Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

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Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Here it is, I’m finally posting it. Rejoice!

Well, since Shemmy took so long to finally continue the convo she started with us in the FW thread, I got this thread up and going while waiting. I would recommend hurrying things up a tad with her now as to remove ourselves from the bar. But regardless of how much longer that takes, don't feel restricted from posting to this. If she takes to long again, for clarity's sake, we'll just say she got a tad too busy looking at herself in the mirror.

Things worth noting that are different about my game(It doubtfully will make a difference, just don’t want anyone to think otherwise in the game and thus be confused should it come up)--
Plane of Shadow is a full-fledged plane.
Plane of Time is a full-fledged plane. I had the MotP first before I knew of Planescape, so that did have some influence on this, but I really just like the idea. The plane of time is at the center of the inner planes though is not traveled to often by those who can simply because of the random time trait and the risk they take in coming back much later then they went in is somewhat high.

There is also something else worth saying; I don’t care how well written or how well known it is, if you’ve seen something posted about some aspect of D&D somewhere on the interenet, don’t take it as full truth. This is my game, and things go as I see fit. Mind you, I’m not a dictator when it comes to certain things, it just annoys me to no end when people preach things as truth regardless of what game they’re playing or just in general outside of a game. Yes, it was a good read and the person may be a good writer, and I respect that, but it’s just something they wrote… plain and simple. Actual stories are a bit different as they are more so just… well… stories rather then actual depictions of what/how certain things are. What is actually the truth? That is for you to find out in game.

For anything involving ooc posts, anyone not in the game, post to another thread. I may be posting a discussion thread for this as suggested by Lok at one point, though if you feel the need to do so and I haven’t done so yet, by all means, go ahead and start it. If/when one is started, I will post a link to it in this intro post.

Speaking of Lok, I haven’t seen him post, browsing the boards, or even heard from in a bit over a week. Regarding him in game, for the time being, we’ll give him blue thumb syndrome. If he doesn’t show up within a certain amount of time, we’ll remove him, though I suspect something’s preventing him from posting, so when he does return… I’ll most likely let him back in.


For the most part, I do not want any more players at the time being. If I need someone on the boards to step in as an NPC for a little bit, I will PM them with a message notifying them of it. If you have an interest in something PM ME with what you want to do.

To keep the thread alive and going at a somewhat steady pase, I would request that you post at least once a day, even if it isn’t that much. Of course though, when combat occurs(which is kind of inevitable after a point given what you guys are going for), I would expect you to post a tad more often so things don’t stall. Don’t worry about me not having anything ready for guys, I have plenty planned for quite a ways into the future. Remember though, nothing that is supposed to happen is set in stone until it happens(hehe… even then, doesn’t always hold true); aka—I respect the actions of the PCs and their ability to influence things in certain ways.

And damn it, before I forget to mention it, for the most part, we’re using 3.0.

Any questions about certain rules or things I’ve said/will say... just PM me about it. If you feel there’s anything I haven’t touched upon that needs to be, just.. PM me.

As for my character Rrodek, he will not be regularly traveling with you unless you request for him to do so. He is obviously higher then the level I asked you guys to play at and even lowering him to be able to do so wouldn’t really be feasible. Rrodek has promised you once you leave to go after the portal to Earth, he will accompany you there... though he has said once you guys go through it, he will not go with you. The idea of him being in one crystal sphere(especially a *reported* dead-magic one) and his phylactery being in another just doesn’t sit to well with him. He also offered to craft a magic item or two beyond what you can get at any shops for you while you go around finding necessary information for the portal if you can give him any supplies he needs to create them.

You will be starting the game out in Edward’s house. We shall say it was decided upon to come here first before heading anywhere else, for various reasons. Some being just to see the house, it has a convient location, might be wise to rest/talk things out first, stuff such as that.

The house itself is one of those old, somewhat-fancy, victorian style houses. It’s not horribly big, but looks cool none the less. Upon entering the house, you notice a deep blue carpet lining what you can see of the house and a staircase in front of you leading to the upper floor.

To the left of the staircase is the dining room with a set of fine china lining the right wall with a rather large, polished, wooden table in the center of the room. On the far side of the dining room is the entrance to the kitchen.

The kitchen itself is fairly small, with all the essentials for cooking, a fridge/freezer, and a door leading to the backyard.

To the right of the staircase is the sitting/living room, containing a couch next to the window lining the front side of the house. There’s also two of those cushioned rocking chairs in there, one in the right corner opposite the window and one in the right corner next to the couch. In the left corner of the room opposite the window is a 20 inch, black and white TV(though that probably wouldn’t make much of a difference now anyway). Adorning the center of the room is a large oak coffee table, with a glass center on the top.

Opposite the window in the sitting room, you will find the entrance to Edward’s library. Book shelves line the walls with a few in the center of the room and a desk off towards the back of the room, in position to look out the window when needed.

Finally, just to the right of the staircaise and just next to the sitting room is a hall leading to the kitchen(open entryway on the left).

In the sitting room you see Rrodek laying on the couch with his arms folded behind his head, stairing at the ceiling while his skeletal dog, Fluffy is wandering about the kitchen. Nordom is standing at the base of the staircase looking around, taking everything in, inspecting what he can see of the house. Lok is currently sitting in the dining room, minding his own business and staring at his glowing, blue thumb every now and then. Edward is off in the kitchen getting things for everyone while Pete and Erte are in the sitting room conversing with Rrodek.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

As everyone entered the house, Edward told everyone to make themselves comfortable in the sitting room as he ambled into the kitchen to make everyone something to eat. As he was searching through the cupboards, he called out to the others, "If you're bored, there are some videotapes under the telly, but try not to run the VCR for more than two hours at a time. The generator can't take the strain." He looked in the refridgerator and found that most of the food had already gone bad. He grumbled.

After a few minutes, anyone peeking into the kitchen will find the old man rushing back and forth, pulling things out of cupboards and muttering things like, "Stupid fridge just had to break down on me now." "Am I supposed to feed my guests nothing but deviled ham and chicken soup?" "Where did I put that hot-plate?" "Oh bloody hell! Maggie! Your supposed to do your business outside! These were my good shoes too. Bad girl!" "Oh! There's the hot-plate."

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)


Lok stared at his blue thumb wondering the arcane nature of the phenomenon, and just as quickly as it came, it went. Snorting quietly at the happenstance, the teifling stood and tapped his spear against the floor as a warding. Ritual was always a good thing, regardless of the actual usefulness. Who knew when it might actually work. With a slight shrug, the fighter turned to follow his charge.

"Your home is..." Lok rumbled in a gravelly voice, "Quite unique."

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte sat on a stool in the (appropriately named) sitting room, picking basic progressions very softly. Keeping the pattern going, he looked at Pete appraisingly.
"Please, tell me more of this world you are from, Peter. Its songs. Don't bother looking surprised: there is great power in music. A land's songs are the key to its identity."
"Call it bardic curiosity, if you will. I'm as bad as the fiends, in my own way. Always trying to learn secrets." Erte laughed, and waited expectantly for the man to answer.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Lok" wrote:
"Your home is..." Lok rumbled in a gravelly voice, "Quite unique."

Edward had just finished opening a can of creamed corn when Lok decided to join him in the kitchen. He smiled as he was working and replied, "It is a nice place, isn't it? Belonged to the family since my great-grandfather built it in 1867." He turned on the hot-plate and placed a pot full of the creamed corn on the burner. "I was going to leave it to my son when I died," He sighed wistfully as he stirred the yellow goop in the pot. "But I guess that's a moot point anyway."

Lok felt something nudging his leg while making a faint buzzing noise. He glanced down to see a small Lim-lim rubbing his shin and flapping it's tiny, useless wings. It looked up at the tiefling expectingly.

"Oh, that's right! I forgot to feed Maggie this morning." He handed a wooden spoon to Lok. "Stir the corn so it doesn't burn while I get a tin of meat for her." He opened one of the cupboards and started to rifle through the contents.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Nordom wandered around the house, staring at practically everything, but whenever it came across a technological device, an old, rusty, and seemingly broken lens whipped up from inside the rogue's body through a hole in its 'head'. On the end of several small tubes, it positioned itself in front of the rogue's eye, apparently focusing the rogue's eyes. It was not apparent what sort of analytical abilities the lens had, but Nordom only used it to examine the various gadgets in the house. Finally, Nordom spoke.

"Analysis complete. Inspection yielded no magical auras. Conslusion: Devices are technological in nature. Conclusion coincides with designation: Edward Davis being native to a low magical prime world." The rogue placed itself at the dining room table, across from Erte. "Greetings, Erte. Request permission to discuss the level of technology of Edward's prime world of origin after you discuss the musical inclinations of said world."

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Peter, who was comfortably seated on the couch right now, answered Erte.

"Well, I know a little about music... there's a whole mess of genres, to be honest. We've got 'classical' music, which is popular today despite most of it being a couple hundred years old. It can range from a full orchestra to a solo piano, and the period had some of the best composers to have ever lived: Mozart, Bach, Beethoven...
More recent genres are around as well. We have rock & roll, which comes soft rock, hard rock, and heavy metal, each progressively angrier (soft rock is often sentimental or happy). We have instrumental genres such as techno, we have pop songs, we have rap (which is more like angry poetry recited in rhythm)...
I can sing some examples for you if you like."

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Rrodek laughs to himself momentarily when he hears Edward's comment about Maggie having to do her bussiness outside. He then looks to Pete as he's speaking..

"It sure sounds like your world if full of alot of angry people..."

Rrodek nudges Pete with his foot after Pete had sat down and gone on about the angry music.

"Go ahead, sing some of this... angry poetry if you like. I'd be at least interested to hear it."

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)


Lok made a face akin to those who had just smelt something disturbing, but not repugnant. With the blunt end of his spear, he edged the creature away from his leg gently, keeping an eye on it. With a few hurried steps, he crossed to the 'stove' and the spoon and stired it.

"Leaving a domicile to one's son is a gracious action," Lok commented over his shoulder, "It must be troubling being hipped as it were."

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"An entire school of music, dedicated to expressing anger through rythmic chanting of poetry? Most interesting..."

Erte finished his practice with a flourish. He sat Dianne down beside him, and reclined; giving the "stage" to Peter.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Lok" wrote:
"Leaving a domicile to one's son is a gracious action," Lok commented over his shoulder, "It must be troubling being hipped as it were."

After searching through his cabinet, the professor pulled out a can of tuna. As he was opening it he said,"You know for some reason, being stranded here doesn't bother me as much as it should. Tim and I never did see eye to eye, even when he was growing up. After the missus passed on, we lost touch." He took a fork and scooped the contents into the lim-lim's feeding dish. "I was leaving it to him, because I remembered that some of his fondest childhood memories were from when he visited my parents in this house."

After he fed Maggie, he looked in the pot Lok was tending to, "Ah, good! The corn is done." He put some spam in the microwave and pulled out a box of vanilla wafers. When the spam was good and heated, he cut it up, poured the creamed corn into a serving dish and filled a party bowl with vanilla wafers. He placed it all on a tray and brought it to the coffee table in the sitting room.

"The food is ready. It's not much, but most of the stuff in the fridge has spoiled. Would anyone care for a drink? I have some juice and soda. Or if you want something a little harder, I have an unopened bottle of Conyac in the celler."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Nordom blinked, and, taking Erte ignoring him as permission, turned to Edward.

"Gratitudes. Nordom desires liquid sustinance. Request orange juice. Processing....query: what is 'soda'? Sub-query: Are there any detrimental effects of high technological advancements on native prime world? Sub-sub query: Do you know how a magical portal exists on said prime world if said prime world is a low magic prime world? Theory: Portal is technologically based."

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Living Room

Lok followed his charge into the main room, sniffing lightly at the air. Whatever had been made was not likely a natural substance. Luckily, Lok didn't need to eat anything in particulat. In fact, there were times when his dishes looked more appetizing then the food they held. This was not one of those times, but the other-worldly food did have him uneasy.

Whatever reason his 'music' had for matching him with this man, it was evident he had much to learn. Lok was not one for window jumping in any of its forms. And this certianly was the grand-pappy of all leaps of faith.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Nordom the Rogue Modron" wrote:
"Gratitudes. Nordom desires liquid sustinance. Request orange juice. Processing....query: what is 'soda'?"

After Edward poured Nordom his juice (he wondered how a robot would be able to drink it, though) he mulled the question in his head for a moment and tried to put the answer in terms the modron would understand. He finally gave up. He just poured Nordom a glass of coke and showed it to him. "This is soda."

"Nordom the Rogue Modron" wrote:
Sub-query: Are there any detrimental effects of high technological advancements on native prime world?"

He pause in thought, "I'd like to say that there are none and that Earth has benefited greatly from technology, but that wouldn't be entirely true." He sighed. "You see, without magic there to provide immediate satisfaction to our needs, us Earthers have throughly explored the physical, non-magicial side of reality and there's power to be found there. Massive power. Power that would awe even the most powerful for your mages. And when that power falls into the wrong hands, it can annilate entire civilizations. So far, we've been responsible with the power, but I have to wonder about the Yanks sometimes..."

He left the subject at that.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

The rogue stares at the glass, and the same rusty appears and positions itself over Nordom's eye.

"Analyzing.....analysis complete. Three parts carbonated water with one part syrup. Most probable reason: flavor. Gratitudes. Memory sub routines updated."

The rogue opens its mouth and pours the 'soda' down its throat.....its pupils then shrink to the width of pinheads....its body shudders, and Nordom releases a loud *Belch!*.

"Nordom greatly prefers juice. Query: Is this 'soda' primarily used as a torture device? Tangent: Do you, Edward Davis, prefer a technological paradigm or a magical paradigm?"

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Well, I'm not really into rap myself... much prefer classical. I'll try to remember one of those songs though. Uh..."

Peter sits there scratching his head for a moment, and then "sings" a few lines of a heartwarming ballad by 50 Cent about gang warfare. About 15 seconds in, he stops in the middle of a line.

"I hope that's enough of an example... I really don't like that stuff."

Peter then turns his attention to the conversation between Nordom and Edward. Laughing quietly at the comment about "Is this 'soda' primarily used as a torture device?", he waits his turn to interject himself into the talking.

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Living Room

I wonder about the Yanks...

Lok took a step closer and gripped his spear tightly. He sniffed the air, eyeing the Law-ite as it belched.

"You will point out these... Yanks," Lok announced, "I shall dael with them, Charge Davis."

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Peter looked rather uncomfortable at Lok's remark (being a Californian).

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte listened carefully to Peter's "rap"; his expression a war between pain and pleasure. He thought to himself: Interesting. It's almost as if the creator took the most basic tenets of music, and twisted the foundation around pure hatred. The power is there, but it's almost totally destructive in nature. Well, I had been looking for a suitable framework for that "Shout" spell..

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
Peter looked rather uncomfortable at Lok's remark (being a Californian).

Seeing Peter's discomfort, Erte stepped toward Lok, putting his hands up in a conciliatory gesture. "Easy, Lok; you'll get yourself mistaken for a Cypher. Edward," Erte continued. "Are these 'Yanks' an immediate threat to you, or your world?"

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Erte Dennijay" wrote:
"Are these 'Yanks' an immediate threat to you, or your world?"

"Good god, no! Americans are nice people, but they can sometimes get a little too bull-headed and zealous for their own good. Besides," He glanced at Lok. "I don't think that you could take care of all 600 million of them."

"Nordom the Rogue Modron" wrote:
"Tangent: Do you, Edward Davis, prefer a technological paradigm or a magical paradigm?"

The old man chuckled at that one. "I can't say that I have a preference. Our technology can be either benefitial or dangerous, depending on how you use it. Just like magic."

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Speaking of which...

"You mentioned the portal from Earth earlier, Nordom. It's possible that it was technological in origin; the key could have been detected by the elevator, which could have then opened the portal. On the other hand, unless it appeared naturally I don't think even a nonmagical portal could successfully link to Sigil.

"I mean, nobody's ever been known to get into Sigil under their own power. Right?"

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Hmm... ya know Pete, that doesn't sound to likely that the portal was technological in nature and leading to Sigil. I'll admit, I don't know that much about technology, but that just doesn't seem like a place someone would place a portal to Sigil. That and, how could anyone aside from the obvious one being that can, make a portal to Sigil?

"Pfft! I'm just restating what you said pretty much. I apologize, I am getting lost in my thoughts here now that I have people of suitable company. Please, continue on."

Rrodek thinks to himself for a few moments before reaching into his pockets and pulling something out. He says a few words as though casting a spell and his form slowly shifts into that of his former self. Rrodek then adjusts himself to lay on his side, resting his head on a pillow and smiles towards everyone.

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Living Room

"I don't think that you could take care of all 600 million of them."

Lok frowned deeply, the smell of brimstone rising.

"Do you doubt my abilities Charge Davis?"

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte was taken aback by the anger in Lok's tone.
"No-one is questioning your abilities on the battlefield, Lok. In fact, I'm positive they surpass my own, by far."
Erte's eyes flashed from within with green fire, and his voice softened and grew deeper."But powers help me, keep your hubris in check. You speak of eliminating an entire sect, about which you know next to nothing. And all for the slip of a tongue and a off-handed remark."
Erte licked his lips, looking Lok squarely in the eyes for a moment. He spoke for all to hear, his voice now with its normal lilt. "Let there be no misunderstanding between us. You're a canny blood, Lok. As well-lanned as any of us here, I'd dice. And I'll guard your back from the sixes to the whistles. But I've a feeling this trip'll be a mite better off if we can all keep our wits about us."
A smile tugged at the edge of his mouth, and Erte spotted the tray Edward had presented. "Oh, cookies! May I?"

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

The professor smiled at the bard and replied, "Sure. By all means."

Edward's smile faded as he moved back to the subject at hand, "But we are digressing from why we are here. Nearest I can tell, our task at hand has three main steps:

"1) Find a portal to... what did you call it again... oh yes... Mechanus. This is so that we might find information on the exact location of the Earth portal due to the fact that we want to avoid blindly searching Hell for it. It's reasonable to assume that finding the information alone will be an excedingly difficult task. After all, If the location of a stable portal to Peter's world were common knowledge (or even privileged information), I'm sure Earth would have been overrun by the Legions of the Underworld by now.

"2) After we recover the information from Mechanus, our next task will be to find a way in and out of the Plane of Ice so we can fetch the portal key and leave as soon as possible (I, for one, hope that this will be a very short stay).

"and finally:

"3) Find a portal to Hell and decend all the way to the eighth layer. This will also be a unspeakably difficult task for I heard that, to get to the eighth layer, you need to journey through ALL the layers between the first to the eighth.

"....We'll need a guide for that one...."

The old man looked around his sitting room and poured himself some creamed corn as he finished, "Does that sum it up nicely or did I miss anything important?"

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Living Room

"Your description is apt," Lok stated returning to his previous state," Charge Davis."

With a more relaxed position, Lok leaned against the wall, his spear resting gently against his left shoulder. He Had never taken his eyes from the bard.

"Your words are true, bard," he began slowly, "A trip to the Abyss is not to be taken lightly. I would like to state for you, my companions, that my Music has lead me here. So being, I will fight for him," Lok nodded toward Edward, "until there is naught left of me. Regardless of the enemy. Number, type, or creed."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

The rogue modron stood seemingly motionless as the others spoke. Its eyes focused on the old man before it began to speak...

"Affirmative. Statement is 98.2% accurate. 1.8% inaccuracy due to using the term Hell. Hell: Prime common name for Baator. Baator: Plane of evil and law. Equal. Balance. Gates to eighth layer, Cania, exist only on higher levels of said plane. Odds of finding a portal to desired layer in Sigil: Approximately 1 in 850,000. Designation: Lady of Pain follows no known pattern to manipulation of portals in said city."

The rogue turns to Lok.

"Request Specification: What is your 'Music'?"

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Yup, you pretty much got it down, Edward. I'd offer to do the transporting myself to the Para-elemental Plane of Ice, and... Baator, but the planeshift spell I use isn't exactly accurate on it's landing location and could easily prove fatal for Peter should it get to far off course. You as well, but I can imagine if we were to land in freezing water or something of the sort, that Peter wouldn't last more then half a minute, tops. This isn't exactly any normal water/ice and my protection spells could only do so much against the exemplar of the element itself.

"Hmm... I suppose Peter could stay with me while you guys went to the ice plane, but that'd be up to him.

"Ya know, you guys are gonna need protection against the cold of these places beyond simple spells. Should probably seek some items out at one point before you leave for the ice plane and Hell. I'll do what I can to craft one or two for you guys if you can get me any supplies I may be missing.

"Oh... and if you do need me to craft anything, tell me now and what exactly you need if it's something that doesn't protect against the cold so I can begin preparing the proper spells.

"Well, you all should probably get some rest after we're done talking then head out towards Mechanus."

Rrodek raises his head for a moment, fluffs his pillow and lays back down.

"Nordom... there are portals to the planes we need to go to in Sigil, aren't there?

"Oh... and Lok, I was wondering as well as Nordom, what is your Music?"

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Living Room

The closest thing to blushing Lok could come was a slightly darker shade of grey then he already was. Being self-conscious was not one of Lok's foibles, but in this particualr case, the teifling was very uncomfortable. It was not a terribly awe inspiring fact when one hears voices.

"My Music? My reasons, the path I take," he hesitated for a moment, "Most Codgers get their music from their gut. I seem to get it from... the voice."

Hush now. No more talk about me, Lok.

The warrior dropped his gaze to the floor.

"And right now the Music doesn't wish to be discussed."

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte looked at Lok appraisingly. A second passed, then two. Finally, Erte spoke.
"Fair enough, friend. Everyone has a dark or two better kept out of the light..."

"Hate to seem overly cavalier, but Mechanus doesn't worry me, much. Bureaucracy can be managed, even if we have to do it in triplicate. What I'm worried about is not having your knowledge and skills, Nordom. I'm assuming you won't be coming: from what I understand, being a 'not modron' in Mechanus is a good way to get into the deadbook."

He let the statement hang in the air, and began rolling his cloak. He slid down into one of the comfortable chairs, and slipped the makeshift pillow beneath his head. Erte intended to take Rrodek's advise and rest as well as possible.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Er... before I get some shut-eye...

"Well first of all I'd like to thank all you folks for your help. It's amazing making friends so fast, especially in an everyone-for-himself city like this."

Peter glances around. After a moment, he turns to Rrodek.

"I'd also appreciate some way to get a beginner's education as a Wizard. I think I've got the brains to tackle the stuff, and I don't want to be a complete dead weight for you folks."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

The rogue looked to Erte before it spoke.

"Processing......affirmative. Danger to self increases approximately 89.6734% in location: Mechanus. Nordom still desires to travel. Processing....Nordom places heirarchy in great danger if Nordom accompanies said heirarchy. Nordom will follow decision by commitee. Status: Awaiting said decision."

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Rrodek raises his eyebrow at Lok for a moment, then nods as much has he can(being as that he's laying his head on a pillow) at what Erte said about everyone having a dark or two..

"That's so very... true. I know I have a few things I'd keep from people I didn't know."

Rrodek looks to Pete on the other end of the couch and smiles.

"It's no problem, don't mind helping you at all.... seemed like someone worth helping... becoming friends with. And as for helping you learn the arts of Wizardy, sure... we can try, would be more then willing to teach you. Will need to get you a spellbook of course, but that will be no problem at all.

"Hehe, when you get back home, you can be content in the knowledge that you know how magic works and can use it... if of course, there wasn't anything blocking it's use. But hey, you'll be the one with all the knowledge either way! Now if only it was safe for me to go with you...

Rrodek sighs momentarily.

"Well, at least you'll get to stay with me for a while while I teach you the ropes of things. Might as well stay with me when they go to Mechanus and the ice plane, the ice plane at the bare minimum. Though if I'm to be teaching you this and crafting protection items, it'd probably be best for you to stay with me through both unless our friends don't mind waiting on our final departure to the portal. It might help you a bit if ya stick around while I'm crafting items though... perhaps... give you an insight to certain things."

Rrodek then moves his head back into the position it was in prior and with out looking at Nordom, he speaks.

"Why would you ever want to go back to Mechanus with such a great risk to your newfound life or your existence in general?"

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

The rogue turns to the lich....

"Good: A state of mind in which one cares more for the welfare of others than the welfare of oneself. Nordom is currently striving to change moral outlook. Therefore, Nordom must be willing to travel to Mechanus to fulfill said criteria of said state of mind."

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte closed his eyes, and put his left hand on his lute. His brow furrowed in thought at the modron's plain statement.

This rogue (Nordom, Erte reminded himself. Not just another modron, not even just a rogue. Nordom.) was willing to put it's entire existance at risk, just to be a part of this.

Erte ran his free hand through his bright red hair, and paused as the fist came in front of his face. The hand opened slowly, and Erte gazed upon a golden circle tattooed on pale flesh.

"If you are willing to accept those odds, Nordom... I would have you with us. I must ask, though, do you know of any precautions we can take to reduce the danger to you?"

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Reduce odds of danger to present hierarchy. Statement processed. Processing variables.....affirmative. Modron castes fall within dual parameters: Base and Hierarch. Base modrons are approximately 89.58765% percent, give or take 2, less likely to question Nordom's presence if companions state Nordom was ordered to record said heirarchy's progress on said mission. Elaboration: It is possible for non-modrons to petition heirarch modrons for services of base modrons. Deception: Nordom is a 'base modron' under orders from superiors to assist non modron heirarchy. Processing.....odds of success....approximately 72% assuming non modron hierarchy does not establish contact with modron heirarchs. Modron hierarchs can recognize rogues on sight. Query: Does said suggestion fall within acceptable paramours?"

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

A smile crossed Erte's face at Nodrom's verbal misstep. He bit his tongue, and addressed what the rogue meant.

"So, steer clear of the heirarchs, and act like we hired you as a makeshift mimir. If the 'deception' is acceptable to Edward and Lok, I think your suggestion will work, Nordom."

Erte leaned back into the chair, satisfied with the answer. In the next few seconds, A soft murmur came from his smiling lips.

"Let not the creaking of shoes nor the rustling of silks betray thy poor heart to woman: keep thy foot out of brothels, thy hand out of plackets, thy pen from lenders’ books, and defy the foul fiend."

(OOC: Imaginary Bardic Cookies to the first to place the reference.)

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

There is a solid *THOK* against the front door, barely audible for the bard's singing, like the sound of a weapon hitting the door soundly.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

(JasperDM-- from my first post, incase you by chance, didn't read it:


For the most part, I do not want any more players at the time being. If I need someone on the boards to step in as an NPC for a little bit, I will PM them with a message notifying them of it. If you have an interest in something PM ME with what you want to do.

Mind you, I just added the bold text and the last line a bit earlier today, but none the less... it was still there. PM me with what exactly it is you have planned in your head for what you want to do. Quite frankly, from what I've read of your posts on the FW wheel thread, it seems like you'd rather run things then just join it. Whether or not that is what you wanted to do, I will not tolerate it in my game thread, when I'm DMing things, I and I alone am the Dungeon Master. NO ONE else.

If you wanted to see the ideas you had been speaking about on the Wizards boards and in the FW wheel thread see fruition, I can understand that as is does seem somewhat vast in scope. But none the less, PM me about it if you want to do things in here... give me the details of what it is you have planned in your head; it may or may not mesh with things I have floating around in my head... we will discuss this. You seem far more of an NPC then you ever would as a player at this point because of your power and thus... we must discuss things further if you are to do anything in here.

If you had wanted to help jump start things... I do kind've appreciate that, but you should've PMed first.)

To the players--
If things seem to have been going a bit slow, I have a couple things to say. First, I wasn't saying anything because I assumed you were doing things over the weekend, like playing in your normal D&D games. Second, you must understand, in a play by post thread, things will go much slower... even slower then a chat room game. Also, if it seems like things were stalling as you were not moving out of the house yet, I felt no need to prod you along yet and if you want to get moving, by all means do so.

Remember, this is supposed to be fun, while it may be rather slow due to the medium of the game, lets take it one step at a time as we keep posting and enjoy the path.

~Gnoll Druid~

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Thanks, Rrodek... I really appreciate it. I'll get some sleep now; I've a feeling that tomorrow will be pretty busy."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC: It's funny, but playing D&D with my friends was exactly what I was doing. Well, d20 Modern, actually.

After Edward noticed that Sigil's time was quickly reaching Anti-Peak, he said, "There's some blankets and pillows in the upstairs closet, two beds in the guest room and the sofa folds out." The professor yawned and continued, "You are all welcome to help yourselves to anything in the kitchen, but I'm going to get some shut eye." He smiled to himself, "I'm much too old to be keeping such late hours."

With that, Edward tiredly went upstairs and into his room as Maggie did little Lim-lim hops up the stairs after him. He changed into his flannel pajamas and crawled under his bedsheets. Maggie jumped on top of the blankets and made a bed on his stomach. Edward reached up and scratched her under her wings.

He sighed, knowing there was a good chance that this would be the last night he would spend with the little insect-thing for a long time...

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Nordom casually watched as Edward walked up the stairs with his cute little Lim-Lim hopping behind him. Its eyes shrank and expanded as it looked around at the remaining guests. It turned to Erte before it spoke.

"Designation: Erte, do you require physical rest at present time coordinates? Nordom wishes to continue discussion but will wait until such time as you awake if you require said rest."

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Living Room

Lok watched his charge stalk easily off to bed. the tiefling did not care for the cavalier attitude it seemed his companions had. Word of adventures had a way of getting around, and Lok was sure that some Vulchers would be waiting. With a blink of his great, black eyes, the warrior stood and crossed to the door.

"One suggests a watch," Lok stated blandly, "Trouble is unexpected, but that does not mean it is not there. I shall take first.."

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Aye, Nordom, I am a bit bushed." Erte said as Lok took up sentry duty. "We can continue our discussion when Lok wakes me up for second watch if it suits you. "

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

"Affirmative. Suggestion falls within acceptable parameters." The rogue turns to the teifling....

"Query: May Nordom assist in your 'watch'? Nordom does not require sleep."

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Ok... Nordom and Lok, you wanna proceed with the night scene for a couple days then move on to morning/leaving the house or shall we skip ahead and do that now? Choice is yours, but if you choose to keep talking for the night, just keep doing so when you post your response and I'll watch over things/tell ya what happens... the usual/expected stuff.

Sorry I didn't post anything last night either, got unusually tired rather early and just went to bed.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

I figure we should just skip ahead- it really wouldn't be fair to the other posters now that I think about it.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Erte sleeps lightly, as his habit when traveling. He was ready to wake at first light -- or what passed for it in Sigil. His rapier was propped at his side though, in case of a less-pleasant awakening.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

Well, I certainly apologize for not getting things posted tonight... AGAIN, I started falling asleep early... was going to go do something with some people I know even though I was tired, went and waited... but my time was wasted and I'm in a bit of a pissy mood; will edit post when I wake, remove this and add the next part. Just wanted to let you guys know I didn't forget.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC: Don't sweat it, man. You're already a lot faster at posting DM stuff than over half the Gamemasters at the Aspera website. New turns can sometimes be weeks late over there.

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Game: Adventure Thread(Eco-Mono, Edward, Erte, Lok, Nordom!)

OOC: Take your time. The game is a beast of indeterminant speed. We all know how to ride it. And feel free to skip the night. I don't think Lok is up much for talking.

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