So where do we report the site bugs then? The staff section of the site says to report it here.
The spell submission form: The descriptive text in the draft version appears between the "duration" and the "saving throw" lines, not below the stat-block. Is this intentional?
If yes, why?
If no, and I'm guessing it's no, can it be fixed?
This works as well as any other spot really. Regardless fixing bugs ends up in my lap. The original design was laid out that way as that's what it was (at least simular to) in the book I was looking at at the time. (3rd ed PHB)
There's a lot of these forms as you probably saw - I went through and beat on them to be sure they weren't *broken* - but some of the displays may be a little wonky. I didn't have a lot of input from people on how they preferred the layout to be - so any commentary is welcome.