Game: All that We See or Seem

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Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: All that We See or Seem

A man approaches, carrying a shovel.

He stops in front of you and begins to dig a hole in the ground. He digs and digs until he has dug a large hole precisely 6 feet deep.

You finally ask, "What's with the hole."

The man looks up at you front the bottom of the hole. "You heard the pin, right? Well, that's how it starts. Always. The pin, dropping. After the pin, we waits. And we waits. After a while, I comes in and I digs a hole. 6 ft. deep. It's always 6 ft. Don't know why."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: All that We See or Seem

((Time to take matters into our own hands, someone come up with a direction for this now-freeform game))

Lykos seems to reach a decision, his eyes take on a firm gaze and his jaw sets behind the handkerchief around his mouth. "Alright elf, we'll take you back to the inn and show you to Jim. After that, though, I can't say we'll stick around for good, we need some jink and charities don't pay a lot." The eagerness of the rangers gait betrays him, though, he is always willing to take on charities.
As the group heads off down the road, Lykos talks quietly to Adian. "What do you think?," he asks, glancing meaningfully back at the elf and the priest babbling excitedly to him. "You think he's telling the truth or has he got something planned? I don't like to be racist, but I don't think of elves as the sinister type. Course we don't know for sure he's an elf," he adds with another nervous glance backwards.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: All that We See or Seem

Hmm... I wonder if there should be an icon for a thread that has died or been abandoned...

Eluvan's picture
Joined: 2004-11-09
Game: All that We See or Seem

Ick. Sorry for disappearing like that guys, I feel like an ass. I don't have much of an excuse... I guess life kind of overtook me, and I just started getting more and more stressed out... blah. I apologise, anyway. I really hate it when a DM lets their group down like that, so I feel really terrible that I did that to you guys.

At any rate... I don't know if there's any interest in resuming this game, or even if the players are all still around. If so, though, I still have my notes and would be very happy to get this moving again. I promise that nothing like my last disappearance will happen again.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Game: All that We See or Seem

I'm out.

Eluvan's picture
Joined: 2004-11-09
Game: All that We See or Seem

Sorry to hear it, though I can't say I blame you.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Game: All that We See or Seem

Sorry Eluvan, I think the story has lost its momentum and I've signed onto other projects already.

Eluvan's picture
Joined: 2004-11-09
Game: All that We See or Seem

That's fine, and pretty much what I expected. I just felt that at the very least I owed it to my players here to offer them the chance to resume the game, even if they chose not to. I mostly posted here just to apologise, rather than in serious expectation of getting the game moving again.

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