Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

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Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC - I rip them all to shreds... no no no, just kidding. I follow along at a distance.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC: Away for the weekend at a wedding, haven't had much time to post and have been generally lazy. SUMIMASEN!!! ^_^;

Peter, realizing that Nordom is right and that they have somehow ended up right where they were, gets a very worried look on his face. He whispers to Nordom, "This is reminding me of something from the stories and all, can't remember details though... isn't there some really bad thing associated with Sigil and seeing the same places over and over?"

OOC: He's thinking of the mazes, of course. Couldn't be that as we're all still together, but the association still occurs to him as he doesn't know very much of such things anyway.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte walked cautiously, even though he was instincively sure he was in no danger from Sarrin. He wanted the men at the bin to think he was.

A fit of coughing -- no doubt brought on by the foul air of the Hive -- had Erte doubled over, gasping for air. As he stood hunched over in the street, he carefully pulled a silver dagger from the bandolier. If Sarrin was going to make a faux attack on him, now would be the time.

(OOC: Not quite sure what checks you're gonna want -- if any -- for that little performance. The result of my Bluff check for the following actions, if it's needed, is 33 {13+20 modifier}. If I need a Slight of Hand check -- untrained -- my roll without modifiers was 18 [21 with Dex].)

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

ooc: here goes nothing... btw I was wondering about mazes, is their any proof that the lady can only fit them to one person at a time? not that she'd drag the bums along for the ride...

Sarrin quickly drew his sword and maked a clumsy lunge at erte. "If you're all dead, the jink is mine and mine alone!"

Sarrin cursed as his stab failed to fell erte, and he redoubled his efforts. Unfortunately, his lack of training was doing his blows a disservice.

ooc: I'm attacking for real so as to keep my bluff penalties low. I'm trusting erte's dex and armor to cover for any good hits I land by mistake.

EDIT- after the rolls you see in the below post, I deeply regret saying that last ooc...

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

ooc- and here are my rolls: attack=... oh crap... ummm does a 17 fall in the threat range of a keen bastard sword? I'm on vacation and kinda bookless at the moment.... umm, anyway, the total for that is 24. the crit confermation if needed (I'm REALLY sorry about this...) is a 22. god damn dice roller bot.

my bluff check is a 26.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

(Atrribute my short delay in posting to Doom 3. If you're a fan of the series and you haven't yet bought it... BUY IT. Taking me alot longer to get through then the reviews say it should but then again, I decided to start out on the hard difficulty and well, I prefer to explore. Wonder what nightmare will be like when I unlock it after beating the game...)

No, there is no proof that the Lady can only maze one at a time. Pretty sure there is proof that she's shoved more then one person into one. I point you to the incantifiers/incanters(not sure on what it is if it's even that) for an example if I can remember right.

And yes, Sarrin... 17 is a crit threat on a keen bastard sword. Lucky for you Erte has healing spells, now he just gets to waste them! Sticking out tongue Trust me on this, never count on something to be a certain way(refering to what you said about Erte's dex and armor) and even if you know something is certain, things will usually go against you when you attempt fate in the way you did.

Was gonna post a bit of a description... but now I wanna hear from Erte first before I say something.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Nordom was about to respond to Peter's question about the mazes of the Lady when Sarrin attacked....which caused Nordom to spring into action. Optix, the eye lens gear spirit fixes itself onto Nordom's eye as Nordom takes two shots at Sarrin, one for each crossbow....

OOC: Ok, the first shot was a natural 20, and the second was a 16, +5 for Optix and +9 for Nordom's second attack bonus, so 30 total. Does the second attack hit, Rrodek?

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte drops his dagger and cries out in pain as the huge sword bites into his exposed flesh. The flash of regret he saw pass over Sarrin's face assured him the cut was accidental. The knowledge that the blow was unintentional, however, didn't make it hurt any less. But when Erte saw the crossbow bolt hit the spellsword, he put his hand up toward his companions. He shouts in his best "reach the back of the crowd" voice,

"Enough! This is between the two of us. I'll have no interference! Avenge me if I die, but this fight shall be mine alone. As for you, Sarrin."

Erte draws his slender blade and takes up a defensive stance.

(OOC: So, I'll be fighting defensively, looking for an opening to Bluff running Sarrin through.)

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

ooc- nordom, you scored a crit w/ your first attack. you might want to see if it's is my damage roll wich I just realised I forgot... sorry. 15 damage (assuming the die is a D8... I always mess up weapon stats...) to erte, and nordom does hit with 15.

the air in front of sarrin's free hand began to shimmer as he attacked once more with his sword, this time fighting on the defensive to offset his magical blade. and retreated slightly (5ft step) towards the bums in the alley, his eyes never once leaving erte. "come one by one or all at once! it doesn't matter! I'll have no witnesses!"

ROLLS: 18 on the attack and 5 damage if it lands.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Peter was, needless to say, startled and shocked by Sarin's attack. He was about to throw his dagger when Erte shouted out a warning to stand clear. Peter nervously resheathed the dagger and crossed his fingers. Hopefully Erte would be safe...

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC - Spellcraft check result 28 (roll 11, modifier +17) to figure out what's making your off hand shimmer.

The rapier's tip deflected the path of Sarrin's sword just enough for Erte to step wide of the swing. Erte dared not relax; if he hadn't been looking to turn away the blow, it would have surely caught him. A small voice in his mind sought for and recieved permission two small things.

A greenish glow enveloped Erte's body, and a sneer crossed his face. He steps forward, matching Sarrin's movements.

"You would have been comfortable with your share alone, von Drak. Yet you attack me while my back is turned?

Still fighting defensively, Erte stabbed out, mindful of the magic around Sarrin's hand.

(OOC: Bluff check: 39. And if my attack roll 24 (fighting defensively) hits, damage is 6.)

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

As Erte started growing green, a voice echoed in the minds of Edward, Peter, and Nordom (Been a while since I've reread the rules for modrons, so if you can't hear it, well, too bad)

"It's an act, boys. That first swing hurt quite a bit, but Erte can heal himself when we're done, so don't worry too much. Hold back, and try to make it look like you've expected this to happen for some time."

(ooc: Sarrin, meet the last member of our little group. She's short, likes music, and can cast dancing lights a few times a day. She's strapped to Erte's back. She's the ensouled lute, Dianne of the Five Strings!)

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

ooc - bravo on that lute. that's a neat trick. whould that spellcraft check pass the DC btw? don't have the PHB on me at the moment.

Sarrin grimaced as he took the blow and lashed out once more, remaining on the defensive and giving 5 more feet of ground as he did. "bah! Dennijay, when will you learn? in your hands, the jink will do me no good, and one fifth of the take isn't nearly as usefull as the whole!"

ooc - how far away am I from the bums about now?

rolls: attack 18, bluff 27

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC: If it's a newly-cast spell, and I can see/hear the somatic/verbal component, then DC should be 15+spell level. If the spell was already in place, DC should be 20+level. As long as it's less than an 8th level spell, I should figure it out. Back to the game...

Steel rang against steel as Erte's quick rapier deflected Sarrin's much larger blade just enough for the tiefling to step aside. Erte couldn't help but think if this was anything but a sparring match, he would probably have been dead by now.

"Has your greed blinded you so much, von Drak? You throw away your whole future for quick gold!"

Erte stepped toward Sarrin again, his blade striking within its defensive pattern.

(OOC: Still fighting defensively. Bluff check 27, Attack roll 20, damage 6. Darn dice bot keeps giving me decent attack rolls.)

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

ooc- that applies to items too right? if so, it's a ring of force shield on my left hand. if not, forget I said that.

"feh. future? with you? do you take me for a simpleton? I'd not do this if I didn't have somewhere to go afterword, and my new lord promises more than you fools ever could!" with this, sarrin ran the rest of the distance to the burning trash can with the bums. rounding quickly on erte, and taking no notice of the bums he kicked the trash can, trying to scatter it's contents across the ground between him and his foe.

ooc: what roll would I make for this? just an attack roll?

rolls: attack (assuming that's what it is) 15, bluff 16.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Again, attribute the short delay in posting to Doom3, almost through it... *mumbles about some damn ugly flying babies*

First off, you fooled the bums no problem. Even if they rolled a 20... you guys woulda had little problem, at least it seems that's how it is with Erte and Sarrin. But, at the moment, they seem to be the only ones that matter in that respect.

Throughout the mock fight, the 3 bums around the trash can appeared to be doing little else aside from what they were. The crowd of the homeless however, while they definitely noticed... they don't seem to be all that surprised. Wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened in the Hive. A few of them do leave for safer grounds, many of the others... they just move back as to avoid any of the backlash of your fight. Even from the beginning, the fact that you had weapons out in the open kept them from wanting to get close for whatever reason; asking for money, support... etc.

All seems to be going as mentioned until Sarrin attempts to kick the burning trash can. Sarrin, don't bother making an attack roll. When you go to kick it, you struggle to keep from falling on your ass as your foot goes straight through it as though there where only air there. The 3 bums are doing exactly what they where doing before in their movements and such. For those who saw them the first time, nothing's changed. And now that you're right next to them and can hear them Sarrin, the talking is only incoherent mumbling.

What are you guys doing now?

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

(ooc: Puzzled Damned if I don't feel like a fool; in character and out. Never even thought they'd be illusions. Talk about a rookie mistake.)

Erte faltered as he saw Sarrin's foot fall pass throught the illusory trash bin. Instead of pressing forward, Erte sheates his sword and motions for Sarrin to move away from the 'beggars.' The light around him dies out.

Erte puts his index fingers to his temples, then moves his hands in purposeful motions, chanting in the sing-song of a children's tune.
"Magic bright in Mage's sight / Show me Magic's hidden light."

(Finally doing something smart, I cast Detect Magic. I should have 10 minutes to find the 'magical sensor' made by a scry spell, or other signs of magic. I'm gonna turn slowly, looking for magical auras. Help me out here. What do I see.)

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Well, as you figured the 3 bums and the trash can are magical, no real need to make a spellcraft check to figure the school--rather obvious.

As you turn towards the crowd of bums congregating there you notice something... odd. The majority(I'd say about 75% in this case) of the bums register as magical. At this point, you do indeed notice a scrying sensor, which I now realized I should've allowed you to make a check for, but I'm sure you'll tell them Sticking out tongue

All auras are of moderate strength.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

erte wrote:
(ooc: Damned if I don't feel like a fool; in character and out. Never even thought they'd be illusions. Talk about a rookie mistake.)

ooc- it's not as bad as all that. it always helps to be cautious... but yeah, I can't believe detect magic didn't come to mind first... we just drew SOOO much unneeded attention to ourselfves....

balance check for that kick...w007! nat 20! result's only 21 though...

if sarrin fell, he scrambled to his feet, if not, he obviously didn't. either way, he spent the round in wich erte is casting the spell to recoup. "bah! you seek to use your sorry spells on ME denninjay? I am MAGI!" with that, he lunged at erte, seemingly seeking to impale him, but this time, he actually aimed to the side slightly.

ooc- to keep the crowd in our power we have to keep up the act. I'll take a slight bluff penalty for my voluntary mistake. (attack roll 21 to hit the air next to erte, but not erte himself)

Sarrin cursed loudly as he passed, but for the brief moment he was near enough to erte, he quickly whispered "knock me out and loot me! I'll catch up later."

(bluff check 22)

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte lifts his arm, dancing away from Sarrin's stab (luckily, since that roll would have hit him easily.)

"Sarrin" wrote:
"knock me out and loot me! I'll catch up later."

When Erte hears Sarrin words, he sends a thought towards his lute as he cried out.
"See you in the next life!"
Magical energy gathered around his hand, forming into four speeding balls of green light as Erte pointed his finger. The four balls sped unerringly toward Sarrin.

Sarrin's head was filled with a woman's voice that sounded like it expected no argument, saying:

"Sarrin, fall now!"

The four balls of evocation magic slammed into Sarrin's back.

(OOC: Bluff check 34. Dianne casts Dancing Lights as four balls of energy, and dismisses them as they hit Sarrin.)

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

As Peter saw Sarrin fumble with the trash can, something clicked in his mind. A glamer! Of course... why didn't I think of that? But then again, what about the rest of our surroundings, reappearing like that? Could the layout of the street itself be fake?

*WILL SAVE TO DISBELIEVE (suspecting Phantasmal Terrain or similar). 6(roll)+4(bonuses) = Check result 10. Not too stellar.*

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Nordom took in all that was happening around it, processing the information into the most logical conclusion it could formulate....

Processing.....illusion. Without substance.....newly acquired information suggests a probable explanation of recurring surroundings.....not mazes. Null mazes. Illusion? Query to self:Why would individuals outside present heirarchy wish to empede heirarchy's progress? Sub query: WHAT individuals would desire empedement of present heirarcy? Queries require acqusition of further data....

The rogue turned to Peter, wispering so only he could hear....

"Designation: Peter, predicament may be an illusion. Phantasm. That without substance. Said hypothesis suggests outside interference with present heirarchy's prime directive. Query: Do you know of any beings desiring said effect?"

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Peter looks puzzled at Nordom's question, responding in a similar whisper. "No, I can't think of anyone who'd try to stop us. After all, it's pretty unlikely that anyone other than Edward and I came from Earth recently, and I haven't exactly made any enemies in Sigil."

Peter began to think for a few moments, trying to unravel who could want to stop them. Then, in a seeming flash of inspiration, he looks up.

"Come to think of it, there is a possible enemy I might have here. But it's a pretty farfetched theory..."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

The professor put his hand on the young man's shoulder and replied, "We should not automatically assume that this was a hostile act. Whoever made that illusion maybe merely trying to observe us or, at the worst, fool us. Would it not make sense for a man living around here to be a little on the paranoid side?"

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

((OOC - Had to make a flight HOme to Va. Have computer access, so woo... and BTW... you guys are NUTS.))

Lok moved down the street past the commotion. Stopping a few yards away, the teifling bent to adjust the straps on his boots. The attack of the new fellow upon the bard was curious, but the bard had warned off any intervention. As a bonus it looked like he was winning. Lok was impressed at the traded blows and smiled slightly to himself. Regardless, none of them were coming close to Edward. And if they were, he would be sure to remove them of what little life they had left.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte's attention has shifted, and he has focused his gaze on a particular beggar. After casting (what was supposed to appear as) a set of magic missles at his opponent's back, he seems to have lost interest.

(OOC: He's buying time to study the aura of the nearest non-big-three beggar, just long enough that I can make the Spellcraft check -- result 25. I'm wagering that if that 75% of the beggars are registering with moderate auras, then they're probably illusions. Though I could be wrong.)

Erte turned and walked back to the group, picking up the dagger he had dropped earlier.

As he sheathed the dagger, pain from Sarrin's first, errant, strike demanded to be heard and healed. Erte mumbled a mnemonic couplet ("Knit the skin, and blood stay in. Boo-boos be gone."), and placed his hand on the wound. Blue light flashed under his hand, when he removed it the wound was gone. He spoke, his loud enough for the surrounding crowd to hear.

" Leave him be. Until now, he's been a worthy companion; one mistake in judgement does not change that."

On the heels of his proclamation, his voice now little more than a whisper, Erte tells Edward "We're being watched magically, and I can't tell by whom. Sarrin will rejoin us shortly."

(OOC: Let's see, I'll need a roll for Cure Light Wounds -- 9, that last speech is unadorned truth, so I shouldn't need a bluff check -- though, if I do, it would be 25. And please excuse me if I'm a little off, it's way past my bedtime. I'll look at my post again first thing in the morn, and clarify that what needs it.)

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Lok" wrote:
((OOC - Had to make a flight HOme to Va. Have computer access, so woo... and BTW... you guys are NUTS.))

ooc- damn right. but we get the job done. btw, sorry about not posting yesterday, I fell prey to Manhattan.

As the illusion 'struck' him, Sarrin screamed in pain and fell to the ground motionless, feigning death or at least a coma, but after erte had spoken regaurding 'leaving him be', he raised himself looking as though it took a supreme force of will, and leaning heavily on his sword, using it as a makeshift cane while he got to his feet. breathing heavily "I'll have *gasp* none... of your... charity!" with this statement, he ran toward erte, thrusting once more, and once more whispered when he was near enough to be heard "LOOT damnit! LOOT!" . he readied for the retaliatory strike and said out loud for all to hear "what's so hard to understand about that, fool? you know me! even when I donned this CURSED NECKLACE, I would let no one remove it before I paid them!"

(rolls: attack 13, bluff 22)

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte suppressed a sigh and redrew the silver dagger from his bandolier at Sarrin's cry. Easily stepping under the desperate swing, Erte's dagger slammed into Sarrin's abdomen.

OOC: Attack with the dagger for non-lethal damage, 17 to hit, 4 non-lethal damage if it hits; Bluff check 26 to keep anyone watching from noticing I turned the blade. I'll wait for reactions before I start looting Sarrin's still-living body. Sticking out tongue

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Sarrin clutched his abdomen in pain and fell one more to the ground, dorpping his sword as he fell and feigning unconciousness once more.

bluff check: 25

ooc- here's an itemized list of what's on me:

1 ring (magical, unidentified)
1 ring of force shield
1 black travellers cloak (magical, unidentified)
1 bastard sword (magical, unidentified)
1 pair of boots (magical, unidentified)
1 money pouch (it jingles pleasantly as you move it) containing:
5 light blue orbs (these are what jingles)
4 metalic mobius strips with the lady's face on them
5 merts
14 jinx
1 very finely crafted ring on a silver chain (worn as pendant, no magical properties)

I'll let you say what you're taking and whatnot.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Nordom simply watched the two go at it....and no expression on its face appeared....not even confusion....when Sarrin finally collapsed, Nordom approached Erte....

"Query: To what purpose did that fight serve? Why did you not wish Nordom's assisstance.......processing.......Nordom believes the appropriate response in this situation would be.....
'What the hell just happened?'"

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte bent over Sarrin's limp body, glancing up for a moment when Nordom spoke. He went back to work, muttering and carefully looking at each of the items on Sarrin, placing his hands carefully. Recalling the man's last statement, he looked doubly hard for a necklace, but came up empty. Under his breath, he tried to explain what he had found out.

"Good question. He wanted to get a closer look at the illusion. Rather than study it from afar, he contrived the fight to get a closer look. The better question, though, is why a good three in four of the street folk that were watching us reek of magic. That, and, we're being watched. I'm not sure by whom, could be Rrodek, could be Shemeska, could be Handin, could be anyone. But the magic eye's still in the sky, friend."

As he spoke, Erte helped himself to the rings, and the money pouch. He then picked up the bastard sword. In a speaking-to-the-crowd voice, he began. "Should the Martyrs ask, I gave him a chance to walk away. He chose twice to attack me from behind. I'd be wary of his remaining gear. He liked to booby-trap himself."

(OOC: Cure Light Wounds on Sarrin, result 9; Bluff check 29, though I'm playing mostly for the real beggers.)

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

ooc- thanks a mil. if I'm gonna be looted, I want it to be done by a friend.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte stood, and held the bastard sword in front of him. Shifting it slightly, he looked past the blade, 'not-staring' at the nearest aura-ed beggar. After a few seconds, he focused his mind on the thought "not all is as it seems", and blinked, hard.

OOC: Now, hopefully, I can get through the 20 seconds or so I need to get to the Spellcraft check (result of 34. Woo!). And just for good measure, an attempt to will save vs. illusion, (21. Feh.)

With deft hands, Erte secured the tie of the newly acquired money pouch to the hilt of the sword. Smiling at Edward and Peter (because he's never one to miss the opportunity to perform), Erte undid the clasp of his cloak. Swirling the cloak from his shoulders, he carefully wrapped the sharp edge and point of the sword in the mass of material.
Holding the swathed sword in one hand, he let the tip slowly fall, readjusting his grip on the handle as it did. With his off hand, he opened the bag hanging from his side. Slowly, and with the flair of a long-time performer, Erte slowly pushed the large weapon into the sack that was obviously too small for it.

Erte looked at the group once more, with only the barest hint of a smile on his face. "Our contact is no doubt expecting us."

OOC: With all the stuff my daughter has to take with her to start 1st Grade on Monday, I wish those bags of holding really did exist. They would make first day go by a lot smoother.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Well, Erte... the check and the save both make it.

I've just been watching the posts the past couple days, kinda just waiting until more of a need for me to post arrises; pretty much just need to know what you guys are doing at this point.

Hehe, and I have no doubt about bags of holding helping with your daughter. So many things in life would be much easier with those...

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

btw, erte, if you don't muffle that bag you'll keep jingleing every time you move... some of my money is in arcadian bell coins to deterr pickpockets.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Sorry about my absence, I'll try to post something tomarrow.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Throughout all of this, Peter is standing rather awkwardly, wondering what to do next. He is a little heartened by Erte's show of the bag of holding, but is still worried about what's going on.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Well, kinda my fault for not posting. It just occured to me a bit earlier that Erte's last post indicated he's ready to move on. *ahem*... blame me not noticing that as well, I haven't exactly been sleeping much until today. Had been staying up all night. Pulled two 36 hours days in row(and sleeping around 7 the first, 15 the second). Not a good idea. Lol, when I first saw the post, I probably just thought, "Cool, someone posted." without letting it sink in entirely. Coulda just said you were ready to move on now, though : P

As much as I'd like to post an update now, I'm going to do the wise thing and go to bed. I will be posting sometime within the next couple days(should be tommorow though.... well, techinally today; just at some point after I get up and before I go to bed).

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

(OOC: Sorry bout that, GD. Though I've been around, it's never been long enough to post anything -- between getting the little'un to school, fixing computer virii, and actually having to work at my job, time for storytelling has been at a premium. Everything's slowed down, so I'll be more active -- barring another emergency.)

"Tyche hold you, spellsword," Erte mumbled sotto voce. He was never a religious man, but his rare prayers often went to the luck godess. And if ever there was a place to pray for luck, it was the Hive.

He lingered a moment more, shooting an impatient look at the rest of the group.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Look, I'm REALLY sorry about my absence guys, my internet time has been very limited lately.

Edward briefly looked up at the magical sensor floating above them and frowned with uncertainty. Then, as if he had a hunch, the old man turned back to the eye, "Mister Handin?" he asked experimentally. "If that is you watching us, I was wondering if we could have a word with you. You were recommended to us by an associate." Edward twisted his face thoughtfully and hoped his hunch was correct...

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Very smart thinking of you, Edward.

At your statement, all of you hear garbled speech in your head. Well, what you think to be garbled... then, after hearing it for a few seconds, you can make it out to be what sounds like a number of rodents chattering away.

And only seconds after starting to move along down the side street, another voice enters your head, this time something you can comprehend. This one... a rather deep voice.

"Handin hears you. Handin was not watching you, least not in way you think Handin was. Look up, on left. See kitty* in window? That Twinkles. Twinkles will guide you to me when you reach Handin's floor."

Twinkles, as Handin refers to, is a cat sitting up on the windowsill... seems like your typical sized cat, has silvery fur and dark, blue-green eyes.

The apartment building he speaks of isn't in the greatest of shape... but, seems to be the only one that has any noticeable activity. Twinkles was lying on the windowsill of the top floor... the 5th floor in this case.

Nothing special to describe of this particular apartment from the outside... as I said, 5 stories and it's pretty much just your typical brick apartment building save for it's quality. The windows seem to be spaced 15 feet apart.

The entrance to the building is at the very end of the street.. right next to the building blocking any further advancement of this street, though there is no entrance to that building on this side.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte was ready to berate Edward's brashness when he heard the chittering in his mind. He noted the instructions, then turned his attention back to the odd sounds. His eyes scanned the street absently, as if his mind was somewhere else. Moments later, he sighed and rubbed his eyes, as if he had a headache.

He drew Sarrin's sword (with the money pouch attached, and both in the cloak) from the bag of holding. Clearing the blade from his cloak, he laid the sword and money bag in front of the 'fallen' warrior. He stood up, wrapping the cloak around his shoulders again.

"Stay if you want, but the good money says our ruse was discovered before we started. Unless you want rats nosing around your brain-box."

Feeling somewhat silly -- not for the first time in his life -- Erte followed Twinkles; humming a tune under his breath that may sound vaguely familiar.

(OOC: For some reason, Erte's feeling cautious lately. But, I've got a feeling that a spot check of 5 isn't going to spot any bald rodents. And the tune is, "I'm Henry the 8th, I am." Everything finds a place in the planes Eye-wink)

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Erte Dennijay" wrote:
(OOC: For some reason, Erte's feeling cautious lately. But, I've got a feeling that a spot check of 5 isn't going to spot any bald rodents. And the tune is, "I'm Henry the 8th, I am." Everything finds a place in the planes Eye-wink)
[OOC: Annoying songs: they're cheaper than mind blank!]

Peter shrugged and followed Erte and the cat, hoping for the best.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

The professor gave Erte a sly, amused look and said, "Third rule for cloak-and-dagger contacts: 'They will always find you before you find them.' I should know. I've been doing this sort of thing since you were a babe." With that, Edward entered the building in question and looked for some stairs to ascend to the next floor.

As he passed the door frame, he paused in thought, "...or was that the fifth rule?" He shrugged. "Oh well."

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte smiled at Edward’s sally before settled his cloak so he had both easy and concealed access to his weapons. As the group entered the house, Erte let his mind wander, trying not to think of any one thing for too long. widow next door
Powers of the mind are worrisome for those whose power comes from the heart. seven times before
Who – or what – was Handin, and what roll was he to play? Willy or a Sam
Keep everyone in sight. I’m Hen-e-ry
He spared a moment’s thought on Lok, wondering where the warrior had went. Second verse, same as the first.

(OOC: Sorry about the internal monologue, just trying to keep things moving. Things are getting interesting.)

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Nordom followed the rest of its comrades into the house. Its blank stare made everyone believe that Nordom was capable of emptying its mind to avoid giving away any vital information. It was intellegent enought to realize that, ascertaining the conclusion from watching the others...little did everyone realize that Nordom, like any other sentient being, had to preoccupy its thoughts to keep out unwanted psionic scans......

Processing.....threat of psionic infiltration emminent. Said threat could compromise current prime directive. Unacceptable. Initializing defense proceedures against psionic attacks....

This is the song that never ends
It just goes on and on my friends
Somebody started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because

This is the song that never ends....

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

While it doesn't make much of a difference at this point... pointing something out to you Erte. Handin stated Twinkles would guide you to him once you reached Handin's floor... that, and Twinkles was laying on the windowsill of the top floor watching you, not like he jumped down. You are thus not following Twinkles currently.


The apartment lobby is much more run down then the building itself appears to be outside. It shows large signs of aging and little matenaince(that just doesn't seem right and the spell checker wasn't giving me anything even remotely similar to that word, just a bunch of different stuff... WORTHLESS P.O.S.). Covering the walls, in no small order is various graffiti(If you want to inspect it, see what some of it says... say so and I will post as such in the next post).

The upper halves of the walls adorning the lobby are a dark, sickly green color while the bottoms halves are a decaying, wooden panel. Directly to your left is a receptionist desk... without a receptionist or really any materials in plain view.

Along the wall next to you on your right are a number small couches, as are there along the far right wall as well. Don't seem quite as bad as the walls in qualitiy but, have several visible tears in them.

Sitting in the bottom right corner of the room on one of the couches are two bums. Both very skiny, one having short black hair... the other; long green/purple striped hair, elven ears and blood red eyes. Height? The first seems a few inches under 6' 0'', the other... a few inches over.

When you first see them, the one with the shorter hair is reading some sort of newspaper while the one with long hair seems to be rambling on to him about something. You get a momentary glance from the once with the long hair upon entering the building but, he just goes back and rambles on to his friend.

As for stairs, there is a set of them across the room from you in the left corner, twisting around and up unto the next floor. About 15 feet to the left is an open door leading to what appears to be a basment of sorts.

For the most part, the room seems it has long since outlived it's term of use as towards how it was originally intended to be used. As in, it's been abandoned and people now come and go as they please, doing whatever they want rather then adhereing to any rules set by a governing body in the building.

Upon the last person entering the room from the ouside, a loud rumbling is heard from further up the stairs to the right(what you can see of the stairs from your current position is this-- 10 stairs going up, a landing, then the stairs going up and to the right behind a wall which you can not see) and many battered pieces of wood fall down the stairs (all looking to be pieces of what would be stairs), landing on the first... landing.


LOL... was screwin around with the dice roller, first thing, I grab it up, make a roll with a d100... comes up a 1.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

getting up, and donning his equipment, sarrin hastened to follow the group, looking rather annoyed, and taking care to focus his mind on how emberassing and degrading the results of his latest gambit were... as a result, he progressively turned a deeper shade of red as time passed. he finnally caught up with the rest of the group as they entered handin's building, and brushed himself off as he let his mind wander to other unimportant subjects.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC- I'm sorry, but I just gotta show this off. I asked Primus from the WOTC boards if he could draw my namesake to use as an avatar- and this is what he came up with. Nordom's never looked cooler! Laughing out loud

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Nordom placed its gear spirit eye peice companion over its eye.....
the gear *squeaked* as it communicated with the rogue....
after awhile, Nordom turned to its companions.....

"Suggested course of action- stairs. Stairs present a 97.5% probability of being correct course of action. Query: Will heirarchy concur with Nordom's assessment of situation?"

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