Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

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Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte turns as if to enter the room. When he gets to within a foot or so of the doorway, he puts his hand up in the universal signal to stop.
Slowly, he turns to the cat-person. His glowing green eyes betrayed the fury behind a stoic mask of her face. "When you lie, cat, you might want to make it believable. Unless he works as a visible team, a guard will always enter a room before his charge.." The fire in his eyes flared as he spoke as the contempt.
"You have a choice. Either way, we're slipping this knot. You can tell us what's on the other side of the door, or you can go first. It's your choice. "
(Not a bluff. Sense Motive check 34 for the response)
***OOC: @Gnoll Druid. Oh, there's enough, 10-12 on our block and another dozen around town with family and friends. She doesn't complain about her haul: last year she filled two big bags. And no, there's more than one convenience store, it just really doesn't matter which one you stop at. *whistles theme from Cheers*

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Sarrin just sighed and drew his sword, readying an attack against the cat if it should chose not to comply with erte's instructions.

((wow, and I thought MY town was small. 1.25 miles?))

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

The cat sighs, clearly mocking you Sarrin... and begins to smell like chicken and light up like a christmas tree(better phrased as, he's manifesting a psionic power). It doesn't appear to be agressive... are you attempting to stop him or letting him go through with it?

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte sighs, clearly not surprised at the turn of events :roll: He calls out, afraid he is already to late to stop Sarrin.

"Pike it. Hold, all of you!"

((Yeah, 1.25 square miles. Everything you wanted to know about Kinsley. Ah, I may b***h and moan about it, but it's home.))

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Sarrin lowers his sword, and wait to see what manifests. "so the fuzzball is a spoonbender on the side then." he looks up, adressing the cat "I'll hold off killing you until you have fully disobeyed Erte's request, but manifest one more thing, and your over-sized brain will be one more piece of filth on the floor."

((whee. random acts of bravado! sorry about that. I don't know what I was thinking for the last post. my bad.))

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

At first, Peter seemed amicable toward the cat, sorry for him having to put up with such a demeaning nickname. But as Erte confronted "Twinkles" and he began to use his powers, Peter froze, trying to remember what it was he was seeing. (Having never actually witnessed psionic manifestation, he's having a little trouble placing it.)

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
bump; 19 on check to remember; jump-starting the topic

"Wait... spoonbender?... Oh yeah, psionic powers have displays."

Finally realizing what was going on, Peter steps back a bit and moves his hand closer to the throwing dagger that Erte gave him.


Gnolly, post okay?

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"I wish you no harm, but I'll not stay my impatient friend's hand much longer. And I doubt your master would be pleased if we were to leave. So again, I ask: why is it so important for us to go through that door first?"

Erte takes a step back, giving the cat-person a bit of breathing room. Of course, the movement gives Erte the needed room to draw his sword or shoulder his lute, should the need arise.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around, finally got to somewhere as to where I could post this, but.. lets just say my regular computer has been pretty fucked up. Can't garantee when I'll post next, but, it *sounds*(no garantee, damn it) like it should be fixed tommorow. Word of advice to you all: McAffee SUCKS

*edit* Screw it, I have a couple minutes to do this right now. One thing to say, anyway.

The power he's manifesting... when he finishes, he dissapears through the floor. What are you doing now?

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

cursing, Sarrin aproaches the door, and searches for traps. if he doesn't find any, he searches the hall for a large (at least halfling sized) object.

assuming he finds one:
"any objection to my throwing this through the door ahead of us?"

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Holy moly! This adventure is still going on? After so long without any posts, I'd had given up on it.

Can anyone fill me in? I'd like to jump on back.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Edward Davis" wrote:
Can anyone fill me in? I'd like to jump on back.

Sure, why not. After locating the building we were looking for, we layed a door over the hole in the staircase, and proceeded to the correct floor. There we found a psionic cat-person who took offense to our (admittedly rude) greeting, and just phased through the floor.
So, as it stands, we've lost Twinkles,
Sarrin's looking for something to trigger the trap that he and I think is on the other side of the doorway;
Peter's fingering his knife;
Lok is lurking, no surprise there;
And Erte's standing in front of a doorway, pinching the bridge of his nose in a pose that is at once long-suffering and half-bemused Puzzled , seriously debating volunteering if Sarrin doesn't find something useful.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

As Twinkles disappeared, Peter's mind caught up with the events and realized what (he thought) had happened. It seemed to him that Erte had had the situation under control and Sarrin's hair trigger caused the cat to simply leave. This frustrated him, inasmuch as they might not be able to contact Handin at all with Twinkles gone.

Visibly annoyed, Peter says of Sarrin's plan, "I suppose that'll work. At least we'll know if there was any real danger."

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

I will never give up, Edward!

And by the way guys, technicians suck *eyes Nordom suspiciously*
Their solution? Restore the computer to date in which it was working. Anyone care to bet what castastrophic events will occur because of that? Whether it will crash or just screw something else up... *sigh*, I'm gonna have to back so much up; gotten alot done since this all happened.


Sarrin, you find a small wooden table in the left corner of this entry room right next to the hallway... sounds like it'll suffice for what you want to do. As for traps, ou find nothing in the doorway, the doorway itself looks/feels pretty normal and the floor in front of the doorway seems to be clear.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"I sencerely hope that we didn't ruin any of our chances to met with this Handin fellow," said the old man as he inched his way toward the door. When he got to it, he slowly walked in the room with one hand pushing the door to the side and the other under his jacket, searching for the butt of his pistol (Just in case).

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"My thoughts exactly." Peter comments to Prof. Davis. As the old man makes his way towards the door, Peter holds his breath...

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"cheer up. I suspect that handin probably expects the people he deals with to be cautious. besides, there are always more portals in the city of doors. if he decides not to favor us with his information, there is surely someone else who will." Said Sarrin as he casually tossed the table through the door and waited. (he did inadvertantly lower his voice when he spoke of going somewhere else for information however...)

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Well, Edward, as you move about 6 feet into the room, you begin to fall through the floor... make a reflex save. Mind you, the floor's not collapsing, you're simply falling though as if nothing where there. Nothing to worry to much about seeing as that you have 7 levels in rogue, but still...

And well, Sarrin, don't think I really need to tell you what happens when you throw the chair in there. Basically saying that you threw the table as Edward walks into the room.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Peter let out a "Ga!" out of surprise, then went over to give Edward a hand. Once the professor was out of danger, he took a closer look at the room...
((OOC: That is to say, Will save to disbelieve. Unfortunately my result is 10, so there's unlikely to be any change.))

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

(My reflex roll was [16+10=] 26)

Did that make it?

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Yes... Edward, that made it; it was more then enough.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

As the professor stepped into the room, he suddenly found that the floor had no substance at all. Now, normally this sort of thing would fascinate Edward to no end. But when you're about to fall through something fascinating and dash your brains against the floor below you, it begins to lose it's charm.

Out of sheer self-preservation, some of Edward's old lightning reflexes from his youth resurfaced for the briefest instance, allowing him to shoot out his hand, grab the ajar door's knob and hang on for dear life. He tried to swing the door back toward the others, but he found that, while his old reflexes came back for a moment, the strength of his younger days had LONG since whithered and died. Not to mention that the sudden stress on his arm threw out his shoulder.

As he dangled from the door, feeling most silly and grinding his teeth from the mindnumbing pain in his shoulder, he turn to the others and said, "A little assistence would be most capitial right now." When the young man held out his hand, the professor took it and used the leverage to pull the door back toward the group. "Thank you, Peter."

He stepped back on the solid floor and, with a sharp snap and a grunt of pain, he twisted his arm and popped his shoulder back in its socket. When the stabbing pain reduced itself to a dull ache, the old man turn his attention back toward the floor beyond the door and tried to spot where he fell through.

(OOC: Having almost no experience with magic, Edward won't know enough to actively look for an illusion, but he will be prodding the floor with his dagger.)

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

((huh... I must have been under more stress than I thought last week... I really thought I threw that table BEFORE edward stepped into the room... *feels stupid*))

((24 on my disbelive. is the floor missing?))

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

*Crickets chirping*

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Ehh... sorry about that. Was kinda hoping Erte would post before I did this, but.. guess not. Leave it to me to wait to long...

Well, since you two (Edward and Sarin) have screwed around with the illusion... you can see through it at the point in which you each start experimenting with it. The illusion itself is still there, but you two can see it as... well, translucent. You can see what's on the other side, but not horribly well.

What's this illusion blocking? Anything in the room more then 5 feet away from the door isn't really there. The piece that is real isn't neatly carved--it wasn't chewed out like the stairs on the first floor where, looks just more like the floor had long since fallen through or something similar happened.

The walls aren't quite as neat as they're made out to be... pretty decrepid, actually. There is no room below here, well.. not in the sense you'd expect. There's an actual apartment room and door leading out into the hallway at the appropriate point(the door itself is closed, currently) but the floor isn't there--it has decayed and has been missing for a long time as far as you can tell. You can't tell what's beyond the room below this one as well, the illusion blurs it and anything beyond the room below is too dark to see from this point.

And finally, for the kicker in this post... right above the illusory table in the room, you see a small cage hanging from the ceiling. In that cage is the cat you saw when you where outside the building and Handin was speaking to you--giving you directions. He looks pretty scared in there, crouched in the center of the cage, looking every which way and meowing every few seconds, though you can't hear him when he does so.

What are you doing?

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte starts to go help Edward with his arm, but only nods when he hears it pop back into place. Bending down, he shoved his hand carefully through the illusory floor, convincing his mind of the illusion; then really looks at what lies beyond. His sneer at being tricked turns to a look of concern when he sees the caged cat. mutters a prayer.

"And here we wander in illusions. Some blessed power deliver us hence." He turns his head back to the humans. "Illusions aren't cheap. Something this elaborate may have required a high-level spell. In other words, someone has decided to expend a good deal of energy on us. If it's a spell, and not some mind-magic, I may be able to tell just how much he's been willing to spend."

((OOC: Spellcraft check result=33 to identify spell already in effect.))

"Know thine enemy. If we can tell how strong a spell he's using, we can atleast get an idea of how strong he is."

((OOC: Damn. Real world getting in the way of my playing. Damn cable ISP wouldn't let me connect from home, and I've been under the weather, so couldn't go to work and lurk from there, either. Sorry bout the delay.)

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)


About how far is the cage relative to the edge of the solid non-illusionary floor?

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

There are two spells in effect here, mirage arcana, a 5th level spell and there's a silence spell centered on the cage containing the cat.

As for how far the cage is from the non-illusionary floor, it's 20 feet away.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte frowned.
"Great," he grumbled, turning toward the others. "Just great. The illusion we can work around if we're careful. We need that cat, but it's sitting in the middle of a silence spell.
"Here's the problem. From the spells alone, I'd wager we're either dealing with an experienced bard, or a mage and a priest. I've heard of second and third year temple acolytes casting the Silence spell. And I know of some moderately powerful wizards casting the glamer.
"The power and control it took to cast the illusion would take me years of practice to achieve. We're dealing with someone who knows what he's doing.
Erte's nervous, and it shows. But he's also thinking, and turns to try and study the cage from a distance.
"Can anyone tell how that damn cage is locked?"

((OOC: Speaking of the cage how is it suspended (rope/chain/etc)? Spot check 7 - damn- to spot a lock or latch securing the cage. I think he has a plan...))

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

sarrin looked at the cat with interest.

"I think I might be able to get a closer look... but I'm not too sure about flying out into the middle of that room."

((is my fly spell still in effect? if so, how much longer will that be true?))

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Well, the cage is suspended by chain and as for a lock... you can't see anything obvious; no padlocks or doors or something of that sort.

And Sarrin, I'd say your fly spell has about an hour left on it.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

How thick is the chain holding the cage?

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

The chain holding the cage is about 2 inches thick.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"alright, does anyone have a rope? I'll try to catch a skeg at the cage. I can still fly, but I'd just as soon not go out there if the whole room is trapped."

((how far are we from the cage?))

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Sarrin" wrote:
"alright, does anyone have a rope? I'll try to catch a skeg at the cage. I can still fly, but I'd just as soon not go out there if the whole room is trapped."

((how far are we from the cage?))

The cage is 20 feet away from the non-illusionary floor.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

((do you mean the non-illusory floor we're on, or the non-illusory floor that is at the bottom of the non-illusory hole?))

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Sarrin" wrote:
((do you mean the non-illusory floor we're on, or the non-illusory floor that is at the bottom of the non-illusory hole?))
The floor we are standing on.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)


Seeing that there won't be that much danger, and that a rope would probably be pointless anyway, sarrin flies to the cage and examines it.

((hrm. they seem to have taken out the dicebot... or moved it. I'll edit this once I get the proper search roll made.))

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Sarrin" wrote:

Seeing that there won't be that much danger, and that a rope would probably be pointless anyway, sarrin flies to the cage and examines it.

((hrm. they seem to have taken out the dicebot... or moved it. I'll edit this once I get the proper search roll made.))

OOC: Yeah, I noticed that too so I made a little dice-roller in V-Basic to replace it. You can have it if you want, I don't care about copyrights or anything: (Right-click, Save Target as...)

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Jeez, I thought someone was going to post, but I guess I'll have to jump start the adventure.

The professor thought for a moment. Then with a "I wish there was a better way" look on his face, he called out to Sarrin and said, "Mister Sarrin? I have an idea, but I need you to float under the cage for it to work properly."

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte nods at Edwards suggestion, and steps back from the door to give him a better view. He smiles, obviously pleased with something, but not willing to say anything yet.

OOC: A generic "Happy Holidays" to the game. May you get most of what you want, and only some of what you deserve this holiday season. Oh great, now I sound like a 'loth's greeting card. Oh, well, <sing>Happy Ho! Ho! Ho! To You.</sing>

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Erte Dennijay" wrote:
Oh great, now I sound like a 'loth's greeting card.
While we're on the subject of Yugoloth greeting cards...

Happy Holidays!

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Forget the damn search check. The cage is simply hanging from the chain on the ceiling, which by the way, isn't attached to the ceiling all that well; about 5 feet of chain in total. As for how the cage opens, it opens through the bottom, most of the bottom side is on a hinge and is locked with a nice, shiny... padlock!

Erte, add light fortification to your armor and up the fire resistance on your cape to 10.

Edward, you can upgrade your revolver and hunting knife to +1 weapons.

Pete, as this is all I can truly think of at the time, your backpack-- is now a Heward's Handy Haversack.

Sarrin, add the keen property to your sword and light fortification to your cloak.

As for the others, if I haven't mentioned you, it's only because you haven't been around, if and when you come back I will then make a decision as to what you get.

Well guys, I'm outta here for now... I have things I'd like to go to do now, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you!

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

((sorry I haven't been around. christmas madness... and then new year's madness... and then UT2004 madness...

anyway, MERRY CHRISTMAS! (I'm still allowed to say it, since it doesn't technically end until saturday))

sarrin floats under the cage. "so now what?"

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Peter, interested in this turn of events, sidled up alongside Edward. "So, Mr. Davis, what's your plan?"

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10

Peter frowned, concerned at Davis's silence. Maybe he's trying to think of a better plan. But with everyone waiting tensely for ideas on what to do next, they were getting no closer to their rondezvous.

Peter thought for a while, then looked up suddenly. "We can't go down the hole, but Handin obviously wanted us to meet him... what if we take the stairs down to where the hole leads? He's probably just leery of giving us an honest meeting because we haven't dropped Miss Crosstrade's name yet."

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte pauses, puzzled for a moment, trying to figure out what Sarrin was trying to say in the middle of a zone of silence.

"Peter" wrote:
"We can't go down the hole, but Handin obviously wanted us to meet him... what if we take the stairs down to where the hole leads? He's probably just leery of giving us an honest meeting because we haven't dropped Miss Crosstrade's name yet."

"Good point. But let's see if our floating friend can figure out how to get the cat safely to the landing."

Facing the door, Erte tries to catch Sarrin's attention, then mimes "You give cat to Edward."

(OOC: Maybe the board's been under a silence spell, too.)

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Sarrin flies out of the area of the silence spell. "right, I'll get the cat, but does anyone know how to get it out? I'm not much for lockpicking."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)


Sorry guys. Once again, I had almost given up on this thread for a while. I'll post something tommarrow.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Holy shit, I had begun to thought no one was going to reply to this anymore. Well, I suppose I was wrong. Good thing I checked it when I did...

As for the damn cat, fuck it. It appears in Sarrin's arms purring as it stares up at him. Damn thing bogged this down to much and there's not all that much need in how you get the cat so long as you do.

Just tell me what you want to do now, guys.

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