’ form of the language -- without accent, well enunciated, but also containing some archaic words that aren’t in widespread use these days. For those who have heard it before, it’s a perfect match for the ‘accent’ of the inhabitants of Tu’narath.

OOC: Hello there. Smiling
Azure, I’m assuming that she knows Gy is a kith’rak – if not, simply assume that she knows him by name.
Also, need to know if Jhank’s glyph is visible right now and if she’d recognize it or not. (If it’s a psonic seal, it’s likely; if it’s magical in nature, probably not.)


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Benyamin' wrote:
Ooooooo.....*slams evil PC into closet and presses hard against the door* What I'd love to do upon the words, "I am Jhank'kor, your killer..." :twisted:[/]

Jhank'kor's eyes flare with malice at Grazz's return. You can hear the knuckles of his right hand snap at the warlock balls his fist in an attempt to withhold the welling fury and siren song of eldritch power. Shrugging off the temptation, he glowers and says in a deathly calm, "Did this bastard child of Zerth get in your heads, warriors? Or are you returning to make this a full warband execution?"

The sudden tug on his arm sends him a bit off-balance, but the warmage scrambles upright with the aid of his staff. Whirling to glare into Vivec's face, the mage snaps his hand to Vivec's throat, theurgy hammering in his veins. His grips tightens for half a moment but then drops his arm to his side. His sullen eyes glance to Gy-nath before boring into Vivec again. "I do not care who you are, dog of a Zerai. I'd rather find a drunk priest of Pelor before I allowed your filthy hands to heal me." The mage raises his voice for the rest to hear as he steps back a pace or two nearer to Gy-Nath. "Any true son of Gith here who can tend wounds?

As an afterthought, the warlock adds toward the bartender with a point of his chin to Vivec, "Oh, here's the man you're looking for."

Intimidate: 28


He pauses, then his voice lowers to a dangerous calm.

Were you not a son of Gith, I would strike you down here and now for your blasphemous tirade...Calm yourself -your capriciousness makes me question YOUR motives. Your hot head seems to fit the paradigm for a Zerai dog.

Turning to the others:

The head was alive...well, actually it wasn't dead. A dead mind's knowledge is only limited to what it knew did during life. The ghaik knew Grazz was in the adjacent room at that moment... it then... it then consumed me. I was aware of my actions - but I had no power over them. It was as if I were a passive observer to my own self.

His head falls down in shame.

I know that time is the only medicine, that will heal the lack of trust that all of you understandably have. Nevertheless, we must retrieve the head and destroy it lest it cause more damage.

Rey looks up, slightly surprised at the new arrival.

OOC: Will (vs Intimidate) = 26 (Azure, it's your call- either I can take back all what Rey just said, or you could compensate in another way- perhaps by detracting from my Bluff/Diplo mods)

Bluff (I'm NOT a zerai ; the head did it)): 28 (almost a nat 20!! yay... almost...)
Diplo (Calm Down J, and Everyone else hear me out): 20'

Sense Motive (new character): 18 (accidentally rolled twice)-

Also, welcome zimrazim!

14 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 26.
9 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 28.
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 20.
8 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 18.
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 22.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

OOC: Zimmerzam, I'm currently disguised as a githyanki (though I am badly wounded)

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The mage hunter looks the new arrival carefully over, scanning potential magical emanations and keeping vigilant as always. He turns to Gy-Nath with a quizzical look on his face, judging by the fellow warrior’s reaction if the three-eyed gith is an acquaintance of his.

“Do you know of her, brother? I… We have pressing business ahead and cannot tarry with interruptions.”

While waiting to see what the woman wants, the Rish does not let himself be distracted from keeping track of Grazz and Vivec, and turns to address the issue of guilt.

“There is no doubt that ghaik tricks were at work in relation to our business, so I will hear the necromancer’s story before more blood is shed. But this hallway is no place to do so, and we have more urgent words to exchange with the established Zerth here.”

“Vivec… Do not leave my sight until we have figured this whole thing out, or you will feel blunt trauma to let my prior strikes seem like gentle tapping.”


'Azure' wrote:
OK, I'm assuming 'under his breath' is a more accurate description than 'silenty', seeing as how you're soooo arrogant right now .

Ah, good point, I’ll edit accordingly.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Yes, brothers, this is Ya'shenn of the Double-Edged Mind. I can't believe our luck, for we want to make sure what we hear is the truth, and this is our gith!" He releases the bartender and shieths his dagger before returning Ya'shenn's bow.

"Good! In fact I insist she accompany us, 'cuz I don't want anybody accusing me of breaking our deal, right 'yankis?" Grazz takes a small black shieth with three throwing spikes from his sticky boot and tosses it to Ar'dru. "Drow sleep poison, just like I said. Want to wake up in three hours weak as bug? Taste it and make sure, should taste like bitter mushrooms and vinegar. Now, shall we step back into our (eh heh, heh ,heh) room?" Grazz chuckles.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Belatedly, Ya’shenn matches the githzerai’s face to the description and reputation. The Accursed One. Definitely not someone high on the list of persons she would particularly want to speak to, or have dealings with. Dangerous, resourceful, and utterly without morals of any kind – if his reputation held true. The woman's gaze fixes on him for a long moment.

To this day, she thinks to herself, I can’t so much as cross the street without being asked to interrogate someone. Generally, she is not partial to using her abilities in that way, yet the demand for it never seems to decrease. Many Githyanki would happily line up to inflict elaborate tortures on the likes of Grazz, but Ya’shenn had little stomach for such entertainments these days.

'Dunamin' wrote:
“There is no doubt that ghaik tricks were at work in relation to our business, so I will hear the necromancer’s story before more blood is shed. But this hallway is no place to do so, and we have more urgent words to exchange with the established Zerth here.”

“I could have sworn I’d heard someone ask for a healer,” the psion states mildly. “I wasn’t expecting the Accursed One to make an appearance. Kith’rak, I understand the need to speak of matters like this in a more private place, but an explanation of the situation would be helpful.” Massive, massive understatement.

To the Rish-i-Chal, the woman herself does not have the aura of a spellcaster. To his auravision, the quarterstaff and dagger both possess a magical aura, as do two of her rings. The gem on her forehead, conspicuously, does not. Three items inside a pouch at her belt have some magic to them: two vials that are probably potions, and oddly enough, a comb. Inside one pocket a small, cylindrical object glows faintly, though this last has the general shape of the magical light-sources that one may purchase anywhere.

OOC: To those in the party who would have kept up with this sort of thing, they would know that Gy-Nath is referring to the ‘Order of the Double-Edged Mind.’ It’s an old, established order of psions whose members focus on the disciplines of telepathy and clairsentience. They are particularly known as specialists in weeding out Illithid influence and Illithid spies from Githyanki society, for their understanding of the Enemy from a mental and psionic perspective, and they have been known for training githyanki of other castes in the finer arts of illithid slaying. Additionally, a few of their members have been specifically trained as psionic inquisitors (who are rather more feared and disliked by the average githyanki than typical members of the Order). While the members of this Order were never numerous, their numbers have suffered considerably as a result of the Void Bombs.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
“I could have sworn I’d heard someone ask for a healer,” the psion states mildly. "I wasn’t expecting the Accursed One to make an appearance. Kith’rak, I understand the need to speak of matters like this in a more private place, but an explanation of the situation would be helpful.”

"Yes," Gy-Nath replies, and locks eyes with the Accursed, "It would." He motions for Jhank'kor to return to the rooms, positioning himself between the warlock and Vivec. "I believe our crossbowman is in greater need for healing, at this time, notwithstanding that it was Jhank'kor here who called out." He tells Ya'shenn.

"You berks still here?" Grazz sneers at the bartender. He takes out a small pouch and chucks it down the stairs, the sound of spilling coins when it lands gets rid of most of the pirates. He fishes a mert (platinum) out of a pocket and flips it to the bartender, before turning and following Gy through the open, but unruined, door of what was the room from which he spied on the party.

The Accursed catches sight of the ulitharid head, rather singed, lying on the floor. "Hey there, old buddy. Never looked better." He then spits on it and smiles in self-satisfaction.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Casting a wary glance at the Zerai and his stooge, the warlock fixes his gaze to the newcomer. He nods and affirms Gy's statement.Aye, I called for one--someone needs to tend to Daraz...bloody lad took a blast of flame pretty badly." Here he glares further at Vivec before taking Gy's initiative and entering the room.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson


Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru bows politely to the newcomer (keeping his eyes raised and on Grazz as he does so) before following the group into the rather dishevelled private room.

ooc- Given the description of the Order of the Double-Edged Mind it seems likely that Ar'dru would have had dealings with them in the past, and possibly even have been trained by them.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Alas, had Ya’shenn known that Grazz was leading this group into the same room the Accursed himself had been in earlier, spying on the others, she would have been especially concerned. Perhaps the Accursed is leading them all into a trap or an ambush; perhaps the githzerai has a handy escape route there. The woman does not know these things, however, so she’s not more than ordinarily cautious.

'Benyamin' wrote:
Casting a wary glance at the Zerai and his stooge, the warlock fixes his gaze to the newcomer. He nods and affirms Gy's statement.Aye, I called for one--someone needs to tend to Daraz...bloody lad took a blast of flame pretty badly." Here he glares further at Vivec before taking Gy's initiative and entering the room.

The psion glances at the warlock’s bandaged wrist as he speaks. “Perhaps we can do something about that wrist later." By now, she’s assuming that this group subdued the Accursed – hence the destruction and the injuries. Why was he still unbound and armed, though?

'Azure' wrote:
The Accursed catches sight of the ulitharid head, rather singed, lying on the floor. "Hey there, old buddy. Never looked better." He then spits on it and smiles in self-satisfaction.

Ya'shenn had just nodded politely to Daraz and taken a step toward him, her two natural eyes narrowing as she visually inspects his injuries, though she doesn’t actually touch him just yet. Ugh, burn wounds! Another drunken knifing between pirates would’ve been far preferable.

The psion’s attention is drawn away sharply, however, at the sight of the severed ulitharid head. Her tone of voice has changed, as well – it’s not particularly menacing, but it has a certain edge to it, not the way she's been speaking to brother Githyanki.

“Friend of yours, Accursed One?”

OOC: Azure, a Psicraft, Knowledge (Psionics), other knowledge, or Int check would be nice here. Since she heard Vivec claim to be possessed by a ghaik head, I’m wondering if there’s anything Ya’shenn would know that would suggest that a severed, apparently dead Ulitharid head would be any more dangerous than an oddly-shaped volleyball. She’s also looking directly at it (cue scary music).


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
“Friend of yours, Accursed One?”

OOC: Azure, a Psicraft, Knowledge (Psionics), other knowledge, or Int check would be nice here. Since she heard Vivec claim to be possessed by a ghaik head, I’m wondering if there’s anything Ya’shenn would know that would suggest that a severed, apparently dead Ulitharid head would be any more dangerous than an oddly-shaped volleyball. She’s also looking directly at it (cue scary music).

[DM - To all apperarances, the head looks cold, dead, and slightly burned. The only unusual feature is that is has three eyes, made of crystal.]

Grazz removes a silver and white crystal amulet, setting it on the floor in the corner next to a pair of shortswords. "Very close aquaintance," he replies to Ya'shenn, "And that was my amulet of mind shielding, so call me a liar, psion."

"Well, Yankis, and assorted guests," he nods to Obsidian Orb as she enters after him, "Gather 'round and hear the tale of Grazz the Accursed. You have the unique honor of being the first to hear the true story. The rumors you've heard, pure screed. Well, mostly screed. Heh. 'The Accursed' isn't just a title. I AM cursed."

"It's important for you to know where I got my information, so I'll start at the beginning, sort of. See, I wasn't kidding when I said I wasn't a 'zerai, just a Hiver. Fact is, I don't know if my parents were githzerai, githyanki, gith pirate, or some combination, I never met the bubbers. For most of my life I couldn't have given a shit, either. I was just a typical knight of the post. I made good take as a petty gambler, cuz I've always had a really good eye for detail. Well, I was really drunk one night and I made a sucker's bet," He shakes his head, "With a Proxy."

"You ever win a wish, word it right. I was the addle-cove who said 'I wish my eyes could see everything Sight's can.' Feh! Berk. Almost checked into the Gatehouse next morning when the 'tharid woke up and had breakfast." He visibly shutters.

"Well, I kept it together, at least enough to know that I was a snack-cake if the 'lithids ever found out. Talk about a security breach, right? Of course, it wasn't like I was going to read lips, but like I said, I've got a knack for detail. It took me a few weeks to learn how to function again and see what was in front of ME. Over the years, the link got stronger. Heck, several months ago I started to get a downright empathic link that's been fading in and out." He starts shaking again, but with a well-practiced deep breath, masters his nerves once again.

"So, now you know. Even though, once catapulted into the shadow game, ninty percent of my knowledge came the old fashion way, the best intel came from the big guy himself. Well, that well's dried up now. Or so I thought, hoped, when you cutters wrote him into the dead book, which I felt most of, by the way, so thank you for the interesting and varied types of pain, warlock. The acid was MY favorite, I missed it when the fireball hit."

"Well, you didn't quite give Sight the rope, yet. When Vivec woke him up, it was quite a shock, let me tell you. Most surprizing part of it for me is, I always thought the ghaik were souless abominations, hence why the slime are so eager to join with an elder brain. Sight's still there, though, somehow, in the eyes. Each one is different. One's clairvoyant, one sees the future, and one controls what others see. Really powerful too. Sight was the representative for the spellcasting illithid. The elder brains don't like it when a squddie starts slinging spells. Too powerful, potential threats to thier own control of the septs. So lots of spellcasting 'lithids come to Sigil. Man, the brains must hate that. That's why the Band of Steel had the Rish-i-Chal here move to Git'riban, I'm sure." He motions toward Du'minh.

"Well, now that Will is the only one of the triad left, Illithid House must be in tumoil. I figure one of two things is happening, either lots of the rats are jumping ship and returning to other septs as we speak, or the most ambitious, competant, and dangerous illithid in the multiverse are streaming in. Actually, both are probably happening simultaneously. The House will be bedlam, at least until the triad re-forms. Which is where this whole thing gets interesting."

"There was a crystal, hidden inside Sight's robes, or so I found out when Vivec here asked a knowledgable gith what it was. Now, I know that Sight had no idea he was carring the stone. See, it's so simple. The stone kept it arrogant, reckless, careless. It was set up," He smiles at the severed head and laughs, "And the berk never even saw it coming."

"Ha. ha. ha. ha. See, that's the problem with prophesy and gazing into the future. The future changes. It's eye could only see potential, and usualy Sight sorted through dozens of potential futures when looking forward. Helped me out once, when I actually saw myself in one. That future didn't come true, let me tell you, even though I'll admit to doing some pretty shady things to lots of really shady knights to prevent it."

"So, what else you cutters want to know? I'm an open book, then I walk outa here, that was the deal, right? Now that the secret's out, I'm a runner. The flayers'll want me alive, which they aint gonna get. The Zerth mostly think I'm just a minor stag-turner, and there've always been 'yankis with something to prove, so I can expect more assasins and bravados. The Silver Eyes found me useful, but you berks'll see to it they hear the truth right quick, and remember what I said downstairs about your usefulness and your life expectancy in this game."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[OOC: Assume detect thoughts active and Sense Motive checks on Grazz as soon as he makes it clear that he’s about to tell his story. Her reactions are assuming that he’s not resisting it and that what he says is true, or at least that Ya'shenn thinks he’s telling the truth. She’s looking for truthfulness, but also for any and all information pertaining to the illithids. (This may have the disadvantage of encountering some nausea-inducing memories of his, i.e., Sight having a square meal.) Oh, yeah, and she'd also be alert for, to the extent she can tell, anything that looks like 'altered memories' or enthrallment. Please lemme know if fairly long periods of time pass, as detect thoughts can eat up power points quickly.]

Once Grazz makes it clear he’s about to tell his story, the psion turns toward him and presses her palms together lightly, fingers pointed downward. The woman's stance straightens and her gaze becomes a flat, intense stare -- almost as if she’s looking through the Accursed than at him, in fact. Most people move their muscles slightly while standing or talking; right now, aside from breathing, the psion is as still as a statue. As if these changes aren't indication enough, Ya’shenn’s two natural eyes adopt a distinct silvery hue, at exactly the same moment everyone in the room, particularly Grazz, feels an odd sensation of ‘static’ inside their heads. The manifested power she’s using isn’t, on an absolute scale, all that powerful, yet the Githyanki is fairly crackling with psionic energy.

Midway through his tale, a faint shadow of a smile actually appears on the psion’s lips. To actually spy on the Enemy! If this outrageous tale is actually true, Accursed, my opinion of you has just changed… to some degree. Suddenly, the reason why Grazz has survived so long seems very clear: he must have been using Sight’s knowledge (and foreknowledge) to keep himself alive.

Another thing that becomes clear is the potential value of a puzzle piece such as Grazz... even in his current state. There is one question that weighs especially heavily on her mind, but Ya'shenn will have a number of questions remaining after this one.

“Many claim that you have gone so far as to sell githyanki, githzerai, or perhaps both to the illithids.” Despite the hideousness of what Ya’shenn is describing, her tone of voice and demeanor are almost disturbingly calm. “Ever since I first heard that rumor, I’ve wondered what would motivate any child of any of the liberated Peoples to commit an act of such utter depravity. Unless the one selling them were enthralled himself, of course. First, is it true that you have sold githyanki -- or githzerai -- or others -- to the Enemy? Second, if it is, what moved you to do so?”

'Azure' wrote:
Sight's still there, though, somehow, in the eyes. Each one is different. One's clairvoyant, one sees the future, and one controls what others see.

Ya’shenn breaks her rigid posture for a moment, looking over at the dead-not-quite-dead ulitharid. “Any chance that Sight, in its… reduced condition, is able to communicate with others of its kind? I’d rather not have the illithids aware of this conversation… and neither would you, Accursed.”

OOC: At the risk of sounding like I'm sucking up to the DM, this whole Grazz-the-Accursed thing is an awesome plot twist. AWESOME. Wasn't expecting it at all.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"The eyes?" Asks Daraz, "Do you know how they work? Were the Ghaik foolish enough to create something their enemies could use against them? Surely you could have seen clues about this."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The Nor’mujin warrior introduces himself to Ya’shenn as “Du’minh the Rish-I-Chal, warrior of the Band of Steel”, keeping formal but forthcoming, then joins to hear Grazz’ narrative.

Du’minh sits patiently through the story, though his reaction and body language clearly indicate that he finds the tale outrageous and astounding. When the story falls on his possible reason for being in Git’riban, the mage slayer keeps a straight face and doesn’t comment.
When Grazz elaborates on the negative consequences of the resonance stone, however, Du’minh rethinks the safety of holding on to it. His vigilance and discipline wrestling with his arrogance and ego, the Rish musters his willpower to put the stone on the table away from his presence but into view of all collected.

At conclusion of the tale, Du’minh glances back and forth between Grazz, the fellow githyankis, and the severed head of Sight, looking for answers to dull his scepticism.

“Loathe as I am to admit it, these words make sense of the greater picture we are trying to form. We still have pieces to put together, however, and we are not quite done with this interview, Grazz. “List of contacts. Fellow traitors. Half the rooms in Illithid House.” These are your words and what you assured to give us, and with the… “insightful” experiences you speak of, you should have no trouble doing so. You must have seen an abundance of recognizable locations in Sigil that Sight has frequented with his tentacled peers. Rendezvous points for ghaiks, portals for getting into their safehouses, and more, we need everything you got.”

Going by her allegiance to the Double-Edged Mind, the Rish-I-Chal’s sight returns to the newest face in the flock:

“Ya’shenn, I trust Gy-Nath’s judgement when he places confidence in your abilities to discern the truth. What do you make of the Accursed’s story? I would not worry about possible mental eavesdropping via the remains of Sight, the lead sheeting and wardings of Haven Port should still keep out divining forces.”

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[DM - Everything Grazz is saying is 100% true. His mind is open to Ya'shenn, but she does notice he quickly skims over certain details and moves on to new thoughts, whether in the interest of keeping the story moving along, or to prevent giving too much away, she can't tell.]

"Well, the part about me being a slaver is screed, but I have sold out certain stag-turners, and threats, to the ghaik, yes. Githyanki, githzerai, human, tiefling, really doesn't make much difference to me, really. [edit] It got me in closer and bought me info, but yea, I've done it a couple of times."

"I can assure you flayer slayers, though, it took me all of three days to vow to do whatever I could to hurt those sadistic slime-balls after I was cursed. How you like this image, mind-delver?"

[Ya'shann sees twelve illithid, with the ulitharid in the middle, lined up in front of a huge mirror in an ampitheatre for a special eating performance.]

"Accursed, day two. Never could forget that one."


To Daraz he says "The eyes, well they're magic items, so they just ... work, I guess. That was always my biggest disapointment, I'm no mage, so lots of things Sight did were over my head. I'd have a lot more in intel if I understood the arcane."

Grazz nods to Du'minh. "You bashers'll get it all. I figure a little more chaos is just the thing to remodel the House right now." His eyes drift over the smashed-out wall that makes the two rooms one, and smiles. "I was a Sinker long before I was a githzerai."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[OOC: Keeping up detect thoughts and Sense Motive checks on Grazz, of course.]

'Dunamin' wrote:
“Ya’shenn, I trust Gy-Nath’s judgement when he places confidence in your abilities to discern the truth. What do you make of the Accursed’s story? I would not worry about possible mental eavesdropping via the remains of Sight, the lead sheeting and wardings of Haven Port should still keep out divining forces.”

Ya’shenn glances over at Du’minh before turning her focus back to the Accursed. “Oddly enough, he’s actually telling the truth – at least, the truth as he believes it to be. I sense no direct falsehood from him whatsoever. He’s holding back to some extent, but that doesn’t surprise me.”

'Azure' wrote:
"I can assure you flayer slayers, though, it took me all of three days to vow to do whatever I could to hurt those sadistic slime-balls after I was cursed. How you like this image, mind-delver?"

[Ya'shann sees twelve illithid, with the ulitharid in the middle, lined up in front of a huge mirror in an ampitheatre for a special eating performance.]

"Accursed, day two. Never could forget that one."

Whatever image Grazz is referring to, it’s more than enough to make the psion turn away from him, visibly nauseated. Rubbing her eyes and the bridge of her nose, as if doing so could actually dispel the sight of the Illithid art form known as ‘performance eating,’ the Double-Edged Mind mutters a response:

“Could be worse, Accursed. You could have ended up wishing for Sight’s sense of taste.”

Eventually, and having to resort to the trained self-discipline of a psion to do so, Ya’shenn manages to push the image back and regain her focus. She does manage to notice the sudden appearance of the stone, and Grazz’s references to one. “How, exactly, did Sight end up in possession of that stone, especially without knowing it?”

The woman follows up with additional questions. “You sold others to the illithids, then. Did you do this through a ghaik contact, or a third party? Furthermore, did you ever encounter the ulitharid known as ‘Will?’ If so, what exactly do you know about It?”

The woman seems to be about to add something else, then glances over at Obsidian Orb. Turning toward the Athasian gith, she’s careful to speak in as polite a tone as she can manage – for the Athasian probably won’t like what she’s about to say.

“I wish that we had had the opportunity to meet under less… pressing circumstances than these. Am I correct in assuming, by your presence here, that you have chosen the Great Enemy – that is, the illithid – as your own enemy? Some of this information is… sensitive, to say the least.”

[OOC: Assuming here that Ya'shenn knows enough about Athasian gith to know or guess that they might not have an insane hatred of mind flayers like ‘civilized folks’ do. Eye-wink If not, ignore. Also, if she knows Obsidian Orb by sight, she’d preface her question with ‘Chieftain Obsidian Orb.’

Also, would githyanki in general, or Ya’shenn in particular, know about the existence of Illithid Creeds? If so, it might come up either in this scene, or sometime later.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
"The eyes, well they're magic items, so they just ... work, I guess. That was always my biggest disapointment, I'm no mage, so lots of things Sight did were over my head. I'd have a lot more in intel if I understood the arcane."
A wild idea forms in Du’minh’s mind at these words, but he finds trouble with ascertaining its viability. He starts to speak, then reconsiders while gritting his teeth at the consequences, but decides to put forth his proposal in the end.

“Lady Ya’shenn, how far does your psionic talents with telepathy go? Would you find it in your power to impart some of Grazz’ memories on me? I might be more able to make sense of the magical affairs that this Triad member have been involved in.”

Dunh dunh DUNH!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"I highly doubt that plan will end well, Du'minh," says Daraz, "But it's your head and you are free to do with it what you will. In any case, Sight's head is still *there*," he says pointing. "We've got to make sure it can't cause any more problems before we do something barmy, like irreperably breaking our head-smasher's mind." He points his crossbow at the head to emphasize his point.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
[ Ya’shenn manages to push the image back and regain her focus. She does manage to notice the sudden appearance of the stone, and Grazz’s references to one. “How, exactly, did Sight end up in possession of that stone, especially without knowing it?”

The woman follows up with additional questions. “You sold others to the illithids, then. Did you do this through a ghaik contact, or a third party? Furthermore, did you ever encounter the ulitharid known as ‘Will?’ If so, what exactly do you know about It?”

The woman seems to be about to add something else, then glances over at Obsidian Orb. Turning toward the Athasian gith, she’s careful to speak in as polite a tone as she can manage – for the Athasian probably won’t like what she’s about to say.

“I wish that we had had the opportunity to meet under less… pressing circumstances than these. Am I correct in assuming, by your presence here, that you have chosen the Great Enemy – that is, the illithid – as your own enemy? Some of this information is… sensitive, to say the least.”

[OOC: Assuming here that Ya'shenn knows enough about Athasian gith to know or guess that they might not have an insane hatred of mind flayers like ‘civilized folks’ do. Eye-wink If not, ignore. Also, if she knows Obsidian Orb by sight, she’d preface her question with ‘Chieftain Obsidian Orb.’

"My guess is that the thralls that dressed Sight that morning were dominated by Will, but it's just a guess."

"Just so the hotheads in here don't get the idea that they are honor-bound to kill me, let me assure you cutters that everybody I fed to the ghaik deserved it, and how! Most of my contact is that arena was with a human, a Red Armada captain called Emir Rouge. There're plenty of gith captains in the Red Armada who'd cut him to pieces if they found out he's been dealing with the illithids. There was also a ghaik, a rat-catcher with no love for the elder brains called 'Mask', but he's vanished from Sigil recently, don't know why. As for other stag-turners I've had contact with, and who I havent betrayed yet, there are about two dozen names and descriptions in Sigil can give you, but we've done a pretty good job scouring Git'riban of ghaik-loving scum. In fact, once I leave you dicers, there're a couple of Zerth in the Sandstone District I need to see, so they can take out their own trash. There's a few grey-robed 'flayer-friends I'm not going to need anymore."

"As for Will, man that's a scarry one. Reputed to be one of the most mentally powerful ghaik of 'em all. Crueler, more ruthless, and more ambitious than any other flayer, willing even to sell out it's own, apparently. I wouldn't be surprized if Will had something to do with Zur Khaan getting away from Harbinger House and writing Knowledge into the dead book. It's probably planning to form a new triad it can dominate."


"Where I come from, all knowledge is sensitive, mindbender." Obsidian Orb replies to Ya'shenn, "Merely being able to read a printed text is a death sentence in the cities of the Sorcerer-Kings. And what they would do to a savage mage ... " she casts a glance back towards Du'minh, "They would take the time to make sure she suffered. I have chosen to ally with the Yanki Clan gith. I will fight beside the Yanki Clan in their war, if it will bring them closer to me. I will make no secret of it; the Yanki Clan is powerful, and I respect and desire power, as any chieftain, or indeed any mage, worthy of her water should."

[Blind girl has really good listen mod, D.]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
“Lady Ya’shenn, how far does your psionic talents with telepathy go? Would you find it in your power to impart some of Grazz’ memories on me? I might be more able to make sense of the magical affairs that this Triad member have been involved in.”

“It’s within my ability, yes. If we decide to do that, though, I’d prefer it be toward the end of this meeting, rather than immediately. It’s a bit taxing, and may or may not be our highest priority.”

[OOC: Ya’shenn is simply conserving her psionic strength until she/the group decide what to spend it on, in case Grazz mentions other subjects that should also be explored thoroughly. If Grazz makes more noises about ending the meeting, she’d be willing to mindlink the three of them for that information before he goes.]

'Azure' wrote:
"Where I come from, all knowledge is sensitive, mindbender." Obsidian Orb replies to Ya'shenn, "Merely being able to read a printed text is a death sentence in the cities of the Sorcerer-Kings. And what they would do to a savage mage ... " she casts a glance back towards Du'minh, "They would take the time to make sure she suffered. I have chosen to ally with the Yanki Clan gith. I will fight beside the Yanki Clan in their war, if it will bring them closer to me. I will make no secret of it; the Yanki Clan is powerful, and I respect and desire power, as any chieftain, or indeed any mage, worth her water should."

The psion’s eyes flash with wrath – literally! – when the word ‘mindbender’ is spoken, generating bright silver sparks. The anger on her face begins to cool, however, as Ya’shenn listens carefully to the rest of what the gith chieftain has to say. “Obsidian Orb, the rest of your words are spoken with wisdom, so I choose to assume that you called me that word out of ignorance, not malice. No Githyanki would wish to be referred to as a ‘mindbender.’”

[OOC: ‘First Contact’ situations are fun. Eye-wink ]

Nevertheless, the psion appears to accept the Athasian’s presence – or at least to tolerate it. She looks to each of the others, but particularly to Du’minh. “Any of you may ask questions of the Accursed, if you have them. I can still verify the truthfulness of his answers, and your asking them won’t break my concentration.”

After some mental hesitation, Ya’shenn asks the question she was (and is) reluctant to ask in the presence of an alien.

“Grazz,” suddenly he’s not ‘Accursed One’ anymore it seems, “I’d imagine that the ghaik continues to plot against the Githyanki, and for that matter, the Githzerai. How much damage have the Illithids done so far, and what do they have in mind in the future? What future attacks are they planning?”


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Du’minh turns his focus to Grazz, conjuring the most important queries he has been pondering about.

“This armada captain, Emir Rouge, and the renegade ghaik, Mask, how would we go about tracking each down? By which manner did you use to establish contact with them?”

“In the hours up to the attack in the Heart of the Void, you would have seen Sight mobilize forces of Illithid House, probably confer with Will, and move throughout the ghaik sanctuaries and Undersigil until finally arriving at the battle field. I need you to describe that scene thoroughly, especially in relation to which set of portals the ulitharid travelled through and how to activate them, as well as traps, guardians, and safeguards placed along that route. Write it down, if need be. This could be our path to tracking the beast back to its lair, when the time comes.”

“I am curious, however, why you came to the Silver Eyes when you first discovered the impending attack. Why us?”

"I highly doubt that plan will end well, Du'minh," says Daraz, "But it's your head and you are free to do with it what you will. In any case, Sight's head is still *there*," he says pointing. "We've got to make sure it can't cause any more problems before we do something barmy, like irreperably breaking our head-smasher's mind." He points his crossbow at the head to emphasize his point.

“It’s within my ability, yes. If we decide to do that, though, I’d prefer it be toward the end of this meeting, rather than immediately. It’s a bit taxing, and may or may not be our highest priority.”

The Rish nods in understanding to his companions, but is not swayed from abandoning the idea.

“I am not putting this forward lightly, but I am willing to do what needs to be done if it provides greater service for the People. Let it take place at the end of our meeting then, and restricted to recent magical incidents of obvious importance.”

“Also…” he glances from Gy-Nath to Ya’shenn. “There are reasons I cannot speak of at this moment.”

Hoping either of the two will catch his drift and read his mind, Du’minh communicates further via his thoughts.

“The Accursed cannot possibly convey every bit of information he has gained from the Triad and the House before we must end this congregation. His legendary feats of survival are doubtlessly caused heavily by the foresight of the ulitharid – now that his curse is effectively broken, he speaks truthfully in that he will not live much longer.”


'Azure' wrote:
[Blind girl has really good listen mod, D.]

Curse you, spooky stone!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
Du’minh turns his focus to Grazz, conjuring the most important queries he has been pondering about.

“This armada captain, Emir Rouge, and the renegade ghaik, Mask, how would we go about tracking each down? By which manner did you use to establish contact with them?”

“In the hours up to the attack in the Heart of the Void, you would have seen Sight mobilize forces of Illithid House, probably confer with Will, and move throughout the ghaik sanctuaries and Undersigil until finally arriving at the battle field. I need you to describe that scene thoroughly, especially in relation to which set of portals the ulitharid travelled through and how to activate them, as well as traps, guardians, and safeguards placed along that route. Write it down, if need be. This could be our path to tracking the beast back to its lair, when the time comes.”

“I am curious, however, why you came to the Silver Eyes when you first discovered the impending attack. Why us?”

"Well that last one is simple, The Silver Eyes were nearby. I knew the flayers were about to hit somebody, but I didn't know who. Had I been in the Hive instead of Git'riban last night, it would have been the Zerth that got the warning."

"As for my contacts, Emir Rouge is a high-up cap'n, comes to Sigil a lot to dump his booty. Go up to the Market Ward and look for a tall, dark-haired human with a beard. He'll be wearing red, as will his dozen-or-so pirate guards. A few turns ago, he got beat to quarters by a squidship, so him and his whole crew are 'lithid spies. In fact, I wouldn't trust ANY Red Armada pirate for that very reason, they could've come off that ship and are serving under another captain by now. You noticed many of the pirates hanging around this place are Reds, I take it. The captains are O.K., but don't blab around a midshipman."

"The Mask was real easy to find. Shait, it had, like, a regular day job. Ratcatcher in the Lady's and Lower Wards. Pretty good at tracking down cranium rats. Wierdass brain-sucker that one. Hated the triad and the House, but hated elder brains even more. I don't know where Mask is now, it disappeared from Sigil about a month ago."

"As for other stag-turners and 'lithid lovers, well there're a few the Zerth'll take care of, there's one I'm gonna shiv myself shortly," He actually hangs his head and looks sad at the mention of the last one, [Ya'shenn sees a pretty female githzerai, but the image is quickly squashed by Grazz] But for you cutters I'll give you the last thralls in Git'riban, that I know of. The first one's name is Mim, and he works at Void Keys, accross the street from Silver Void Steelworks. I could never give him up because he only reported to Knowlege of the triad, and I didn't want the ghaik to know that Sight was the leak. The second one is a crippled vet who owns a sharpener shop here in the Heart of The Void. The last is a little street-urchin named Miik'ka." He looks sad again, "Start with her if you can, cutters. She's got a whole life of slavery ahead of her. Each one of those I mentioned are irrecoverable [edit] and have psionic marks on them. Of course, there're bound to be spies even I don't know about, but I don't need a stone to tell me I'm hende. I kept pretty good track of squiddie spies, cuz my life depended on it."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Zimrazim' wrote:
“Grazz,” suddenly he’s not ‘Accursed One’ anymore it seems, “I’d imagine that the ghaik continues to plot against the Githyanki, and for that matter, the Githzerai. How much damage have the Illithids done so far, and what do they have in mind in the future? What future attacks are they planning?”

"Ah, excellent question! There're three kinds of ghaik in Sigil, ones that can't show their slimy tenticles in any of elder-brain controled septs, 'loyal' ones who are merchants, of a sort, and ones who use Sigil as a base to lauch big, plane-spanning plans. There's some overlap, of course, especially between the outcasts and the 'big thinkers'. Lots of 'little plans', of course, every ghaik's got a dozen of them, but I'd say there're five 'big plans' in the House."

"The scariest to me is The Awakening. Some 'thids are working with other alien races to bring appocalypic shait to the planes. They woke up an Elder Evil in Pandemonium recently, but I think somebody put it back under wraps, cuz I haven't heard more about it. They're the ones working with the Tsochar and Aboleth. Brrr. Now, I'm a Sinker, but I'm not one of those that thinks huge tracks of multiverse gotta go down all at once, so I tried to get certain sects of the Doomguard to oppose the waking of various Dark Gods, with a little success, anyway. See, one comman theme to a lot of Sight's visions is a stepping up of that very thing. Think about it; Veccna's back, Kyuss is tearing up a few primes, Demogorgon's lauching a savage tide, and where the fuck did kaorti come from? The multiverse is going to the whistles, friends."

"Big idea number two, and number one as far as the flayers are concerned, is The Darkening. This is whack, because they've even got some Athar on their side, assassinating sun priests. They think if they can dead-book Ra, Appolo, and other powers with 'The Sun' in their portfolio, their job of snuffing out suns on the primes will be easier. Barmy if you ask me, but they've got the blessing of the elder brains, dispite the fact that it hasn't worked yet."

"Plan three is The Grey War. Githzerai are much more comman on the outer planes than githyanki, and in smaller enclaves, generally. Much of the House's resources are directed against the Zerth. There's been some more activity in the subversion side of this recently, but I'm still trying to figure out what exactly it means. Will is the main 'thid in charge of The Grey War, so whatever is going on, the Zerth are in trouble."

"Next we come to exploiting the current troubles in the Astral. There are lots of 'little plans' all competing to become a 'big plan'. I've no doubt that some of the infighting is being directed by the illithid, but since Sigil is mostly cut off from the Silver Void, such activities against your people are mostly based in the septs. I know that there are plots to assassinate the Princesses of The Accendancy, as well as the leaders of The True. In fact, I saved that street-preacher's pretty arse three times, not that that Gish'd ever thank me if she knew, but she's got a few potential futures I felt were important to save."

"Plan four involves a bunch of the spellslingin' 'thids. They're researching how the elder brains were made. If they find out, they want to make their own, which will then become a spellslinging elder brain. Yea, bad, really really bad. Their ranks were thinned a cycle or so ago by The Lady, cuz they planned to do it in Sigil. I call 'em the Poolers. Sight was their current leader, but as far as I know he never foresaw it actually working."

"Last, but certainly not least in my opinion, is the Unterreich. The 'merchant' 'thids are building what amounts to a gigantic slaver ring and criminal organization, taking over the underworlds of various gate-towns and planar burgs. They recently suffered a setback, though, when their overseer for the Outlands, known as 'The Thingpin' got dead-booked in Bedlam. Seems it was there to help the Awakeners with their scheme on the windy plane. The Unterreich is still sore about that one, and are looking for the killers." He gives Gy-Nath a meaningful look.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Du’minh takes his time to soak up the information, making sure to memorize names, descriptions and other important notes.

“We shall follow up on these contacts and leads, handling those involved according to their involvement with Illithid House. The overview of ghaik operations and campaigns is also beneficial to our cause, though their extent gives many concerns to priority of when and where to strike next.”

Taking a look around the table, Du’minh folds his arms.

“I find this intelligence quite sating for us to work with and have no need for further inquiry on the matter, for now... At least not by way of words.”

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'Dru nods, "Indeed, unless you have further advice on how to penetrate The Illithid sanctum that should be enough to go on for now Zerai."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The extent of ghaik manipulations is… alarming. Not all that surprising, really, but disturbing to hear about nonetheless. What Grazz has to say about illithid operations against her own species is bad enough, but she had thought it would have been even worse.

'Dunamin' wrote:
Du’minh takes his time to soak up the information, making sure to memorize names, descriptions and other important notes.

“We shall follow up on these contacts and leads, handling those involved according to their involvement with Illithid House. The overview of ghaik operations and campaigns is also beneficial to our cause, though their extent gives many concerns to priority of when and where to strike next.”

Taking a look around the table, Du’minh folds his arms.

“I find this intelligence quite sating for us to work with and have no need for further inquiry on the matter, for now... At least not by way of words.”

Ya’shenn nods in agreement, taking note of the Rish’s mental signature for future reference. She already has Grazz’s. It seems to her that the Accursed has much more information to be harvested, but it’s quite clear that Du’minh has something to say that’s better conveyed mind-to-mind. Narrowing her eyes in concentration, the psion patiently fashions a mental tether between the hunter’s mind and her own, then repeats the process with the Accursed.

~There, Ya’shenn sends to both of them. ~Grazz, the Mage Hunter may be able to interpret what you’ve seen of Sight’s magical activities.

A slight pause, then,

~And do try to keep the gratuitous brain-eating to a minimum this time.

[OOC: Mindlink between Du'minh - Ya'shenn - Grazz. DM, please let me know if Ya’shenn’s power points start looking dangerously low; she won’t drain herself completely (though I think she still has a ways to go yet before that happens).

Make up the visible manifestation of the Mindlink power of your choice, but the "ephemeral translucent goo" that the Psi Handbook describes is just a tiny bit too weird and gross for me.

Poor Du’minh, only telepaths and species with secret sign-languages get to have secret conversations. Laughing out loud ]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ya'shenn concentrates and brethes deeply, entering a trance-like state. A soft aurora engulfs her, Du'minh and Grazz, and a quiet humm vibrates on the very edges of hearing.

Grazz conjures up many memories from the past, rushing through them as he tries to concentrate on specific visions. Du'minh and Ya'shenn feel Grazz 's honest regret that he did not pay more attention to Sight's arcane doings. Du'minh sees from Sight's perspective, the casting of ancient bones and crystals carved with glyphs, the slaughter of various beings to read their entrails, the careful observation of the death-spasms of glyph-painted slaves when fed deadly arcane halucinagens. Sight was a diviner, whose foresight was certainly not limited to what it's magical eyes saw.

Du'minh sees Sight's circle of mages, twelve of them. Partly because Grazz learned their individual physical differances, so does Du'minh. He will be able to recognize any of these particular ghaik on sight now, the twelve most powerful spellcasting illithids in Sigil.

One seems more powerful than the rest, a long-headed, thin-tenticled ghaik with paler skin, whose spells are unsubtle blasts of arcane power. The others seem to fear it, for it often seems to be in bad temper. There are glimses of this one (and Grazz indicates that these were cases where Sight was spying from afar) meeting with another, very tall ghaik in a hood. Du'minh gets a only a glimse of the hooded one's tenticle tips. They are white, and dry, one ending prematurely in a stump.

Another, a darker-skinned ghaik with scars like it had been mauled by great claws, is seen casting sumoning spells, and magicly binding various fiends to it's will.

Then Grazz's thoughts turn to a curious and reoccuring thing he often wondered about. An elaborate spell ritual is set up, just before Sight removes it's eyes and it all goes blank. This happens several times, but with small changes each time. There is a place in the center for the three eye spheres, so it is obvious that it is the eyes that are recieving the spell. The setup changes indicate spell research, an altered, perhaps more powerful version of a more common spell. After the eighth one, Du'minh thinks he recognizes aspects of the set-up, research into a version of magic jar. There are more, many more. It seems Sight was constantly trying to put it's conciousness into the eyes, trying and believing it failed. Each time there was the dark summoner and one other ghaik present, another one of the twelve. Short, muscular for an illithid, with belts, straps, and bags full of tools. An artificer.

Then Grazz returns to the remaining casters, trying to recall instances where they were seen to cast spells. From what he sees, Du'minh notes each. [As does Ya'shenn, but she has to be told by Du'minh what it all means]


1) Powerful sorcerer ghaik with an alhoon friend

2) Summoner/binder

3) Artificer

4) Fleshwarper with various grafts that change constantly

5) Transmuter, seems to partner up with #4 a lot

6) Healthy-looking ghaik who seems to love wands, carries half a dozen

7) Feeble ghaik who leans on a staff, often followed by thralls carrying heavy tomes. Some of the others seem to defer to this one. Oddly, this ghaik has thin whisps of white hair on it's head

8-12) General Mages [i.e. DM creativity is tapped out now]. Du'minh and Ya'shenn will still recognize these illithids on sight.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

When the process starts out, Du’minh is thoroughly horrified by the experience despite his attempt to prepare himself. The Rish grips tightly at the edge of the table with his eyes widened in shock, almost beginning to hyperventilate. Fumbling to discipline himself, he closes his eyes and gradually finds control, taking deep breaths and easing his mind to let it all flow into place.

The warrior furrows his brow when memories glide in with visions of mighty mages and rituals, concern and traces of fear playing across his face. A tiny fragment of sympathy for Grazz manifests after a while, especially at the notion of what horrors Du’minh is being spared from.

The mage hunter sits patiently through the session, sealing every mind-fragment away in his memory, going through them methodically in turn to make sure he will never forget. When the process is complete Du’minh rises to his feet, visibly burdened by the intrusion of alien recollections.

He turns and points a shaking finger at the head of the ulitharid, dread and exhaustion cycling through his frame.

“ Sight… Ugh… It… It tried to possess its own eye-crystals… I think it failed… time and time again… but… if successful… its spirit could still reside in them… capable of possessing other life forces!”

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Daraz had been mainly focused focused on looking around the room and behind his back for possible snoops or threats. At "Capable of possesing other life forces," Daraz's crossbow swings towards the central eye on Sight's head.

"We will destroy this thing now. If it can posses things, it's probably not save even to stand near it."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"I could see through the eyes when Vivec raised up Sight for questioning, but I'm not getting anything from them now." Indeed, the eyes in Sight's head are cold, dead, and lightless at the moment.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[OOC: The mindlink is still active. Unless Du’minh starts demanding it be turned off, of course. Heh, heh. Now that the establishment cost is paid, she can keep it up for up to 80 minutes without additional cost.]

'Dunamin' wrote:
When the process starts out, Du’minh is thoroughly horrified by the experience despite his attempt to prepare himself. The Rish grips tightly at the edge of the table with his eyes widened in shock, almost beginning to hyperventilate.

Ya’shenn can hardly miss Du’minh’s strong reaction to the mental contact. She’s a bit disturbed herself by his reaction, though this wouldn’t be the first time a Githyanki reacted badly to mentalist psionics. ~Objectively, the mind is no different from any other weapon, Du’minh. Her mental ‘voice’ is very calm, though she does not, of course, attempt to forcefully project that emotion into his mind. ~You would not use that flail of yours on everyone you encounter for no other reason than because you could, would you? I would imagine you use it to smite the Enemy, or to protect others from their evil.

Interestingly, Ya’shenn doesn’t visibly manifest the same reaction to illithid magical ritualism that the Rish does – though part of that might be simply be through ignorance of the details of arcane practices. She knows psionics, but precious little of the Art. It is also true that the psion has what a graith might call a deadly poker face.

Once Grazz is done transmitting his recollections of magical note, the psion adds: ~Grazz, could you show us what ‘Will’ looks like? You said It is mentally powerful… even more so than most illithids are already. Should I assume that Will is a psion, beyond what is normal for Its kind – and if so, do you know any specifics of those abilities?

'Dunamin' wrote:

“ Sight… Ugh… It… It tried to possess its own eye-crystals… I think it failed… time and time again… but… if successful… its spirit could still reside in them… capable of possessing other life forces!”

'Daraz' wrote:
"We will destroy this thing now. If it can posses things, it's probably not save even to stand near it."

The woman visibly grimaces at this. “I agree… but my training is in the psionic disciplines, not the arcane arts. The Rish, or a spellcaster, would know more about destroying them safely than I would.”

[OOC: Unless, of course, the eyes are both magically and psionically active. That would be fun.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson


'Zimrazim' wrote:
[OOC: The mindlink is still active. Unless Du’minh starts demanding it be turned off, of course. Heh, heh. Now that the establishment cost is paid, she can keep it up for up to 80 minutes without additional cost.]

Ah, ok, I thought it was a short term thing that continuously cost her. In that case, just assume Du’minh carried out his warning after Grazz finished transferring memories, without breaking the link.

'Zimrazim' wrote:
'Dunamin' wrote:
When the process starts out, Du’minh is thoroughly horrified by the experience despite his attempt to prepare himself. The Rish grips tightly at the edge of the table with his eyes widened in shock, almost beginning to hyperventilate.

Ya’shenn can hardly miss Du’minh’s strong reaction to the mental contact. She’s a bit disturbed herself by his reaction, though this wouldn’t be the first time a Githyanki reacted badly to mentalist psionics. ~Objectively, the mind is no different from any other weapon, Du’minh. Her mental ‘voice’ is very calm, though she does not, of course, attempt to forcefully project that emotion into his mind. [=darkblue]~You would not use that flail of yours on everyone you encounter for no other reason than because you could, would you? I would imagine you use it to smite the Enemy, or to protect others from their evil.

Interestingly, Ya’shenn doesn’t visibly manifest the same reaction to illithid magical ritualism that the Rish does – though part of that might be simply be through ignorance of the details of arcane practices. She knows psionics, but precious little of the Art. It is also true that the psion has what a graith might call a deadly poker face.

The powerful reaction was due to Sight’s memories that I think to a gith would seem like near-traumatic experiences, it had nothing to do with the nature of being mentally linked to another.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
Ah, ok, I thought it was a short term thing that continuously cost her. In that case, just assume Du’minh carried out his warning after Grazz finished transferring memories, without breaking the link.

'Zimrazim'][QUOTE='Dunamin' wrote:
When the process starts out, Du’minh is thoroughly horrified by the experience despite his attempt to prepare himself. The Rish grips tightly at the edge of the table with his eyes widened in shock, almost beginning to hyperventilate.

'Dunamin' wrote:
The powerful reaction was due to Sight’s memories that I think to a gith would seem like near-traumatic experiences, it had nothing to do with the nature of being mentally linked to another.

[OOC: Detect thoughts (used on Grazz, not Du'minh) is the expensive-over-time one. Mindlink is expensive to establish (on multiple persons), but easy to maintain.

No problem on his reaction... though I suppose it's just barely possible for Ya'shenn to fail a Sense Motive check, too. Eye-wink The way I read it, I had thought he reacted to the initial establishment of the link. If it would be clear that he was reacting to the memories being transferred to him, feel free to ignore. She may also be more inured to the sight of such horrors than he is.]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"I could see through the eyes when Vivec raised up Sight for questioning, but I'm not getting anything from them now." Indeed, the eyes in Sight's head are cold, dead, and lightless at the moment.

Wait! between the time we killed Sight and Vivec spoke to his severed head could you see anything?"

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The Rish responds to Ya’shenn’s sympathy back through the mental link.

“Your concern is appreciated, Lady Ya’shenn, but unneeded. I was merely taken by surprise by the extent of monstrosity carried out in these memories.”

Du’minh regains his bearings and considers the situation for a moment, then casts a piece of cloth over the head.

“The magic in question requires direct unblocked connection through the atmospheric continuum for a resident spirit to attempt an attack. That is if Sight’s spirit should still exist in these crystals and if the eldritch ritual worked successfully in a similar manner to how it is commonly conducted. Just for added safety, let us keep it covered at all times.”

“However.” Du’minh looks gravely at everyone in the room. “There is a possibility – if the magic worked as intended – that Sight resides in another host at this time. Should we see any signs of this, the crystals must be destroyed immediately. The ulitharid’s spirit would be forced back to its body and find death. Again.”

Du’minh is going with the notion here, that the magic jar spell requires line of effect between the item and the victim.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson


"I told you I'd give you half the rooms in the House. Vivec, Jhank'kor, and Daraz know about the Hubs." Grazz reiterates what Sight revealed about 'The Mansion', 'The Parlor', and 'The Celler'.

"Of course, most of the rooms in Illithid House are in Undersigil, so finding 'em from the street is going to be hard, but I've pieced together a portal map from how Sight moved around."

[DM, basicly, Du'minh and Ya'shenn get good visuals of portaled archways, especially in the three Hubs. I'll handle this plot-wise, i.e. you're sure to recognize some portals leading around Illithid House once in, and will be able to navigate from one ghaik 'safe-room' to the next without getting totally lost (unless Evil DM wants you to get lost in hostile territory) The best info of course comes from the most recent memories, so Sight's route from 'The Celler' to Git'riban is crystal clear.

A variety of security measures are shown, thrall sentries being the most common, but the wiley ghaik use psionic traps, deadfalls and booby traps, magical wards, ravenous monsters, and even ghaik.]

'weishan' wrote:
Wait! between the time we killed Sight and Vivec spoke to his severed head could you see anything?"

"No, nothing, I was rather relieved, in fact, believing Sight dead and the curse broken. However, I didn't wish to see what Sight saw, but what his EYES saw, so it's entirely probable that the curse won't go away until the eyes themselves are destroyed. Heh , or I am. Never expected to outlive the slimy ghaik, actually."

[ ... I shouldn't hit the edit button 6 hrs after posting. S'ry Z.]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Dunamin' wrote:
“The magic in question requires direct unblocked connection through the atmospheric continuum for a resident spirit to attempt an attack. That is if Sight’s spirit should still exist in these crystals and if the eldritch ritual worked successfully in a similar manner to how it is commonly conducted. Just for added safety, let us keep it covered at all times.”

“However.” Du’minh looks gravely at everyone in the room. “There is a possibility – if the magic worked as intended – that Sight resides in another host at this time. Should we see any signs of this, the crystals must be destroyed immediately. The ulitharid’s spirit would be forced back to its body and find death. Again.”

“Illithids are parasites, but Sight must have been desperate -- I can’t see most ghaik being happy about being alive only through what they would consider a ‘thrall’ race. The potential for infiltration is obvious, but it seems to me it would be beneath a ulitharid’s pride.”

Ya’shenn pointedly avoids looking at the severed head and the problematic crystals. “As for destroying the eyes… perhaps immersion in acid, or using a superior gemstone or metal to break them would work, but I’m not sure which stone the eyes are made of. Sight would likely have used something durable. Attempting to destroy them will undoubtedly get Its attention... but it ought to be done."

Privately, the psion wonders whether destroying the eyes will have negative effects on Grazz himself – though she does not share that concern with him just yet.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"It seems to me," Obsidian Orb speaks, "This creature's magical eyes are powerful artifacts indeed. I have some ... passing ... skill in enchanting items." She sneers slightly, and removes her own eye [This is probably where Ya'shenn notices O.O. has no eyelids, only scars where they were once removed with a sharp blade]. She holds it in the palm of her hand, a small orb of black volcanic glass. It is evident by how she moves that she is not blind, but the that the Orb still sees outside her now-empty eye socket.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Would it be possible to destroy Sight's soul without destroying the eyes? If they found thier way back into the hands of annother Ghaik, they are potentially very useful to us as long as Grazz lives."

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