Female Fallaen Angel

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Tisiphone's picture
Joined: 2012-06-19
Female Fallaen Angel

Below is my start of my description of a female fallen angel I am working on right now which I need help with. Where can I find a good fallen angels template? I know that The Legions of Hell by Ronnin and Anger of Angels for Sword & Sorcery have fallen angel templates. I think Dicefreaks have one as well. Do you know some one who might be able to draw her once I get her description finished? I am think she fell to the Abyss when she fell.

A statuesque woman walks in, moving with both surety and seduction. There is something sexy about the way she carries herself, a hidden power to her movements, but covered by a demure facade. She is voluptuous with copper skin. Large black bat wings flare from her back. The joints of the wings are laced with razorlike claws and adorned with jewelry. The wings crest three and-half feet higher than the shoulders and have a wingspan of twenty-one feet. Massive segmented horns start at the front of where her hairline starts and move over her head, to the back of her skull where they extend outward, curl, and come to a point, looking almost like a sideways ‘S’. Her red hair has plenty of curls with the front tresses framed closer to her heart-shaped face. Her hair descends down her back down to the ground. In both bat-like ears she wears two small silver earrings. Her perfectly shaped red brows lead to her narrow upturned nose and thick lashes that bat sweetly over her almond-shaped eyes are crimson red pools that smolder with an evil sensuality. Her eyes pierce you as you gaze into them. They seem to draw you in, yet your soul protests. Her bow-shaped lips that part painted red deceive her authority. She wears a gorgeous silver heart-shaped necklace. She stands with elegance; she is at home wherever she is. The vinyl black bra she wears has a double cross strap in the front. On both arms she has freckles. A silver ring is worn on each thumb. Her left arm holds a wicked looking longsword and her right arm holds a wicked looking whip as they were extensions of her body. Her thick semi-prehensile ten feet long tail tapers to a thin whip that end in a spike-like stinger.

cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Female Fallaen Angel

According to my search Minions: Fearsome Foes (Minions Rebirth) also has the template.

Tisiphone's picture
Joined: 2012-06-19
Re: Female Fallaen Angel

Which fallen templates looks the best? How do I go about figuring out which 3.5 good aligned deity she served before here fall? How I go about figuring out what cause her fall? Should she gain the Demon Lord template found in Dragon Magazine #359?

Dalmosh's picture
Joined: 2011-03-13
Re: Female Fallaen Angel

Start with what her alignment is now. The fact that you mention the Demon Lord template implies that you are thinking of her as a Demon (and now an exemplar of CE). Demon "Lords" are very powerful indeed, and are minor Powers in the broader scheme of things (sorry if I am using too much jargon here). She will only be a Lord per se, if she is command of an entire Abyssal Layer. If she just a really badass Demon then she isn't a Lord. In terms of deities and reasons for falling - again that is totally up to you as DM to decide and explore. There is quite a lot of discussion about this on the Planescape website, so I tend to just browse through the relevant threads here for ideas.
In canon, off the top of my head, Pazuzu (in some accounts) was a Celestial who fell before there was even a defined concept of good and evil to become an Obyrith. In my campaign he was once one of a vast host of lawful Angels that maintained the basic function of the universe and the planes in its early days. I consider him to have been broken by exposure to extra-dimensional horrors such as Tharizdun and the Far Realm Powers when the Abyss itself was still forming.
Another Demonic fallen is Adimarchus the Prince of Madness, who was a Celestial Archon who was tricked and betrayed repeatedly by the machinations of Graz'zt until he eventually went insane.
The Obyrith Lord Sertrous also managed to corrupt and break an Archon to fall simply through cunning philosophy and rhetoric.

Baatezu (LE) fallen are seemingly more common - as they are basically just Lawful angels who have started to commit morally questionable actions in the name of their cause - and justify this through fanatical devotion to their orders. They are like classic anti-paladins, whose zeal has eroded their virtue. In canon, erinyes devils are the most common fallen Baatezu, so if I was going to make a LE female fallen angel I might build her around an erinyes to begin with. More powerful fallen Baatezu include Asmodeus and Baalzebul.

NE Fallen are a bit rarer in canon. They tend to have succumbed to despair, apathy or spite. Off the top of my head there is an Altroloth Fallen called Xenghara - but I don't know if he is statted out in 3.5 ed. at all. There is definitely a yugoloth/baatezu Fallen in Champions of Ruin though. Green Ronin's book on Gehenna totally rebuilds this Plane, so doesn't fit normally into Planescape without some rearranging - but there is a statted out fallen in there too called Ahrimanes.

Once you have the before and after exemplar Alignments you can work out the why and the who. Her original alignment is important too because then you can work out what kind of Celestial she was to begin with.

Tisiphone's picture
Joined: 2012-06-19
Re: Female Fallaen Angel

You did not mention Malkizid the Branded King.
Malkizid was a high solar in the service of the Seldarine. Around -30,000 DR, he was seduced into betraying Corellon by Araushnee (Lolth), but was cast into the Nine Hells and branded for his betrayal when Araushnee's rebellion failed. There he quickly rose in the hierarchy of the Hells and soon controlled his own dominion.

I am thinking right now that she served Pholtus before her fall. I could see her as being chaotic good before she fell from grace. How would I explain how that when she fall that her appearance changed to that of very attractive but fiendish looking angel with six red feathery wings?

cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Female Fallaen Angel

Not all fallen gain power after the fall, Zalatian the trumpet archon in the Blood War adventures, falls so low he has to beg in the Hive.

Tisiphone's picture
Joined: 2012-06-19
Re: Female Fallaen Angel

She was chaotic good before her fall from grace . So would her serving Pholtus before her fall be a good way to go? I keep thinking she has something to do with spiders and/or scorpions after her fall.

I am thinking that the following fallen angel is her lover.
Sadrelahon: He appears as a twelve feet humanoid male clad in wicked jet-black armor of ancient design. Six pairs of wings that are constantly on fire bloom from his back. The wings have a wingspan of thirty-six feet. Above his head is a crown made out white hot fire. Twelve wicked jagged crimson red horns ring his gorilla head in a crown like fashion. His face is skeletal. In the center of his forehead is a shining blood red star. His eyes are solid black voids, and looking into them is akin to looking into the darkest corner of one’s soul. His long jaws are lined with the teeth of a hyena. Both of his massive hands have five clawed fingers and a clawed thumb each with an extra joint. The claws are blood red in color. In his hands he holds a wicked claymore. He wields this claymore as if it where an extension of his body. His voice is thundering.

Tisiphone's picture
Joined: 2012-06-19
Re: Female Fallaen Angel

Here are two abilities I know that she has.
True Seeing (Ex): Loyalar is under the constant effect of true seeing, as per the spell of the same name. This ability cannot be dispelled.
Unearthly Grace (Su): Loyalar adds her Charisma modifier as a bonus on all her saving throws, and as a deflection bonus to her Armor Class.

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