Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

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bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Jennifer walked out of the Civic Fest Hall wondering where the companions she had recently met went off to. Well no matter she could easily find them again she was good in urban areas in fact her sense of direction was outstanding and had gotten her out of more than one jam. This city however may be the strangest thing she could possibly encounter even if she had lived a thousand lifetimes on her home world serving the empire.

Glancing around the cityscape she was amazed as Cat creatures, Demonic entities, Angels, humans, and other unexplainable creatures walked side by side. She always stood within any city of the empire because of her hair and incredibly clear and smooth skin. But here she didn’t draw a second glance which was certainly nice for a change. But how was she going to get home with all the wonders of this city she had almost forgotten.

Staring above her she let out a small scream as she noticed the city above her and crashed into something. Stumbling back a step she slipped in the mud falling flat to her back.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Jennifer was almost trampled by the masses as they pushed out of some nearly ruined building. She had barely reached her feet when she was knocked to the ground once again by a man carrying a large chair “Get out of the way you worthless Berk!” Glaring at the large man he realized there were 4 of them carrying some important looking figure on a Sedan Chair. Wiping the mud off from her face she continued to walk slowly down the street and then more briskly as the crowd began to grow and shove her.

Visiting the provisional capitals of the empire she was used to large cities but this was getting crazy never had she been literally dragged down the street by a mass of people. As the mob moved a few more blocks down the street it continued to increase at every intersection people seemed be heading towards a square of some sort. Suddenly the mob in front of her stopped cold while those behind her continued to press forward, she was being crushed! She couldn’t breath and suddenly the world began to spin and everything went black.


When She awoke she found herself in a small room it seemed very old and rundown but everything was spotless and cleaned very carefully. She bolted upward remembering that she had passed out in the street. The world seemed to tilt as she fell back to the bed cracking her skull against the headboard so hard her vision blurred for a moment. As she slowly regained her senses she realized she was naked except for a thin blanket and that was everything in the room except for the bed, a pillow, and her. Feeling a bump where she had just hit her head she realized there was second bigger one as well. Getting up more slowly this time she looked under the bed and discovered her clothing and personal belongings all in a neat pile minus a few coins.

As Jennifer began to get dressed she heard a knock at the door “you doing alright in their young lady” that sounded like an older man. Saw ya in a spat of trouble back on the street and thought you could use a helping hand. You had quite a bump on the head and a few scratches but the Lady Waller got you all cleaned up nice. May I come in?”

“Sure” she answered quickly before realizing she was still half naked. The man came walking in “Name’s jack what’s yo” stopping in mid sentence he backed out of the room and close the door. “I’m sorry missy I should have waited, though you are a fine lass to be certain but the fault is all mine”.

“Where the heck am I?” She almost screamed out before steadying her voice a little “I am sorry I just got into town and kind of having a bad day so far.”

“That’s alright we actually get a great number of new visitors to the City of Doors that are in a situation similar to yours. It’s a city of portals, gateways and roads that travel to every corner of the multiverse, thousands or worlds, planes, heavens, hells, and so many more interesting places. We run a guild of sorts here that employs Bashers from all over the known planes and enjoy adventuring among them to pass the time. We actually have just recently relocated here since the cursed faction racked was curtailed. But anyway once you are ready we’ll get you a little grub and see what we can do for you”

“Thanks I am really Grateful for your help what was the name of your group again? She asked “Oh we are the Plane walker’s guild the perfect place to find someone who can teach you the portals and ropes without sealing the shirt off your back before marooning you on the 10th layer of the Abyss!”

(OOC: Anyone could come in here easily if you want to associate with the Guild as a member or otherwise or just post something about your character and we can find a way plot wise to get them together.)

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

'Jack!' comes a voice, echoing throughout the halls. 'Jack, where in bloody Hades are you?'

After a few moments, a man peeks through the door to Jennifer's room. 'Aha, there you are. You're like a ratatosk in here, I can never find you.' The man steps into the room, completely uninvited, and the light in the room seems to dim, just a little. He can be nothing other than a tiefling, and by the extremely gothic look about him he embraces that aspect of himself.

'I'm back from the Ethereal,' Riliarc says, holding out a small cylinder, half a foot long and an inch in diameter. 'This should be what you were looking for.' He nods to Jennifer. 'New member?'


Pants of the North!

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

“I don’t know yet but I am certainly considering it” She needed to be a little careful but she could also use some friends and allies to show her around. Choosing the wrong allies early could gain her bigger enemies later on unfortunately she really doesn’t have many options. “Jack here seems friendly enough and I might be able to be helpful to your organization in some way or another”

“Yes the young lass here is new to the area and just dropped in although by the looks of it she might have a little Tiefling in her and I don’t mean you.” Jack eyed Riliarc in his unique way where it seemed he was being both jovially sarcastic and wary at the same time. “We should be getting this fine young lady a good meal and maybe a tour of the city if she is so inclined.” Jennifer gave a forced smile “that would be wonderful.”

As a servant of the empire nobody was friendly towards her the people all feared her as strict enforcer of the law something they desired to curb crime but never believed themselves on the wrong side of the law. Even Nobles watched their actions around her the same nobles that might burn a family farm because their daughter wasn’t eager to enter their version of service of the kingdom. She had respect through fear and it was effective but had always troubled her greatly.

“So what kind of rations are on the menu Jack and Riliarc was it?” This time she didn’t have to force her smile quite as much.

(OOC feel free to zip right past the meal with a sentence or two and get us out of the guild headquarters. I am not sure how quickly any of the others who have expressed interest will be joining the thread. So its your call whether you would rather write for a bit here or waunder Sigil a bit)

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

'Yes, Riliarc. Riliarc the Seven-Helled, to be precise. And this is the City of Doors. You can find anything you want here, and even more that you don't. What sort of things are you used to eating?'

In the dining room, Riliarc looks around for a few moments. 'Where is my chair? By the Friendly Fiend, I leave town for a couple weeks and something happens to my chair.' He goes rooting around morosely in a couple side rooms and closets before returning with a black wood high-backed chair, carved with a few gothic designs and many patterns and images of a more fiendish nature.


Pants of the North!

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

“Mostly field tack actually I am or was a solider of sorts for the government on my world but also have a great fondness for stews when I can get my hands on a bowel.” Jennifer glanced at the chair trying not to stare but at the same time read some of the runes a few of them looked familiar for some strange reason but she couldn’t quite be certain. “But anything you have around here really is fine I am not a picky person. “ As Jennifer continued barely taking a breath in-between “So how big is this city and where do all these ahhh various creatures come from?”

Jack just smiled “Well that is certainly a very long story and it doesn’t come with a simple explanation other than everywhere there are creatures there are some of them that visit our fine city once in awhile. As for stew that sounds mighty tasty a strong hearty beef stew is always a great way to warm up if your tracking across the planes. Some of the best at that little kip in the Beast lands umm Riliarc seven hills or whatever he calls himself would remember the name it slips my mind at the moment its close to where my favorite pipe weed grows. Good old seven hills here got me a spot of it one time when I was locked up on this little prime world for a few weeks and it kept me occupied for a few weeks while they sorted out the fact I wasn’t guilty.” Jack shot a sarcastic Grin at Riliarc seven hells wondering what his reaction to Jacks new nickname for him would be.

(OOC anyone else feel free to jump in I certainly don’t want to freeze the thread or keep anyone out with this question to another character just jump right into the conversational fray.)

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Riliarc steeples his fingers to gaze over them, as he prepares a speech for Jennifer's many questions. His eyebrows draw together at Jack's strange mangling of his name, however, and he says, in an overdramatically put-upon tone, 'Seven-Helled. It's Riliarc the Seven-Helled. Four mounts to Gehenna, three glooms to the Waste. That's seven of them. The Beastlands kip? Surranis, I think. Some sort of soft, sibilant name typical of the Upper Planes. Not enough hard sounds in any of their names. It's no wonder nobody respects the might of the celestials - they just don't sound menacing enough.'


Pants of the North!

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

After finishing a few great bowels of Stew at the guild Jennifer looked at her two male companions “So you guys going to show me around the city?” She still felt a little uneasy about just entrusting herself to random people but she had little other choice at this point besides few were a match for her back home so it would stand to reason she could likely hold her own here as well. She just hoped it wouldn’t come to that before she got her bearings a little better.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

At the Drunken Dragon, a certainly odd occupant at the moment was predisposed with knocking the bile out of a basher that tried making himself 'well known' to one of the servant girls.

A blue haired green-eyed and marked tiefling booted the berk out of tavern and into the bbrown water drenched street.

"And if you so much as show your foot on this street again I'll make sure to give you a one-way trip to Nessus! Now scram!"

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

As Jennifer looked out what passed for a windown in the joint she saw some man getting thrown out by a pretty tough looking fellow from a bar accross the street. "I guess there are drunks being tossed out of Ale Houses no matter where in the universe you wind up"

Looking back at the two fellows "why dodn't I buy you a drink I assume they take gold here?" She pulled a few coints that were about 5 times the normal sized coin that passed for a gold in Sigil these days.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

'They take gold anywhere in the planes,' Riliarc says, 'it's silver you have to be careful with.' He looks over at the alehouse Jennifer was suggesting they visit. 'Yes. Yes, that would be a good place to begin.'

Outside the Drunken Dragon, Riliarc glances at a crudely painted grey mug on a rough board next to the door. Metal cup only - this was one of the rough taverns. That wouldn't be mentioned until later, though. 'After you?' the tiefling says, giving a little bow and flourish towards the tavern's door.


Pants of the North!

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"Hey Bro, make sure the dwarves and the elves don't get into a scuffle over wines and lagers, AGAIN, alright!" a busty blonde-haired female human called out over the bar counter to a definately not related blue-haired wiry tiefling that had just got done throwing out another patron that dared touch one of his foster sisters.

"Consider it done Aizel," the plane-touched answered, taking only a moment to stretch his jet-black and blue wings, marked by light green tattoo-like marks of Baator.

"And Fringe, if you plan on getting your pay from pa, don't go howling after your shift and waking up the patrons!" another one of his 'sister's' teased before serving a disgruntled shabby-looking Cager a pint of bub.

Fringe's answer was an incoherent growl-mutter as he took a seat by one of the darker corners and leaned back. His thoughts for a moment drifted to an expedition he undertook with some cutters awhile back concerning a dagger, and a promise he fulfilled, and a slight smile formed on his lips.

Barbed ears wiggled a bit and a pointed nose sniffed of its own accord as something came into the pub.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

The bar looked like the hole in the walls she was used to hanging out in at the corners or the empire. The people out there didn’t immediately see her as an agent of the empire and she could mingle most days without anyone really noticing her. She liked joints like this quite simply because most people don’t want to notice but better yet they don’t really want to notice you if they can help it. Besides if a fight broke out she could hold her own and perhaps show her new friends she wasn’t entirely useless lost traveler who needed to be coddled. “Let me buy you two nice fellows a drink to start things off” As the bartended approached she waited for her companions to order. She had no idea what they served at this joint so she would just have to choose between what these two got.

Jack ordered an ale of some sort and grinned at Riliarc “nothing like drinking out of metal cups aye Rilirac?”

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

'Yes, it's great,' Riliarc says drily after ordering something that sounded strangely like 'the blood of the innocent'. 'You'd think people could learn not to destroy the glasses when they fight.'


Pants of the North!

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Aizel the bartender plopped a mug down before mixing firewater with dretch blood, a couple pebbles (of the brim-variety), along with a rather... odd assortment of various oils.

"Here's your Write'm-In-Dead-Book special Fringe!" Aizel shouted. "And were not gonna go ove-" A crash of wood and splintering of a table erupted in the middle of the pub, interrupting Aizel in the process.

The entirety of the pub-goers (mostly Primes and planewalkers), stood still for a moment as what looked like at first to be human, started growing scales and losing legs to a large thick tale.

"Ssssoooo, thissss issss your kip tiefer!" the Yuan-ti abomination called out before lifting a falchion out of it's scabbard with a resounding shriek of metal, forcing many of the bubbers to cover their ears, especially when the shrieking of the metal didn't stop. It swung the blade down onto another table, shattering the innocent furniture in a shower of splinters before it reared up and flung itselt at Fringe.

"Sodding luck, snake's got one of them magicked blades," Aizel muttered to herself.

Fringe's green eyes narrowed for a bit, a hint of bestial glare in them glinted before he pulled out a rapier with a green-metal rose gilded basket hilt along with a wickedly serrated longsword that reflected the dim light of the pub a tad off.

It was a relatively normal day at the Drunken Dragon

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Jennifer looked over at Jack and ordered the same thing. Looking around this bar was pretty rough but that was ok most of the time in places like this you can mind your own business and be left alone. But she could certainly handle herself if a random fight came her direction at least she hoped that would be the case.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Riliarc didn't seem to interested in helping the tiefling - or the yuan-ti, for that matter. Fact is, most Cagers would ignore a brawl on their front porch, so long as nothing of theirs got damaged.

'This,' he says, turning slightly towards Jennifer, 'is what we call a "metal-cup only" bar. It means the place is rough, frequently seeing brawls or worse. The sort of place you should stay away from if you don't feel you can handle yourself in a bit of... trouble.'


Pants of the North!

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

After a few moments, the two brawlers found themselves careening through one wall, then back into the pub, before shattering three more tables, and finally careening out into the street.

Brown muck leftover from the rain covered the steel plated boot that Fringe wore as he got back to his feet, while the yuan-ti sought to finish the blue-haired tiefling with a final stroke.

The stroke never made it, a sound between a hiss and a yelp resounded as a pair of foot-long thin blue metal darts shot into it's eyes. The distraction gave Fringe enough time to bring his rapier and longsword into place to slice off the yuan-ti's head cleanly from it's shoulders. He didn't stop his pace for the falling body as he marched right back into the pub, took a seat next to Jennifer, and finally downed the mug of bub that was waiting for him.

"I hate weekdays. So, yer a new face around here," Fringe stated as he looked over at Jennifer. "So what's your story?"

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"I am a sorcerer and edit enforcer for my home realm's emperor and so far just checking out the sites. This seemed like a nice enough bar the type you could really get a feel for how dangerous a place might be. Certainly a little bit different from home thats for certain".

Glancing around she noticed the combantants were basically untrained which didn't mean they couldn't hurt you. No matter what any knight or martial artist tells you a well trained bar brawler can more than hold their own against most so called trained fighters. In ideal situations a brawler might be in trouble but in the real world fights are rarely ideal and that brawlers have learned to take advantage of. Tables in the way, spilled drinks, innocent spectators, a little dust in the eyes, or whatever else got the job done sometimes is more than enough to bloody up a shining knight.

Turning back to the man with the rapier "I didn't catch your name, mines Jennifer".

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"Oh, I wouldn't say this place is like that... If you want danger in a bar, the Styx Oarsmen is what you want... Not recommended for most cliente though." Fringe took a big swig of his bub before answering Jennifer's last question.

"Well you wouldn't catch my name if I didn't throw it to you. Name's Fringe Fartale, occasional bouncer, part-time knight of the cross-trade, everynow and then planewalker, sellsword for higher, and if I might add a liberator of those whom some sods call the "purchased employment". No-one special really... and hope my wings don't accidentally prod ya."

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"Nice to meet you my name's Jack and a do a bit of waundering with the Planewalkers guild" as the kindly looking old man extended a hand towards Fringe. "Me and my pal over here are just showing the young lady a few bits of the city here and have a drink or two."

Jack smiled while he kept an eye on the bar it never hurt to have an eye in the back of your head no matter where in Sigil where you were sitting. Fringe was right this was far from the toughest or darkest part of the city but that didn't mean a good fellow couldn't get his bell rung pretty quickly.

(OOC jack is basically an NPC that I created if you want to use him in your posts go right ahead just read a little bit up on him and don't make him do anything too crazy at least not yet. Eye-wink )

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

'I am Riliarc.. the Seven-Helled. I work with the Planewalker's Guild now. Surely it isn't as... entertaining... as roughing up bubbers, but it keeps me busy.' Riliarc seems to mostly ignore the other tiefling, instead paying attention to how Jennifer reacts to everything around her.


Pants of the North!

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Fringe extended a partially black-gloved hand to Jack, and shook the older man's hand slightly before holding on for too long.

'I am Riliarc.. the Seven-Helled. I work with the Planewalker's Guild now. Surely it isn't as... entertaining... as roughing up bubbers, but it keeps me busy.'

The blue-haired tiefling noted the slight boredom in Riliarc's voice...or perhaps more accurately how Riliarc ignored him. Fringe let it go, it was common enough that tiefling's didn't exactly mingle well with other plane-touched. Even other tieflings.

"It's not entertaining, just droning until you find one that's out to put you in the dead-book for one thing or another. However..." the green-eyes in the tiefling's face lit up with some inner beastial intelligence. An idea was racing through his brain-box.

"Well we're all planewalkers here. Even if I myself am not in the Guild. However, I have had something on my mind to do for awhile... and can use some help from a few cutters. When your done touring the Cage, how about you three meet me in Razor Alley in the Hive at about anti-peak. It's the kinda job that shouldn't be spilled out loud."

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Jennifer looked at her two compansions not entirly certain how to react she wouldn't mind picking up a little extra coin while she carried some with it. She was certain it wouldn't last more than a few weeks at most but the Planewalkers she was with would certainly know the danger much better than she would. She however kept silent and wondered what anti peak was but didn't want to look too green to this crowd.

Jack looked up at the bouncer "Well thats only 3 hours away might not be enough time to do quite the tour we were planning but we'll put our heads together and if we make it back then we're interested" Jack said with a bit of a smile on his face. "And give me two more of these and a shot of the best beastlands fire water you got left."

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

'Three hours?' Riliarc made a dismissive wave with his free hand (the one not holding a glass of something sounding strangely like 'the blood of the innocent'), trailing motes of shadow behind it. 'What do you think, Jennifer? How would you feel about meeting a fiend-blooded fellow we barely know in a place called Razor Alley at antipeak?'


Pants of the North!

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"I don't know being new to this place and all" She looked over to Jack who simply gave her a why are you asking me type of look. She looked back to Riliarc "I can certainly handle myself in a fight at least I could back home but that doesn't mean you go charging into a theives den by yourself. You two are the ones who know the landscape I could use a little extra coin but I am leaning on you a bit to show me around still." She smiled.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"Well, whatever you decide, I'll be waiting there. Till ya make up yer brain-boxes." With that, Fringe's feet led him out of the pub and into the fogging streets of Sigil. Mucking rain began falling as he slipped out of site into an alley.

A bit later, and a few blocks away, a blue furred wolf with green markings all about dashed out and headed into the hive.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Jennifer turned to her two companions from the Planewalkers guild. "Is it normal for people to just randomly buy help in a bar like this? I mean everything is pretty stricted controlled within the empire back home. Those that operate outside the law are pretty skitish about simply hiring random help."

Jack scratched his beard a little bit "Well Sigil is a strange place and you could get your throat cut for a copper answering a call like this for find yourself on a extremly fun and profitable adventure, or anything in between for that matter."

He smiled looked over to his friend and started speaking again before anyone could get a word in edgewise "Could be an interesting little introduction to the planes and earn a little coin rather than just site seeing however".

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

About an hour from anti-peak, Fringe was waiting in the appointed alley, confident that none of the usual types would bother him there. Although he did have some company...

"The answer's still no," the blue-haired tiefer stated. He leaned his back against a cruddy acid-rain worn side of a building and looked up at his three 'visitors'.

They MIGHT have been called fiends, though the term devil-wolves might have been better. Their muzzles were the only thing sticking out of those heavy cloaks they wore. The rest of their nine-foot bodies was hidden well away.

All the better to keep the scent of brimstone from pouring about.

"Our employer will be most upset with your persistance in this fruitless endeavor... We wonder if we will finally be sent for you after reporting this." Their leader growled in Infernal.

"Quit rattlin your bone-box and tell that bastard to pike it! I'm not interested in being apart of his schemes!" Fringe snapped. He didn't let his face show the worry that his brain-box was getting filled with. Knowing that when his fiendish father found out he was still going to go look for that artifact, the devil-wolves were going to be following.

Hopefully by the time they get back to Sigil, Fringe will be long gone with three other bloods. The three devil-wolves silently moved off into the fog-filled streets. And Fringe waited for anti-peak.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

After a whirlwind tour of the city which included mostly various bars, merchants, and something called freinly fiend. Which had a creature inside of it that scared the heck of of Jennier. Her two escorts assured her that Akin was a really nice creature especially for his kind and Jack inparticular protested loudly about being impolite. However A'kin did not seem taken back and urged them to come back later after she had adjusted a little bit.

They were now heading back to meet their contact hoping to arrive a tad early. When they spotted Fringe standing alone staring down the alley way at something.

Jack quickly asked Fringe as they approached "So basher so what kind of job you have for us anyway, we're all ears."

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

After a cursory glance around, eyes penetrating the deepest of shadows, Riliarc shrugs slightly.

'Hm. Not even an ambush. What're the odds...' The tiefling moves over nearer to Fringe, apparently floating just above the street. 'Jack speaks true. We wonder what this proposal is.'


Pants of the North!

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Fringe's attention was redirected back to the three berks he had asked to come. "Nine-hundred jink upfront. I need some bloods to tag along on a lil jaunt to a series of specific sites. Once we're done by finding a few trinkets that I need, I will... how do some Primes put it? Dish out two-thousand-one-hundred gold pieces for you three put together."

The tiefling's attention was for a moment caught by the scuttling of a nearby cranium rat. A single half-foot long metallic-blue barb of hair stuck out from Fringe's bangs and after a sharp fling of the head the cranium rat was skewered.

"Hate those pests!" Fringe muttered to himself. His autumn green eyes then went back to the three before him. "Now I'll be upfront and warn ya that this bit of plane-hopping may take awhile. I know OF the portals that'll be needed. And I have got the keys for most. So whaddya say? I'll understand if yer peery about trustin me. I'd be peery if you did straight off! So how about it? Nine-hundred right off, and twenty one hundred after?"

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Jennifer looked up to Fringe "So are we just hired muscle or are there other things you expect use to do?”

Jack Jumped in "Also about gate keys we might like to have a list of any gates we are using and the gate keys for them so if something goes wrong and a few of us get scribed in the dead book one of them being you we aren't trapped out there"

Jennifer then asked "Are you stealing these trinkets, obtaining them, gathering them, or buying them?”

The two looked at Fringe in unison like they had been working together for years trying to get the details of back room deals strait.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

The Baatezu in him made Fringe smile. These cutters wanted to know the lines of the contract. Even if it were verbal. He shook his head of such thoughts quickly. "I have a book that lists the portal keys and locations. So I'll guess I'll be copyin that list soon. And I am gathering the trinkets. Provided no one's taken them yet."

The tiefer's barbed ears twitched a bit in thought. "I guess if there's a scuffle, I expect you three to fight. Help me deal with anything guarding the trinkets. Try looking out for each other as well. And make sure I don't peel ya. I don't feel like doing it on accident." He didn't put in the word 'again' after the word accident.

"I also expect that each of ya be whoever you are and don't try be someone else. And don't pretend to trust me until you get to know me which might take only Power's knows when!"

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Jack looked at his two companions and looked back at Fringe "I think we're in although I won't speak for my companions outright. If there are no objections lets' have a drink and go over the plans so we can get started here sooner rather than later"

Not really waiting for objections Jack started to walk for a cornor bar he liked.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

'That's a lot of jink,' Riliarc says as he follows Jack, expecting the other two to keep up with them. 'It seems to say that what we're doing is dangerous, illegal, or both. What kind of trouble are you expecting?'


Pants of the North!

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Glancing back at their employer Jennifer scurried to catch up with the two Planes-walker guild members. About a million thoughts rushed through her head reminding her of how she felt going on her first couple of missions for the empire back home. In a way this was like a rebirth which of course was hopefully temporary but she had better prepare like she was going to be here for awhile.

She watched Jack walk into a bar called the Brass Teacup and hurried inside finally catching up with the other two. “How did you guys know he would follow us?” She asked quickly.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

'That's a lot of jink,' Riliarc says as he follows Jack, expecting the other two to keep up with them. 'It seems to say that what we're doing is dangerous, illegal, or both. What kind of trouble are you expecting?

"Dangerous sorts," Fringe spoke in answer to Riliarc's question. "Possibly even fiendish, or celestial. Or worse, philosophical." He followed the three cutters all the way to the Brass Teacup, but stopped when he remembered something.

He set off to acquire some parchment and ink. A list of keys and gates needed to be made. And he preferred to make it alone.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Jack and Jen sat down and poured themselves tall glasses of dark ale of the pitcher just placed in front of them. "Ah ya gotta love the service in this great little kip here". He smiled and looked to his two companions if this works out to be legit it will be nice to get that new list of gate keys I mean the gold is always fun to have but gate keys can be hard to buy at times. " He drained his glass poured another and offered a toast "To the planes and the portals that bring us home".

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Riliarc shrugs, and doesn't toast with Jack. He never has, but that hadn't stopped Jack from trying every time they were in a sodding bar.

'Something to do, at least. Could be a good view of the planes for the girl, too.' The other tiefling seemed to have disappeared, though. Maybe his kip was near here, and he was going to pick up his stuff for the journey. Or maybe he'd decided to leave, but that seemed unlikely. It's a rather unsuccessful bob when you don't get anything from the marks.


Pants of the North!

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

After a bit Jen was starting to feeling a tad buzzed she could normally hold her own but didn't often drink at all prefering to keep a level head while she was on missions back home. She pondered her magical abilities and wondered if they would work the same out here, were the gods the same how would strange new powers affect all of her magic?

So Jack Riliarc how does traveling around these places affect magic. Jack smiled "thats a question that might take a whole libary of writing just to scratch the surface, basically a few rules first common sense like fire doesn't work well in worlds of water, second never trust your life to any given spell to save you, and finally your always going to need magic at some point in your travels. What do you think old Riliarc my man since your not drinking as usual?"

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"Well I don't know what he has to say but from what I know a blood can get by without magic if they've got the brain-box for it," Fringe stated as he took a seat nearby. Making sure his wings weren't scrunched up against the back of the chair.

"Now I got a good bit of the list made, it's far from complete but it should explain at least the first fifteen portals, how to get to said gates, their keys, and contingies in case certain thing's aren't met." The blue-haired tiefer handed Jack a small journal book that had a lock binding it shut along with it's key.

"Now just say when you cutters are prepped for the jaunt and we can begin whenever."

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Jack quickly finished his glass of ale poured the rest of the pitcher into his glass "well only a half glass left ah well can't let it get lonely now can we?". He smiled and in a few gulps finished the ale off before standing up and cracking the knuckles on his left hand.

Jennifer could only smile at Jack's actions he was going to be a very interesting blood to travel with. She stood up and pushed her chair in "I'm ready whenever you are Mr. Fartale".

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"Just call me either Fringe, Fartale, or that damn berk with the barmy excuse of a hair-color. Something like mister is for more reputable types," Fringe stated with a slight growl. The growl was an accidental add though and probably just a part of habit.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"If thats what you prefer Fringe do you plan to inform us of what you are getting at each location or are we just there for support while you do your thing. In either case I think I am ready to go and I see Jack here has finished his ale so whenever your ready lead the way." Jennifer said staring into Fringe's eyes.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

'Excellent,' Riliarc says, and stands. 'Let us begin.'


Pants of the North!

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Jennifer walks out of the bar gathering in the city and says to Jack "Sometimes you don't even get a chance to get your sea legs before you have to take a boat ride don't ya?" Jack could only smile and offer his arm politely. Jennifer was surprised but quickly accepted if for nothing else than to keep this old man happy but he was proving to be very wily and keeping him close could prove very useful in the future no matter what happened. It had been a long time since she had played the cute little girl but she was discovering new terrority now.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"Hmmm, last time I was on a boat, I was stuck in Carceri between two ravening hordes of fiends," Fringe mused to himself as he overheard Jennifer's mention of something about a boat.

After a quick jaunt towards the Market Ward Fringe led the party to a slipshod building that seemed to be falling apart. He unhooked a small non-descript pouch from inside of his vest and pulled out of it three bags of jink. He quickly put the pouch back in case some spell-slingers might find that it was a bag of holding.

"This is the beginnin of yer payment. Now we'll be taking a quick jaunt through the plane of Concordance. The Outlands."

The tiefling looked over at the doorway and snapped his fingers in a short series of clicks. In a quick burst of brilliant light the portal opened up before them. "The first of many portals."

The tiefling jumped through with no hesitation.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Jennifer's jaw almost dropped off her face as they appeared in one of the most beautiful looking paradises she had ever seen. They seemed to standing on top of a massive mountain range looking across endless plains covered with dots of forest and streams snaking across the landscape. She wondered what a cutthroat cross trader like Fringe could possibly want from a place like this.

Jack could only smile and remember the first time he had looked upon the Beast lands himself. It certainly is a sight for sore eyes and though there aren’t many good taverns a good nature experience once in awhile is good for the soul. “Jennifer this is called the Beast lands or as I prefer the Happy Hunting Grounds”.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"Ehh...correction. This is the Outlands," Fringe stated. "Turn around you'll Sigil above the Spire. We're only NEAR the Beastlands." A visible shiver ran up through Fringe's spine and forced some of his hair to stand up.

*Besides, if we were in the Beastlands I would immediately ch-....* Fringe didn't finish the thought.

"Anyways, love to break it to ya and spoil your little happy Lantern moment, but we're not goin that way."

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"Right Anyway Fringe lead the way and no reason not to gaze at the landscape for a few moments till you let us know where we were going now is there? After all enjoy the small things on the planes can lead to a longer life I think". Jack gave a wink to Fringe and started walking towards Fringe.

Jennifer gazed for a moment longer and loosed her sword a bit in its sheath getting ready for battle at a moments notice if needed

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