I'm running à french Planescape campaign based on english material, and thus i sometimes have difficulties with exactly translating some stuff, is someone able to give me the terms used in the french version for the followings?
-celestial (like an aasimon or an eladrin)
-the interlands (of the outlands)
-the picket keeps (from Exelcior)
-the master trader (from Tradegate)
-the wylders (the beastlands' sect)
-the order of plane militants (Mount Celestia's sect)
Tanks very much!!
French translations
Tue, 2007-03-13 04:50
French translations
Ok, my french is poor from lack of use, but here's how I'd translate the terms:
Celestial: Celeste
Interlands: les Entre-terres
Picket Keeps: Tours Piquet
Master trader: Chef Commerceur (not sure about this one at all)
Wylder: Sauvagistes.
Order of plane militants: l'Ordre planaire des Militants.