Game: Blades of Git'riban : Primal State

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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

[Du'minh reads the following auras: Obsidian Orb herself, the gith with the staff and scarab, the matron in blue, and the fire-scarred gith are all spellcasters.]

"The chief of the Black Spear Clan does not need to forgive you, warrior. Passion breeds strength, and she has heard such passion spoken by the Yanki Clan before. The hatred of your 'Great Enemy' is deep, as hatred of ones foes should be." Obsidian Orb smiles. "I have learned many 'darks' about the lost history of our race, since coming to this great city between worlds."

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The chal bears himself as straight as his fiery will enables after he bows as well. "Indeed, Chieftain, we saw each other briefly in the ruins. I am Jhank'kor, ajak'chal of (interestingly enough) the Band of Onyx. It was I who covered your escape, though one such as you surely had no living opposition left after your might struck the Bone Clan..."

"As to the Great Enemy..." Eyes swirling with the eldritch flame of his full hate, Jhank'kor grips the staff with both hands, one on the pommel the other around the upper neck. "Hatred is too cheap a word to denote what burns within my soul toward the Enslavers." His voice is still a deathly calm, like an avatar of a glacier's heart.

Bluff: 13 to keep weakness out his stance

9 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 13.
Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru nods along as Du'minh explains his race's conflict with with the Illithid and even nods approvingly at the Chal's words.

"Greetings distant cousin" begins Ar'dru with a formal bow. "You displayed great power in the conflict today and this skill with which you wield it brings honour to your clan. Have you been in this city long?"


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"When I was a little girl, my father, chief of the Black Spears, discovered a portal to this place. That was the first time I saw the wonder of Sigil. But though he was a great and powerful chieftain and sorcerer, he saw only another city to raid and a way to travel months of desert wastes in a single night. He tapped only a fraction of Sigil's potential, and remained mired in the sands of Athas. When I became chief ..." She pauses a moment, "When I became chief I led my people in new directions. Some question our break from traditions, but unlike my father I will not punnish one of my own people for disagreeing with the chief, so long as my orders are followed when I give them."

[ooc - Githyanki do not trace their family lines vertically, all eggs get put together in a clutch, their parentage lost. Githyanki trace their 'families' by cohorts of battle-brothers who grow up, train, and fight together their whole lives. Githzerai (and other gith races) hatch in the womb and are born alive, hence githzerai and sundered gith like the Athasians know their parents.]

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru nods sadly "Indeed it seems that it is necessary for all to change with the times in order to survive, though we must maintain true to our past otherwise we cease to be anything at all. I notice you do not use steel weapons or armour, why do you not choose a superior material?"


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Outwardly patient, though inwardly restless and frankly annoyed by the yanki banter, Rey'arteb says not a word in the current exchange, preferring to gather information and not give any away - pretending instead to clear his mind for the spellcasting.


4 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 16.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azriael' wrote:
Ar'dru nods sadly "Indeed it seems that it is necessary for all to change with the times in order to survive, though we must maintain true to our past otherwise we cease to be anything at all. I notice you do not use steel weapons or armour, why do you not choose a superior material?"

"Tradition, and scarcity. To show up on Athas with a store of metal weapons would attract attention from those who we do not want attention from. Besides," she adds, "I am a far deadlier weapon than the sharpest steel sword, and the same can be said of many of my people."

Obsidian Orb directs her clanmates to settle in at a table. At first some are hesitant to leave her side, especially the bald one with the fire-scars, but at his chieftain's orders he bows and takes a seat with the others, a small forest of houseplants on their table.

"My clan is loyal and brave, but they remain uncivilized. Sigil to them is a series of stone canyons swarming with prey. There are some who I have tried to civilize somewhat, but most remain nomadic savages at heart. I would not have them hear me talk about them like this. There are ... certain individuals within my clan who disaprove of my 'love for a city' and of my making ovetures to the Yanki Clan. They have no concept of the size and power of the Yanki Clan, believing Git'riban to be the largest community of gith. I, however, know of the Astral and your fortresses there, though I have not seen them. I also know that the Yanki Clan has recently lost it's chief, and that there are three contenders for the cheiftainship. Indeed, there are many things which are brought to my ears, more than you might guess."

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Blades do fall short of flash-frying a whole combat zone...and I do not doubt that was only a sampling of what you meant.

"As to Our Queen's demise, we do not yet know...but I would think your brethren would do well to visit the Astral Strongholds--it might just bring a few more to bear a 'love for a city.'" The warlock's face goes through several emotions, from reverence to sorrow and then to mirth, appropriately following the change of thoughts that he talks about.

Sense Motive: 1 nvm...

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 1.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Obsidian Orb smiles and the light glints off her 'eye' as she turns to Jhank'kor, "Indeed I hope to bring ... certain ... of my tribesmen with me when I see the the Astral plane." She starts to chuckle to herself. "Heh heh, yes I will 'see' the siver void someday, hah ha."

Smiling, she sets a small gemstone on the bar a finely cut ornamental stone, worth four dozen jinx at least. She then calls out loudly to the bartender, "Gith, get us some Scuppernong."

"You mean that stuff you traded the last time you were in here?" the bartender sneers, then fetches a pair of ceramic jugs. "Buy it all back, nobody else likes the stuff anyway." he mumbles under his breath [DC 18 for any PC to hear]

"That's probably because you serve it wrong. I told you before, mix it with an equal part of clean water, no stronger, and more watered for new drinkers. In fact just give it here, gith, and get back to washing cups."

She pours everyone standing at the bar a round, including the other githyanki warrior, pouring first the water. From one of the jugs she pours a thick silvery fluid. [Ar'dru notices she pours his stronger than the others]. The drink is very sweet, and packs a kick even strongly mixed with water. She motions to her tribesmen and one comes over and takes the second jug back to the others.

"Hmmm. What were we talking about? Oh yes. Sight. The Obsidian Orb sees much, and the Black Spears are a tribe of stalkers. My scouts brought news of the Yanki Clan and the Zerai Clan both fighting against their great enemy in the very Heart of Git'riban. Intrigued, I set out only to encounter our own enemies, the Bone Clan." She sips her scuppernong, "My scouts also say there was one of these Flayers, a great towering monster more powerful than the rest. It's body was found after the battle. The warrior that took it's head must be a great gith indeed."

0 Bonus for sense motive to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 18.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Azure' wrote:
"I also know that the Yanki Clan has recently lost it's chief, and that there are three contenders for the cheiftainship. Indeed, there are many things which are brought to my ears, more than you might guess."
“Nothing is conclusive regarding the fate of the Queen, though it would seem many are the splinter groups that are prone to act impetuously on what they know little about.”

Du’minh accepts the exotic drink with gratitude but takes care not to become intoxicated, having pressing business ahead. Before drinking, he raises his jug to Obsidian Orb as well as her clan mates at the nearby table.
The Rish-i-Chal raises an eyebrow at her mention of Sight’s demise, taking note of her suggestive choice of words.

“You certainly are perceptive as well as… speculative, Mistress. Just like the fickle winds of the Silver Void hides the storm within, so too do I get the feeling that you have more insight on this matter than you let on.”

Sense Motive check to sense whether she knows of our deeds.

0 Bonus for Sense Motive to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 15.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Jhank'kor balances the cup in his hands, careful to allow his diminished muscles to appropriately react to the weight. Sniffing at the contents, the chal raises his glass with a smile and toasts. "To a kindly hostess and her clan." He swills a draught of the alcohol graciously, enjoying the whiplash across his senses. Like the rush of a fireball to the fingertips...

Yet, he, too, is wary of strong drink, placing his glass down soon after his commendation. When she mentions Sight, his eyes envelop in an electric hue, the air compacting with the tension of built static. "Ah, but what an empty husk the corpse--and head--must be, as the beast drank more gith theurgy than it's foul life could stand."

He settles back against the bar, cradling the staff between his hands in idle content. "Nay, I'd put more thought to the charred remains than a godsteel blade's ceremonial decapitation of a corpse..." His eyes rest on the duktha'gith as he intones the last few words.

Stirring the anthill are we, Azure?? Laughing out loud
Sense Motive: 9
Bluff: 29 (nat 20 yay!)
Listen: 15
Craft(Alchemy): 13 about Scuppernong

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 9.
9 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+9, the result is 29.
0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 15.
7 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 13.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

I swear, bickering will be the trademark of our Gith party. Laughing out loud

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru toasts the Athasian gith with his scuppernong and observes how they drink it before emulating the way the large warrior does. A wry smile rises on his face at Jhank'kors comment
"Of course you would Chal, every warrior prefers his own weapon." turning to Obsidian Orb "Taking such a creatures head is the duty of all Giths children m'lady and one gains little honor by merely adequately performing ones duty. However I agree with my battle brother, the gentle breeze of your words so far are giving warning to a storm of knowledge."

Sense motive on Obsidian orb to try and figure our what she's up to.

4 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 8.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The ajak'chal smiles and retorts, "As a pure blood prefers his people..."

His eyes flash venomously before Jhank'kor's visage shifts into an affirmative nod to the rest of Ar'dru's words. "I would deem she has learned much from her love of the city...but how deep does the obsidian gaze pierce into Sigil's well?" He locks his gaze with her 'eye' as his own brighten with an eldritch intensity, two coal orbs aflame in stark constrast to his gleaming smile.

Oh, but Dun, surely you find Jhank'kor's idiosyncrasies entertaining. Eye-wink

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"There is honor in doing one's duty, far more than shirking it certainly, and even the scout who sees the foe but fights not the battle can rightly be proud of the tribe's victory." She replies to Ar'dru.

"Every gith has strengths and skills to contribute to the tribe,"
she turns and stares into Jhank'kor's gaze (though it is difficult to tell where she's 'looking') "Just as every gith has weaknesses."
She taps her 'eye' with a sharp nail.

[See BOG'r OOC for sense motive roll results]

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Going to have ta sense motive the "eye tapping" bit and chat: 17

The warlock smiles wryly at her gesture, half-guessing the intent. "Indeed, but the weakness of Gith's children do not make us stumble as other seed--" He looks at the Zerai table at that comment, his face momentarily contorting with scorn. He returns to probing the stone lens with his living sight. "No, our weaknesses only bring us to reinforce our strengths, thus affirming freedom with power."

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 17.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

'Benyamin' wrote:
Going to have ta sense motive the "eye tapping" bit and chat: 17

"No, our weaknesses only bring us to reinforce our strengths, thus affirming freedom with power."

"Yes, freedom is only bought by power, for power denies it. The weak remain enslaved and only the strongest may break their bonds. Such I spoke to my father the chief about The Free, slave tribe of the eastern wastes. For daring speak in praise of an enemy, and question the wisdom of the chief, I was ... rebuked. To underestimate a foe is the way to death, and to have enemies worthy of praise is the meaning of valor."

[sense motive ... hey! You haven't been rolling your pain mod have you? 17 you say? evilevilevil

Still, Jhank'kor gets the idea that the 'weakness' comment was directed towards him. Slight dig, but kind of "i'm with ya, bro" dig. She's got a fake eye (that sees, but how well?) and an eyepatch. Jhank'kor realizes SHE'S GOT NO EYES. Those scars in place of her eyelids don't really look consensual either. Other than that little defect, she's a tall, beutiful, exotic specimen of githdom.]

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Picking up on how elegantly she dodges their questions, Du’minh proceeds with a bit more caution in his choice of words and pays heed to keeping a clear mind despite any attempts she may make to loosen their tongues with drink.

While the banter is going, the Rish takes a closer look on the clan mates of Obsidian Orb. Do any of them seem to be more or less aware of the direction of their conversation, or are they as oblivious and “savage” as she has given impression of?

Regardless of his interpretation, the warrior seeks to wrap up the debate in a polite fashion.

“Overcoming weakness by embracing our strengths is the challenge of life. However, while the weak fail and die, death in itself should not be mistaken for failure of spirit. I would happily lay down my life for a cause worth fighting for – though the recent developments have brought into question where such a true cause lies for the People.”

“Mistress Obsidian Orb, this philosophical roundabout is intriguing to say the least, but I fear we may get sidetracked from our paths this evening… I thank you for honouring us with your company and thoughts, but we must withdraw for now.”


'Benyamin' wrote:
Oh, but Dun, surely you find Jhank'kor's idiosyncrasies entertaining. Eye-wink

In moderation, my dear Ben. Presently I’m eager to move the plot along, so I generally find the verbal confrontations to be enjoyable as long as they don’t significantly slow it down.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"See to your duty, then, warrior. But do not forget me, for we may each have something the other desires, beyond conversation." She bows and saunters back over to her tribesmen.

Du'minh noticed that the other Black Spears were watching the whole exchange, though they were too far away to hear what was said. The fire-scarred one seemed to be paying the most attention. The one in ash-colored robes with the staff seemed least interested, talking with a few of the others. When Orb returns to them, there seems to be a discussion, and afterwards the four youngest gith and the short one leave together, leaving 'Fire-scars', the matron in blue, ashy-robes, and the really big gith with the odd weapon. They also leave their plants on the table.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Well said. I agree, too, though I hope to find a happy medium between dialogue and plot development. Balance is the tricky, but worthwhile, necessity.

Jhank'kor's face hardens at the swift goodbye the Rish gives, frustration roiling deep within his fiery spirit. Give them a speal about being 'prestigious' and the whelps think they run the place... All he displays of this is a flint visage. He slams the rest of drink down his gullet and turns to the Rish. "Now that you've removed the only worthwhile distraction seen in 'Riban, it's time we moved before I have another reason to test your training, Yank. Where is this fortified dining hall you spoke of?" He draws out the "dining hall" bit to reference his scorn. Only once did I see a tavern that withstood foes...and that was a shoddy deal...Bloody Troglodyte.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Given the nature of his true role in Git’riban, over the last couple of months Du’minh has grown keen on estimating the flow of information and judging when the tides are going the wrong way. He parts with Obsidian Orb with courtesy, then turns back to his comrades when she is well out of ear range.

“The only thing you’re testing of is my patience, chal. Good to see you having your priorities straight – with a man of your physique attempting to hold his liquor, I am amazed you did not set to swooning her with song as well.”

After the obligatory series of retorts is out of the way, Du’minh checks on his request from the barkeep, impatiently tapping the table with the blunt part of a spike protruding from the plates on his right arm.

The bartender didn’t forget his order, did he?

'Dunamin' wrote:
Keeping his voice low and discreet, he procures for one of the best safe-rooms of Haven Port.

“… Walls that not even a grimlock can hear through, not a soul loitering around the door. If you can manage that, there’ll be extra jink to buy you plenty of fertilizer for your new plants.”

I’d say that the harmonious thing is for dialogue and plot development to flow in parallel, which I think we’ve been doing pretty well. Smiling

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The bartender calls to one of the serving girls, who will show the party to their private room upstairs.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Well, we know that you fail in that department, yank. And I will warn you once about such remarks--until you know the darks, you're best shoving that over-sized vegetable smasher down your throat." Having finished his obligatory retort, the chal collects the tentacle satchel and ties it off somewhere within his cloak.

"Besides, what do you know of my priorities? Your petty assumptions reveal much about your ignorance--did they tell you to act dumb in front of mages in hopes they'll not expect you to hit them hard?"

I'll roll the headache, Azure Eye-wink
Bluff: 15

Yes, I truly think bickering will be the ONLY means of communication between our party. Laughing out loud

-1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+-1, the result is 1.
8 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 15.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The githyanki warrior at the other end of bar, who had been silently watching the entire conversation with Obsidian Orb, speaks in the strong voice of one used to being in command, "I know your priorities, warlock. You. Slay. Ghaik. Am I correct? So does your companion, Du'minh is it? You and the duthka'gith, Ar'dru I presume? One for whom I have much respect told me you two fought well against the ghaik and their thralls. I was not sure it was you, until the Athasian mentioned a battle in a ruin. I was slaying The Enemy elsewhere, but I hope someday to see you in action against the ghaik. All of you," he looks over each party member in turn, "And the sooner the better, after this morning's raid."

"I am Gy-Nath of the Band of Iron. Some of your names I have heard, others I have not."

During introductions, each member of the party in turn hears a voice in his thoughts, "I have discovered some information about the attack that I wish to share with all true slayers, if you will hear my council."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Not one to leave disputes hanging in the air, Du’minh follows up on Jhank’kor’s insults before turning to the warrior that has approached them.

“My vegetable smasher goes well with that scrawny melon you fail to use as a head, chal, and I will happily enlighten you with the experience. The fact that you deserted your allies while the rest of us were slaying ghaiks speaks volumes of your priorities.”

With the grim words exchanged within the group still lingering, Du’minh turns to face Gy-Nath. Growing uneasy with how quickly the group is gaining reputation, the Rish naturally scans him over, but greets him with the respect deserving of a veteran githwarrior.

“You are well informed, fellow warrior, and I would hear you on what you have to say. Would you accompany us to more private locales within the inn?”

Du’minh looks to the others to see if they approve, barring Jhank’kor, in imitation of his earlier act.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru shrugs and nods his assent.

Sense motive on Gy-Nath
Sense motive on Jhank’kor

4 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 9.
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 23.

"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Dun, J doesn't need to be tempted into killing characters...

Az, you get the impression that Jhank'kor is somehow badly weakened from some event since you last saw him, though he tries to hide it, and that he's ROYALLY pissed off at being called a coward and a deserter.

D isn't the only gith loyalist in the party. Sticking out tongue

A deathly stillness falls upon the warlock at the outright accusation of betrayal. "You can call me anything you arrogant-son-of-Zerth, but you will NOT go unchallenged slighting my loyalty!"

The glass used by the Rish-i-Chal shrieks in a burst of harmonics.

If it's not in your hand, it breaks.

If in your hand, make a will save vs DC 16 for the cup (as per object uses possessor's will save) to keep it from shattering

concentrate: 26
Intimidate: 30

12 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 26.
15 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 30.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Bah! You two are worse than the Athasians, at each others throats as the ghaik laugh at the sons of Gith! I thought you were slayers! Small wonder the empire has been shattered by a single blow, if this is what the githyanki truly are. If any among you would fight ghaik instead of each other, you'll find me in the shattered balcony. Otherwise, more fools destined as food for the flayers need not seek me out." Gy-Nath walks off and goes upstairs just before the server girl comes to lead the party to their private room.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Letting the censure wash over his mangled pride, the chal grips his staff tightly with his gloved hands, hastily following the servant girl with hardly contained ire and frustration.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Sharing the boiling temper, Du’minh follows the servant girl as well, while keeping enough distance to Jhank’kor to avoid being overcome by temptation to reach for his flail. He mutters incoherently under his breath, disgruntled at leaving a bad second impression with what appeared to be an honourable fellow warrior.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The gith maiden leads the party upstairs. On the way to their room, they pass the open archway of the balcony. They see Gy-Nath standing with his back to the doorway, looking down into the Heart of the Void. Two closed doors later is a 10x15 room for the party's use. The doors to these rooms are sliding 5' sections of wall. The maiden asks if they desire anything else, food, drink ... company? She lingers, obviously waiting for a tip, since there was no charge for the room.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Rey quietly hands her 10 jink, and lets her be on her way. Relieved that someone values actions over trifling words, at least for the time being, he moves towards Gy-Nath and waits for him divulge.

It would best to get as much information out of him before speaking with the ulitharid head.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru strides over to the balcony and stares out over the Heart of the void and waits for Gy-Nath to speak first.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Gy-Nath silently watches the dabus in the Heart for several minutes, long enough for the party to check over their private room and join Gy-Nath on the balcony. The setting isn't completely private, as there is no door. The fixtures from which the psi-gem curtain hung are still there, and in some spots sparkling dust is visible between the floorboards, but the balcony has otherwise been cleaned. The tables and chairs have been stacked on one side, along the inner wall.

He waits until the entire party has assembled, and has waited a few minutes, before he speaks.

While waiting, both Du'minh and Jhank'kor hear Gy-Nath's voice in his head, "I have seen many rivalries, even between the closest clutch-brothers, but I have also seen too many duels of honor and pride squander the fighting strength of the People. Your rag-tag group may not be a warband, but here in Git'riban, we have only what we have, no more."

He half turns around and motions to the square. "It was a bold move, attacking Git'riban, don't you think? The ghaik are not bold. They do not invest resources unless there is some great gain, and they prefer certainty over risk." Gy-Nath smiles, "But the only certainty when they entered our home was that they would die!"

"I watched the ghaik pour into the square from here. Imagine my surprize when all the ghaik became invisible as soon as I was through the curtain. Their invisibility must have been a psionic effect generated by the ulitharid. I got a good look at it from here, and it would have been the target of my blade. I also saw enough of the ghaiks' movements to realize their true objective was the group of githzerai coming down Gith Lane."

"After the battle, I spent several hours tracking those 'zerai down, for if the ghaik were willing to come to Git'riban to attack them, then they must have something the Great Enemy REALLY wants. What I found out was more disturbing than I imagined."

[suitably dramatic pause]

"Three months ago, a tall, imposing githzerai showed up in Sigil. Within a couple of days the godsmen scooped him up and brought him to a facility of theirs known as Harbinger House, where they keep those they believe are on the cusp of divinity. Of course, at the time, only the githzerai knew about this little incident, I only found out recently. It seems this gith was going around making speeches in the ancient gith tongue. Now, this could have been an act, because there are many of Gith's scriptures, as well as much of the Unbroken Circle, or so I've heard, that are written in ancient gith. Still, due to the cryptic nature of this basher's message, and other factors of which I am not familiar, many zerth saw him as a prophet. He was called Zur Khaan, which is a perversion of Zerthimon. In the space of a few hours after arriving in Sigil, he had enough githzerai convinced he was the reincarnation of Zerthimon, that the Godsmen were looking into it, and two days later they snatch him off the street."

"Three days ago Zur Khaan slipped the blinds on the Godsmen. Soon after, one of three ulitharid that rule over the ghaik in Sigil was slain. Of course, it must have been Zur Khaan and his disciples, for that's who those greycloaks were that the ghaik were after. They were headed down to the sharpshadows on Duskgate Road. How the ghaik knew they would be here, and at that precise time, remain troubling mysteries to me."

"There are, unfortunately, a few of those. Like, how in all of Baator did the ghaik think they'd get away with it? Attacking Git'riban?!? They ARE that arrogant, but they are NOT that stupid."

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Jhank'kor absorbs the rebuke quietly though he reiterates cryptically, "Indeed, no more..."

He listens attentively to the message and asks, "Who struck against the Ulitharid? A bolt emanated from this point before I pursued.

And what became of this 'zerai?"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"The bolt came from a human ally of mine. I work as a sell-sword for the Blue Steel Mercinary Company between hunts. As for Zur Khaan and his disciples, they are down in the sharpshadows, judging by the number of zerth that slipped down Duskgate Road once they had shadows to hide in."

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Jhank'kor tries to conceal his disgust at the reference of a human "ally". "Another one! How many truces must I bear?!..."

"So the mission failed...ghaik are not so foolish to leave empty handed--and a few dead gith doesn't make due for two dead Ulitharid in their warped skulls..."

Bluff: 23

He doesn't have a prosthetic arm does he, Azure? Eye-wink

-1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+-1, the result is 1.
8 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 23.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"So what DID they gain? WAS it a total defeat of the ghaiks' schemes? These questions nag me. The ghaik are slippery in more ways than one. You reserved a private room? [individuals cannot reserve rooms in Haven Port, only couples or groups, Du'minh was given the key] If you will hear me out I will tell you what I know of The Enemy's organization in Sigil and their schemes, Birdcage and beyond."

"I did not ask you to bear my truces, I only answered you truthfully, warlock." Gy-Nath's voice rings in Jhank'kor's mind. "Try not to think so loud." All the rest of the party sees is that Gy-Nath smiles and winks at Jhank'kor.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Jhank'kor, his anger somewhat stymied (only to simmer again at the action), mere nods as he moves to let Gy'Nath pass first. "Understood."

Bluff: 15 keepin his cool

8 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 15.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Once the party has settled in and the door is securely locked, Gy-Nath begins. "I do not know how much each of you knows, so I will start with basic, pertinent information."

"Sigil, because of its nexus of portals, is strategicly vital to The Enemy. It also provides the People with unique opportunities to strike at them. There is an organization, called 'Illithid House' by those who oppose it, that caters to the ghaiks' ... needs and desires." His face does not conciel his disgust.

"The illithid in Sigil are ruled by a triad of ulitharid ... well, until recently. A triad is the ghaiks' normal mode of leadership. A single illithid never leads a group of them, perhaps the elder brains don't allow it, but the why is not important. You can be sure the slain leaders of Illithid House will quickly be replaced, most likely by ghaik picked by the most powerful elder brains, or perhaps by Illsensene itself."

"I can also tell you, from experience, that the ghaik have been on the move since the Queen ... " he lets the sentence drop. "They believe they sense a moment of weakness, and are bringing many schemes to fruition. A few months ago I slew an illithid that was running the cross-trade in the gate-town of Bedlam. I also encountered ghaik allied to foul parasites known as Tsochar."

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Jhank'kor reclines in his chair, right hand thumbing the pommel of his tentacle staff. He waits to ensure the psychic warrior is finished before replying, "If anything, we should strike soon...purge this hold of their presence and we can hinder their movement around the planes. Since we killed two, one remains. Get to it, and we find--and kill--the House as it stands.

"And I might know the road to the front door."

The chal's eyes burn with steady flames. Gazing around the group, he locks his gaze with Gy'Nath. "Whatever is said, I do know of a ghaik portal chamber. If they scoff, I will desire your help at the least.."

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Ar'dru nods curtly "Now is the time where we must show that our minds are still strong and our blades still sharp to dissuade the enemy in their attempt to exploit our political troubles. This Illithid house sounds like a promising start in displaying our strength."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Du’minh listens attentively to Gy-Nath’s words, relieved to have found an honourable ally with the wisdom and insight to peel away the deceptions of the Great Enemy. K’dar’s revelations earlier this day have made the Rish troubled at how short in supply reliable githwarriors are, though the many pieces he supplied to the puzzle have helped the greater picture to fall into place.

The lost warrior of fortress Nor’mujin takes active participation in the information exchange, though he keeps his true role confidential as always.

'Azure' wrote:
"He was called Zur Khaan, which is a perversion of Zerthimon. In the space of a few hours after arriving in Sigil, he had enough githzerai convinced he was the reincarnation of Zerthimon, that the Godsmen were looking into it, and two days later they snatch him off the street."
“It is peculiar how this supposed reincarnation of Zerthimon the Betrayer mirrors claims of the reincarnation of Gith the Liberator. The timing of return of legendary figures from the history of the People is remarkable to say the least. Has there been any known reaction by the Wizard-King of the Sons of Zerthimon to this Zur Khaan movement?”

'Azure' wrote:
"I also encountered ghaik allied to foul parasites known as Tsochar."
“This alliance between two breeds of abominations is most troublesome. They are both notorious slavers, so I would wager that a central aspect of their alliance revolves around copious amounts of thralls. Perhaps one party was not capable of enslaving such a quarry, so they seek to join forces to succeed?”

'Azure' wrote:
"Of course, it must have been Zur Khaan and his disciples, for that's who those greycloaks were that the ghaik were after. They were headed down to the sharpshadows on Duskgate Road. How the ghaik knew they would be here, and at that precise time, remain troubling mysteries to me."

"There are, unfortunately, a few of those. Like, how in all of Baator did the ghaik think they'd get away with it? Attacking Git'riban?!? They ARE that arrogant, but they are NOT that stupid."

Coming to a turning point, Du’minh takes a leap of faith to part with some of the critical intelligence he has been bestowed with. The Rish-i-Chal hopes to more fully win the trust of those assembled, or in the case of his most recent rival… a subtle hint of reconciliation.

“I think I can shed some light on the ghaiks’ motives, or at least present a plausible theory. I ask you all to treat this information sensitively, as it has been bought for in githblood.”

“My sources tell me that the ghaiks had an informer, the identity of which belongs to someone you have all heard about. He knew the time of the attack, indeed, he knows far too much than he should regarding illithid operations, and he is a man known to turn stag to a degree that would rival a yugoloth. I am, of course, speaking of Grazz the Accursed.”

“Consider this: Say Grazz has a history of dealing with the ghaiks and draws on a vast spy network. Knowledge is felled and the flayers go to him to track down the assassin. He might have unsurpassed intelligence within Git’riban, and if anyone knows how to deal with assassins, it is Grazz. The Accursed gives them what they want, no doubt making amazing profit in the deal. However, why not serve to rid himself of more foes in one swoop? He could have had his spies track down Zur Khaan and signal the ghaiks when they were in a far more isolated locale, but by giving the ghaiks time and place in the Heart of githyanki community in Sigil where our most powerful presence can be found, ghaik and githyanki casualties should skyrocket in the battle. Githzerai interests are served, Grazz fattens his coinpurse, and many of those that would do him harm on multiple sides are likely to perish in the onslaught.”

“I am sure much of this speculation is off, but regardless, there is no doubt the Thrice-Accursed has heavy involvement, and my superior have tasked me with tracking him down. Some of his records may list Illithid safehouses, portals keys to gain entry, names on their spies, and more. With these prospects in mind, I am suggesting this as a next course of action for our band.”

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson


"If anything, we should strike soon...purge this hold of their presence and we can hinder their movement around the planes. Since we killed two, one remains. Get to it, and we find--and kill--the House as it stands.

"And I might know the road to the front door."

"Illithid House is not a single structure, of course, but a series of hiding places. I suspect most of them are in Undersigil. As for the last of the ulitharid, we could walk to his mansion in the Lady's Ward in under two hours, if the Harmonium patrols did not do the ghaiks' bidding and turn back all gith within several blocks of the place. The remaining uber-ghaik, 'Will', is reportedly the worst of the lot, as his job is to run the ..." his face twists with disgust, " ... procurement of food and supplies for Illithid House. 'Knowledge' ran the intelligence network. 'Sight' ran defence."


Has there been any known reaction by the Wizard-King of the Sons of Zerthimon to this Zur Khaan movement?”

"I know little to nothing of their wizard-king, but I know to remain wary of lack of knowledge."


“I am sure much of this speculation is off, but regardless, there is no doubt the Thrice-Accursed has heavy involvement, and my superior have tasked me with tracking him down. Some of his records may list Illithid safehouses, portals keys to gain entry, names on their spies, and more. With these prospects in mind, I am suggesting this as a next course of action for our band.”

"From what I know of Grazz the Accursed, I would not put your speculations in the realm of improbability, Du'minh."

"I have dealt with the Accursed one myself, out of necessity. In fact he sold me some of the information about githzerai and illithid activities in Sigil which I have just related to you. I know it is ... unseemly ... to be dealing directly with a son of Zerthimon, even one driven out and hunted by the others, but it is well known that his intelligence is highly accurate. He is snake, and a poisonous one to be sure. He has survived by a combination of usefulness, ruthlessness, and deviousness, and survived long and well. Never underestimate a foe, or a potential foe. I only met him once, while an ally of mine watched his back with a heavy crossbow loaded with a bolt coated with drow poison. Such is my esteem for this ex-zerth." He pauses a moment, considering something, "That was last night, about eight hours before the ghaiks' attack."

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Jhank'kor nods in agreement. "My hunts through those tunnels speak the truth of that..."

The chal smiles wryly at Gy'Nath's assessment of the Ulitharid's compounds, though his eyes flame with an unsettling hatred that hints toward obsession. "Do you know the tunnels near the ghaik's house?...sometimes house calls must come from the ground up."

"As to Grazz..." His face contorts with thorough disgust. " praise him, you may as well praise a ghaik for efficiently sucking a skull dry. He barters more of our kin off for their...consumption...than one ulitharid's death merits. Free blood poured through treachery deserves greater compensation." He glares around the room to access the party's reaction to such pointed words.

Sense Motive: 24 (nat 20)

4 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 24.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

“Our impression of Grazz is shared then, so much is clear. I have met him more than once through another contact of mine, and the despicable githzerai remains one of the best sources in Git’riban on ghaik activity. I think it is high time to find out why, and to use these resources he holds to bring down Illithid House.”

The mageslayer leans forward in his seat in anticipation of how his suggestion is received, shifting his weight slightly in the heavy armor.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

The chal's face crinkles in a wry smile. "I do not think he'll hand you his list of contacts and say, 'hearty hunting'...

The smirk becomes more sinister as he flicks his gaze to Vivec. "But even the dead can remember old friends. Right, Vivec?"

Trias, I hope Vivec has a good bluff mod for the sense motive above or it might get tense really quick Eye-wink

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

"Call it praise if you like, though that is not the term I would have used. More like a sober assessment, but you can assess that for yourself. The fact remains that Grazz is a dangerous adversary. I have been told that he once slew an entire squad of thirteen trained assassins when they ambushed him on Duskgate Road, but it could easily be an exageration. Still, I know of at least three attempts on his life in the past six months since I came to Git'riban that produced only dead assassins."

Gy paces back and forth, which amounts to only three steps in each direction in the room. "Besides, killing him would kill the information he has, and would do little good other than to slake the appetite for retribution. Which, though admittedly tempting, is probably not the best course of action."

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

After looking to Vivec for a moment, the warlock turns to the pacing warrior. "These are means to pry information from the just takes time and patience--something not many have in these riotous days."

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Game: Blades of Git'riban : Arson

Stroking his chin in thought, Du’minh ponders how the capabilities of the party match up to his quarry.

“I have heard stories as well about the danger Grazz poses, and do not intend to underestimate him. Nevertheless, I am duty-bound to find the slippery Zerth, discover what role he has played in all this, and act accordingly. Regardless of how this is achieved, the aids we could gain in our hunts should definitely be worth the trouble.”

“If only we could procure something he desires, be it information or commerce, we would have an item of negotiation… though I loathe the thought of bartering with that traitorous knight of the post. What are your thoughts, Gy-Nath?”

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