Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

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Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

A patient lot are we
and grief none shall give
when reality delays fantasy.

Puzzled OK, so my poetry is bad, but the point is still valid. And now you know why I have never claimed to be a bard in real life Sticking out tongue

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC-Y'know Erte, you ever consider being a haiku bard? That almost fit the bill...but as actual poetry- um, yeah, it's pretty bad. Sticking out tongue

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC: Haiku?

Reality creeps
Upon our fantasy lives
But we don't mind... much.

::Dodges tomato:: OK, ok! No more bad poetry, I promise. Can I take it that in-game, morning is coming up quick?

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Yeah! As soon as Gnoll Druid can find some time, today.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC-- It takes some of the DMs at that site weeks to add? That's PATHETIC... they shouldn't be running something if it takes them that long to reply. Baring computer problems or vacations, I could possibly see it taking up to a week to respond if certain things prevented them from doing so... but still, even if I had something large distracting me... I'd make sure to check in every couple days.

I would’ve posted this sooner, but I took way more time then I needed… thought it would end up being longer since I was posting a description of things.


Well, for those of you who didn't sleep during the night... Lok, Nordom, and well... Rrodek; the night was fairly uneventful. Erte had fallen asleep in one of the chairs in the sitting room, while Peter slept on the pullout couch.

As for Lok, he kept watch at the door for most of the night. At the times he didn’t, Nordom would take over his duties. The only talk that occurred between the two was the occasional banter when things got a little too silent.

Rrodek spent most of his time in the library after everyone had gone to sleep. If any you where to go in there to find him, you would’ve either seen him reading one of the books in there or writing in a journal and if asked, he’ll tell you that’s its his personal journal for his thoughts… nothing more.

The next day has now rolled around and you are free to continue on.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Master Bedroom

As morning (or what past for morning in Sigil) rolled by, Edward slowly crawled out of his bed. Maggie buzzed a little angerly when the old man disturbed her sleep. When he finally got up, he did the same thing he did every morning since he came to the City of Doors. He pulled some clean clothes out of the closet and when to the bathroom to go take his morning shower. He undressed himself and stepped into the bath tub.

"OH, BLOODLY HELL!!!" was heard all through out the entire house when Edward suddenly remembered that he had no running water.

Trying to mantain his dignity, the professor libarally applied deoderant and dressed himself in a dark-blue polo shirt and a pair of brown trousers. Half asleep, he went downstairs to the kitchen to open a tin of meat for Maggie. He put on a pot of coffee for himself and headed to the library. It was there that he spotted Rrodek reading one of the books. The old man raised one of his eyebrows and asked, "What book are you reading?"

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Sitting Room

"Edward Davis" wrote:
Flashes of unpleasant memories raced through Erte's mind at the cry. Quickly as he dared, he had his rapier in hand and was standing beside Peter, gently trying to shake him awake.

"Lok! Nordom! I'm with Peter. Someone check on Edward!" he called, still trying to shake the sleep-induced panic from his mind. Lowering his voice, he spoke to Peter, "Peter, there may be trouble. Be ready to run."

Much to his chagrin, moment's later, he saw Edward descend the stairs, with no sign of trouble. Patting Peter on the shoulder, he followed the man through the house and into the library, realizing Edward wasn't quite awake yet. When Edward finally stopped in the library, Erte spoke to him.

"Edward," Erte said in his most pleasant, patient voice; placing his hand on Edwards' shoulder. He smiled, "If, for some reason, you decide to break camp with a cry; for sanity's sake, let us know that someone isn't trying to kill you."

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)


Peter was a bit dazed by the panicked awakening, but as Edward passed through the room and Erte seemed to calm down, Peter did as well. Blinking sleepily, he stood up and looked around at the rest of the people left in the room.

"Well, that's an effective wake-up call if I ever had one..."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

The rogue looked about the room, casually taking everything in...

"Processing....outburst. Explitive. Reasons unknown. Visual inspection detected no known threats to designation: Edward Davis. Recommendation: Do not cause explitive outburst unless there is cause for serious alarm. There is a 100% probability Nordom will investigate with intent to aid."

Nordom *clicks!* several times, shudders, and approaches Edward before speaking....

"Designation: Edward, request specification....please state reason for outburst. Such outbursts would yeild a 89% chance of causing Nordom to defecate uncontrollably due to an increase in stress in response to sudden outburst....if Nordom possessed excretory biological functions."

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Rrodek calmly looks up from his book at Edward, closes the book slightly, looks at the binding and says,

"I'm reading A book of stories currently... by an Edgar Allen Poe. Interesting. Also have grabbed a couple others, one I've started reading..."

He looks over to the 3 books stacked next to him, then looks back at Edward.

"Uncle Tom's Cabin."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Edward rolled his eyes and ignored everyone's distress over him briefly lossing his temper in the bathroom. He had spent the entire morning yesterday walking through the Lower Ward (an experience he wished to forget) and all he wanted to do was to wash the god-awful smog smell off of himself. It was not pleasent thing to suddenly remember that he had no running water.

Besides, a bloke has the right to be grumpy in his own home.

He picked up Uncle Tom's Cabin and flipped through the pages. "Ah! These were my wife's books. She was always fond of american literature, particularly Mark Twain and Frank L Baum." He smiled wistfully at the fond memories surrounding those stories.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC:: Okay folks, I'm gonna be gone from now until Wednesday afternoon on a camping trip so I won't be posting. See ya later.

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC: GAH! Late again. SOrry.

Lok responded to the cry as to the orders shouted by the bard. Spear at the ready. He sniffed the air, searching for anything foreign to the company gathered. With a quiet snarl, the teifling edged toward the stairs. The appearance of his charge, however, retruned Lok to his more stoic state. Straightneing, he returned to his place by the door.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

It's exam week for me, so sorry about my absence.

I'll try to post something tomarrow.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Peter let out a sigh of relief. "Well since Lok's back to his spot, Professor Davis must be safe. Thank goodness."
Seeing as he was already awake, Peter decided to do some reading until things began to happen. He pulled out a book from his knapsack and began to read.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Nordom looked about the room, *clicking* and *whirring* as it took note of everyone present.

"Query: Should not present heirarchy's prime directive be to locate previously discussed portal to Prime world: Earth? Should we not egress to Mechanus to locate required data for said prime directive?"

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte nodded slightly at Nordom, and tried to block out the familiar whisper in the back of his mind. After a quick trip back to the sitting room to grab Dianne, Erte realizes something. Spotting an empty chair, he pulled it to the library table and sat down.
"I agree, Nordom. But, one last thing before we go. Mechanus isn't the friendliest for a bloke who's used to Ysgard. Truth told, the gears set my teeth on edge. When I'm nervous about a trip, I want to be as prepared as possible.
"Peter, I'll wager Rrodek will tell you it's just as true for a mage as for a spellsinger, foreknowledge and preparation are key to survival.
" Erte looked at the others in the room for a moment before continuing. "I'll lay it plain. Bards make people better at what they do. So, I need to know what the people around me are capable of doing.
"Fair's fair, so here's my half of it. I have only a little magic, and most of what I have is geared toward illusions and sound. Bad thing is, most of my illusions aren't likely to be of much use on Mechanus. I know a few curative spells, and I'm a fair hand with a blade and bow, but I'd wager I'm nowhere near Master Lok's skill with either.
With that, Erte leaned back in his chair, busying himself rechecking Dianne's tuning.

OOC: Sorry for the delay in posting. I've been dealing with my 19 yr old houseguest/sister-in-law and her 6 month old daughter for the last few days, and have barely had time to think. Now that they're settled in, I'll be around a bit more

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

After period of inner reflection, Edward put down the book he was flipping though and turned to the Bard. "I'm afraid most of my talents are purely academic in nature. I have doctorates in both history and linguistics. I have an intimate knowledge of Earth history, which I'll admit doesn't mean much in the planes. I'm also quite fluent in many languages which include all of the Romance, Celtics and Germanics, most of the Slavic and Semitics, Tibeto-Burman types, Attics types, Turkic types, Hindi, Finnish. Not to mention some dead ones like Latin, Ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and a little bit of Coptic. I'm still a little clumsy with the last one, though. I know that those languages wouldn't mean very much in the planes either," He scratched his head and adjusted his glasses nervously. "My colleagues also liked to say I was a bit of a savant with encrypted messages and that it never took me long to learn a language completely unknown to me previously.... but that was when I was a younger and much more energenic lad."

He looked up from the ground, little more brightly than before. "I've recently taken to Rebuses well enough, so I guess this old, senile brain still has some learning to do." He turned to the others, "What about everyone else?" He glanced at Peter in a friendly teasing manner as if to say, Come on, you have some good skills. Share them with us.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Peter had to think for a while (with a rather Puzzled look on his face) before he decided what to mention. Finally, he spoke up...

"Well, first off I'm pretty good at working with people. Folks tend to trust me, you see, so it's a bit easier to figure them out, get them to see things my way. I'm also decent at finding things, mainly because I lose stuff a lot. Other than that, most of what I've got is plain booksmarts. I know some chemistry, I-I mean alchemy, and I've got a pretty good head for numbers." Peter paused for a moment. "Uh... I also know a few different languages, but like Professor Davis's they're probably not useful out here."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Nordom nodded as Peter and the good doctor finished their summaries of themselves. Nordom blinked its eyes, and began speaking....

"Request processed. Nordom is mainly practiced in the arts of warts.....error....WAR. Crossboxes....crossbows....gear spirit crossbows are sentient beings with an approximate 78% effecient aim....elaboration....can hit critical areas of anatomy more often than not...knot? not I? Error....EFFICIENCY."

With Nordom's apparent malfunction, its eye piece seems to position itself over Nordom's eye of its own accord...

"Apologies. Momentary malfunction in speech patterns. Error found and corrected. Processing....designation: OPTIX. Gear spirit. Not eye lens. Null lens. Sentient being. OPTIX increases Nordom's efficiency with crossbows 15%. Further analysis: OPTIX can detect magical auras, illusions, and disruptions in planar fabric....'portals'. Efficiency: 99.967%. Processing....crossbows can produce ten bolts every solar WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY MAKES! TWENTY FOUR LITTLE HOURS!!!!....error....further investigation required.....bolts are capable of harming beings equal in power to greater tanar'ri and baatezu....w00t!"

Nordom shakes for a moment, but then stands perfectly still.....

"Apologies....running internal diagnostics....."

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Peter, I'll wager Rrodek will tell you it's just as true for a mage as for a spellsinger, foreknowledge and preparation are key to survival."

Rrodek nods, adding, "Oh... that is certainly true. Wouldn't have gotten through some of things I have in the past without it. I can tend to stretch the planning out to painful lengths at times, but it never hurts to plan too much."

He nods to the others to give their piece about what they are capable of, laughing and staring at Peter inquisitively when Edward made his crack at him. Rrodek was about to say something when Nordom piped up... and instead waiting for him to finish now.

"Wow, Nordom... *ahem*, I think it's best if you just keep quiet for a time, let yourself... just take in your surroundings again until you gather your thoughts.

"As for what I can do.. all the wizardly array of spells, I dabble in all... though I have more divination and boom spells then the rest. Versility has it's drawbacks, but it definitely has many more advantages."

"Peter, you know I could make you better through my teachings to you. Numbers aren't exactly needed much here either... one pit fiend+one pit fiend+us=bad for both parties. Sorry, dry humor.

Rrodek smiles wryly at his comment.

"Well, Pete... need to know, when would you like me to teach you my arts? Shall we do it while they head off to Mechanus or shall we wait for a later time before heading to take you home? If the two of us aren't going to do it now, we need to decide whether or not I'm traveling to Mechanus or hanging behind and crafting items."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"To tell you the truth," Edward replied. "I would prefer if Peter went with us to Mechanus. It might be dangerous, but, from what I hear, it will be nothing compared to the other places we'll be visiting on our travels. I would like to see that he gets some experience dealing with the planes before we begin the trek through Hel---I mean, Baator (Sorry, Nordom.) I do not want the boy dealing with any more surprises than the rest of us."

He paused for a moment to rest his old legs on his armchair then continued, "Besides," the professor said with a chuckle. "It would be nice to have another Earther around for conversation, at the very least."

He glanced at the lich. "With all due respect Rrodek, I don't think that you should come with us to Mechanus. You know, seeing as how we are going to a universe of ultimate law and you ARE breaking a few natural axioms with your *ahem* present condition. At least we can pass Mister Nordom off as another native robot, but I am afraid you will stand out quite a bit."

Edward groaned from the stiffness that always happened in the morning and propped his legs on the chair's footstool. "But that raises another question. How are we to get to Mechanus?"

He raised his finger and scratched his nose in thought for a moment then sat bolt upright and turned to Rrodek, "Wait a minute. Didn't that Jackel-headed woman give you a note as payment for us talking to her?"

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Well Edward, you're pretty much right about things. Mechanus is nothing compared to the places we're headed to. It would definitely help Peter to get some experience in the Planes before we head off to more dangerous destinations... the Ice Plane would be good practice for the 8th layer for sure as well...

"Ya know, I wouldn't mind Peter's company either! But... I understand how you feel about having him along in Mechanus. If he wants to go, then let him, it won't matter too much to me. Not that I don't have anyone to talk to over here in Sigil... Hehe, would tell you who... but I don't think it would be wise to do so at the current time. Pete will probably find out when we go to get the supplies needed to teach him the arts though, anyway."

Rrodek shakes his head, laughs momentarily and continues on.

"I was thinking yesterday about how it'd be bad for me to go to Mechanus for the reason you stated, but it did slip my mind while reading those books... best I just stay here and forge what protection items I can. As I've said before though, I just need to know from Peter whether or not he wants to learn before or after heading off to the Ice Plane, seems as though regardless of that, from what you said, he should go to Mechanus.

"I could probably sneak in there myself in my current transformed form of my previous self, though I'm sure the higher ups would see through the transformation.

"As for getting to Mechanus, I can either take you there myself, which would entail me leaving Sigil... and I don't want to do that just yet. Or, you could find a portal, which I'm sure Nordom would be able to find no problem."

Rrodek glances over to Nordom, nods, and turns back to Edward, smiling.

"Ah, yes... Shemeska did give me that note as compensation. Shall I read the note to the group or would you prefer to?"

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Well, she did give it to you. I think it would be more proper if you read it."

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Lok simply stood by the door and watched the others converse. He was pretty sure it apparent the task for which he was built. The others all looked like mages to him. Not enough calluses and scars. ((OOC: This is an assumption... it could be wrong Smiling )) Mages were a needed assesset in this line of work. He has never really understood the complex nature of the art, and as such was terribly wary of it. It was nice to ahve people around that could counter whatever magics they happened upon. So like any good guardian, Lok was content to listen and act when the time was appropriate.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte rocked back slightly as the others talked, allowing him a somewhat less-blocked view of the spear-wielding enigma. He set the part of his mind that made him a bard to monitor the conversation, filing away the important information against future need. His fingers worked the strings in silence, seemingly in a sort of half-trance.

Through his half-closed eyes, Erte tried to take the measure of the tiefling standing in the doorway. The ease with which he handles his weapon, the lack of surplus movement, the hidden grace in his movements, and reflexes undoubtedly honed sharper than the tip of his spear. Marks of a seasoned warrior, all of it. And yet, something about Lok set the bard's nerves on edge. Concerns lingered in his mind, not at all dissuaded by last night's conversations.

Edward and Rrodek's discussion about Peter dismissed his thoughts about the man still standing sentry. Fingers still caressing the lute's strings, Erte turned his attention to Peter. The day was still young, but the question remained unanswered. Would Peter choose the to go on the errand to Mechanus, or learn a set of skills with Rrodek in Sigil?

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC-- Really sorry for taking so damned long, had a few things distracting me from posting here.

"Fair enough, Edward. The note read as follows:"

Rrodek reaches into one of the bags of holding around his waist and pulls out the note from Shemeska.

"I thank you once again for the company you gave me, it was most enjoyable. As for the information you seek, you can find it from Handin~he's located in the Hive. He's not one that would seem likely to know the information you seek from first glance, but I assure you he knows that and even more. He lives 2 blocks north of the Mad House in an apartment building. Not very populated, so you should be able to find him easy once there. If you really need a guide... please, don't even think of asking me. I will send you one of my assistants as a guide if need be, I can't stand being down there unless I have to be."

Rrodek then puts the note down on the table for any to see if they so chose to do so.

"Well, there we have it. What shall we do now?"

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte fought off a shiver as his vivid imagination provided Shemeska's voice as Rrodek read the letter. His hand slipped toward the silvered dagger of its own accord.
"I know of nary a 'loth that would let slip even a shadow so cheap, much less a dark such as this." Erte said quietly, his hands still for the first time since he woke, and he turned to the gnoll. "Well, graybeard, you know the King better than any of us. You think this Handin skag is worth penning down? Or is the Marauder leading us through a cakewalk?"
His face turned thoughtful for a moment before he continued. "Not that it matters, much. It's a starting point, which is what we've been looking for. Never thought I'd say it, but my vote is to head out for the hive, and finish our business there before dark, if at all possible."

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Yes, I know what you mean, Erte. It would sound suspicious to just about anyone. To be honest, I can at least say that Handin himself is worth checking out to find our information. As for Shemeska's motives? Who ever truly knows... she could just be trying to get rid of you all, she could simply be making good on the deal she made(even though it seems like we really didn't talk to her much despite her wanting to find out about us...), or she could just have something up her sleeve as you've heard so many rumors/truths about."

Rrodek shrugs and continues.

"Still have alot of time left in the day, doubt you really need to worry about being out in the dark over there... unless... you're afraid of a madman escaping from the mad house and finding you in an alley way!

He laughs for a moment then looks around the table to see if he's getting any dirty stares...

"Either way, best do something now, at least get part of our journey over with."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Nordom blinks once or twice as it listens to the gnoll...when Rrodek finishes, Nordom begins to speak...

"Processing.....Handin. Designation unknown. Referral by Shemeska yields a 78.34563% chance of danger, give or take
.00000000001%. Possibility falls within acceptable parameters. Suggestion: Locate designation Handin to extract desired information."

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

afraid of a madman escaping from the mad house and finding you in an alley way

Lok scowled for a moment. Dangerous and unpredictable were the madmen. It did not strike the teifling as humorous. However, nothing truely ever struck him as funny. So, rather then let his sour mood spoil the conversation, he simply looked out the window.

Which was made of glass by the way. And large. And completely undefendable if it came down to it. In fact, this whole house made the warrior uncomfortable. it offered numerous exits, but those also doubled as entrances. He would ahve to see about setting up some defenses. Maybe the mages would errect mystical wards. He snorted a little too loudly at the idea. Stones and iron keep things at bay, not fancy words and hand waves.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

((OOC: I'm really sorry about my nonposting recently. Gonna try to be more regular from now on.))

Peter seems to be in deep thought about things, not saying anything. He finally speaks up.

"Fishy or not, it's the only lead we've got... may as well go see this 'Handin' fellow.

"And I'd like to start my training right after we get back from Mechanus, if that's alright. I'm really looking forward to it, but I want to be around for the events there."

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Rrodek turns to Peter, fixing his stare on him as he speaks.

"Well, Peter... 'tis ok. I definitely understand wanting to be there when things happen. Gives me plenty of time to think of how exactly I'm going to start things up with you while I'm working on crafting the protection items."

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Peter smiles. "Thanks again, Rrodek.

"So, howsabout we all get some breakfast before heading off to the Hive?"

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

A flash of cold indignation flows through Erte at Peter's nonchalance. He rises quickly, eyes full of green fire, and puts a hand gently on Peter's shoulder. He speaks after a futile moment of trying to calm himself, his voice little more than a whisper, yet filling the room.

"Peter. Edward. I give you this now and freely, so I won't have to when we are truly rushed. While we're in the Hive, watch your back and your step. Your step, for puddles there can be death traps -- one way trips to a plane of muck and mud. But your back most of all. I'd lay wager that Death himself would balk at entering the Hive, were he not called there all too often. The knights would just as soon slit your throat as your purse strings. Hope is a vanity much too dear for most berks there, and despair hangs heavier than Foundry smog. The Hive was home to the Bleakers for years -- sods so convinced that life is pointless, their members slowly lose whatever tenuous hold on sanity remains after living so long in squalor."

There is no anger left in Erte's voice, only a hint of world-weary bitterness as he turns to Rrodek. "Afraid of an escaping madman? Perhaps. But I fear losing another companion more. Especially one I've sworn to protect."

The smile that appears on Erte's face never quite reaches his eyes. "Let's break fast quickly and go. Speaking of companions, Rrodek, I haven't seen Fluffy since we left the Fortune's Wheel." Erte's tone of voice makes the last statement a question. The hand resting on Peter's shoulder gives a pat of camaraderie as Erte sits back down, but his now jovial tone sounds forced even to untrained ears.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Peter is quite unsettled by Erte's reaction. With a rather uncomfortable look on his face, he mentally goes over Erte's warning. Okay.... slums. East-LA-bad slums. With evil puddles. "Got it. Thanks for the tip," Peter responded, finishing his thought out loud. "Sounds like a very bad neighborhood... I'll be sure to keep on my toes."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

The rogue looks to Erte and Peter, its eyes dialating and expanding as it ponders its next thought....

"Processing....affirmative. Puddles. Puddles are not puddles. Null puddles. Not = to puddles. Puddles are gates, portals, inconsistancies in planar fabric. Destination: Inner para-elemental plane of ooze. Location: Metaphysically between inner planes of water and earth. Parameters: Inifite. No known physical borders. High probability of drowning. Warning! Warning! Puddles are not only gateways! Puddles can also be pseudo-elemental extremities that can grab hold of subject and force said subject through said portal. Reccomendation: Do no approach puddles. Keep approximately ten feet away from puddles at all times."

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

As the others digest his outburst, Erte takes the time to check his gear. Now that his back is to the rest of his companions, his face has lost all expression, save for concentration. He slips his blade out of its sheath on his left hip, carefully checking the clearance.

With swift, sure hands, he uses a pair of thin leather ties to attach a dagger-filled bandolier to his armor. As he stands, it hangs low around his waist, giving him accessing to his arsenal. A belt loop-like tie on his shoulder secures Dianne to his back, and he double checks the swing that would quickly bring her to his talented hands. He leaves his shortbow and a full quiver from the floor near where he slept last night.

As he works, Erte whispers a prayer to Hermod, protector of travelers. As if in response, the palm of his hand begins to itch. Glancing at the small tattoo that decorates his hand, Erte begins to smile -- an expression totally geniune.

He turns and walks back to the table, the smile still on his face. "Do either of you need a weapon for close quarters?"

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

(Guys, when you're ready to do so, just say the word and we'll move on to the next scene/whatever you wanna call it. Definitely looks like we have a few more posts left from the players left in this part, but when you're ready, just say so and once all players have done as such, I will post the intro for the next part.)

"Hehe, always holds true Erte. The fear of losing a companion.

"As for Fluffy, not entirely sure what he's up to now, he was around when we first arrived here last night. Then again, he was looking around the kitchen... don't know why he really bothers though, not like he can eat anymore. Ha! Torture for any dog, I would imagine."

Rrodek take his stare off the others for a moment, concentrates and when done... laughs. Not much later, something is heard bumbling down the stairs. Again, only a few moments after that, Fluffy slowly wanders into the library and over to Erte, extending his paw to shake.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte smiled at the skeletal dog's arrival. He took the outstretched paw in hand with the same formality as he would a visiting dignitary. His smile widened as he envisioned the scene's absurdity. With a deeper bow, he turned back to the earth-humans.

Slipping a pair of daggers from the bandolier, Erte weighed the familiar blades' balances carefully. With a flick of his wrists, the twin daggers jumped in the air. With a small flourish, he grabbed the razor-sharp metal between his fingers.

He extended his arms, offering the daggers to the human pair. "These daggers are made of adamantine. They'll cut through just about anything; including your hand. They're balanced to be thrown, and thanks to some small enchantment, their extra sharp, and they'll fly back to where you threw them."

OOC: Peter, Edward: If you take them, have a good time with your +2 returning adamantine daggers.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Quality stuff, thanks for offering. I am in need of a good weapon. Right now all I've got is a sap made of a sock and marbles."

Peter reaches to take one of the daggers from Erte, then draws back a bit.

"Er... They come with sheathes, right?"

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Taking one of the blade between his teeth, he used the other to pick the knots attaching the now-empty sheathes to his bandolier.

After slipping the baldes into their carriers, he again offered the daggers to the humans; albiet with a sheepish grin on his face now.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Thanks again," Peter said, taking one of the sheathed daggers. "This will definetely be useful in a scrape."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Sorry about my absence. My computer died for about two weeks, but it's fixed now.

Edward thanked Erte as he took the dagger from the bard. He set the fine blade on a nearby table and turned to a storage chest in the corner. After a few minutes of rifling through the junk inside, the professor pulled out a black-leather sheath, his pepper spray and a large box of revolver bullets (50 bullets). He slid the new dagger in the sheath and buckled it around his waist. Afterward, he tucked in his polo shirt and donned the shoulder holster for his pistol.

Finally, he pulled his trusty tweed suit jacket off the coat rack and put on his brown bow tie. He buttoned up his tweed jacket to hide his pistol and new dagger, then turned to the others. "That should be enough for a trip to the Hive," he said with a warm smile on his face. He walked to the front door and called out to the gaunt gnoll, "Rrodek. Since you are staying behind, would you be so kind as to mind the house while I am gone and feed Maggie a can of tuna every other day or so?"

With that, the old man opened the door enthusiasticly and turned back to the others. "Are you gentlemen coming?"

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

I asked my friend to draw a picture of Professor Davis and, lo and behold, he draws one. A GOOD one too.

So, to those of you that were curious about Edward's appearence, here is Edward Davis, Ph.D as drawn by Dan Maertens:


Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC: Awww....Maggie is so CUTE!

Nordom looked to Edward, its eyes growing wide, and nodded.

"Affirmative. Request recieved and acknowledged. Travel to commence immediately. All systems ready. Efficiency at 98.46%. Efficiency falls within acceptable parameters. Awaiting reply of other hierarchical members."

With that, the rogue began to walk towards the door....

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Humming quietly to himself, Erte donned his cloak. Giving a deep bow and a broad smile to Rrodek, he Stepped out the door, ready to face the day.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Peter fumbled with the sheathed dagger for a few moments. Finally getting it attatched to his belt, he walked up to the door, next to Nordom. "Well, I'm ready at least. Thanks again for you guys's help with all of this."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Has anyone seen or heard from Lok lately? He hasn't wirtten anything for awhile.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

(I certainly apologize for taking so long, though I was just waiting for Edward to post the for the first few days, stuff just got in the way after that. Was waiting for Lok as well... but seems it's best we just move on for the time being. I'm sure it won't make that much of a difference less he's gone for a while.

However, I have not been able to get to my email for a while, been having problems with it. So if he or any of you happened to email me... well, I didn't get the email yet obviously.

Like the picture of Edward as well, looks good.

Now, as for this post, I'll be editing it later today and adding something, lol... *sigh*; having a bit of a brain fart right about now.)

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