Game Announcement: Dark of the Day

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Stix's picture
Joined: 2005-05-09
Game Announcement: Dark of the Day

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game Announcement: Dark of the Day


Which LARp do you guys play? I've been involved in PRO in the past (Pittsburg NERO chapter), and still have a character in the database. I just wonder if I know (or should know) either of you.

(fellow LARper)

Stix's picture
Joined: 2005-05-09
Game Announcement: Dark of the Day

Mostly just local troupe stuff, myself; we run a number of World of Darkness games once a month or so (I actually know a couple of people who used to do the NERO thing a few years ago... it was pretty popular with the "old guard" LARPers around here). My friend Andy is a staff member for the Otakon LARP, though, and I think he's looking to suit up for another convention game.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Game Announcement: Dark of the Day

oh, this one sounded really good... until i re-read the post and saw that it was 2nd edition, sorry im out.

Kabiel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-18
Game Announcement: Dark of the Day

I would adore this, but 2ed is rather...limiting. If almost no knowledge of the rules is required or if you gents switch over to full free form at any time I'd love to join in, you can hit me with an email at [REDACTED]

Stix's picture
Joined: 2005-05-09
Game Announcement: Dark of the Day

Almost eight months since our first in-game post, and we've finally found time and space to start cementing our hybrid game system. It's based heavily on 3.5, influenced by 2e. The site is nowhere near finished, but it's coming along nicely:

It hosts a growing mass of information concerning what we allow in-game and the rules we use for it. Races are listed, but not filled out, and all of the Common Classes plus a few of the Uncommons are covered.

We're starting up some fresh plot arcs at the moment, and could really use some more PCs. Also, one of the plot arcs still running needs a few lost souls looking to find their way out of the Field of Nettles (it's a scripted adventure from the Blood War boxed set, to give fair warning).

To submit a character, send a concept (and, if you like, a sheet -- if you'd rather just provide general info, we can put together the game mechanics) to [REDACTED], and we'll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Corwyn's picture
Joined: 2006-04-17
Game Announcement: Dark of the Day

So I joined the Yahoo group of this recently, but haven't seen any new posts in at least a month and a half for this game, is it dead? Sad

Void's picture
Joined: 2006-05-04
Game Announcement: Dark of the Day

I am in if I can play a Gray Elf Rogue... I really want to play one and I would as well like to be a Sniper, (3.5 version of Deepwood Sniper, perhaps). If it is AD &D, I am out, although I like AD&D pretty much. However, I really want to roleplay this rogue I described.

Stix's picture
Joined: 2005-05-09
Game Announcement: Dark of the Day

Dark of the Day did experience a burnout. After several months of consideration, weighing the weaknesses of the previous game model and learning from mistakes, I'd like to breathe some life back into the game. We have already started up a freeform aspect to the game, open to all approved PCs, and we've retained a good number of our previous players.

The focus of the game will be primarily on PC interaction and goals. Ideally, these will be things on which characters can make some headway while banging around the Cage on their own time; I hope to provide something for everyone's style of gaming, but the characters who will thrive are those who can find or make something to do, even if it's just starting an idle scene at Chirper's to swap chant, entertain, or debate. The forum has its own internal dice roller, so you don't need me for much of anything.

DM-run plot will happen alongside freeform; it is entirely voluntary. If martial varieties want the chance to flex, groups can enroll in mercenary work, or warriors can sign up for an arena fight in the Hive Ward. Delvers into the arcane arts can pursue rumors of hidden sources of untold power, and swap notes among the Society of the Luminiferous Aether. Treasure hunters and thrill-seekers need never want for opportunity. Tensar's Employment Service will provide leads for anybody who wants a quick fix. Factions will request errands or services of their members. Et cetera.

To forewarn everybody: I don't follow canon, and I don't use fanfic. Try to keep your character to the races from the Planewalker's Handbook, with class restrictions in mind.

If you're interested, create a 1st-level PC using D&D 3.5, according to the rules on the Site Guide. The forum is a relatively new addition, and I've adjusted a lot of rules with not much time to update, so if you don't find what you're looking for, PM me.


Stix's picture
Joined: 2005-05-09
Game Announcement: Dark of the Day

In May, Dark of the Day will embark on one of my favorite-ever PS plotlines: the Deva Spark. I intend to have two or more groups of PCs vying for control over the events therein, and would ideally like to involve the entire PC population in the plot arc.

If anyone's interested, pop on by and I'll gladly help expedite character creation. We could really use lawful characters (esp. Guvners, Hardheads, and Mercykillers), but any alignment is acceptable, and all factions are open.

Stix's picture
Joined: 2005-05-09
Game Announcement: Dark of the Day

Quick update on the Deva Spark plot: The investigative group of Athar and Godsmen will be comprised of PCs; currently, I have two definites and two more possibles. I'd be particularly interested in an Athar with scholarly inclinations, but any concept of either faction is fine.

Cipher or Harmonium/Mercykiller PCs would also be very welcome, to join members of those respective groups.

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