Firearms (percussion cap) around the planes

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Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Firearms (percussion cap) around the planes

Here are some ideas for the type of alternate campaign I favour.

With percussion cap firearms, you have it where guns are more reliable, some move beyond being single shot and into things like revolvers. Things like rifling in the barrel make them more accurate than their predecessors. Still generally most guns are fired with a cap containing black powder to propel the bullet down the barrel.

With percussion caps, weather conditions are less likely to cause problems with the firing, it's easier to load, and safer to use, at least in 'normal' environments. But the thing is that this firing mechanism does have problems operating in planes filled with water, or fire, unstable elements and many other conditions.

Liquid Karach
The non-monastic githzerai are the ones who mainly use this primer, it's essentially a liquified essence of the plane of Limbo itself. A liquid metal much like quicksilver, but with ever shifting colours. Liquid Karach contained within the cap where it typically explodes when a firing pin made of cold iron is pierced through.

The advantages of liquid Karach is that it can work in any elemental environment, whether in water or fire, electrical storms or any of the environments that Limbo or the inner planes can manifest. Thus the githzerai have been known to trade such weapons across the inner planes. It's disadvantage is the liquid Karach is inert on any plane where the influence of law dominates.

Powdered Abyssal Red Steel
Abyssal minerals in their concentrated form are what this primer is made of. It's a red powder that gives off an eerily sinister glow. The 'higher' forms of the Tanar'i are the ones who bothered to invent and use this firing mechanism, which is somewhat rare among their hordes. Though it can be found among more elite warriors, while the lower ranks use crossbows, bows, or spring-loaded tri-blade throwers.

Powdered red steel works in any elemental environment, except for where the influence of the forces of good reign completely supreme.

Infernal Ichor
The elite legions of the Baatezu use this firing mechanism made from the secretions and torment of souls damned in Baator. Factories of these damned souls are churn out vats of this sickly ichor which comes in many colours depending on the nature of the damned soul, for the Baatezu war-machine.

Much like it's abyssal counterpart, it can work in any elemental environment, and ceases to work in strongly good planes.

These are some of the ideas I can think of for firing mechanisms across the planes. Note that I haven't thought of any hard stats. It's possible that some of these firing mechanism might bestow an alignment quality to the bullets it fires.

As for the firearms themselves, I'm using the stats in D20 Past as a guideline for the rules (where they typically do 2d4, 2d6, 2d8 or 2d10 damage). Pistols are generally simple weapons with ranges from 10 to 40 feet, and rifles are generally martial weapons with ranges from 30 to 100 feet, as a guideline for which classes are proficient in which types of weapons.

There are such things as element-guns/element scepters which can be only made by artificers with the craft magic/psionic arms & armour feat, they're generally 'weird science' devices or enchanted scepters that do energy damage of either 2d6 or 2d8 (likely as rays), and have shorter ranges than conventional firearms. These weapons do require an exotic weapon proficiency feat, unlike conventional firearms.

Though in our history, combination melee-firearm weapons sort of all got left behind in favour of rifles with bayonets, they're widespread in a lot of places, because despite these advances melee weapons are still very desirable weapons.

And even if you do have an army like that of Napoleon with well armed soldiers and good tactics, with some magical support, elite monstrous units and flying calvary, they're still going to get crushed by the Baatezu legions or Tanar'i hordes.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Firearms (percussion cap) around the planes

Some more ideas for firing mechanisms...

Pressure Caps
Used in places like the plane of water, pressure or steam caps use the compressed essence from the Raging Mists (steam and positive energy border) of the plane of steam. When this essence is compressed, it builds up a lot of pressure until the cap is pierced and steam pushes out and engulfs the bullet down the barrel. Generally used by merfolk, locathah, tritons, kuo-toans and janni who bother with such technology.

Phlogiston Charge
(I don't like the phlogiston premeating all of the material plane, but it is sort of is a transitive plane connected to the prime)
The Phlogiston itself is highly flammable, making convention firearms very very dangerous in that plane. The smallest spark can cause a massive explosion. Thus some spelljammers began to experiment with not using blackpowder at all in the phlogiston, and instead using empty percussion caps. Eventually they were able to build empty caps that propelled bullets which sparked, just as well as blackpowder in an atmosphere.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Firearms (percussion cap) around the planes

Anyways rough basic firearm stats...

Light weapons (penalties shooting while mounted are halved)
Derringer 2d4/x2 range 10
Light Pistol/Revolver 2d4/x2 range 20

One-handed weapons (penalties shooting while mounted are halved)
Heavy Pistol/Revolver 2d6/x2 range 30
Target Pistol 2d4/x2 range 50

Two-handed weapons
Carbine 2d6/x2 range 50 (1/2 penalties while mounted)
Infantry Rifle 2d8/x2 range 80
Long Rifle 2d6/x2 range 100
Musket/Fusil 2d6/x2 range 40
Repeating Carbine 2d6/x2 range 50 (1/2 penalties while mounted)
Repeating Rifle 2d6/x2 range 60
Scatterguns/Shotgun 2d10/x2 range 30 (-1 to damage each range increment past 1st)

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Firearms (percussion cap) around the planes

I don't think the incendiary device you describe above needs to use actual karach; that's a very refined, permanent substance that seems like it isn't suited for one-use items. Unrefined Chaos would be sufficient, I think.

Tae.'s picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
Firearms (percussion cap) around the planes

Perhaps a similar sort of Method that the Gith establish themselves in Limbo- taking the chaos and, well, muting it?

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Firearms (percussion cap) around the planes

I guess unrefined chaos would work, as I haven't thought of any other appropiate name chaos based incendiary/propulsion material.

3.5e has sort of established the cold iron is lawful and silver is chaotic in a lot of cases. So I picture cold iron causing a chaotic substance like that most of the time (I guess that would mean on a roll of 1 the gun just wouldn't fire).

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Firearms (percussion cap) around the planes

Here are some more fantastical exotic firearm ideas...

One-handed Exotic ranged weapons
*Corrosion Pistol 2d6/x2(acid) range 30
*Freeze Pistol 2d6/x2(cold) range 30
*Flame Pistol 2d6/x2(fire) range 30
*Hypersonic Pistol 2d6/x2(sonic, nonlethal) range 30
*Lightning Pistol 2d6/x2(lightning) range 30
Tri-blade Thrower 2d6/x2(slashing) range 30

Two-handed Exotic ranged weapons
*Corrosion Rifle 2d8/x2(acid) range 50
*Freeze Rifle 2d8/x2(cold) range 50
*Flame Rifle 2d8/x2(fire) range 50
*Hypersonic Rifle 2d8/x2(sonic, nonlethal) range 50
*Lightning Rifle 2d8/x2(lightning) range 50
Tri-blade Launcher 2d8/x2(slashing) range 50

(*)Corrosion, Freeze, Flame, Hypersonic and Lightning Pistols/Rifles: These weapons require the feat Exotic weapon: Energy weapon to use, and the feat craft magical (or psionic) weapon to create. While they may be the invention of some of the brightest innovators of technology and technomage artificers, they are still essentially magical items (and thus can be suppressed or negated with spells like disple magic and anti-magic field). You may optionally treat them as rays, even though they have standard range increments, or just treat them as normal ranged weapons that do energy damage. These weapons typically carry about 6 shots, before they need to be reloaded as a full-round action. Some of these rare weapons do exist in more mystical and non-technological societies, in those societies they resembles wands and scepters rather than pistols and rifles. There's rumours of tribes of primative barbaric warriors who use staffs that function as these rifles (and can be used as a quarterstaff) given to them by a mysterious race that claims to be their gods {blah, I know stargate...}.

Tri-blade thrower/launcher: A tri-blade thrower is a device with a track-rail and a spring-loaded latch that launches spinning triple-bladed discs. A tri-blade launcher is the bigger version of the tri-blade thrower. These weapons typically carry 4 to 6 blades before needing to be reloaded as full-round action (though like revolver there are quick-loaders for these). These weapons are technologically advanced versions of the tri-blade slings commonly used by rutterkin Tanar'i. This weapon is of course favoured by the Tanar'i who are said to know secret techniques to make this weapon even deadlier in their hands (I'm thinking of a feat that increases it's base crit-range to 19-20). Also for all Tanar'i this weapon is considered a martial weapon rather than an exotic one.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Firearms (percussion cap) around the planes

Bumping this thread up, it's important to remember that I'm basing my firearms rules off D20 Past (the Progress Level 4 firearms), and not the DMG or that Dragon Magazine article. I know that all firearms do their damage with 2 die, for things like burstfire and double-tap (in the standard PL5 D20 Modern setting), which is just not possible that sort of technology.

Anyways I haven't thought of much special firing mechanisms based on the lawful or upper planes, because most of those planes don't have conditions that make it hard to use conventional firearms.

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