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Center of All's picture
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Game Announcement: Return to Home

"galzion" wrote:
OK, I had a thought today

(brief pause for everyone to recover from their shock)

We know about the characters that we have. But is that it?
Are there other survivors who we know have since died? Are there some who we expect to turn up, but don't? Are there some that one at least of us knows are not going to turn up, but are still alive and kicking, and in communication?

I imagine there are other survivors that you can include in your backgrounds. As you mentioned, it gives the opportunity for others to add characters if I want more players later. =)

Beyond the small group of children hidden underground (that is, the lot of you), you have no knowledge of any survivors.

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Center of All's picture
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"Mephit James" wrote:
Center, what about from your end, are there any major players in Tekal (or perhaps Tekal himself) who we'd remember and who maybe were connected to us?

Tekar is long since dead. His descendants have been holding the rulership of the demiplane since his death. The last person to reign was a woman who everyone knew only as "The Tekaran." The chances of someone knowing her personally are slim at best. Beyond that, I haven't really plotted any major players on the demiplane. Feel free to take some liberties =) Just kinda use common sense and don't go overboard.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
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The cellar where we all hid during the disaster that claimed the lives of everyone else....
Where was it? What was it? Why were we the only ones bundled into there? And what did we know about what was going on outside, before we were bundled into there?

I would suggest that perhaps something in the Town Hall or similar official building, and that basically we all lived close to there, and hence managed to get there before disaster overtook us all.

Why were there no adults? Logically, at least one, and probably at least one fighter type, would have been left to protect us, and be in charge of us. Clearly this didn't happen.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

"galzion" wrote:
The cellar where we all hid during the disaster that claimed the lives of everyone else.... Where was it? What was it? Why were we the only ones bundled into there? And what did we know about what was going on outside, before we were bundled into there?

I would suggest that perhaps something in the Town Hall or similar official building, and that basically we all lived close to there, and hence managed to get there before disaster overtook us all.

That is a fine place for it =)

Why were there no adults? Logically, at least one, and probably at least one fighter type, would have been left to protect us, and be in charge of us. Clearly this didn't happen.

The best explanation I can really give is that they all were out fighting to try and save everyone.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Mephit James's picture
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It makes sense that there would be a fighter type to protect us, but he could easily be outside of the cellar so that he could keep an eye out as well. Imagine opening the cellar door to find your loyal guardian entombed in ice...
I like the town hall cellar plan: parents rush the kids to the safest place nearby and then go back out to help with Stalwart the Hero by the cellar door to keep watch. Of course there's nothing special about a town hall cellar so there's the possibility that others found other cellars and escaped but we don't know about them.
On the issue of others from Tekal, here are three interesting characters I thought up:
Reggin Tolee, a tall teenager at the time of the disaster, was five years older than our group of friends. His dad was a bigshot in town and Reggin enjoyed bullying smaller kids, especially Allan whose good-natured losing he always found highly amusing.
Morallo, a strange elven wanderer, had lived in town for a decade by the time of the disaster. His stories and jokes delighted the children, though the adults considered him a harmless barmy although he had an uncanny knack for solving riddles and recalling legends.
Reina Springluster, an elderly halfling woman who owned a bakery in town. She was a shrewd business woman but goodnatured and always had an "extra" piece of sweetbread for the children.

Center of All's picture
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There're a few things I should've mentioned earlier, sorry.

Morallo doesn't quite fit =) The demiplane was extremely isolated to the point that nobody came in and nobody left. You all, as children, were taught some very basics of the Multiverse beyond. The benevolent Tekaran knew much of the planes and made sure that everyone got at least a basic knowledge of what is beyond. Also, there are no full-blooded elves on the demiplane.

The actual size of the demiplane was probably about as large as Ireland.

None of the natives even knew how to get off the demiplane. You all managed to locate the same portal that the invaders used. It was more like a giant rip in the fabric of the demiplane, but you found it nonetheless.

However, none of you would've actually met an off-worlder until after leaving the demiplane.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

galzion's picture
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No elves. Hmmm.

This means we might have to rework the history for the two half elves in the party. Single parent family, for one thing.

Center of All's picture
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Half-elves can breed with half-elves to make half-elves =)

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Center of All's picture
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Okay, I expect to have this game started within a week's time, give or take. This shoulod give you guys enough time to put together your finishing touches on your characters. Please PM the links to the sheet through the board PM system or post them here if you prefer. Either is fine.

Once again, the website for making character sheets is

I will post up the list of approved and accepted characters once I have a chance to sort through everyone. At a glance, everyone has great characters and they should all do well in the game. Most of what I have to do is a recount of who's done a character.

And while I'm on that track, I'd like to see a roll-call of who is still interested Smiling Just post saying you're with me and who your character is.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
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Still here, still intererested.

Cox's character sheet is at

I don't believe that I have put anything particularly about his previous ineraction with the other characters yet.
Clearly, he gets on best with his twin sister, Amy. The two were the sort of twins who each other's best friend. They were almost always together, and sided with each other in everything. The others can only imagine what sort of effect their separation has had on them both.
He knew Allan quite well; the two regularly tried their abilities against each other, and were friends. Generally speaking, Allan was more powerful, and won contects of speed or strength, where Cox, always somewhat lithe and wiry, did better in distance running, or contects of skill. Even as a child, Cox was good with a bow. He knew Calcarab and Eiliara reasonably well, and got on with them, as far as it goes, but wasn't particularly close to either. Hachumel was little more than a passing acquaintence.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
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I'm here and in. Aemyon's character sheet is She gets on with Cox but was a pretty quiet girl and didn't gather a lot of other friends. When Cox and Allan were competing she would usually come along and seemed to be cheering silently. Calcarab and Eiliara were also friends, but she is easily cowed by their enthusiasm and doesn't seem comfortable talking to them. Hachumel also seemed friendly and was one of the few people that Amy would play with without Cox, though she wasn't any less shy around him. OK, I'm psyched, this'll be fun.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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I'm still interested. The Duchess of Ecstacy can be found here.


Pants of the North!

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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I'm here. Allan's character sheet

I already put this in, but I'll put it in again so it can be viewed with greater ease, and I'll add some info on the interaction with other characters. I was wondering about another thing...those descriptions of the characters' personalities on the last few pages...does that apply to before the disaster or after? And btw. I'm still looking for a sibling Laughing out loud

As a child Allan loved competing, which is not suprising since he was one of the strongest children in the village. He would challenge anyone to a footrace, or contest of strength. He never bullied anyone, but would often tease those who refused to compete with him. He didn't have any close friends, but because of his easygoing manner, and jokes he was on friendly terms with everyone he knew. You can't remember him ever being in a bad mood. Even when he lost a competition he was a good sport and challenged his opponent to a rematch. More often than not, he won that rematch. Allan never refused a dare, even when it was obvious that sucess was impossible. When he failed, he suffered the consequences of that failiure stoically.

He considered Cox to be a good friend, not to mention a worthy opponent. He admired Cox's wit and agility. Allan noticed that Aemyon often hung around when he was with Cox, and made several attemps at befriending her, but was unable to do so due to her shyness.
The last you saw of Allan was when he was taken from the orphanage by a large, greyhaired man clad in armor, with a large, glowing warhammer at his side. You recieved a message or two from him, learning that he's currently living on Ysgard, and doing well. Any messages that were sent to him were not replied to, and later messages from him didn't give any sign as to whether he had recieved any of your messages. The condition of the messages you recieved bore many signs that described his lifestyle. The parchment was often stained with ale, grease, and from time to time...blood.

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
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For Cox, he has become more withdrawn than he once was. The time he spent with the tiefling Beriaz Torun was obviously deeply unpleasant, but he's spoken to no-one, not even Amy, about this period in his life. All any of you know for certain is that Cox despised, and possibly feared, Torun, and betrayed him to his death at the hands of the Wylders. The subsequent years with Galadan's Pack have created something of a loner nature in Cox. He is used to spending days at a time without seeing another person, and even when he was with the Pack, the majority were similar in temperament, so he is comfortable both being on his own, and in being with others in silence. He's also pretty adept at non-verbal communication. All of this, of course, comes on top of his separation from Amy, and the two of them had rarely spent more than a few hours apart prior to the orphanage.
One othger change that you've also noticed about Cox, again mostly a trait from his time spent in the wilderness of the Beastlands on his own, or in small groups - Cox watches everything. He is constantly checking his surroundings.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Calcarab, Emporer of Elsyium is here for your perusal. Not quite finished.. and no flavor text, but it'll do pig, it'll do.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Okay, here's a personal recap of all the characters. This is not the official player list, this is just consolidation to help me. It's also something you should check to see if I need any changes or clarifications regarding your character.


Character sheet looks good

Beliefs look good. They match perfectly with the concept of the belief system

Would like to see a bit of clarification regarding Beriax Torun, the treatment Cox received, and what Torun's ultimate fate was. Feel free to PM me the information if you don't want it to be public knowledge. It may be useful as a plot point later on.

Are you using the half-elf or the full-elf racial stats for your character?

Mephit James

Character sheet looks good.

Are you using half-elf or full-elf racial stats?

Would like to see a few key points about her travels during the last five years. Feel free to PM anything you don't want to be public knowledge. It might be useful as a plot point later on.


Beliefs 1 and 2 are good.

I will need you to clarify or rework the last two beliefs you have. Remember, they can be part of the character, but the way the belief system works is that the listed beliefs have to be something a character believes in so strongly that he or she will die for that cause. If you can demonstrate how those are convictions of that level, I'll keep them with the belief system.

Bob the Efreet

See my PM regarding your character sheet.

Beliefs look good, although the third one is kind of shaky. See the information I posted above for clarification.


Sheet looks good.

Beliefs are great, though I'd need an example of how the second one can be worked into the belief system. See my explanation above.

Background is good.


Sheet looks good.

Beliefs are good, though I'd like to see a bit of an explanation of what he considers his subjects.

I'd also like a bit of background regarding how Calcarab decided he was the Emperor of Elysium.


Still waiting to hear from you.

I will get the game started sometime on Wednesday. Keep an eye out for a new thread regarding the game!

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Bob the Efreet's picture
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I've adjusted Eiliara's character sheet, including taking her third belief out of the list. I'm not sure I can make it fit the requirements for a core belief, although I'll still be keeping it as a belief for her.


Pants of the North!

ceratus's picture
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I made the second belief more as a flavour thing, rather than an actual belief that could be used for the belief point mechanic. I'll remove that one, change the history a bit, and add somehthing a bit different.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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No need to change it, really. It's perfectly fine for your character to believe in that. The only thing is that if you want that belief to be included in the belief point system, I'd need to see how it could be a belief to die for.

But you don't need to change anything unless you want to.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Rhys's picture
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**EDIT: Sorry, I didn't realize that this computer was automatically signed in as my brother. This is really Mephit James, whoops.**

I used half-elf stats for Aemyon. Here are the revised core beliefs:
-Only those who make an effort deserve respect and aid, people who expect "hand outs" are most often using others.
-True friends are a blessing and should never be tricked or betrayed.
-Wrongs should not be forgotten easily, people's past actions say as much as their present.
-The greater good of the multiverse is all important. Whatever ends will benefit the kind-hearted are excusable.

The third belief I think could be self-sacrificing. It describes how Aemyon views others and, since she grew up relying on others, that's very important to her survival. If someone has betrayed her in the past and shows no signs of regret or change, she'd rather die than except their help again, because it'll lead to another betrayal. The fourth, for that matter, I've revised to make it clearer that she's willing to accept the death of anyone, even herself, for a cause that's great enough. I realize that's a little general still, but saving innocents and bringing to justice the invaders of Tekal are two "great causes" that she's willing to kill or die for.
I will PM you some of her travels, I don't want her to be very forthcoming about them.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

The Player List!

Actually, everyone who's given me a character by this point is good to go. That means the list is: galzion, ceratus, Mephit James, Bob the Efreet, and Primus. I will post the opening game thread tomorrow. The action's going to start quickly at first, so be ready to go!

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

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