Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

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Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

I feel ya. Tuesdays are weird like that.

Take your time.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

You know, when I said "Take your time" I meant, "Take your Time, within reason".

Then again, you might have a perfectly valid reason for this absence.

If that's the case, ignore my bitching.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Edward, I'm sorry, I really am.... to everyone else in the thread and to those I've been speaking with in private. I assure you I have not lost my interest in this, I'm stilll very excited about the game and what I have going through my head.

What I really need to do is just get the fuck away from this computer. I need a break from the thing in general. It's all I ever really do anymore, I don't exactly have many other choices at this point in time. Won't over elaborate as I don't really see much of a need to take up space. If you really want me to go into detail, just PM me. As for the next installment in the game, I will be posting it tommorow... exact results pending on what I get back from a PM I sent to one of the players.

Got most of the next post written, will finish it up when I wake... as much as I know I need to finish this, bout to pass out.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Truly sorry for taking so long, will do my best to reply as soon as possible next time.

Rrodek. Since you are staying behind, would you be so kind as to mind the house while I am gone and feed Maggie a can of tuna every other day or so?"

"Wouldn't be a problem at all, Edward. Do have some experience in taking care of pets and I enjoy it... wouldn't mind at all. And yeah sure, I'll take care of the house. Not like I'll be so busy as for it to be a problem.

"You all be well and make sure to come back."

With that, Rrodek turns back to the library table, opens Uncle Tom's Cabin to where he left off and continues reading.


Your trip through the Clerk's Ward to the Hive is for the most part, uneventful. Nordom gets the occasional stare from a prime but aside from that, you're treated pretty much as any random passer-by (which may not actually be so good from some beings, but you get the idea Sticking out tongue).

As you approach the Hive, the air slowly begins to thicken beyond what it was before and you can pick up a definitive odor off in the distant. Well, stench would probably be the better term. Moving further in, the stench intensifies and seems to be coming from every which way. Not only that, what you can see of the sky beyond the smog(as much of a sky as there is in Sigil) begins to take on a bit of a red hue.

When you gaze down the initial street you see a situation a-kin to a third world country or perhaps more appropriately, a ghetto, only with the structures in slightly better shape. A few of the less fortunate people(mostly humanoid, nothing *that* out of the ordinary... not yet, anyways) wander the street, some as seems to fit the area looking as though they have nothing but the clothes on their body and with a few congregating together on each street corner. One thing that does stand out is a particular beggar a ways down from you, drinking from one of the puddles only to be pulled into the puddle by several oozy tendrils moments later and thus, dissapearing completely from sight.

(note--Was talking with one of the players now and he agreed on the fact that I should stop now and give you a chance to roleplay a bit. So if you wish to do so, that is fine... post as such. If, however, you do not want to roleplay at this particular point... just say so and I will continue this on to the madhouse/contact's apartment.)

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

As the the distinct smell of the Hive poured in, the professor pulled a small handkerchief out of his front coat pocket and pretended to wipe his nose to briefly block out the oder. Edward made an audible wince when he saw the poor begger get dragged into the puddle.

After that, the old man's eyes became fixated on the surrounding ground and stayed there, lest they too become unfortunate enough to stumble upon a hungery puddle.

Edward turned to Erte and asked, "Does this sort of thing happen often in this ward?"

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Throughout the excursion, Peter has been saying very little. He's mainly been concentrating on avoiding any dangers (puddles, shady characters, etc.).

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Edward Davis" wrote:
"Does this sort of thing happen often in this ward?"
Erte snorted (something between a grim chuckle and a strangled sob) before replying. His voice is a couched whisper, loud enough for the group to hear, but noone else.

"Well, it's not too often some clueless willingly shoves his head down an Ooze portal. And not so often, now that Fell's making his rounds again. But yes, people go missing from the Hive with frightening regularity."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

At the mention of Fell's name, Edward briefly pricked up his ears in curiousity. Sensing the taboo on the subject, the old man also lowered his voice to a whisper and asked, "I've heard people talking about that gentleman before. Who is this Fell?"

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Nordom looked back and forth, its eyes focusing on several things on both sides of itself...

"Processing........Plane:Outlands. Location:Sigil. Ward:Hive. Prime directive: Ensure successful return of Designation: Peter to native prime world. Present location increases possible failure of prime directive by 17.89%. Unacceptable."

With that, the rogue positions itself directly in front of Peter- Nordom's two rear arms, ending with the gear spirit crossbows, shift to an offensive position. Then, Optix, another gear spirit, in the form of a rusty old lens, positions itself directly in front of Nordom's left eye.

"Offensive measures taken. Optix increases accuracy of aim by 15%. Crossbows in standby position. Nordom can react to any and all threats in approximately .56 seconds. Designation Peter: Please be advised: Nordom would prefer you remain directly behind Nordom for the duration of heirarchy's stay within Ward: Hive."

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Following Nordom's lead, Erte checked the clearance of his rapier before taking up a similar guarding position next to Edward. After a moment's thought, Keeping the lowered tone of voice, he answered.

"Don't know him personally, mind you. Fell's half legend, and fully another of the Lady's mysteries. You know the dabus? The horned blokes that go floating around, building, tearing down? It's safest to think of Fell as a rogue dabus, I suppose: he doesn't float, doesn't seem to take orders from the Lady, either. Course, we wouldn't be right to think it, but we'd be safe.
Either way, doesn't matter right now. Before the war, you could find Fell paving over Ooze portals here in the Hive. Thankless job, and near suicidal, but he did it. From the looks of it, he's started again.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

When Erte stood in front of him in a defensive position, Edward placed his hand on the bard's shoulder and chuckled, "I can understand your urge to protect the helpless old prime, but I assure you that I am perfectly able to defend myself." He finished the sentence by pointing to his pistol.

"So, how much longer until we reach this 'Madhouse' place?"

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte nodded skeptically, giving the distinct impression he wasn't as confident in the strange contraption's stopping power as Edward was. He looked Edward in the eyes; whatever he saw must have pleased him. For when he spoke, there was a slight teasing in his voice.

"Shouldn't be too long now, 'old prime'. If there's one thing songsmiths everyhwhere hate writing about... it's all the walking between the juicy bits. Let's keep moving."

Erte stepped aside, and fell into step slightly behind Edward, making sure he and Nordom bracketed the humans. He had played the role of 'Ignored-Until-It's-Too-Late-Bodyguard' before, and he was certain he was good at it. Despite Edward's protests, Erte had no intention of going back on his word to protect the human. Every few dozen yards, he would check over his shoulder, an attempt to make sure there was noone tailing the group.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

As you move along nothing that note-worthy happens. At one point, you notice a small group of three bums following behind you; these ones... two humans and a half elf. They however, give up in what seems a fit of apathy and just walk away. Apathy at the fact they probably wouldn't get anything out of you.

Everytime you pass an alley way you get that indescribable feeling that something's watching you. Only thing is, you simply don't see anything aside from the bums wandering the streets and on the corners.

When you near the madhouse... when you can see it just over the buildings, a kitten falls from the sky and as it nears the ground, a garbage can explodes, blowing the body up against a building. You could almost swear you hear maniacal laughter coming from the kitten as it hits the building.

If you wait around to see if anything more like that happens, it doesn't... everything now seems relatively calm from what you can see. Looking down the only alley in the immediate area(which happens to be just before the end of the street), you see nothing more then a humanish male tiefling sleeping under some newspapers... the sound of the garbage can exploding does not seem to have waken him.

As you go to move down the street and are going to turn left(as well, at this point the street only turns left; you can't go straight or right as it's blocked by buildings*) and onto the street that leads up to the madhouse, someone bumps into Edward.

This someone is an elf, about 5' 6", is fairly skinny and has pale, white skin(not quite albino-ish) with blue eyes. He also has deep black hair that runs the length of his chest and is tied into a ponytail. Aside from his normal clothes, he wears a black cape with a silver trim to it. And finally, hanging from his sides, one on each, he has a spellbook and a bastard sword. Everyone, wave hello to your new player!

*Most of the buildings in the immediate area are abandoned. Abandoned in the sense that they are no longer used for their original purpose and are now mostly used for either impromptu homes or crack/whore houses. Some are actually for the most part, abandoned though the majority seem to be used.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

(OOC: I guess I'll get this started. Hello, new player.)

"I say, I'm terribly sorry, cutter. Please, you'll have to excuse my friend here. He's never seen a feline dive towards an exploding bin before, the sight has left him a bit distracted."
Erte quickly steps between the elf and human, his hands up, palm out, in a gesture of goodwill. He knew was wearing armor that could turn a blade, the others were not.
"We were on our way to meet ", Erte paused, silently cursing his overactive tongue. He slipped his hand into his the hidden bag of holding, and he palmed a gold coin, in case he needed to use a small, valuable bribe. " a local man, recommended to us by the most discriminating of sources. If you'll be kind enough to let this most minor of disturbances pass, we'll be on the way."

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"well met and the lady's grace upon you cutters!" sarrin says bowing graciously, but keeping his eyes on erte and casually lets one hand rest on his pouch of spell components - just in case. other than this, he keeps his demeanor friendly.

"I myself was just watching the xaositects at their work. hillarious bashers these madmen! I still wonder how they use their magic if they speak all barmy... must be some powerfull sparklers in that madhouse... ah well. believe well." Sarrin starts to turn away, then a thoughtful look crosses his face, and he turns back. "listen berk, I know you let slip a bit more than you'd have liked, and I'd just as soon not have to meet a scriber to stitch my lips. so how's this? I'm off to find a gate to mechanus. where your box is from. there. now you know something of what I'm doing, and I know somthing of what you are. I bark, you bark, and there's no need for scribers. belive well cutter." with this, he turns to walk away, his hand now on his sword.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Nordom walked up to the gold elf, its crossbow gear spirit companions clicking.....something.....and Nordom began to speak.

"Box. Container in which physical possessions are kept. Percentage said term was in reference to Nordom.....98.4%. Error.
Not box. Null box. Cube. Cube=three dimensional equivalent of a square. Geometric perfection. Name: Nordom. I am a NOT modron. Rogue. Individual. Query: If designation: unkown is going to Mechanus, why is designation: unknown presently in Ward: Hive?"

OOC- Hi Sarrin. Welcome to the game!

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

at hearing another voice behind him so quickly, sarrin gave a slight start, but was soon in controll of himself once more. he turned and regarded nordom with a slightly amused look.

"not a box. I see. it has been duely noted. As to your other inquiry, I'd as soon not fill you in on the WHOLE dark on my exsistance, but if you must know, I'm on my way to mechanus. hence my not being there yet. and the blood I was just talking to seems to prefer not to parade down the streets of the lady's ward, hoping the sword herself might drop in." dispite the edge of sarcasam in his tone, Sarrin took on a more lesurely stance, as if he was enjoying this discussion to some degree.

OOC- thanks all. lady's graces and whatnot.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Sarrin" wrote:
I'm on my way to mechanus. hence my not being there yet. and the blood I was just talking to seems to prefer not to parade down the streets of the lady's ward,

Erte's eyes flared green for a second at the mention of their destination, and with them, a flash of intuition.
"I'll speak freely, cutter. We too are in search of a portal to Mechanus. The basher you spoke to, his name didn't happen to be Handin?"
He held out his right hand, palm up. The ring tattooed on his palm seemed to catch the red light of the Hive. "On my word as a Ring-Giver, none of us shall raise a blade to you while we talk.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"a chant merchant by the name of handin? can't say I've heard of him" Sarrin casually leaned against the wall, erte's oath apperantly removing, to some degree, his apprehensions. "the one I just talked to didn't have a portal for me. just told me the dark of somthing I want. that it's in mechanus, not much else." sarrin straightens "but where are my manners cutter? My name I Sarrin." Sarrin offers his hand. "Sarrin Ma.. *ahem* Sarrin von Drak"

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

After that bizarre spectical, the old man stood there dumb-struck as he had never been subject to the complete weirdness of the Xaomen before. It took him awhile but he eventually broke from his reverie and turned to face the newcomer. "Oh! My manners. Forgive me. My name is Edward." He reached out his hand to shake Sarrin's. All the while trying not to stare at the elf's pointed ears.

He continued, "My companion mentioned this Handin fellow mainly because that is who we are looking for. We were told by a rather questionable source that he could help us find a portal to Mechanus." He spared another glance at the eerily quiet Madhouse. "The note mentioned that he was about two blocks away from here, we should move on then. I don't want to stick around here any longer than I have to..."

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

at hearing edward's accent, sarrin looked surprised"you're a prime! oh thank the gods... I've only been here a year, and it still takes me a great deal of concentration to use this 'chant' all the time. I think I have it well enough to pass as a planeborn, but I still welcome a chance to rest. what prime do you hail from?" sarrin, seemingly warming up to the subject, began to walk in the direction the group had been going originally, gesturing for them to follow. "sigil is a wonderful place, but it's dialect is rather annoying to pick up at first... ah well. you say your off to mechanus?"

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

The old man smiled. "A whole year, eh? You've bested me in that regard. I've only been in the planes for about a week and a half now." He took off his glasses and tried in vain to clean off the awful Hive soot from the lenses.

He gave up after awhile and continued, "Peter and I," he nodded in the direction of the young man with the well-stocked backpack, "are from the same prime, though we arrived here by completely different circumstances. While I came to Sigil purely by accident, it seems that Peter was shown the location of a one-way portal in a dream, vision or something else of that nature." Edward let out a good-natured chuckle. "The portal was in a New Jeresy shopping mall of all places."

He paused for a moment when he realized that the Elven fellow was giving him a blank look. The professor silently chided himself. Of course a creature that seemed straight from a Tolkien novel would have no clue what a "shopping mall" was. And no one outside of Earth would know where New Jeresy was located.

"Oh! Excuse me! Peter and I are from a fairly backwater prime world that seems pretty unknown to the planes at large. I've heard people mention primes like Faerun, Krynn, Oerth and even this one called Athas from time to time, but it seems that no one knows about ours.... Well, there was this one ethergaunt that knew, but I have NO desire to make the acquaintance of that monster." He stopped suddenly when he remembered that Nordom was a good friend of Vex's.

"Sorry, Nordom..."

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Edward Davis" wrote:
*(OOC: Edward has a habit of mispronouncing "Sigil". Sigil should be said with a soft G. He often pronounces it with a hard G. Just thought I should mention that for future reference.)
OOC: Wait... wha? Everyone keeps telling me it's hard G, like SIG-GULL, instead of SIH-JILL! Confusing!!

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

No, No. You have it backwards. Sig-Gull is a soft G. Sig-Jill is a hard G.

Hard G's sound like J's. Soft G's are unique.

....God, I hate the English language. We're so anal with the sounds of our letters :roll:

I just realized that C's have no real purpose other than to piss me off. Soft C's sound like S's and hard C's sound like K's. C could be removed from the alphabet tomarrow and no one would care. Argh!!

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC- Um, Edward, YOU have it backwards. Hard G's are pronounced "guh"- soft G's are pronounced "juh"- and TECHNICALLY the "correct" way of saying Sigil is "SIG-gull." But most fans think that's just plain stupid, so they say "SI-jil." Me, I prefer the latter to the former.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Whoops! My mistake, then.

Whichever is the right way, Edward pronounces it the wrong way.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

(ooc: it all comes from what part of your mouth you use. your soft pallet is the roof of your mouth towards the middle. by touching your tounge to it lightly and making a sound, you produce a soft consonent (j for exsample) wheras if you were to touch it to the back areas, you would produce the 'guh' sort of sounds, or hard sounds (the teeth producing yet another set, that tent to be even more sharply cut off (t's and k's)). anyway, that's where we get this random stuff. long story short, english sucks.)

Sarrin's face grows solemn "I'm sorry to hear about your plane then. my condolences. if your entire plane is named 'NEW' Jersy, somthing utterly unspeakable must have happened to destroy the entire plane of exsistance originally known as 'Jersy', so that it's surviving inhabitants needed to start from scratch, forced to pay only lip service to the former name of their beloved home... It must be hard to live in such a reality, where surely the post apocalyptic effects must still persist though this upheaval may have been aeons ago... I can see why most of us on the planes have never heard of it." Sarrin pats edward gently on the back in a gesture of consolation as they continue to walk on.

EDIT- sigil is an actually a real english word, reffering to a symbol or mark of some sort (I think...). so you could go to and look it up if you're still trying to pronounce it right.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Edward stared blankly at the elf for a moment then burst into a fit of jovial laughter. When he regained his wits, the old man explained,

"You misunderstood. New Jeresy is merely the name of a small region on our planet. It was named "NEW" Jeresy because it was named after another region on my world by the name of Jeresy."

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

after hearing the explaination given, Sarrin's look of absolute confusion at the round of laughter faded somewhat. ah, I see. come to think of it, you don't look at all like what I'd expect of someone who had spent their life in a post-apocalyptic universe... well, I'm glad to hear it either way. but, if I may be so rude as to ask, why is your prime not well known in sigil? I mean, it IS the center of the multiverse and all...

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Sarrin" wrote:
why is your prime not well known in sigil? I mean, it IS the center of the multiverse and all...

Erte thinks for a seocnd at the remark, and casually points to the spellbook hanging at Sarrin's side.
"Well, think on it, Sarrin. From what they've told me, their world is very nearly magic-dead, and their arrival here was merest chance. That means all the travel spells in there would be useless. If noone that goes there can reliably get word back, who would there be to tell about it.
Then again, chances are that it's known by a few who want the realm kept secret.
Erte continues walking, trying to both locate the destination building and watch Sarrin's reactions.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"you have a point. if one could get in easily, but not out, it's an ideal place to be used as somthing much like carceri, only for mages..." Sarrin looked over his shoulder caustiosly, to check that no one might overhear "it might be best we not let passersby know your origins Edward. but wait, if your world is magic dead, how did you come to be here? psionics perhaps?" Sarrin smiled and shook his head. " but I pry too much. forgive me, what has started as a casual conversation has turned into a discussion of how best to sell out your plane. a subject I never meant to approach. you have your darks, and I have mine after all..."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Sarrin" wrote:
"But wait, if your world is magic dead, how did you come to be here? Psionics perhaps?"

Edward raised his eyebrows for a moment and replied, "Psionics? You mean ESP, remote viewing, psychokinetics and the like? How would that be able to move you about the planes?"

After sometime walking, the professor turned to the others and whispered, "Its hard to tell in this strange city, but I think that we've traveled about two blocks. He should be around here somewhere. Maybe we should start asking around. What do you gentlemen think?" Being a non-native in this city, he wasn't sure if that was the wisest idea, so he decided to wait for the approval of the others before proceding.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Edward" wrote:
"psionics? you mean ESP, remote viewing, psycokinetics and the like? how would that be able to move you about the planes?"

"I don't know much about 'spoonbenders' as the sigilian dialect calls them, but it seems to me they are able to emulate many facets of magic... shifting planes might work. I don't know." overhearing edward's whispered inquiry, sarrin looked around, evidently surprised to find they had walked so far. "listen, normally this is where I'd say my farewells, but you cutters seem like nice enough sorts. do you mind if i tag along since we're going the same way? I'd help you garnish this 'handin' fellow, and I'll leave when you weary of my company. I'd just as soon not go gate blitzing hoping to find one to mechanus you see...

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Hmm... suppose perhaps I should've mentioned in my previous post that you aren't quite on the side of the madhouse you need to be. Mind you, you still don't have much of an idea as to where Handin *exactly* is. Not that it really matters after this post though, just a bit of a point of clarity. And though I could've posted yesterday, I was still just giving you guys several days to speak amongst yourselves.

This particular street you are on leads to the east side of the gatehouse, former faction hall of the Bleak Cabal. The gatehouse itself is hosted on a bit of hill, seperating it from the street. Running along the base of a hill is a short metal bar fence to serve as a boundary, with an open entry way on the north side. I'd say that the hill is 3/4 mile in diameter.

Though you can not see it from the outside you know without a doubt that within the depths of the gatehouse lies the madhouse, the prison/final home for most of the overly barmy. What little you can see of the structure from the outside is a massive, marble dome with two wings branching off to the left and right(you, however, can not see the contents of said wings). Topping the building in the center is a circular tower reaching towards what there is of a sky, tipped with elaborate bladed spires along the edges.

On the north side is a giant steel portcullis, the space between the bars more then easily walked through by someone of normal size. They, however, no longer operate and have long since been rusted in place over the many centuries this building has been in existence. Branching off from the portcullis half way down the hill and also slightly inside is a line of yet more of the homeless/poor... these ones waiting to be helped for whatever is they may "need".

Upon coming out onto the street that circles the madhouse and moving towards your destination as you speak amongst one another, you notice a crowd of the homeless* gathering off in front of a side-street on the north side of the madhouse/gatehouse. Doesn't seem to be for any particular reason but partly just coincidence that they're all in the same spot. Perhaps a common hang out spot... you don't know for sure. On both corners of the sidestreet there are several bums gathering around a burning trash can to keep themselves warm.

The sidestreet seems to have several fairly run-down(though in better shape then other buildings in the area) apartment buildings. Whether or not they're still used properly, you can't tell from this point.

A ways down to the left of the side street with the gathering of bums is another side street... this one much wider and seeming to lead off into another district of the Hive.

As you get closer and closer to them you begin to notice something's not right. Not so much that the crowd itself shouldn't be there, but rather... something in particular doesn't seem like it belongs, it just doesn't seem right at all. Everyone but Sarrin, roll a spot check (I suppose you can take this opportunity to use the dice roller linked at the top of the forum page, just post what you roll). If enough people succeed, I will just post the results, if only one or two... I will PM it.

*The homeless you see are of various humanoid races, though this crowd seems to have a larger concentration of human teiflings.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Gnoll Druid" wrote:
Everyone but Sarrin, roll a spot check

ooc- :cry: I feel so left out... :cry:

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Gnoll Druid" wrote:
Everyone but Sarrin, roll a spot check.
{OOC: Been wanting to check the bot out. Come on Tyche, Erte needs a new pair of boots. Let's see, character sheet says Spot modifier is... uh. yeah. OK. So I probably shoulda put some ranks into Spot. High Wisdom score don't fail me now.}

Total Spot Check: 12

{OOC: Puzzled Here's hoping for a DC 10! :?}

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

I don't have my character sheet on me, so you'll have to check to see if I have a Spot modifier.

Either way, the bot gave me a roll of 19.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC- Rolled an 18, +4 modifier. 22 total.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

ooc- quick question, are we going to wait for lok? he hasn't posted anywhere on the forums in oveer a month....

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Well, speaking of Lok... he just PMed me. Says there where some real life issues he had to deal with for a while and well, seeing as what he told me, yeah... seemed typical for his length of absence. No, we won't wait for him at this particular point, but he says he will be checking daily now. Funny thing is, I coulda sworn he was telling me about what he just PMed me at some earlier point but I can't for the life of me find anything pointing towards it. PMing the results of the check to Edward and Nordom now. And no Erte, it wasn't DC 10 Sticking out tongue

Basically just need to know at this time what everyone is doing in game. If you're reading this and ya want Lok, roll the spot check and if you make it, I'll PM the results to you as well. For game purposes, he is still currently traveling with you. As for Pete, not sure what happened to him, just hope he posts soon... would like to see him involved.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

The old man's eyes wandered from place to place, then they stopped and seemed to focus on something briefly. Something that seemed to trouble him. He quickly moved his eyes away from the unsettling sight and continued to walk casually.

Edward slowly drifted to Erte and spoke out of the corner of his mouth, "You see those blokes over there?" He subtly gestured to three ordinary-looking street bums, huddled around a burning trashcan to keep warm.

One was human of senior age, with a long, grey bear and bushy eyebrows... fairly skinny. Wearing a tattered, tan rain coat. The second was a human tiefling with long, deep black hair and purple eyes... wearing a tan over-coat. The third was a middle-aged human with a beer-gut and a nigh bald head. What little hair he had left was brown. He was also wearing a tan over-coat.

Edward continued, "Do they not seem familiar to you?" When Erte shook his head, the professor replied, "Well, they should. Earlier on, when we first entered the Hive, I noticed those EXACT same three men and that EXACT same burning trash. They also seem to be performing the EXACT same actions that they were doing when I last saw them. Not only that, I know there is NO way they could've made it here before us, especially with that burning trash can and the alley ways they would've had to have taken without following us."

Edward's eyes narrowed, "Something strange is afoot here..."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Nordom turned to the three figures huddled around the burning can....its gear spirit companion, OPTIX, postioned itself over Nordom's eye. The modron focused its attention on its surroundings before it spoke.

"Processing......analyzing visual data.....checking....."

Suddenly, Nordom seemed most distressed.

"Error! Error! Visual scan of surroundings yeilds a 100% match of previous surroundings approximately 2.56 minutes ago! Impossibility! Mathematical paradox! Does not compute! Warning:
Information available is insufficient to form complete hypothesis.
Conundrum suggests a 83% increase in probability of prime directive failure! Unacceptable!"

Nordom positioned itself closer to Peter and Edward, taking a full defensive stance.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Edward Davis" wrote:
Edward's eyes narrowed, "Something strange is afoot here..."
Following Edward's gestures and words, Erte finally realized what the others had spotted. Catching Edward's eye, he gave an almost imperceptable nod. He moved to be slightly more between Edward and the alleyway, more to make sure he could draw his sword cleanly than for protection. His hand fell casually near the rapier's hilt. "Easy everyone. They no doubt know we've spotted them. Let them make the first move."

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Sarrin seemed somewhat amused to hear nordom's speech, but when the meaning became clear his face darkened. he turned and muttered to erte " let's not and say we did. why not force their hand without giving anything away? you're a bard. play along. just let me drop back 3 feet or so behind you." he bgan to walk slower than the others and a devilish smile crossed his lips "remember friend... life's a game..."

:twisted: <----- cheesy visual effect

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Away from party, but within eyesight

Crowds always took the most out of him. The constant stress of keeping everything and everyone at length. His longspear was handy at keeping those ahead away, but there was always the troblesome convergence of bodies as they passed it by. Smothering in from the sides and closing escape to his back. Crowds were definately his least favorite thing.

The party hiccups up ahead, people's eyes, darting for a moment. Lok knew not to what they were atuned, but closed the diatance a little. There was no need to give away another team member without cause. Edginess was a good protector, but not a good sign for conflict. There would be plenty of that soon enough if his guesses were right.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

(Well, finally got to run my regular game again over the weekend... 'twas nice, bit rusty on my side, but we had fun none the less for the time we played. *sigh*... didn't last quite as long though as we all couldn't ingest caffeine at the time for our own various reasons.)

I'll be checking again sometime in the afternoon and tommorow evening, won't be a pause in my posting on this again till either the weekend or I post a detailed description of something and only the weekend would be a garuntee.

As for what's happening in game... nothing. Well, nothing that hasn't already been stated. The 3 men simply appear to be doing what they've been doing.

The question now is... what are you doing when you move up to them/past them or do you let them go undisturbed for the time being(as much as the answer with Sarrin seems obvious... it needs to be asked)?

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Edward isn't the impulsive type. If the 3 men make no hostile actions and the others don't intend to act on it, he'll just pass them by without a word.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC-I'm with Edward- Nordom will stay in an offensive position, but will not strike first- if combat can be avoided, Nordom would be all for it.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC - Gonna be with Edward, too. Erte's in bodyguard mode: defense is his main priority. Those three seem strange, but they're not a threat (yet). Keep on trucking.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

ooc- I personally agree with all of you. sadly, my charactor is not of the same oppinion.

IC- sarrin dropped back a bit further, leting himself be about 5 feet behind the group. looking to either side with an evil gleam in his eye as if to check for whitnesses, he loosened his sword in it's sheath, and drew it part of the way out.

ooc note to DM- I'm trying to look as though I don't want any one to know I'm about to backstab my companions (rest easy friends... 'tis but an act) but not doing a very good job of hiding my intentions. if I need a bluff check on this (hopefully I do) my roll is 12... crap. oh well, that's still 20 with mods.

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