Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

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joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Hey cutter,

interested in a trip to the dark side of the ring? Right, right, I'm talking about the Lower Planes, but not only - let's start exploring the darkness in the Hive Ward, and then we'll move on, visiting places you haven't even thought about before.

Beware, though, since this trip is not for the light-hearted. You'll need a good stomach and an even better sword or spell if you wanna make it out alive. As for sanity, I can't promise anything...

Game mechanics: Well, I hope anyone is interested in a dark-mooded online game. I'd love to have three to six players, levels somewhere between 7 and 11, alignments, classes and races don't matter - but it should all be mortals.
I want this to be a 3.5 edition game (I'm not really a 3.5 super expert, but it'll be enough for DMing...).

Characters are allowed to have up to three magical items of normal power (i.e. something like a "sword +2"), and up to one magical item of greater power (i.e. something like a "holy sword" for a paladin, or comparable).

Please send character sheets to me by mail: [REDACTED]

The story is flexible, so complex backgrounds are welcome - I can adapt the story to fit to the characters.

Have fun,


Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Um, hwo exactly does the item thing work?
And do we gain these items in addition to what we can buy with the money we start out with? Or do we not start off with said money.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike


that's meant as an addition - you'll gonna need it in the adventure Eye-wink

The idea is that you just choose a standard item from the books, OR you go for the creative way and make stuff up yourself. If what you have goes beyond what I consider okay for the game, I'll make a suggestion on how to reduce the item to something acceptable.

Have fun,


blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Ohh, this one sounds interesting, but i have a few questions:
one, what system do you want me to use for Stats?
two, are you expecting evil characters?, because my player physki bends all directions for allignment
three, Are you looking for little creativity, or would you like us to go all out on creation?, because i would love the later.

Ashy's picture
Joined: 2005-04-28
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Heiner, got room for a tarmy tiefer in th' party? Eye-wink Go to see you back in the ol' kip'n'cage, cutter!

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Hey Ashy,

there's ALWAYS room for a tiefer.. Smiling

Glad to see you here, too =)

Have fun,


Ashy's picture
Joined: 2005-04-28
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Groovy!!! Cool

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

So... are we assuming level 11?

By the way, what counts as a normal magical item, and what counts as greater? I dont want to make anything too powerful, but don't want to stop short either.

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

i sent my charecter to your PM instead of your email, but anyway......

i hope you like him and i would love to play your campaign if you'll let me in

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike


sorry for the late reply, had some stress the last days...

@Fidrikon: Level 11 is fine, just in case you have any reason for playing a lower level character, you can go down to level 7 - anything below probably won't survive long.

@swan: I'll take a look in a minute and PM you then...

Have fun,


joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike


@Fidrikon: Forgot to answer about the magical item question. As said, a minor magical item is anything comparable to a sword+2; a major magical item is comparable to a paladin's holy sword, which I consider quite a powerful magical item. If you're unsure, just go for the bigger, and if it's not okay, I'll make a suggestion of how to reduce the magic to an acceptable level.

@swan: Looks good at first glance, though I think I have a few questions... but this might also be because it's late at night over here Eye-wink
I'll PM you for details in the next few days when I had the time to take a close look. As a general thing: The more background information I get, the more I can adapt the story to fit to your character. So if you've got anything else you can offer about your PC's background, just send it over to me.

Have fun,


Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

How abouts this:

Minor magical item 1: my +2, keen rapier. If its a bit to much, i all ready bought it, so no biggie. If its suitable, I get some cash back!

Minor magical item 2: a wand of Shroud of Shadows. Its a 4th level spell on planewalker, which I think my character ( a rouge assasin) would be able to use to maximum effect.

Major magic item: ring of telekenisis. (Wheeeeeeeeeee!)

These okay?

( By the way: I bought an adamantine -removable tooth filling for 160gp ( thats 100 gp more then an adamantine arrowhead, I figure a little less adamantine, but more intricacy in the crafting) It has no magical properties, and the point of it is if I ever need to get out of some chains or manacles, and they took away all my other equipment ( who puits a guy in a prison, still wearing his vest of escape? honestly?) I can pry it out and eventuallys use it to scrape through the metal.
Just figured I'd check.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

@Fidrikon: Yes, that sounds all fine Smiling

Have fun,


Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Being a thief in the hive is nothing special. But Ian is no longer your run-of- the-mill thief.
It all started when Ian tried to pick pocket one guy he the dark ally of the Hive. The man very nearly cut off his head, but was impressed that Ian had come very close to succeding. He took Ian under his wing, and brough him into the assassins Guild, where Ian perfected the art of sneaking up on people and killing them.
And all way well, reasonably well. Until he came back from a job to find that this guild HQ was overrun with mercykillers. He quickly grabbed some emergency supplies he had stashed in the slags in case his reputation with the guild when foul, and has been in hiding ever since.
All he can assume is that the rest of the guild is dead, or has fled from Sigil.
Ian currently hgires himself out as a mercenary, but is sure to leave that job in a heartbeat if he sees a better chance.

Ian is a half elfm with jet black hair and blue eyes. His code of honor, however, is seriously skewed.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

hey, i sent mine in, but i forgot the description:
aposter in a waterdeeptavern reads:
listen up! all travelers gaurd your pokets, there is a thief on the loose! he appears about five and a half feet tall, and wears blue garb over his black padded armor, he has long black hair, and a pair of seriously cold yellow eyes. he has small black horns that he keeps filed down. he is normally seen wearing a theatre mask of horror, and armed with a metal claw in his right hand. He was last seen in Amn, on the bridge in Athkutla, running into the theatre house.
Reward 10,000GP
Know the real story:
he was rased by the red tiger tribe on toril, became a rogue, and went to the city, he has been stealing to live, then he was running from the amnish gaurd, ran through the door of the theater house with a mask of horror on, and disapeared by what the gaurd think, what really happened was he activated a portal into the outlands, were he is today.
there you go, i finished

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

you can't be a masked person.......cause i'm the MASKED GNOLL(tm). we cant have TWO masked people in the party, that's way too suspicious, one masked charecter and the hard working people of where ever will be like whatever, but two and the harmoniom will be more angrier with us than stevie wonder trying to play where's waldo! i'm sorry for the incovenance, but i allready beat you to it with the MASKED GNOLL(tm).

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

I wasnt going to say anything, but... do we really need two rouges? I mean, what does the second one do?
I can see it now...

"Its my turn to disarm the trap!"
"Well, you got to sneak attack the guard, I get the trap."
"Bull***t, its my turn."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Ummm... I hope this discussion isn't serious, or is it?

As for two rogues - I wouldn't have a problem with a whole party of rogues. As said, I'll adapt the adventure to the PCs. As for two "masked" characters - honestly, that's just a bit too silly to comment on...

I'll mail or PM everyone this week for details.

Have fun,


dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

i am a serious as as a mercykiller with a pick-pocket........

i just relized i never put any info about the Masked Gnoll on this forum, so to get ride of any confusion here's a little description.

some might say he's the batman of the planes, but that's impling that he does nice things ALL the time, when the truth is many of his tactics ain't really kosher. wearing a full length gronkskin cloak and the mask of the skull, this flind gnoll looks more than suspicious, he looks down right shady! living in the hive, he's out to take down crime a peg or two, unless he's out scavening in the the allys for food or supllies cause let's face it, super hero vigilante pay isn't the greatest. many rouges think he's any easy target running around the shadows of under sigil dressed like he is, but they get their just deserts when he pulls out his two keen flindbars and his 34 strength!

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

oh, don't worry swan, i know longer wear the mask, that was just on toril, my character found it to be silly when he hit the planes... besides, who wants to wear a mask everywhere if you look just dandy!
oh, joy blood, my character isn't to powerful right, cuz if he is, feel free to throw things out.
Fidrikon: two rogues can be useful, as long as they're good at different things, i tried to make mine more of a spy than a thief(lots of sneak attack high dex, improved evasion), so i think that its alright too. Besides, rogues are one of the most vercetile classes, not to menchion easy to play as well.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Is there an opening? I was thinking of a Prime from a more technologically advanced world, up to the gills in cybernetics. And completely broke, because planars don't take credsticks. Eye-wink

He'd be using d20 Modern +Future rules, at PL 6.

I'm thinking for him to be a Cykotec Aleerin Fast Hero 3/Smart Hero 3/Helix Warrior 1. The Cykotec template is LA +4.

Minor Items: MicroMuscles Nanoaugmenters (+4 Str, +4 to Str-based skill checks involving endurence)
Brain Boost Nanoaugmenters (+4 Int)
Major Item: Gene Therapy (Fast Healing 10)

EDIT: Don't be worried about balance. d20 Modern characters are balanced against DnD characters, it's just that they each have a different emphasis. DnD characters have more magic, d20 Modern characters have better tech.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Hi nick,

umm, sorry, but I'm not too much a friend of mixing up cyber-stuff and fantasy - so d20 Modern/Future is out of option. Of course I'd be happy to have you join with a less "sci fi" character!

[EDIT - in reply to your edit : My problem isn't balance, but mood... but, thinking about it, maybe we can find a compromise. I'll PM you about it.]

Have fun,


Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Fidrikon: two rogues can be useful, as long as they're good at different things, i tried to make mine more of a spy than a thief(lots of sneak attack high dex, improved evasion), so i think that its alright too. Besides, rogues are one of the most vercetile classes, not to menchion easy to play as well.

Okay, i checked. even though im an assasin, we both have the same sneak attack die, 6d6. (as long as we are both level 11)

However, considering i have the Assasins death attack ability, and the following skills ( hide: 34 ( 49 when using shroud of shadows) Move silently 25) maybe I should by the... well... Assassin. More focused on sneaking up and killing people.
However, my other rouge abilties (Search: 17, Disable device :18) could be better, so maybe you should handle traps?

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Yes, those are high, so that could work out too, oh, if we have a need for use for survival, i think i took that as well. Any body else here playing a tiefer? because thats what i took, a NE tiefer anarchist.

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

i have survival, but only like 12 , and i'm not a teifer, i'm a CN flindgnoll ranger. i think ashy was going to be a teifer though.....

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

If the DM accepts my character, he has a Survival bonus of +9, +13 when tracking by scent.

So the group has an assassin, a rogue, a ranger, and a cybered-up mercenary. I hope we don't run into anything that needs a mage. The ranger can perform a bit of healing, and can hold his own in melee combat. My guys mostly defensive, but has accurate, if weak attacks. Well, relative to more offensive level 11 characters.

The party as a whole is likely very stealthy. My guy has +20 Hide and +15 Move Silently. Not anywhere near as stealthy as the assassin, but still enought to be nearly impossible for your run-of-the-mill guards.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Yeah, my survival is like +19, were has ashy been, i haven't seen any responses from ashy.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

I've had discussions by PM with Ashy about what character he'll play. Just made the final decision what it will be...

Ashy's picture
Joined: 2005-04-28
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

BWAhahahhahhahaha!!!! :twisted:

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

I've completed my character sheet. Do you want me to PM it to you, joyblood, or do you want me to post it here?

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Please PM it to me!

I'll take a close look at all characters in the next days. The plan is to start the game monday or tuesday next week.

Have fun Smiling


nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

PM'ed away.

I used some equipment from Urban Arcana and the d20 Modern Web Enhancement.

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

it's tuesday and I'M READY!!!!!!!

dang, i'm stoked!

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Hi there,

I'm still doing "real-life work" right now - but as soon as I'm done with business stuff, I'm going to write the starting post for the game. Just a little bit more patience, we ARE going to start today Smiling

Have fun,


Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

* checks to see if all the knives are sufficiently well hidden*

Okay, Ian's prepared.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Hi there,

we're almost there... Smiling

One thing I totally forgot to mention - I hope this is not a problem for anyone: We're playing in Sigil pre-Faction War. Don't worry about this too much, though, Sigil will only be the starting point for this campaign.

Have fun,


Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

No problem, never really was comfortable with post- Faction war anyway. Made my brain sad . :cry:

Viva la (fill in cause of your choice)!

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

And there we go Smiling

Just as we start, I do have another announcement to make. I'm out for business stuff for a few days from tomorrow on. If you answer quick enough, we'll definitely have a few posts in the next few hours, but I won't be able to answer before weekend after that, if things go slowly not before Monday (that will be the latest date for further replies, though).

Have fun,


OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Is there still room in this game? I have an idea for a cool druid, but before I go through the trouble of writing her up all the way I wouldf like to know if there are still postitions open. Are there?

a quick description of my character:
Long and slender, long white hair with pale skin. She is a Druid, and a proud one, coming from a long line of Driuds as she does. She glides rather than walks into rooms and open spaces. She wears dark green leather armor, with some dark green ribbons braided into her hair. She has a scar apon her slender neck, which seems to be the reason she whispers, and seems to be why her elven parents named her such at her coming of age birthrite. She may just be a slight thing, but she is quick as lightning, if you happen to see her in action. She carries a scimitar and a quarterstaff, along with a few daggers hidden here and there. At her belt is a pouch of herbs and spell components. She has brocken many hearts and is sure to break many more.

What do you think thus far?


joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Game Announcement: Great minds think alike

Hi Ophelia,

yep, there's still room - just send a character sheet by PM or email ([REDACTED]) and we'll talk through the rest. Smiling

Have fun,


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