Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

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Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

Alright, I, Modron is stalled until we get a few more players back. I plan to run a modron adventure in the same vein as I, Modron. Eye has many teams out on the planes and this will be the misadventures of one of those teams.

Rules, ECL 10.
32 Point Buy.

I will allow one non-modron, but only if he can fit into the group somehow (preexisting relationship with one of the modrons).

Players from I, Modron can apply. I'll run BOTH games if everyone in I, Modron comes back so no worries about that.

While the other modrons travel on a hunt for the Observatorium, these modrons will travel into Baator on a hunt for the Flames of Mephistopheles. Can the little cubes do it? And what exactly does Eye want with such a fell power?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

: Primus pouts at his cube-shaped dolls. :

Won't anyone play with me?

: Primus gets hit int he head by a flung modron doll :

Er... won't anybody play with me and Rhys?

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

Ive always wanted to try forum playing...
I'm in.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

Sure thing, I was dissappointed to miss the first game anyways. Count me in.
EDIT: How do you feel about the kensai class from Complete Warrior?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

Err, I don't know it... that is how I feel. Gimme a rundown on it and I may allow it.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

It's a prestige class based around an taking some oath that gives you determination and confidence. You're pledged to some cause or person and you get a signature weapon (which you can enchant by spending XP), some abilities that give you bonuses to Bluff, Diplomacy, etc., and an ability called withstand that lets you make Concentration checks instead of Reflex checks to avoid effects. Basically I'm thinking of this character as striving to be the perfect warrior and having him pledged to protect one of the other party members or (more likely) to serve the Eye in his quest for a new hierarchy. This last one I like because if the Eye turns out to be nasty the character has to choose between him and his alignment (LG).

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

Well, flavorwise the PrC sounds fine. Now, statistically, I have no idea. I have to say, I am VERY poor and only have a few books, none of them Complete BLANK or Races of BLANK. If you want anything that is not found in the Core three be prepared to PM it to me.

And why does EVERYONE think that Eye is really evil? People can build fanatical cults without being evil! Laughing out loud

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

I'm in. I'd be interested in playing Shallas (Shell-Us), the singularity Bleaker Modron. (Barbarian/Fighter/Bard)

If this is a big problem because it isn't cannon, lemme know.

"I want to kill/everyone/satan is good/satan is my pal"
-The Burbs

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

I will be playing Optimus the perfectionist modron fighter wielding his trusted two-bladed sword Primary.
Long ago in Mechanus a modron called Unit A5690-RZ worked to create a masterwork cog at the center of a huge mechanism. He worked diligently to make the cog flawless as this mechanism was of a very delicate design, and recieved instructions occassionally from his superiors. After months of work, Unit A5690-RZ noticed a structural flaw in the design and was about to inform superiors when he realised that a welded plate would solve the problem and he expertly sodered a plate in place and continued with his work. A strange sensation crept over him; he was to realize later that it was pride.
The next inspection by his superiors did not go at all well. They were appalled that he would preform such "gross insubordination" at so critical a time in the construction. Before he could stop himself, Unit A5690-RZ uttered the first beginning of a protest bringing a stunned silence from his superiors. The cog was immediately melted before his eyes and he barely escaped with his life.
Eventually the lonely modron, now turned rogue, found himself in Sigil watching a preformance by a githyanki warrior. The sallow-skinned warrior was blindfolded, but still managed to expertly strike the six targets around with with a quarterstaff. The modron's bedraggled spirit stirred at this, and he suddenly remembered the feeling he had when he repaired the cog. After the githyanki's performance, Cipher recruiters went around offering membership to the Transcendent Order where one could learn such discipline. A5690-RZ immediately stepped forward, and for the next few years studied under La'zaander, the githyanki swordmaster from the demostration.
The modron started calling himself Optimus in honor of the perfection he sought, and learned well from La'zaander. The faction tenets of thought without action, however, didn't sit well with the modron, whose mechanical mind couldn't help but process his surroundings. Optimus ended up leaving the Order, striking out into the multiverse to find the perfection he worked toward.[/url]

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

Uh, question:
Whats the price differance for buying modron items? I saw the modron armor, and that takes care of that, but what about other magic items? Like rings, belts, or necklaces?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

No price difference. Magic items (except weapons and armor in 3.5) resize themselves to the wearer.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

I'll be playing Pariah, the rogue secundus, assuming there are no objections. It's based on the rogue modron race for scaling purposes, although it looks different, and it's large size, so it's got a +3 LA, not +2.

Here it is submitted to Cutters, but I'll be modifying the guy to meet the campaign ECL.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

Wait a sec, I thought modrons reverted to quadron form when they went rouge, no matter their previous status...

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

If that is true (and I don't remember ever reading that) then it's a silly rule stuck in there to save the work of writing up a 2nd edition PC race for each modron heirarchy level in the original Planescape. I know that rogues lose abilities, so Pariah'd have none of the (huge) secundus abilities. But, if that's how it's gotta be, it wouldn't change all that much.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

The races chapter of the PSCS says:

While a modron’s shape is normally determined by its rank, shortly after leaving Mechanus the modron outcast loses its rank, including any abilities determined by it, and adopts a form similar to a quadrone.

But if Primus allows it, I guess its okay. It would be intresting to see how the modrons react to a rouge still retaining higher status, would they still consider it their superior?

Anyway, how do I submit my character sheet? Do I just type it in and PM it to Primus? should I make a link to a copy of it character area of the playing forums (cant remember the forum name...) Do I post it here?

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

If you want, try out which lets you post character sheets online. That's a fairly common utility for online games, or you can definitely PM your sheet to Primus (cut and paste from a text document is fine).
So far I think there are four players: myself, Rhys, BERK, and jordarad. Do you want a bigger party, Primus, or is this going to be a good start?

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

It wasn't immediatly apperant to the Modron that it had gone rouge. During the last modron march, it had been seperated from the group in Pandemonium, and was lost in the tunnels, not finding its way out again untill long after the march was over. It immediatly returned to Mechanus as soon as it was able. To its surprise, it was not accepted. During its stay in the tunnels, it had lost itself. It was drivin out of Mechanus, and soon found that it was no longer safe around others of its kind.
Seperated from the Modron Hierarchy, it clung to the first name, the first identity that it could.
Unfortunatly, that idently was given when he stumbled out of a portal into Sigil into the way of a tiefling on its way to the lower ward.
"Watch where your going, Berk" the Teifling had growled.
And so the Modron had a name. And found that, seemingly overnight, he had become immensly popular. Everyone seemed to know him.
No longer under the protection of Mechanus, the Modron sought to find a way to defend himself from the less friendly residents of the planes, and found such protection in the power of Psionics. But after every modron he met attacked him, he found that he would rather run that destroy his former breathren, and again found such abilities within the realm of Psionics.
Berk is hard not to notice, because while he is the same shape and size of all rouges, he floats a foot of the ground, and is transparent due to his ring of almost invisibility. The best decription of him is ghost-like.
The stats ahere here: /forums/viewtopic.php?p=8895#8895

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

Wow, Berk, Im not sure if you noticed or not, but I think Primus actually predicted your character.
The first post of I, modron talks about all the Modrons there, and mentions one whose feet dont touch the ground.

Thats it...

Im getting out.
(leaps away)

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro


Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

I'm still here. I'd like one more player, but three is enough to start with. Unfortuneately, my time is limited. Expect a Game Thread within the next week...

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: I, Modron One Shot: "Rogue Squadro

It had begun!

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