Free KQ RPG Planar Resources

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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Free KQ RPG Planar Resources

I plan to clean this up over time, right now I'm just collecting. Unlike the inspiration thread, which is everything and the kitchen sink, I wanted to organize actual D&D resources as opposed to the stream of consciousness which I also love.

This thread is all KQ planar web articles. I know there's free online Pathfinder and WotC stuff, but this seemed like a doable task to start with and it's also likely that those camps aren't 100% aware of the stuff on KQ.

Articles (there's more but this is a start):

Writing Good Planar Locations by Colin McComb:


Relics of Power (many of these relate to planes and planars):

Coffer of the Uninvited Guest by Chris Harris
Crystalline Chrysalis by Gary S. Watkins
Deck of Hellish Delights by Carlos Ovalle
Gnomeskull of the Kobold Kings by Nicholas Milasich
Golden Tresses of Sif by Jarrod Camiré
Gordian Knot by Mario Podeschi
Izellia’s Branch by David Adams
King’s Mirror by Joel Dehn
Liberty by Robert E Drouin
War Band of the Last Mead Hall by Josh Jarman


Saint Vadim:

"Once imprisoned in Hell itself, he suffered many trials and painful revelations—finally emerging victorious. He is the only mortal to ever escape alive from Hell’s dungeons. For this, and for his devotion to Volund, he ascended and is venerated."


Eater of Dust:

"Eaters of dust—or yakat-shi as they are sometimes called in ancient planar texts—are hideous mercenaries that roam the lower planes selling their services to arch-devils, demon lords, and other fiendish rulers for the chance to sample new flavors and devour interesting morsels. "


Secrets of Pact Magic (might have to get an interview with this guy!):



"Although their origin is uncertain, sovbeks were once the favored servants of the now-imprisoned god of destruction and fury, and they benefited greatly in power and strength from his regard. Over the ages since his capture and imprisonment, however, they have shrunk in stature and potency and have lost much of their cultural cohesiveness and direction. Most sovbeks serve as mercenaries in demonic armies"



"Occasionally, when an evil soul is passing into its eternal torment, something happens to shatter it. Each of these soul fragments becomes the core of a strange entity known as a yarang."


A Devil May Rise:

"Thiloquenn had studied his prey long enough to know what lure to use. Without missing a beat, the leering lecher pulled out a piece of hard candy and offered it to the pathetic waifs. That is when Thiloquenn struck. In the Old Days, he might have just disemboweled the fetid child-fiend, but today was a different day. He quickly put the sack over Arvin’s head, tightened the cinch like a noose, and teleported out of the alleyway in a puff of sulfurous smoke."


Star Drake:

"Due to its experiences across the planes, a star drake takes on the mantle of protector of the Material Plane. No matter what alignment a creature professes to have, the star drake sees it as a meddler in the affairs of humanoid races."


Cosmic Horror / Cosmic Hero:

"The elder gods run into trouble when they collide with heroic fantasy. Mighty warriors and wizards battle supernatural horror all day, every day. What makes Tsathoqqua and Shub-Niggurath any more frightening than a lich or a dragon?"

Part 2:


Planar Market and Eater of Tithes:

"Dispatched by the Greedy King to gather tribute from the mortal world, tithe eaters are part devil, part test of character, and part trap. They closely resemble statues of precious metal studded with flawless jewels: Gold is the most common material, but other metals — from meagre bronze to priceless orichalcum — are sometimes seen."


Wayward Children of the Abyss (1 of 5), by Shemmy:


Singing Throat, a Planar Metropolis:



Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Free KQ RPG Planar Resources

Fate Eater (scroll down):

"These translucent, man-sized parasites resemble ghostly centipedes surrounded in erratic violet radiance. They infest scattered areas of the Loom, where they consume the very threads of fate itself...."


Treasure Pygmies:

"It is still unclear as to whether the pygmies serve Greed, or he serves them. The droves of treasure they constantly steal and haul back to their domain could be offerings, or they might be resources that Greed uses for some mysterious purposes of his own. Perhaps no one will ever find out, but anything is possible...."


Planar Binding for Beginners:


Lamp of Departed Vistas (demiplane inside artifact):



"Antisouls, so named by a young priest who was the only surviving member of a group of travelers that fell to one such creature, are entities of pure negative energy that normally exist only on the plane of negative energy. Sometimes, however, a conflux of events can open a gateway and tempt these creatures to visit other planes of existence. One such conflux occurs when powerful divine magic attempts to restore life to a dead creature, and the person refuses to grasp at this new chance at life."


Chimney Daemon:

"In cities dominated by urban sprawl, where the smokestacks of industry billow smog enough to block the midday sun, where poverty and hardship reign over the mass of commoners, little more than slaves to factories and ironworks, the chimney daemon thrives."


Charnel Cow:

"Charnel cows hail from the lower planes, where the denizens hunt them for food or sport. While they are clever compared to their earthly counterparts, they can’t escape most daemons, demons, or devils. Occasionally, one (or an entire herd) escapes through a portal to the Material Plane to wreak havoc on mundane herd animals and their owners…"



"Palaver are pathetic demons formed from the souls of shameless flatterers; evil courtiers, self-serving advisors, and vile bureaucrats. Their powers are dangerous to mortals, yet useless before other fiends, who find their eloquent pleas for mercy hilarious."



This man of gears and steel plates stands 10 ft. tall. A green metallic eye stares from the tip of each of its four wings. Angel of Knowledge and Truth Inevitables tasked with enforcing the laws of truth, metrons seek out and punish those who use deception to attain wealth, power, or advancement.


Shadow Spores:

"Shadowstuff, the very essence of the Plane of Shadow, sometimes seeps through planar cracks and is found on the material plane. Rare as it is, nevertheless materia umbra or shadowstuff is the focus of a great body of alchemists. Instead of asking: “what can it do?” shadowstuff forces alchemists to ask: “what can it not do?”

The creation of shadowspores is one of alchemy’s successes. Exposing a particular strain of yellow mold to shadowstuff creates something extraordinary: shadowspores."



"The birth of a mortal child to a succubus mother is terrible to behold. It is an upheaval fraught with tears, blood, shrieks in daemonic tongues, and curses against gods wise mortals dare not tempt. If this birth occurs on the Material Plane, a perpetual taint known as barrenblight washes over the site, rendering creatures exposed to it ill and infertile."


The Hill That Eats:

"In the early days of the Great Mage War a mage sought to summon a demon and bind it into the body of an earth elemental to create a weapon to destroy her foes. The twisting of the ley lines that she called on had unintended consequences and the demon escaped her command, slaying her before it descended on a nearby city devouring all within. As it devoured souls it grew in size and power."


Ia’Affrat the Insatiable:

"Physically, Ia’Affrat is composed of 5,000 individual evil elementals, each one a black, thumb-sized wasp glowing with the heat of a low-burning coal and wreathed in foul-smelling smoke. And yet the hive mind of this creature identifies as male – and even as human. He cares nothing for the fate of the individual insects that constitute him, concerned only that the swarm does not become damaged enough to strip him of his mind. That fate he equates to a temporary death."


Behind the Spells: Unseen Servant:

"Like their invisible stalker cousins, invisible attendants have amorphous forms which appear only as swirling clouds of vapor if proper detection is employed (true seeing)."


Behind the Spells: Summon Monster

'Since summon monster is attuned to extraplanar creatures, a spellcaster can use that to his advantage when fighting such creatures. With a bit of skill and luck, instead of summoning a weaker ally to help in a fight, the caster could turn one of his current foes against its companions. This spell secret has been referred to as a “poor man’s charm monster.”'


Deathshade Wisp:

"Deathshade wisps are skeletal and lank; dark dusky swirls of shadow dance across their rotted skin and stringy hair. Their skin is translucent, their skulls gleam in the dark. Only their grace and pallid complexion hearken back to their true heritage."



"Fueled by frenetic thought patterns and erratic actions, a spark jolts through its new world in search of a physical body, drawn by an urge to know form. Some accomplished spellcasters seek sparks for symbiosis. Sorcerers with elemental bloodlines or clerics devoted to deities with elemental domains reach an agreement with these strange creatures and allow them to ride within their bodies."


Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Free KQ RPG Planar Resources

Hell Bound: Today’s Tools for Tomorrow’s Tyrants

Codex of Fallen Angels:

The Isle of Morphoi and its Creatures:


Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.