Fraternity of Order plot hooks

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oleingva's picture
Joined: 2008-01-28
Fraternity of Order plot hooks

Two of the characters in my group are interested in knowing more about the guvners. Always wanting to carter to my players, I'm willing to make something up, but I have trouble coming up with anything that actually leads anywhere.

So far, I'm considering having a guvner save one of the characters from being jailed (or worse) by the Sons of Mercy, for a crime he did not commit. After this, I'll have the guvner offer the character membership, if he can fetch a book from the Library of Sigil for him, a special book the guvner isn't allowed to borrow himself (he got on bad terms with the librarians or something, details are pending). A standard go-and-fetch quest.

But, what happens there? Are there any current plots involving the Fraternity? Or does any of you have any other good ideas for me?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Fraternity of Order plot hooks

* The Guvner presumably wants that book for some reason... does somebody want to keep him from it? What's it involved in?

* An ivory-tower Guvner, an Expert with zero in the way of combat or wilderness experience, is researching a loophole for himself and needs to travel to a specific area of the planes to study the paradox of conflicting views of Law. He sees the PCs helping out his buddy and requests to hire them on as guides and bodyguards. Send the group somewhere on the Lawful side of the Great Ring, where there's a conflict going on. Nemausus could work, Acheron if the PCs are up to a trip to the Lower Planes, a trip with the einheriar of Mt. Clanggeddin, a site of your own devising with a local bush war, etc. The group will need to find out how to get the graybeard some time to get first-hand views of the conflict from speakers on both sides, without getting killed. They might also try to resolve it (decide whether the graybeard actually cares about that -- he might want the fight to go on, even if the PCs feel duty-bound to try to put an end to it).

* PCs of suitable temperament who aren't currently members of a faction may be offered membership in the Guvners.

The_Basilisk's picture
Joined: 2008-01-04
Fraternity of Order plot hooks

Sorry for the off-topic post, but I've been wanting to say this. Jem, when I look at your avatar out of the corner of my eye, I always see a rogue modron. Trips me out everytime.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Fraternity of Order plot hooks

*grin* Interesting. That would be an extremely rogue modron... from top to bottom, those diagrams are purported to be the sigils of the Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. Perhaps it went rogue, took service with a sympathetic archon of Mt. Celestia to give its outcast life some structure, and is now a LG cleric running missions about the planes using a theotechnical approach to the solution of the world's problems.

Oleingva, investigating an oddity like that would certainly interest a lot of Guvners! :^)

And lastly, if anybody with art skills is reading this, that might make an interesting portrait -- a rogue modron inscribed with the glowing sigils of various Upper Planar beings on its back, sides, and top, marking the once-exemplar of Law visibly as one that has sworn allegiance to Good!

The_Basilisk's picture
Joined: 2008-01-04
Fraternity of Order plot hooks

Might take you up on that, Jem. I'd love to draw a celestial modron.

oleingva's picture
Joined: 2008-01-28
Fraternity of Order plot hooks

My first thought is to make more out of that book - then again, I've created plenty of people that are after the party already. Worth considering either way. Smiling

Another question - What's happening in Automata? Any reasons for going there? I am sure the PCs want to eventually.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Fraternity of Order plot hooks

The main reason to go to Automata is to get to Mechanus. The Guvners will certainly be found there in force, as they staff most government posts. The Council of Order runs the town, and the Council of Anarchy is the countercurrent underground. Other than that... anything's happening that you want to be happening. :^)

If you have a few bucks to drop on "A Player's Primer to the Outlands" or "Planes of Law," you'll get more details on the town from the sourcebooks; they're available at the link on the front page. Check through the archives here for articles and adventure hooks involving Automata.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Fraternity of Order plot hooks

There's also a pretty detailed writeup of Automata on the PSCS boards. All of the gatetowns are available from the thread asking for feedback on them for a future Planewalker Outlands release.

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