Game Announcement: Return to Home

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Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

My presence on the planewalker boards has been woefully inadequate lately. In light of this, I'm going to try and bolster my own presence by running a game. I am going to be running the same game with the same premise on the Realms of Evil gaming forums. However, I'm going to run it here as well because I am interested to see how the two games might differ. Here is the information you will need to know.

I intend to run this game right here on the Planewalker boards, so you won't have to go to any other sites or anything to play.


Screams pierced the air all around. The searing cold pierced the earthen-covered trap door that the children huddled under. Though none of the younglings could see the terror outside, they felt it deep within their bones. Despite the horror, they dared not move, much less breathe, for fear that they be discovered.

Only when the last of the screams’ echoes had long faded into memory and silence did the oldest child dare to poke open the trapdoor. He felt resistance and pushed harder. When it finally flew open, a flurry of snow and ice crystals fluttered down from above. He looked around, shivering in the sudden chill, eyes wide in shock and horror. The entire town stood frozen. Those who had lived until the end had been captured in the ice, the screams and fear frozen on their faces. Crystal-blue ice covered every building, every street. Above, the sky was a dark grey, yet the icy cityscape gleamed with the reflections of an unseen light. And all things around, even the air stood perfectly still.

Years later, the children have grown older, but always remembered their home. Ranging in age from late-teens to early twenties, their common bond as the sole survivors of their hometown’s destruction has sealed unshakable links of friendship between them.

Their hometown was called Tekar. It lay in a demiplane created by a long-dead, but extremely powerful wizard of the same name. When Tekar created the demiplane, he caused it to be filled with a very precious ore that causes a strengthening effect on magic. The natives of the demiplane were unaware of this fact, though Tekar’s direct line of descent, the rulers of the small world, always kept this in mind. It helped them to secure their power.

Unfortunately, this ore has been long-since looted from the demiplane. The characters are still unaware of the magic-enhancing nature of the ore (or even that the ore existed at all), but they have since returned to their home. They have found that the frozen state of their homeland had not been changed, but that anything and everything of market value had long since been taken. At their reunion, they made a special agreement among each other. They’d track down and find what happened to their home and why. And, if they could, they’d undo it.

Character creation information

Age: Characters should be in the range of 16-23 years old. It’s been roughly 12 years since the catastrophe that rocked their home demiplane. Characters will have been anywhere from 4-11 years old when their homes were ravaged.

Relations: The characters have all known each other since the catastrophic end of their homeworld and they have remained good friends since then. This is meant to encourage you all to plot with each other on inter-character relationships. Siblings, childhood crushes, best friends, etc., are all appropriate. The characters all share the common link as the sole survivors of their world’s “apocalypse” and they have grown close because of this link.

Alignment and Histories: Being initially started along a path of good and virtue, all of the characters are limited to a good alignment. Since the catastrophe, they have been taken in by various good-natured forces from the Upper Planes. This can be one entity or community that raised the children or several entities/communities; I leave that to your discretion, just make sure that I am informed. You may have your childhoods in any good-aligned plane or gate-town (Anything from Arcadia to Ysgard, inclusive – No Mechanus or Limbo or their gate-towns). Please pick an alignment appropriate to your plane of raising. That is, a character raised around Arborea is highly unlikely to be LG. In short, assume that the characters were started along the path of goodness in their native demiplane, and were continued along that path after their exodus.

Factions: Characters may hail from one of the following factions: The Fated, The Fraternity of Order, The Free League, The Harmonium, The Mind’s Eye, The Ring-Givers, The Society of Sensation, The Sons of Mercy, The Transcendent Order. Faction alignment is not required. These are the factions that the characters would have the most exposure to on the Upper Planes. For more information on the Factions, please see main site, I believe it's Chapter 4.

Deities: Characters are not required to worship deities, but if they choose to do so, the deity must be one who makes its home in the Upper Planes or in the region of the Outlands near the Upper Planar gate towns.

Character Races: Because of the mostly isolated nature of the demiplane the characters are from, there are only certain races that are playable. Their ancestors were brought to the demiplane when Tekar created it. The reasons for this migration may be a topic that is revealed throughout the adventure. As it stands, the characters are unaware of the origins of their ancestors. The following races are playable:

Players Handbook:
Human, Half-elf*, Halfling, Gnome
* A half-elf character may use either the Elf or the Half-Elf racial traits in PHB at creation. For the purposes of physiology, they are considered half-elves. Half-drow aren’t an option.
The following races are considered ECL 0 for the purposes of this game. They have been modified slightly to reflect this. Please speak with me about options if you wish to play one of these. Use’s reference material (Chapter 2) for more information on what these races involve.
Aasimar, Tiefling, Zenythri, Tuladhara

Monstrous Races
* These races have been modified from their listing in the SRD. Please speak to me if you wish to play one and I will inform you of the changes I’ve made.

Character Classes: Any from the Player’s Handbook, 3.5 edition/SRD. I would really prefer not to mess with psionics, so please do not ask to play one. Please note that class alignment restrictions aren’t as rigid as the PHB suggests. For example, I see no problem with a character playing a NG or CG Paladin, provided they stick to the beliefs of that alignment. Core classes from other sources MAY be allowed. I ask is that you clear it with me first.

Planar Class Substitutions: The Planar’s Handbook offers several different ideas for class ability substitutions in each of the core classes from the Player’s Handbook. You may use these substitutions if you choose. You may also mix-and-match as you choose. That is, you may select to take a planar substitution at one level, but not take it at the next. All you need to do is let me know whether you are taking the planar level or the normal level when you reach the appropriate class level.

Starting level: 1 - The characters have just begun to find what they believe is their place in the multiverse.

Future Prestige Classes: I’m open for anything, just keep me posted with what you plan on taking. If it’s something not in SRD, please run it by me for approval first.

Starting gold: Each character has 300gp with which to purchase starting equipment. Please note that the only thing you begin with for free is the clothes on your back (though if your character doesn't want these and is a nudist, that's fine -- just be prepared for appropriate NPC reactions). SRD/Player’s Handbook, Planar’s Handbook, and Manual of the Planes may be consulted. Please confirm with me before using other sources.

Stats: 4d6 drop lowest roll. You only get one chance, even with low scores, so make it count. This represents characters who are generally normal, average people, not the human gods that so many people are fond of playing. If you have no stats above 12 and/or any stat below 8, you are permitted a reroll.

Skills and Feats: Anything from the SRD or is acceptable. In addition, skills and feats from the Manual of the Planes and from the Planar’s Handbook are allowed. Anything beyond these, I will have to insist that you speak with me first. Feats that involve the Lower Planes or the Inner Planes are not allowed, as the characters at level 1 will not have had enough opportunity to mix with these yet. The characters are less Clueless than they were upon first leaving their demiplane, but are not experienced planar travelers by any means. If you are uncertain, please speak with me about it.

Spellcasting: As usual, any spells not in the SRD, Manual of the Planes, or Planar’s Handbook must be approved by me before being used. For the purposes of spell restrictions and hindrances on the Planes, I will be using a combination of Planescape and Manual of the Planes rules. I will set these rules out for you as they are necessary when you reach new planes.

Multiverse: The multiverse used for this game is the standard Planescape cosmology, NOT the cosmology listed in Manual of the Planes. That means that the Inner Planes number 18, not 6 and that the Ethereal connects the Inner Planes with the Prime, while the Astral connects the Outer Planes and the Prime. This game takes place post-Faction War, and the characters left their demiplane home after the dust of the Faction War had mostly settled. If you don’t know what the Faction War is, that’s fine, just make your character not know about it. It can be revealed to you in character during the game if it becomes a point of interest.

Rules Set: 3.5e.

Backgrounds: I’d like to see a developed background for your character as part of the creation process. I want to know things like where he ended up after leaving the demiplane, and what sort of experiences led him to the class he has chosen. Also, who were his closest friends and relationships among those who left the demiplane? It’s assumed that all the characters kept in contact with each other, but some were probably closer than others due to blood relations or childish crushes or simply juvenile idolatry. Also, who were the primary influences on your young character as he grew up on the Upper Planes? I’d like to see personality, too. Three-dimensional characters are fun. Boring characters with little to no depth are not. Tell me about your character’s mind and how he thinks, feels, and why he does the things he does. And finally, I’d like a clear and vivid description of what your character looks like. Detail is always welcome.

Belief Points: This is in yellow because it is important!

I expect the characters to have ties of loyalty to the group as a whole. However, given the varying nature of the characters' backgrounds, there is no guarantee that the characters will have been taught or accepted the same fundamental beliefs in their youths. The Planewalker's Handbook (2e) offers a system in which PCs who subscribe to a belief can be rewarded for following that belief through thick and thin.

To that end, I would like to promote roleplaying by implementing the system of Belief Points. I would like for each player to develop some basic beliefs that the character follows. This need be nothing more than a sentence for each core belief, but I would like you to submit these beliefs to me separately from the background. They should be simple, short, and to the point. If your character is aligned with a Faction, then you may derive one or more of your core beliefs from Faction philosophy. Or, alternatively, you need not derive it from the Faction at all.

A minimum of one core belief is required, preferably a maximum of three to five. Don't bog your character down with core beliefs. One or two is usually more than sufficient to build a character around.

I would like these beliefs listed separately from the backgrounds so that I can clearly see exactly what the core beliefs of the individual characters are. These beliefs should be more specific than a "strong belief in justice." A more acceptable belief would be, "lying is always wrong." Such a character would be expected to be honest and will be rewarded if he is honest even when that honesty causes him to pay a great cost.

These beliefs are not just beliefs. They are convictions. They are things that the characters would risk dying if it meant they upheld their belief.

Players whose characters adhere to their beliefs will be rewarded by the distribution of Belief Points. Belief Points are extremely powerful and will be awarded only sparingly -- don't expect them over and over simply because you can play your character well. If you are awarded belief points for playing strong convictions, I will let you know what you can do with those points. However, rest assured that you will receive Belief Points if you adhere to your character's beliefs and convictions throughout your playing. This is meant to encourage strong roleplay, something that I feel is often lacking in gaming.

Remember, berk. Belief is power on the planes. Those who have strong beliefs and adhere to those beliefs will get further than those who don't.

Here are some more examples of beliefs that are appropriate:

- All individuals have the freedom of choice and the right to do whatever they want.
- Those in power are always right
- The strong should always help the weak
- Intentionally inflicting pain is wrong
- Knowledge is free, and should never be withheld from anyone
- Taking risks is foolish and wrong
- Every individual has to improve the lives of others at every available opportunity
- Comforts and pleasures serve only to weaken
- All individuals are responsible for their own well-being, and reliance upon others is wrong
- Mercy should be given to all beings, even when unrequested

Those are some examples. Be prepared to justify how your character can give a great sacrifice for a particular belief that you have established. It doesn't have to be anything that will be frequently faced, just a strong conviction that the character will not likely release.

Finally, it should be noted that beliefs that have less influence toward personal gain and more influence things beyond simple personal gain have more influence on the multiverse at large. For example, the following two ideals:

"I should always succeed at the expense of others."


"Others should succeed at my expense."

The second belief transcends simple personal gain and has a greater impact on the multiverse. This isn't to say you can't use something like the first belief, only that it has a smaller impact.


I am still in the planning stages for this campaign. As such, it may be anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months before I feel ready to launch it. However, if you are interested, please let me know by posting in this thread. Be patient with character creation, but feel free to begin plotting and pestering me with questions regarding the characters, the capmaign, and the story. Also, feel free to begin plotting with other interested parties.

I'm not sure how many players I'm going to limit this to. If I find that there is an overabundance of characters, I will be basing part of my character selection on the characters I feel are most compatible. That leaves you to determine what I'm looking for in compatibility. I'm not necessarily looking for the characters who spend their entire time working for the entire benefit of the group. I want individuals, to be sure. Consider this a Godsmen-style test. You are being tested on compatiblity, but I'm not going to give you the standards for compatiblity.

I will, however, give you one hint: Your characters are people who have grown up and had experiences. A well-developed character that has good depth and feels like a real person is one that I am going to like more than one that is two-dimensional and has little personality and no natural feeling.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Game Announcement: Return to Home

Oh gawd - I *SO* would if I had the time and was able to keep up with the games i'm already in!... *frown* Maybe a later comer to it if i can get enough of the hoomework beast I'm dealing with right now beat into submission...

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

*comfort* That's okay, there's going to be plenty of time between now and game start. Hopefully you'll be able to get that homework beast beaten by then Eye-wink

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

Ooh, I'm interested. That makes one and a half people, counting Clueless Smiling


Pants of the North!

Alhesander's picture
Joined: 2004-10-30
Game Announcement: Return to Home

I'm in, provided of course that my character history, writing, and description are fitting with what you design. How soon would you like the specifics?

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

There is no rush at all. As I mentioned, it could be a couple weeks or a couple of months before this game is ready to go forward. I will make a note when I am ready to start running the game. It'll be something like, "Hey, I'm ready to start the game, so please have your characters to me by such-and-such a day."

For those of you who may not know about it, you can use to put charcaters online. I would prefer you do it this way and then send me the link via board PM.

Anyway, take your time on your characters, it'll be a bit yet before things are ready Eye-wink

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

I'd like to join. I've got a few questions, though.

How do we roll? Or rather, where...? At home, on some site, with the dice bot on this forum?

(actually after reading your post again I realise that that's the only question I have)

Ok...after thinking for a few minutes...I have concluded that I do indeed have another question. How long after the Faction War will the campaign take place? I mean...did the faction war take place before the destruction of their plane, after it, before they were born?

That's it for now...but count on me badgering you with questions that seem to make no sense at all Eye-wink

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

Faction War has taken place sometime before the characters' births. By the time the game starts, much of the dust has settled.

As far as stat rolling, I trust you all to not cheat, so just roll wherever and PM me the stats through the board.

Again, there's no rush on these characters. This game is going to be a while in coming, especially since the homework monster looms large and deadly over my shoulder this next week or so.

I'll repost the thread once I'm ready to get started. But for now, I'll be glad to answer any questions you folks have about the game =)

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Game Announcement: Return to Home

I'd like to get in on this, if I may. Sounds like fun, and probably the only Planes-based gaming I'm going to get done will be on-line.

So, my list of questions...
I don't own any of the 3.5 material. My DM is refusing to switch systems partway through a campaign, so we won't need it for several months (years?). I believe there are places where I can get info on-line, but you may need to pay closer attention to my character as a result of my lesser experience with this version of the game than others are likely to have.

I'd quite like to dump the character onto the Beastlands in the 12 years that have passed. The Wylders, as far as I'm aware, have not been converted into 3rd edition (any 3rd edition). Do you have a problem with this allegiance, or would you prefer something else? (likely to be no faction if so). If this is OK, what are we going to do for the Wylders. Only needs to be a rough and ready idea, but it would be a shame to be getting nothing from Sect membership.

How, where and when would you like characters? I presume you would like to review them before we put them on-line at the link you gave. This forum? Private mail?

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

The Wylders are fine for a faction. Just use the information in the 2e books for that. Remember that in 3e+ you don't get any Namer abilities or restrictions.

You can find all the 3.5 rules from the SRD:

It's legal, free, and there for everyone to use!

Questions can be directed to me on the forums here. Likewise with characters. I'd encourage everyone to post their characters' backgrounds here in the thread so people can communicate and link their characters together. Remember that you all know each other.

You can either send me sheet links on the thread here or through PM at the forums. If you send it to me in PM, I won't share any more of your character's information than you do or than is necessary for plot advancement.

I'm still a ways from being ready to start, so please bear with me for a while. I've gotten myself involved in a bunch of projects lately and sunk over my head in things I want to do. Given some time, I'll be ready to go.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Return to Home

I'm interested too, keep me posted! I hope I don't get bogged down between now and the game start, though, but I remain very optimistic. I'll send a character sheet over soon, 1st level is pretty easy to do, I think.

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Game Announcement: Return to Home

OK, I've posted a character called Celecox on the site that you listed (at least, I hope I have).

I haven't filled in background because I figured that I needed a few other character to be posted to be able to do so (if I am really to be able to link my character's back history to that of others). However, assume that Celecox has spent most of the intervening years on the Beastlands or in Faunel. He isn't however, a Wylder (I decided against this, mostly because Sects are as yet undetailed, and I didn't want to commit to a membership that basically offered nothing).

I also haven't detailed beliefs on the character. I will do when I fill in the background. However, for the record, they are likely to be as follows;

Nature is the most powerful force in the multiverse. No God comes close.
The 'pack' is all-important (assume pack to be the other survivors). Be prepared to lay down your life for the others. Stick together. Defend the others at all costs, against all odds, even when you believe them to be wrong.
Life is precious. In a straight, survival-of-the-fittest type of contest (for example, a battle), then taking the life of someone who is seeking to take your life is acceptable (after all, they *are* trying to take yours). Under any other circumstance, seek to preserve life. Evil outsiders are, of course, an exception to this (see favoured enemy).

Anyway, hope you can;
a) find this character
b) think this character is reasonable.

If any problems, let me know and I will alter things. Background will come as other characters appear. I'd like to have Celecox either related to, or infatuated with, another character, to give him someone that he can focus on protecting above all others (not that they may need it).

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

I'll need you to send me a link to the character sheet. Make sure that you've applied public permission (It's on the bottom of the character list when you log in)

The second belief listed is a perfect idea.

The third also works, though it's a little bit convoluted.

The first is something your character is welcome to believe in, but I'd like to see how he can make great sacrifices for this belief. Faith isn't quite the same as a personal belief. Think of the belief system as a code of conduct.

When you're ready, try and narrow the beliefs down to a single, short sentence like the ones above.

And take your time. This game is going to be a while in planning, so make your character count.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Return to Home

Alright, I'm putting out a call to the other people interested in this game. I've decided that my character will have grown up somewhere on the Outer Planes and she will be human or half-elf. Does anyone feel like having a twin sister? I think it'd be cool to have really integrated characters so I'm going to do as much of my character-building in reaction to other people's characters as I can.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

Well, I currently have two characters in my head...

One is the self-styled Archduke of Elysium and Bishop of Arborea. Think Emporer Norton I with magical aptitude.

The other is a kobold samurai... because I think its silly.

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Game Announcement: Return to Home

Link to the character is h

(can't remember how to actually make it a link. It's been a long time since

I'll work on the beliefs. I think I may struggle to make the first one into a proper belief as per your description, but I'll see what I can come up with. I'll try to phrase the third a little better, probably as I adapt the character when more characters appear.
If I can't come up with a better adaptation of the first belief, are two beliefs OK, or would you prefer more?

For Mephit James... also check out Celecox, who is a half-elf. I had more wanted to have him having some sort of infatuation with another character, but a sister could also work. Besides, no reason he can't have both. PM me if you want to know more of what I was feeling Celecox would be like.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

I had been considering a guardinal-descended aasimar girl, who's been spending most of her time on Elysium. She could be a half-sibling of Mephit James' character, although if you're looking specifically for a twin perhaps Celecox would be a better choice.

I'm thinking about a core belief that harming others is wrong. This has the potential to be severely hampering, though, so given the proposed nature of the campaign would it be a very bad idea for me to take that?

Also, along the guardinal-touched aasimar route, would it be acceptable to have a few animal-like physical traits (say, fox ears and tail, or cat-like eyes)?


Pants of the North!

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

If I make the Emporer of Elysium, your character and mine could be twins. Aasimar who both travelled to Elysium after the breakup. Too bad the poor EMporer is barmy. Polite, nice, safe, friendly, perfectly sane, and as nutty as an Arborean fruit cake.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Return to Home

Sure, galzion, if you want a twin sister I'd love to be related to you. (... let's pretend that's not a weird statement.) I don't think I'd like to be from the Beastlands, though, since a character I'm already running is from there and I like to vary my characters. I think, then, that the twins could have been separated after the tragedy and have grown up apart. This can provide some fun interaction, I'll PM you with discussion.

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Game Announcement: Return to Home

Actually, damn near perfect. I had envisaged Celecox having spent most of the intervening time on the Beastlands.

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

I've made a human LG character, Allan, who was taken to Mount Celestia after the disaster. Basically, he's a fighter who could have been a paladin, but decided to focus on martial training because he believed he could do more good in that way. One belief(the main one) is that nothing is more important than protecting the lives of innocents and his fellow survivors , not even his own life. Anyone want to be my brother/sister/cousin? Laughing out loud

I'm not quite finished with him(i've been kida busy dm-ing another planescape campaign), but I'll have the link within a few days, sunday at the latest

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Return to Home

So I'll be playing Aemyon Laturain (Amy), a half-elven rogue who found her way to Sigil after the disaster where she grew up in the streets, finding whatever way she could. She is still a good soul, and appreciative of true friends, but she is more grim than the others remember. She truly does like being back with her friends and twin brother after so long a parting, but there are many unknowns about there time apart. And in Sigil, the unknown is dangerous.

Her core beliefs include:
Only those who make an effort deserve respect and aid, people who expect "hand outs" are most often using others.
True friends are a blessing and should never be tricked or betrayed.
Wrongs should not be forgotten easily, people's past actions say as much as their present.
Personal sacrafices are risky and only made for those you absolutely trust.
Authority figures are very rarely trustworthy and shouldn't be told anything.

I don't know how many of these are "core beliefs" like you were thinking Center, but let me know. I'll have the actual character sheet on 3eprofiler soon

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Game Announcement: Return to Home

OK, this is a question for creating back histories for people. Two questions actually.

1. How, and why, did we all split up? Not necessarily individuals, but as a group.
2. How, and why, did we all get back together now? As I read the original post, we have all made our way back to out home demiplane. Why? Why now? Did we do it individually, or did we do it as a group? Did we all resolve to "meet here in ten years time, come what may" when we split up, or were we drawn to return home?

Enquiring minds want to know. Or at least, I do, anyway Laughing out loud

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

"galzion" wrote:
2. How, and why, did we all get back together now? As I read the original post, we have all made our way back to out home demiplane. Why? Why now? Did we do it individually, or did we do it as a group? Did we all resolve to "meet here in ten years time, come what may" when we split up, or were we drawn to return home?

I was pondering a Cipher (they happen to be my favourite faction), so I presume my character could have just felt drawn there, and convinced her brother ('The Emperor of Elysium!') Right, right, the Emperor *eye roll* to come with her.


Pants of the North!

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

Hehe, I need to work on this guy... as soon as I'm done with Jim, I'll work on the Emporer.

Alhesander's picture
Joined: 2004-10-30
Game Announcement: Return to Home

Hachumel, known to his siblings as Alex. He wound up on Eronia after the disaster in Tekar, and had a huge culture switch, though he has kept in touch with (*enter sibling name here*) most of his culture has been subsumed into one much more similar to Egypt. His upbringing taught him that all creatures are worthy of the right to life and progression, he is a natural pacifist and cares deeply for his world. However his views on the multiverse at large are seen as slightly barmy by even his adopted family.

1. All existence may be seen within the progression of Sentience. (alignment or Arete if you will)

Ex of Belief: What started as matter in the elementals progressed to a materialistic but capable of moralization entities (the genies), from there Sentience progressed to a form of life that based itself upon will, but was not defined of it, (your standard mortal) When that mortal reaches its point of singularity (nearly always death) it is progressed into its true self, an outsider. Should that mortal possess strong enough will he becomes better able to manifest his will upon the planes. (progression of petitioner to true exemplar) He cares deeply for all thinking life, and will usually see "killing" a fire elemental no differint then slaughtering a commoner. This is not to say that he is against violence, only violence that is without altruistic reason. (when deserved, simply the fact that a neutral fire elemental is attacking us is not a good enough reason to cause it harm) Additionally, Hachumel shows a general disdain for the powers, seeing them as little more then insignificant "peices" of a true ideal.

As for regular stats, he's a NG druid allied with the Sons of Mercy, expect vitals within a day or two.

Alhesander's picture
Joined: 2004-10-30
Game Announcement: Return to Home

"Bob the Efreet" wrote:
I was pondering a Cipher.

Isn't that an oxymoron?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

Calcarab is an aasimar with a great weight on his shoulders. After a supposed conversation with , Calcarab has found himself convinced that he is, in fact, the right and true Emperor Calcarab I of Elysium, ruler of the Elsyian Fields, Duke of the Cavorting Fountains, Regent of Arborea, and Protector of the Beastlands. To others, Calcarab is ‘eccentric’, ‘confused’, or ‘downright barmy’ but to himself Calcarab is royalty. He does not stand on ceremony (though a certain amount of respect is always necessary when speaking with the Emperor of an entire plane).

He has issued several proclamations to the people of Elysium whose revelry causes them to largely ignore the Emperor. The guardinals see Calcarab as a confused child and treat him quite kindly, even indulging his fantasies to some extent. He is a good hearted ruler who sees himself as the equal of his peers (not exactly equal for he is Emperor!).

Calcarab follows his sister (the Duchess of Ecstasy) where she wishes to go. Despite his duties at home he sees the entire multiverse as his place. Manifest destiny dictates that he should bring his rulership to all of the known planes.

Beliefs –
- The emperor must protect his subjects at all costs.
- The emporer must be prepared to make sacrifices for the good of all (he cannot expect to be followed if he does not lead by example)
- Violence is never the answer. There is always a diplomatic (or cowardly) route to settle disputes.

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Game Announcement: Return to Home

Nature is the most powerful force in the multiverse. No God comes close. The 'pack' is all-important (assume pack to be the other survivors). Be prepared to lay down your life for the others. Stick together. Defend the others at all costs, against all odds, even when you believe them to be wrong. Life is precious. In a straight, survival-of-the-fittest type of contest (for example, a battle), then taking the life of someone who is seeking to take your life is acceptable (after all, they *are* trying to take yours). Under any other circumstance, seek to preserve life. Evil outsiders are, of course, an exception to this (see favoured enemy).

OK, newly updated beliefs for Celecox ('Cox' to his friends)

1. The 'pack' is all-important (assume pack to be the other survivors, but Amy clearly more than others). Be prepared to lay down your life for the others. Stick together. Defend the others at all costs, against all odds, even when you believe them to be wrong.
2. Never take life unless it is necessary. Those who take life for amusement or pleasure should be killed for the good of the multiverse.
3. Don't lie. Prevaricate if you must, tell the truth in a manner which may confuse the listener as to your meaning, but don't lie.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

"Bob the Efreet" wrote:
I was pondering a Cipher (they happen to be my favourite faction)

Actually, maybe not. I think I'd rather go with Sensate for this one. To expound a bit on beliefs:
1. Harming others is wrong. She will grudgingly accept that another person may protect her with force if absolutely necessary, but the minimum force possible should be used.
2. Everybody has the right to seek their own pleasure. Although she will give a stern talking-to to any who think they derive pleasure from harming others (only because that conflicts with core belief 1, which is slightly more important).
3. Joy is to be found in yourself and your surroundings, not the things you own. This means that she will own very little (not likely to be more than clothing). This is her only belief that she doesn't believe needs to apply to others.


Pants of the North!

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Return to Home

"galzion" wrote:
1. How, and why, did we all split up? Not necessarily individuals, but as a group.

I think it makes sense that the kids would all leave the demiplane as a group: if they're scared out of their minds, there's no reason to split up too. So it's safe to assume that they found some sort of portal out or were escorted out by a altruistic being. I'm for the former, since it would be complicating the plot to have a being arrive to whisk them to safety only to allow them to scatter here and there afterwards. So they found their way somewhere, probably with a lot of portals, but by the general distribution a lot of portals to primarily Upper Planes. Maybe a gate town? Like Tradegate? That would have portals leading to lots of Upper Planes and enough bustle to have the kids get separated afterwards. It would make more sense for there to be a singular event that broke up the group (maybe a fight in the gatetown's bazaar that caused a panic, or someone who tried to kidnap them so that they got away however they could) and they were all cut off from one another. Then they were either rescued by some well-meaning patron or else found their way to their ultimate residences.

"galzion" wrote:
2. How, and why, did we all get back together now? As I read the original post, we have all made our way back to out home demiplane. Why? Why now? Did we do it individually, or did we do it as a group? Did we all resolve to "meet here in ten years time, come what may" when we split up, or were we drawn to return home?

After following my train of thought above I don't think it'd make sense for them to have planned to meet up. Either they planned to meet in several years' time, in which case why split up? Or they could have just left it at an indeterminate timeframe, in which case, why did they all show up around twelve years later? More likely something outside of their control brought them back, maybe some innate sense of urgency or else one of the kids took the time to get everyone back together.

On another topic, re-reading Center's post, Amy can't be from Sigil since you need to be from a good plane or gatetown. I'm thinking of Tradegate, but I don't want her to be the only one hipped there, or Glorium. Also, here are the family trees I can see so far:

Amy and Cox (half-elf twins)
Calcarab and [Sensate] (aasimar brother and sister)
Hachumel (formerly Alex) (human?)
Allan (human)

Not too bad, according to the intro we're all friends, and there are even some family connections. I think the next step to flesh out pre-existing relationships is to figure out best friends, crushes, rivalries (preferrably friendly), old issues (who pushed whom out of the tree house that once for blaming the spilled whitewash on the other), that sort of thing. Think of old friends from school and the complexities of those relationships. If we've got a while before starting like Center said, we can think up some sodding weird stuff.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

Sorry for my delay in answering these questions.

"galzion" wrote:
OK, this is a question for creating back histories for people. Two questions actually.

1. How, and why, did we all split up? Not necessarily individuals, but as a group.

Exactly why is kind of at the mercy of you folks. One of the ways I had imagined is that you found an orphanage or something similar and each of you went your separate ways after being adopted or found by surrogate parents on the Upper Planes.

2. How, and why, did we all get back together now? As I read the original post, we have all made our way back to out home demiplane. Why? Why now? Did we do it individually, or did we do it as a group? Did we all resolve to "meet here in ten years time, come what may" when we split up, or were we drawn to return home?

Enquiring minds want to know. Or at least, I do, anyway Laughing out loud

Yes, I had planned that all the characters agreed that whatever happened, they'd return to the demiplane after ten years. A "high school reunion," if you will. The difference will be that a couple of events surrounding their reunion will prove to be a catalyst for the beginning of the adventure.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

I've been thinking that perhaps Calcarab will have eyes for his sister. It makes the most sense for a monarch to keep his bloodline pure. It serves to reinforce any of his offspring's claims to the throne and their portioning of divine granted power. He's a perfect gentleman, however, and probably attempts to woo her in quite verbose ways (He IS going to be a bard). Even if she does not reciprocate, she is the shoulder that he leans on when things go bad and one of his few anchors to reality.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Return to Home

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
I've been thinking that perhaps Calcarab will have eyes for his sister.

In all fairness, I did say "sodding weird stuff." So I guess we planned to meet back at Tekal in twelve years after finding homes around the Upper Planes. An adoption agency is easy, although at least for Amy I think something more would be involved. Whoever "adopted" Cox would probably want to keep him together with his twin sister, but they were going to be separated. Maybe she's a deferent scenario. Anyways, Calcarab and the Sensate could have been raised separately but kept in contact (long enough for the Emporer to fall for her) and the others are only children, or at least don't have surviving siblings so far.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

In all fairness, I did say "sodding weird stuff."

Laughing out loud

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Game Announcement: Return to Home

In all fairness, I did say "sodding weird stuff."

Yup. We're all going to blame that one on you, James old boy Smiling

OK, we appear to be going with the twelve year class reunion, which gives us all a valid reason to be turning up on home rounds about now.
I actually prefer the idea of people having gotten separated in a scrum in one of the towns to an orphanage, but realistically, there's no reason why we can't do both. It allows us to separate Cox and Amy before we get to the orphanage (one of them got dragged away from the group by accident in a crowd and whoever was looking after them didn't want to go back or couldn't find the missing child). The other got adopted. You want to flip a coin and decide which was which? I can work both ways round.
One thing about the orphanage idea - we need to fill in who adopts us, even if they don't actually wind up taking care of us on a long term basis. I mention this because I don't see that person in the history for the Emperor.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

The exact details of the initial separations are mostly up to you guys, but you're all on the upper planes almost immediately from the time you leave Tekar. And remember that contact has been well-kept over the past years since the separation.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
I've been thinking that perhaps Calcarab will have eyes for his sister.

The Duchess of Ecstacy, however, seems not to reciprocate. Maybe she doesn't notice? I mean, sure, she's always there for him, and is a little used to being the shoulder that's leaned on. It might just be her age, she was one of the youngest when the town was attacked. Mostly she feels she has to look out for her brother ('The Emperor of Elysium!') Yes, the Emperor *eye roll*, since the catastrophe has apparently made him a little barmy.


Pants of the North!

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

Here's my character, I've altered him slightly...actually more that slightly...I'm not gonna include beliefs or info after the seperation since contact with him after the seperation was pretty sporadic...

As a child Allan loved competing, which is not suprising since he was one of the strongest children in the village. He would challenge anyone to a footrace, or contest of strength. He never bullied anyone, but would often tease those who refused to compete with him. He didn't have any close friends, but because of his easygoing manner, and jokes he was on friendly terms with everyone he knew. You can't remember him ever being in a bad mood. Even when he lost a competition he was a good sport and challenged his opponent to a rematch. More often than not, he won that rematch. Allan never refused a dare, even when it was obvious that sucess was impossible. When he failed, he suffered the consequences of that failiure stoically.

The last you saw of Allan was when he was taken from the orphanage by a large, greyhaired man clad in armor, with a large, glowing warhammer at his side. You recieved a message or two from him, learning that he's currently living on Ysgard, and doing well as a cleric of Thor. The letters were rather sloppily written, and had grease or ale stains on them.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Return to Home

Here's what I've been thinking for Aemyon, some things are new, some things are old:

As a kid, Amy was always a quiet girl, enjoying quiet contemplation with just her dolls as company when not playing with her brother Celecox. She rarely stayed with the other kids when he wasn't around, and usually let him do the talking. She was always nice to the others, clapping as Allan ran himself to exhaustion in his contests, but was never all that close to anyone besides her twin. When the disaster took Tekal, Aemyon was dramatically changed. Through their time in the hole, she never said a word and her silence continued through the exploration of the village and all the way to Tradegate and the orphanage. A kindly Indep merchant from that city, named Edmond Tarroi, adopted the young half-elf and reared her to adolescence. She struck off on her own for the following five years and the rest of the survivors stopped receiving even the short letters she had written while living with Master Tarroi. Cox received a few notes, very short considering their infrequent arrivals, but he was as surprised as any of the others when Amy showed up at Tekal at the agreed date. She is still quiet, but at least she's talking again. Her friendly manner is tinged with some melancholy, apparently a result of her travels though she hasn't revealed very much about what happened to her during the five years before the reunion.

Core Beliefs:
-Only those who make an effort deserve respect and aid, people who expect "hand outs" are most often using others.
-True friends are a blessing and should never be tricked or betrayed.
-Wrongs should not be forgotten easily, people's past actions say as much as their present.
-Negative events things are a fact of the multiverse and, while regretful, are sometimes neccessary for a greater good.

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Game Announcement: Return to Home

OK, a back history for Celecox.

At the orphanage, Cox was one of the last children to be adopted. His sister Amy was taken a few weeks before him; a traumatic event for them both (Cox still believes the indep who adopted Amy didn't want to take them both, and gave the orphanage a 'donation' to convince them to allow him to split the twins up). Cox was eventually adopted by a tiefling called Beriax Torun.

Torun turned out to be a member of the Vile Hunt, and dragged Celecox on one of his visits to the Beastlands after about a year. But Celecox had had more than enough of the treatment that he got at Torun's hands (he's not even told Amy anything about that year), and betrayed Torun to the Wylders. In doing so, Cox fell in with Galadan's Pack. This group, comprised mostly of Wylders, rangers and druids, with a scattering of other classes, is lead by a lupinal guardinal called Galadan, and his partner, an elven ranger and Wylder called Elda. The Pack took Cox in, and taught him their values and beliefs. Although Cox has not become a Wylder (yet, at least), he has nevertheless acquired the mindset of one. Also, given the Pack's close association with wolves (the Wolf Lord was a frequent visitor, and Cox is on fairly good terms with him), Cox has acquired the mindset of a wolf in many things.

Cox does not regard himself as an alpha male, at least not yet, and is therefore happy to follow the lead of others, unless he percieves himself to better suited to lead in a specific situation. He feels a close personal bond to the other surviving children, and is overjoyed to be reunited with his sister.

Core beliefs

1. The 'pack' is all-important (assume pack to be the other survivors, but Amy clearly more than others). Be prepared to lay down your life for the others. Stick together. Defend the others at all costs, against all odds, even when you believe them to be wrong.
2. Never take life unless it is necessary. Those who take life for amusement or pleasure should be killed for the good of the multiverse.
3. Don't lie. Prevaricate if you must, tell the truth in a manner which may confuse the listener as to your meaning, but don't lie.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

I haven't established an official starting date yet but I believe I will be ready around Christmastime. I would definitely like to wait until after my finals are all finished. So it'll be about 3 weeks. Once finals are over, I'll put out the official open call for characters and pick from there.

So you have about a month to prepare some well-developed character backgrounds. Take your time and make them good. More doesn't necessarily mean better, but less isn't so great. I want to see a good story about your character's past, both before and since he or she left the demiplane. I want to know how they got to be the people they are today.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Return to Home

I've finally gotten around to rolling up Amy, so here's her character sheet.

Is there any other unfinished business?

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Game Announcement: Return to Home

I had pretty much been holding off preparing a final version of the back history until I knew slightly more about the other characters. I've posted what i had already on the profiler anyway, to give me something to work from (and changed the character name slightly - we'd spelt the surname differently, so I swapped over to get them to match).

Let's see if I have this straight.
We have Cox and Amy. We have reasonable (at least initial) backhistories from the two of them, and certainly know how they feel about each other, and in Amy's case, about the other known survivors. Character sheets for both

We have Allan. We know a bit about him from before the disaster, but nothing after. We have no character sheet that I know of.

We have the Duke and Duchess, who's names I unfortunately forget at the moment. We do not have character sheets for either, and know a bit about the backhistories. We know how they get on with each other, but not the other characters.

We have Hachumel. History in place, no character sheet that I know of, no notable relations to other characters as yet.

It's difficult to write about the relationship between the other characters without knowing a little more about them, even if it is before the fall. I have to admit that I had rather been hoping for one or two other people to join in, to give us greater scope for interplay.
Right boss. I shall endeavor by the end of this week to have some sort of statement about how Cox responds to all the other characters. I shall also try to flesh out his time with the Pack a little bit, although in truth it is unlikely to be much more than 'he lived with these people for about ten years or so, and largely adopted their views, beliefs and attitudes'.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

The Duchess of Ecstacy up to this point didn't have a name. I think I'll call her Eiliara. I also think she'll be a bit saddened by Allan's lack of correspondance. She always thought he was a neat kid; his competitiveness struck her as a way of truly enjoying life for all it could be.


Pants of the North!

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

I was assuming that we were gonna start this by having everyone come to the plane and see each other for the first time since the orphanage...if we're going to start already familiar with what happened to each of us, through conversation at the place of meeting, then I should probably post more information....

Alhesander's picture
Joined: 2004-10-30
Game Announcement: Return to Home

I'm currently working on a story for Hachumel, should be up by Wedsday evening.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Return to Home

"ceratus" wrote:
I was assuming that we were gonna start this by having everyone come to the plane and see each other for the first time since the orphanage...if we're going to start already familiar with what happened to each of us, through conversation at the place of meeting, then I should probably post more information....

I was writing thinking similarly. I think it's reasonable for people to know something about the intervening years through letters, but this is probably the first time most of us have seen the others since the orphanage. I know Amy hasn't run into any of the others.
Probably all the information you post on the forum can be assumed to be information shared through letters, unless people say otherwise. The more in-depth stuff sent to Center can be additional stuff that mabye the others don't know about.

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Game Announcement: Return to Home

OK, I had a thought today

(brief pause for everyone to recover from their shock)

We know about the characters that we have. But is that it?
Are there other survivors who we know have since died? Are there some who we expect to turn up, but don't? Are there some that one at least of us knows are not going to turn up, but are still alive and kicking, and in communication?

The relevance of this is two-fold.
Firstly, survivors that don't turn up, whether we know they aren't going to or not, are potential characters that could be added later if someone wishes to join after we start.
Secondly, survivors that we know have perished since are people that we have all known.
Both groups are people that we have a history with, and that possibly should be referred to in the histories of our characters. Especially if any of these missing characters had some significance for one of our characters.

So, what do people think? Is it just us, or are there others? And if so, who were they, what were they like, how did they get on with us, and what has happened to them?

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Return to Home

I like it. I think other survivors and even other kids or adults who didn't make it are a good think to come up with. I doubt a demiplane would have a total of six children and that in such an insular places that we wouldn't know the other people pretty well.
The trouble is, I don't know how to go about this. Do we want to just make up archetypical characters (Fred: bully, Arthur: blacksmith) or would it do better to make up interesting characters to weave into stories? Maybe if we all brainstormed and came up with two sentences about three characters each (child and adult) then we'd have a bigger cast and it'd be pretty varied. Center, what about from your end, are there any major players in Tekal (or perhaps Tekal himself) who we'd remember and who maybe were connected to us?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Return to Home

I think it would be fun if Eiliara and Calcarab only referred to each other by their titles. What do you think of that, Primus? Oh, and for the past year she's been signing her letters 'Eili' instead of 'Eiliara'. One of her lupinal friends decided she needed a nickname.


Pants of the North!

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