Flayed Warrior - DoomGuard PrC

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Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Flayed Warrior - DoomGuard PrC

Flayed Warrior PrC
In order to internalize and more wholley understand the entropy of the multiverse some sinkers choose to ritualisticaly mutilate themselves and flay their skin. It is not unheard of for a sinker to die while traveling this path but many still follow it for the rewards and powers it holds.

BAB +10
Special: The perspective flayed warrior must train and go through ritual scarring with other members of a doomguard sect.

Skills: As fighter
Hit Die: D10
Base Attack Bonus: As Fighter
Saves: Fort: Good, Reflex: Bad, Will: Bad

Flayed Flesh: Each level the disciple of this class must preform a ritual flaying of part of their own bodies. The ritual stops the wounds from being affected by magical and extrordinary healing and regeneration. Thus the ritual wounds heal by mundane natural healing and properly scar and leave their marks on the sinker's body. Each level of the Flayed Warrior PrC a character takes they must sacrifice either one point of charisma or 10 hit points permenantly. These points thus sacrificed may not be regained by any means up to and including a wish spell.

Armor of Scars - This option grants the Flayed warrior a +2 bonus to their natural armor.

Beloved Blade - This option grants the Flayed Warrior a bonus of +1 to hit and +2 to damage with a single specific two handed bladed weapon or to two smaller bladed weapons provided that they can be wielded together. This option may be taken multiple times; its effects stack. If the chosen blade or blades are lost then the sinker may spend one week to shift the benefits to another blade or pair taking 10 damage that heals at half the rate it would naturally (no magical healing or regeneration, but mundane and extrodinary regeneration still applies but is halfed).

Fighter Feat - With this option the Flayed Warrior may take any single fighter feat for which she is otherwise eligable. This option may be taken multiple times.

Flayed Face - The warrior has taken skin from her own face to become more fearsome in combat. When this option is taken the Flayed warrior loses 1 charisma perminantly in a similar ritual to that of Flayed Flesh. The warrior then gains +4 to all intimidate checks, and +2 to sense motive checks. Furthermore, the warrior is able to use once per day as a spell like ability.

Sense of Doom - The warrior is able to "see" "hear" and "feel" the entropy around them and can see where destruction is likely to strike next. Once per day the warrior may re-roll one failed saving throw. This option may only be taken once.

Stabilization - Having learned the secrets of entropy the Flayed Warrior is able to control, forsee, and even prevent some of the entropy to their own bodies and minds. When this option is taken it grants a +1 bonus to all saves. This option may be taken multiple times; its effects stack.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Flayed Warrior - DoomGuard PrC

'Gerzel' wrote:
Furthermore, the warrior is able to use once per day as a spell like ability.
To use what?

And how many levels does this class have? It sounds like it would be a good 5 level class? (Any more than that and that trick with buying up saves becomes seriously teh broke.)

How often does this class get to pick from those abilities?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Flayed Warrior - DoomGuard PrC

'Clueless' wrote:
'Gerzel' wrote:
Furthermore, the warrior is able to use once per day as a spell like ability.
To use what?

And how many levels does this class have? It sounds like it would be a good 5 level class? (Any more than that and that trick with buying up saves becomes seriously teh broke.)

How often does this class get to pick from those abilities?

Erk. This is why I post to forums first before submitting.

The use what is the fear spell, as a caster equal to the character's hit dice once per day.

This is meant to be a five level class. If it were a ten level class I would put the bonuses to saves as occuring at a set inverval in the class progresion.

The other idea for the save option was it grants +2 to one save, and can be taken once for each save. I opted out of this b/c that was about the same as taking Iron Will or the other save boosting feats and the class should give a bit more given the sacrifice, yet +3 seemed to be too much.

And as I envision it the caracter picks one option each level. Though they may choose some options more than once.

The idea is for the abilities to be powerful but with a sacrifice to obtain them.

Also I will probably need to explicity state that going up in a level of this class can actually reduce a character's total hit points if they have a low con and/or roll low. That's why there is the option of taking a point of charisma loss instead.

I have an idea for a ten level PrC that is a FlayedBladeMaster.

I am probably going to change the specification for Beloved Blade to Beloved Weapon (Though Beloved Blade rolls off the tounge so much nicer.). The idea is the same.

Also I need to check the wordin for sacrificing HP and Charisma so there is no loopholes. I think I have it pretty good against your standard I preformed the ritual but I have a ring of regeneration argument. The points are volunarily sacrificed and the scars have to remain for the benefits to be of value.

Otherwise what do you think of the class?

Part of the idea as a five level class is to make it flexable to allow for the differing pathes of entropy a sinker might take. This class is obviosly for fighters, and perhaps rogues, monks, or even palladins (you could have a doomie paladin!).

I may try to make a class geared more towards casters later.

Doomies can be difficult in that saying that you follow doomguard philosopy is a lot like saying you follow christian faith. It gives some idea about what you belive, but the devil is in the details as to which denomination of christianity or doomianity you are.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Flayed Warrior - DoomGuard PrC


Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Flayed Warrior - DoomGuard PrC

Flayed Warrior PrC
In order to internalize and more wholley understand the entropy of the multiverse some sinkers choose to ritualisticaly mutilate themselves and flay their skin. It is not unheard of for a sinker to die while traveling this path but many still follow it for the rewards and powers it holds.

Base Attack Bonus: As Fighter
Saves: Fort: Good, Reflex: Bad, Will: Bad

Flayed Flesh: Each level the disciple of this class must preform a ritual flaying of part of their own bodies. The ritual stops the wounds from being affected by magical and extrordinary healing and regeneration. Thus the ritual wounds heal by mundane natural healing and properly scar and leave their marks on the sinker's body. Each level of the Flayed Warrior PrC a character takes they must sacrifice either one point of charisma or 10 hit points permenantly. These points thus sacrificed may not be regained by any means up to and including a wish spell.

Armor of Scars - This option grants the Flayed warrior a +2 bonus to their natural armor.

Beloved Blade - This option grants the Flayed Warrior a bonus of +1 to hit and +2 to damage with a single specific two handed weapon or to two smaller weapons provided that they can be wielded together. This option may be taken multiple times; its effects stack. If the chosen weapon or weapons are lost then the sinker may spend one week to shift the benefits to another blade or pair taking 10 damage that heals at half the rate it would naturally (no magical healing or regeneration, but mundane and extrodinary regeneration still applies but is halfed). Note: while the name is "Beloved Blade" the weapon need not be bladed, any favorite specific weapon will do from a favorite staff, or maul, to a favorite bow.

Fighter Feat - With this option the Flayed Warrior may take any single fighter feat for which she is otherwise eligable. This option may be taken multiple times.

Flayed Face - The warrior has taken skin from her own face to become more fearsome in combat. When this option is taken the Flayed warrior loses 1 charisma perminantly in a similar ritual to that of Flayed Flesh. The warrior then gains +4 to all intimidate checks, and +2 to sense motive checks. Furthermore, the warrior is able to use once per day as a spell like ability.

Sense of Doom - The warrior is able to "see" "hear" and "feel" the entropy around them and can see where destruction is likely to strike next. Once per day the warrior may re-roll one failed saving throw. This option may only be taken once.

Stabilization - Having learned the secrets of entropy the Flayed Warrior is able to control, forsee, and even prevent some of the entropy to their own bodies and minds. When this option is taken it grants a +1 bonus to all saves. This option may be taken multiple times; its effects stack.

Level BAB Fort Will Refl Special
1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Flayed Flesh, Option
2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Flayed Flesh, Option
3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Flayed Flesh, Option
4 +4 +3 +1 +1 Flayed Flesh, Option
5 +5 +4 +2 +2 Flayed Flesh, Option

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Flayed Warrior - DoomGuard PrC

It's a good idea; we already knew that the entropic champions of the Doomguard flayed off some of their own skin to make entropy blades, so a prestige class based on flaying makes sense.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Flayed Warrior - DoomGuard PrC

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
It's a good idea; we already knew that the entropic champions of the Doomguard flayed off some of their own skin to make entropy blades, so a prestige class based on flaying makes sense.

The entropic champions are exactly where I got the inspiration from. I'd like to do a ten level prc for them but I don't have enough source matirial on them. This is more a general take on the idea.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Minor nitpick

'Gerzel' wrote:
Furthermore, the warrior is able to use once per day as a spell like ability.

You seem to have inadvertantly left out what spell is supposed to go here. Scare? Cause fear?


Pants of the North!

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Flayed Warrior - DoomGuard PrC

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
'Gerzel' wrote:
Furthermore, the warrior is able to use once per day as a spell like ability.

You seem to have inadvertantly left out what spell is supposed to go here. Scare? Cause fear?

Ah yes. Sorry. In one of the edits I forgot to put it and it seems to come back.

The effect is the spell Fear.

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