Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

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Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

For those in the planewalker community seeking a dramatic change from your average planar campaign, look no farther. This site is frequented by planar sages of incredible calendar and to those I offer something they are no doubt craving: the unknown. This campaign will be based in a cosmology structurally and metaphysically different from Planescape, but it is inspired by Beyond Countless Doorways, a book written by the entire Planescape team, so hopefully people will give it a try.

Myself and Factol Rhys want to co-DM a campaign using the cosmological design of BCD, which treats planes as alternate realities infinite in number and character, rather than infinite realites finite in number and predictable in character. Planes are connected to only a few other planes, making planar travel much more like a mundane journey cross country than a plane-hopping jaunt with Snail Outfitters. Whole worlds exist right next door to one's own reality: a kingdom literally built of wealth where boudlers of gold abound but water is direly precious; a void full of spinning asteroids with one lone city huddled in the debris, the last remanent of a massive empire; an island ruled by reptillian creatures where non-reptillian sentients are hunted for sport. The PCs will be individuals from homes across the multiverse, almost definitely visiting planes other than their home for the first time. Since realities are infinite, creatures will definitely defy expectation, opening the posibility for depraved elves and stalwart bugbears.

All of that said, we have a few planes in mind that will fit into the story arc well and don't want the novelty of the setting to be overshadowed by bizarre characters. In other words, exceptions are possible, but don't go overboard. The tone of the campaign will hopefully reflect the tone of Planescape: intrigue and drama instead of brawn and intimidation. After all you can take Monte Cook out of Planescape, but not the Planescape out of Monte Cook.

So, this general post is to gauge people's interest. If the response is lackluster, no sweat it's understandable from a fan site. If folks want to try something new, we will post more detail and start writing adventures. Beyond Countless Doorways is not necessary, and would in fact provide a whole barrel of spoilers, however regardless of whether this gets off the ground, the book rocks and can enrich any planar campaign, Planscape or otherwise.

-Rhys and James

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

: Primus blinks...:

I just started a BCD game on the Pits of Evil. Are you guys taping me while I whisper to myself in the closet?

I'd like to play, anyways... perhaps a Sorc or a Cleric or something.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

If "All that We See or Seem" goes belly-up, then I'd like to join.

What level are you looking for?

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Probably ECL 12 or so, not as a matter of principle, but just to ratchet up the options. However, oddball characters get screwy, so most of that should be actual levels, not ECL adjustments.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
I let pass a rare chance to play a Pokémon Trainer :(

I'd be very interested but I'm pretty swamped with homework so I'll have to pass.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

I'm definitely interested. The only problem is that I've already read half of BCD. I can make myself amnesiac and roleplay ignorance fairly well though. Which planes will be featured in your game?

I'd probably want to play a Wind Duke (air genasi) or a hard-bitten inter-planar smuggler (Gatecrasher PrC).

Edit: Is the game rules-lite? I know the basics but I'm no rules guru and I like to wing it. Also, are the factions involved at all?

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Sounds good, Krypter, why not both? Most of the planes in BCD are fine, though not all of them we'll use. How about Ouno for your wind duke smuggler?

One thing to keep in mind (especially if you're considering the Gatecrasher), is that portals aren't going to be in much use in the campaign. There's no Sigil and most of the traveling will be done through uses of planeshift and planar rifts and such. In the same vein the factions aren't going to be around but if someone wants to play a factioneer there could be parallel groups. We're trying to leave a lot of things open-ended to cater to creative ideas. Therefore, we haven't pinned down what planes are connected to the plane you'll be starting in nor what interplanar organizations there are. Most planar creatures live on the planes they were born on, though most people know there are other planes out there and some even know which there are. However, there aren't many reasons to leave one's home plane, so the majority of inhabitants stick to they're homes.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

I wish to make a Kobold Samurai. It'd be nice if we could devise a form of Kobold that doesn't suck compared to other races (the current kobold stats are at approzimately -1 LA).

For pictures of this character I direct you to....

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

That sounds awesome, Primus. As luck would have it, there's a plane we'll be using called the Lizard Kingdoms where reptiles run the show and mammals are hunted for sport. There's a new reptillian race called a dire kobold which is less scrawny and more... well, draconic. I'll PM you the details, are you thinking of Oriental Adventures or Complete Warrior for a samurai class? Or a fighter with carefully chosen feats and skills? It's not much difference to me (although I don't know what Rhys thinks) but not all the mechanics from Oriental Adventures may carry over (such as the lightning duels, whose proper name escapes me right now). And also in this vein: Krypter, like all of our Planescape campaign, this will focus primarily on plot and not so much on dungeon crawling. However, a good grounding in the rules may never hurt so be prepared for a role every once in a while.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

MJ, I've got BCD. I wasn't sure if I should use a Dire Kobold. I kind of would rather play a regular sized kobold, just one with stats that don't suck (Dire Kobolds are Medium, ya see) also, I was hoping to be not from the Lizard Kingdoms so going there would be interesting. I was imagining a Rokugan-ish world with kami and such.

I dunno about stats. I'll probably use a Fighter or some such thing... I know some folk over at the Pits who are good at making Balanced and interesting PrCs.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

I'd definitely be interested in a Beyond Countless Doorways campaign. I've not had a chance to buy or read through the book, but I've seen some good things in the previews on Monte's website.

Preferred character would likely be something involving Arcane Trickster, though I could also run a divine caster if the party doesn't get a healer otherwise. As a caster, I'd prefer a LA+0 race, natch. =/

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

I haven't read the chapter on Ouno yet. Should I? It does seem to fit a wind duke and a smuggler well. I was thinking of a female figure that appears innocuous but is actually a rather mercenary cross-trader. An older woman with a weather-lined and kindly face, silver vambraces and breastplate, wrapped in a dozen colourful shawls and transparent veils blowing in an ever-present wind. She cuts deals, charms her way through guard posts, and when her charm fails she draws her sabre and main-gauche and spills blood.

Would you guys be willing to use the unarmoured combat rules from Conan, which I heard are quite good? The ones with your level being used as your AC defense. I prefer lightly-armoured characters, but those are at a severe disadvantage in d20-style combat.

What kind of adventures do you guys have in mind? Exploration mostly? Political intrigues? Interplanar scholarly expeditions? I'd like to customize my knowledge skills so that they get used during the game.

PS: Primus, your character looks fantastic. That's one tough little guy there.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Although it isn't necessarily the position of the DMing team at this moment, I approve of low-armor AC options. Although not necessarily "everyone gets a dodge bonus equal to his level." How about one that reflects defensive abilities that vary with combat prowess? Here's the idea I've got so far:

Dodge (or competence, maybe, or maybe just unnamed bonus, like BAB) bonus equal to [BAB+base Reflex save]/3. That way, characters with better Reflex saves (quick guys like rogues who should be dodging stuff anyway) and characters who are better in a fight anyway (like fighters instead of wizards) will have an easier time with defense. Sorry, mages, no free ride here. I would have this stack with the Dex modifier in terms of being limited by the Max Dex bonus for armor, though I would raise the max dex bonus by some amount I have yet to determine.

This is my idea of what would make a good "unarmored defense." Remember, though, that this campaign is going to be a drastic departure from traditional campaigns. Pretty much, we're doing something just as surreal and "out-there" as Planescape, but making up most of the setting on our own. That being said, we may decide that including another system like this is too much of a change and go with straight d20 with changes for our planes.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Note: I did NOT draw the kobold, I found it online and have been wanting to play a kobold samurai for a long time.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

I'm thinking of a character who's a fighter or thief, with good skills in Negotiation, Stealth, Lying, Streetwise and Derring-do. Also, do we get magical items? I'd like to have an enchanted blade (sabre-main gauche combo), magical robes, and protective silver vambraces and breastplate. Knife-throwing would also be good. Do you guys have a Geography skill or some such that represents knowledge of the planes, or did you want it all to be a mystery? The character's name is going to be...umm...Othelia (the Silverbird).

Do wind dukes get the fly ability? Dang, I forget.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17

Hell, I've got time. You want another, I'm in. I'm nothing if not mercurial, and can write up stats for any type of character that the Party needs.

I do not have Beyond... so it's a non-issue on that part.

As for characters, considering the Party's looking pretty strange to begin with, maybe a bit of normal ol' Human couldn't kill ya.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

I'd be interested, but at this moment, I'm blank on chara ideas.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Don't worry about timing. Mephit James is in a bit of a relocation at the moment, so this won't get underway for a little bit. Oh, that, and the fact that we still have to come up with the actual campaign arc itself.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Rhys, which would you and MJ prefer?

A Lizard Kingdom Dire Kobold Samurai?

Or a Kobold Samurai from a Rokugan-like world?

Also, what do you think of fan-created PrCs? My associates at the Realms of Evil are quite skilled at such things.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

"Rhys" wrote:
Don't worry about timing. Mephit James is in a bit of a relocation at the moment, so this won't get underway for a little bit. Oh, that, and the fact that we still have to come up with the actual campaign arc itself.

So that's, what, a month or so? Give us a few more details so that we can customize our characters to the environment.

What kind of commitment are you expecting, btw? Once a day? A few times a week? More? I don't have much experience in playing-by-post (though a lot of RL experience), so I'll need to learn the conventions.

We've got Primus, eldersphinx, jordarad, rhys, mephit james and myself. Looks like we're ready to roll.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

*pokes around* Do you have room for l'il ol' me?

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Alright, things are moving! Primus: I wouldn't mind either option. We'll probably be seeing the Lizard Kingdoms, if that affects your choice, but you'd said before that you were thinking of a Rokugan kobold. My only concern is that dire kobolds are limited to Lizard Kingdoms and you wanted to play a heftier kobold. What about half-dragon? Or just advance the hit dice? I have no problem imagining a stronger-than-normal kobold, even they oughta get a break now and again.
Krypter: That sounds like a great character for the campaign, a mixture of intrigue and combat. I think Knowledge (The Planes) is a good option for a skill, it would probably most often work like bardic knowledge. For instance if you get directions you're going to some new plane you can make a check to see if you recall that it's filled with vampires and some holy symbols might be in order.
Eldersphinx: Arcane tricksters are a fun Prestige class, I like it. If you want to/need to run a divine caster, check out from Rich Burlews awesome site. You'll need to come up with a good back-story, of course. Mage/thief might make sense to a player, but its really an odd career choice and should take some explaining. There's a ruined plane of sorcerers and wizards who tore their planet apart named Cragimoor that might be an option, though you'd need to be human.
Center and jordarad: We'd love to have you on board, it'll probably be at least a week and a half before this starts, probably two weeks. Humans are fine: you can still play a pretty kooky human if you really want to stretch limits. For instance, if you don't want to play an earth genasi, what about a human from an underground plane who worships stone as a manifestation of the past? Or play a human with purple skin and white hair, it only needs to be a human in stats.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

I'm thinking some kind of human who is very superstitious and worships voodoo-like spirits. Think something akin to the trolls from the WarCraft world. Class-wise, I think the Shaman from OA is the closest fit, though it's not quite an exact match...

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

I'll be playing a human spellslinger (mage, wiz or sorc not determined yet). Level cap?

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

ECL of 12, but don't put too much of that into LA's. We want to keep things at least recognizable. It's nice to have at least some of the races who are supposed to be the most populous have some kind of presence.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Yeah, the composition of adventuring groups being what it is today (half-this or demi-that) you'd think that the entire multiverse would be empty of humans. Maybe they're out doing the farming, woodchopping and baking. You know, the *real* work. Smiling

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Hell, call me old-fashioned. I think you can have a unique character without resorting to a different race.

I'll have stats up by friday.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Hmm... Countless Doorways. If there's room for me, I'd love to play. I don't have a character concept yet, but I think Box-in-Bloom and Olorin are good examples of the level of detail and quality I'm capable of.

Let me know if there's room for me.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

My character concept is human (you think I'd run an Arcane Trickster and take anything with an LA? Hah!) but I haven't gotten a word back from James on whether the personality of the concept works or not. I can post stats soon if need be, but I'd prefer to hear back from him before I jump in headlong. Thanks...

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Mephit James is in something of a difficult DMing position at the present, settling into his overseas move. For a few more days (I would think) he won't have computer access. So if you're waiting for a PM or e-mail back, you'd probably be better off contacting me for a quick reply. As if I'm a prompt e-mail or PM responder. I'm at as much of a loss as the rest of you, though, since we can't really plan while he's out of contact.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Will try to get a character finished after the weekend. Got a lot to do between now and then.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Definitely no rush on these characters. Things are moving slowly from the DM side of things, so basically this campaign will move along just quickly enough to keep some interest, but won't happen for a little bit.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Will characters need to have some means of interplanar travel (Planeshift, etc.) at their disposal, would you prefer that they didn't, or does it not matter?

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways


I sent you guys my concept. Let me know what you think.


Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Can I use the Spirit Shaman class from the Complete Divine?

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
Will characters need to have some means of interplanar travel (Planeshift, etc.) at their disposal, would you prefer that they didn't, or does it not matter?

Planar travel will be a lot tougher here than in Planescape, so feel free to purchase some items but bear in mind they won't be 100% reliable.

"Center of All" wrote:
Can I use the Spirit Shaman class from the Complete Divine?

That seems alright to me, what do you think Rhys?

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Works for me. Good to have James back. I think exotic classes are great for planeswalking campaigns, but exotic races actually make things less exotic.

But enough on all of that.

Jordarad, your character concept sounds fine. Is he copper dragon-ish? Riddling and such? Dragons actually have a planar home, so hold for details there. What sorts of dragon-themed feats, etc might you be using from Draconomicon, or was that just for the basic idea? Have you considered the draconic feats for sorcerers from Complete Arcane?

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

I have no dragon-ish feats, but the concept was begat when a friend lent me the Draconomicon. I don't have Comp. Arcane either, just get by on my core rulebooks and MMs. I was envisioning a dragon cohort using the feat, but decided against it for ease of RP and combat.

If you'd like, I'll send you the stats. They're ready at this time.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Which reminds me, Rhys and I are big fans of many sourcebooks (the Complete books, Libris Mortis, and Draconomicon ranked among them) and would probably welcome extra material. We have most of the books, too, so if any of you want to try something new out just run it by us, preferrably with a synopsis of how it fits your character and a source.

Also, in order to not lose momentum, anyone with a relatively clear idea of what their considering for a character please post a couple sentences so that others know what the party needs. This can be as short as "I want to play a tiefling rogue from a city in the middle of a plane-wide ocean of nightmares." Nothing too detailed if you don't want, especially names if you don't have any yet, and try to focus on personality rather than history. The way we envision the campaign, you all will start out strangers so you'll have to explore pasts in conversation.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

I'll be playing Kessel Char, ex Harmonium Bowman born within the Harmonius Ether on Ortho. Jumpstarted to Freedom and Will by Feldgerdranggast the Copper Wyrm, currently a member of the Converts Sect.

C/G Human F4/Sorc8.

No Familiar. (Of yet)

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

I'll probably go straight Spirit Shaman for the however many levels this is. Human, of course. I'll get a character together for you soon, promise!

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

I'm considering a human shadowdancer, haven't decided on gender yet. How does Shadow work in Countless Doorways? Is there a Plane of Shadow? If not, is there something similar that can serve the purpose for the Shadow Jump ability? For a twist on the Shadow companions, I'd like to treat the Shadow(s) as his/her actual shadow, that he/she can send away. I remember reading something like that in David Eddings' Belgariad and I'd like to steal it.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Born of a lizard but with the soul of a warrior, Kalios is a dire kobold from a mystical realm of spirits and honorable warriors. Somehow orphaned from his home plane (the Lizard Kingdoms) while still an egg, Kalios was raised by a kindly human shaman in the ways of bushido and the path of the samurai.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Wow, I thought the campaign was in a much less defined place. Awesome, guys.
Jordarad: I like the concept, just keep in mind that the Harmonium are not the widely-traveled faction of Planescape. Ortho will be a separate plane controlled by the Harmonium group (which Rhys and I may adjust slightly) and the hardhead's power largely ends at its borders. Any ideas for Felderdranggast's plane?
Center: Any ideas for a home plane? A lot of the planes that Rhys and I have in mind feature humans as a minor immigrant race, rather than the center of the show.
Enzo: There probably isn't going to be a Shadow Plane (and definitely not a shadow plane like in Planescape) but there will be shadowstuff in most places to use. Probably like using elemental spells on Outer Planes: you can gather some shadow to use from the plane around you instead of from a primal font. I don't forsee this having major effects on the shadowdancer class, though.
Primus: Good compromise! I like the plot hook a lot, it'll most likely come into play later. If you feel like leaving the orphaning a mystery, Rhys and I can write it up.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

"Mephit James" wrote:
Wow, I thought the campaign was in a much less defined place. Awesome, guys. Jordarad: I like the concept, just keep in mind that the Harmonium are not the widely-traveled faction of Planescape. Ortho will be a separate plane controlled by the Harmonium group (which Rhys and I may adjust slightly) and the hardhead's power largely ends at its borders. Any ideas for Felderdranggast's plane?

Feld's plane is merely another nearby Prime World that Ortho expanded upon through Spelljamming. I haven't thought too much about it, to tell you the truth. I figure Kessel's a sucker for new ideas and experiences at this point, so he'd be up for adventuring anywheres.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Just wanted to note that I'm still interested, just haven't had much time to talk lately due to upcoming midterms and other class work.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Oh ok, this sounds like a good place to interject a little bit of BCD cosmology, specifically that the Prime is no more. Basically everywhere is some sort of plane, some with more bizarre physics (in relation to the real world) than others. There are tons of planes you could consider "the Prime," some of them a single world, some of them star systems, some of them one city. There are also mirrored images of these worlds where, say, everything's the same except that alignments/genders/magic is shifted dramatically. There are also worlds of liquid fire, worlds of no gravity, worlds where thoughts form tangible objects, and worlds where the ground is actually a living being.
So, unless you specifically want to be from the same plane as another character, you should come up with a specific and different plane that your character hails from. So Ortho is a prime-like world where a human military group known as the Harmonium have come to dominate everywhere in the interest of general happiness. Feld, therefore, is from a different plane where, perhaps, dragons are the only sentient beings, or perhaps where raging storms have scoured all but the hardiest creatures from the land, or maybe something wierder. Make sense? The idea is that with six or so plane ideas from you guys, Rhys and I have a store of planes with pre-made hooks for the furthering of plot.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

"Mephit James" wrote:
Oh ok, this sounds like a good place to interject a little bit of BCD cosmology, specifically that the Prime is no more. Basically everywhere is some sort of plane, some with more bizarre physics (in relation to the real world) than others. There are tons of planes you could consider "the Prime," some of them a single world, some of them star systems, some of them one city. There are also mirrored images of these worlds where, say, everything's the same except that alignments/genders/magic is shifted dramatically. There are also worlds of liquid fire, worlds of no gravity, worlds where thoughts form tangible objects, and worlds where the ground is actually a living being. So, unless you specifically want to be from the same plane as another character, you should come up with a specific and different plane that your character hails from. So Ortho is a prime-like world where a human military group known as the Harmonium have come to dominate everywhere in the interest of general happiness. Feld, therefore, is from a different plane where, perhaps, dragons are the only sentient beings, or perhaps where raging storms have scoured all but the hardiest creatures from the land, or maybe something wierder. Make sense? The idea is that with six or so plane ideas from you guys, Rhys and I have a store of planes with pre-made hooks for the furthering of plot.
Part of the reason that I had hope of getting away with what I PM'd you (insofar as the class is built to fit the original setting but expand into D&D seamlessly).

But since there's tonal problems, I'll do some brainstorming and get back to ya.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Are there any transitive planes in BCD? Like the Astral, Ethereal, Dreams, etc? How do things like teleport and such work? The reason I'm asking is the Shadowdancer PrC can Shadow Jump, but if there's not transitive Shadow Plane, perhaps I'll play him/her as a Dreamdancer, or something like that. All the mechanics would be the same, just using a different trans. plane.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Othelia the Silverbird is from the plane of Ouno, and is a believer in Mother Ocean [insert plot hooks as appropriate]. By lineage she is a wind duchess (air genasi), well-travelled in the Ethereal Ocean and is a smuggler by trade. She is middle-aged, with a lined face and tough body to complement her fierce temperament. She is called the Silverbird because of the silver-etched breastplate and vambraces that she wears for protection in combat. In her lighter moments she also covers herself in shawls and translucent robes that flutter in a constant breeze. Once a pirate, she now finds it more profitable to carry "exotic goods" between the Countless Worlds.

If possible, she also has a bottled imp called Grime who occasionally dispenses good advice on matters criminal, but is usually spiteful and mendacious in the utmost.

OOC: Is there a smuggler class that anyone knows of that I can refer to for stats?

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game Announcement: Countless Doorways

Eco-Mono: I don't think the tonal problems are unsolvable, in fact I think I came up with a cool plane idea utilizing the class mechanics independently of most of the flavor. It's your call though, I can always work on it as a plane that you guys visit.
Enzo: While there are transitive planes in BCD, I think they will be few and far between in this particular campaign. Purely in the interest of divorcing this cosmology from Planescape. There might be a couple (for instance see below) but they aren't going to be as useful as the Plane of Shadow or the Astral. If you want to play a Shadowdancer, though, it might be possible to make some compromise, such as a shadowy realm that you can slip into (something like the reality of the Nazghul in the Lord of the Rings).
Krypter: I like the efreet idea, as a recalcitrant NPC he's an easy resource to control. Like I said to Enzo, transitive planes aren't going to be big, so I thought of running the Ethereal Sea as a well-connected plane. It resembles the Ethereal (Planescape or BCD) and has chunks of other planes (including Ouno) which are called the Ports by inhabitants. They look like islands floating in space, bearing the character of their homeplane. The Port of Ouno, for example, is a town of swashbucklers and dockside taverns where the weather shifts between a cold drizzle and a full-blown gale.

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