Feelers: Old-school modules

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Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Feelers: Old-school modules

I'm just throwing out some feelers to see who, if anyone, would be interested in playing through some of the old official Planescape modules.  I'm looking at things like Faction War, Dead Gods, maybe a bit of Tales from the Infinite Staircase. 

I'd update the modules and gameplay for a newer edition (most likely 4E since I utterly despise DMing for 3.XE).

Ideally, I'd like to run it for players that are familiar with the setting but have not played or read the modules before.  Preferably I'd like those that are less familiar with the stories in the first two (Tales is kind of a wash) but I'd definitely want to see more folks that haven't actually read the modules yet, since that can ruin the impact of the game Eye-wink

This post is not a guarantee or promise of game-running.  I just would like to see if there is any interest at all in this sort of thing.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
A lot of interest, but hell

A lot of interest, but hell will freeze over before i play 4.0, no wayTongue out

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I on the other hand would

I on the other hand would love to see the modules converted - i just don't have the time to play anymore :-/

Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
I also would, but I'm in the

I also would, but I'm in the same boat as Clueless. I need to actually get a 4e game in before I pass judgement.

Veltharis ap Rylix's picture
Joined: 2008-07-17
*jumps in to express his

*jumps in to express his interest*


Looking for help fleshing out the Lords of the Nine: here.

charl's picture
Joined: 2009-04-09
I'm certainly interested.

I'm certainly interested. Are PHB 2 resources ok?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
I might learn 4e for the

I might learn 4e for the sake of playing in old-school modules. From what I've heard, converting adventures from 4e is a bit more complicated than just using the same monsters, but I'm not qualified to help you there. You may also want maps given the move-y powers involved.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
I'd be interested, certainly

I'd be interested, certainly in 4e, less so in 3.x which is a bear to stat up large-scale.  I could also provide Assistant GM duties, offering suggestions on tactics/encounters/etc to make the game more interesting and fun.  (Which might better suit Center's needs, as I'm fresh out of Styx water...)

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
If I'm in the game, I'll

If I'm in the game, I'll voulenteer simple maps of some sort, but whether or not I want to put on my 4e hat is still uncertain.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I still don't understand a

I still don't understand a lot of the 4e hate.  The system is solid even if Wizards of the Coast is very skeezy about their marketing tactics, this latest blunder to say the least.  But I suppose that's neither here nor there.

I am pleasantly surprised to see a lot more interest than I expected, though I'm still considering what to run, if anything.  So...lemme look at some of the comments posted and address them!

"charl" wrote:
I'm certainly interested. Are PHB 2 resources ok?

If I do this, then PHB2 will be fine.  

"eldersphinx" wrote:
I'd be interested, certainly in 4e, less so in 3.x which is a bear to stat up large-scale.  I could also provide Assistant GM duties, offering suggestions on tactics/encounters/etc to make the game more interesting and fun.  (Which might better suit Center's needs, as I'm fresh out of Styx water...)

I take this to mean that you've already read most, if not all of the modules? ;)  The reason you suggest is exactly why I don't want to run these in 3.x.  I have no knack for making solid 3.x monsters at the appropriate CR, mostly because the monster creation "rules" are obnoxious and vague. 4e is much easier to manage.  Anyway, an assistant GM would be quite helpful if I do run this because I'm doing several games off and on right now.

"weishan" wrote:
If I'm in the game, I'll voulenteer simple maps of some sort, but whether or not I want to put on my 4e hat is still uncertain.

Maps would be a great help!  I make some on my own but if I can get help from folks, that'd make life a lot less busy for me and would further guarantee I can keep a game running.

So it looks like at least four or five folks are interested in playing 4e versions of the old modules?


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Sounds like it - and if all

Sounds like it - and if all that work goes into conversion - I'd be more than happy to have the conversion notes included here on Planewalker for others if the playtest runs well. Sort of like some of the conversions we already have for 3.x Smiling

Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Center of All wrote: I

Center of All wrote:

I still don't understand a lot of the 4e hate.  The system is solid even if Wizards of the Coast is very skeezy about their marketing tactics, this latest blunder to say the least.  But I suppose that's neither here nor there.

It doesn't seem to be hate so much as uncertainty as long as you leave Burningspear out of it. Different strokes and all. Personally, I just haven't had time try 4e since university + Dnd = not doing well in school.

Center of All wrote:
I am pleasantly surprised to see a lot more interest than I expected, though I'm still considering what to run, if anything.  So...lemme look at some of the comments posted and address them!

If it's worth anything, I'd suggest The Great Modron March and Harbinger House. I've always thought those two go really well together, and it gives you a nice broad section of the planes to see. I'd also like to give a hand if I could. I won't be able to do a huge amount since I'm in school all year round, but I can help build stuff or convert here and there. I would also give me a bit experience with the new rule sets, which would be nice.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Hate is a big word, its more

Hate is a big word, its more like i dislike the way WOTC is conducting itself, and i think 3.x was as good a system as any (though it could be smartened up regarding monster creation and encounter lvl and such...)

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
3.5 could be more than

3.5 could be more than smartened up... Caster/nonmagical character lack of combat capability, toatal system breakdown in high level play, blah, blah blah.

4e is, for all it's flaws and very often absurdities mostly balanced, or at least relatively balanced, and that's the system's one big advantage in my mind. It comes at the expense of flexibility and diverse concepts--if 4e says you do it this way, that's what you do, screw your concept if it doesn't fit the game's predetermined notions.

 As for WotC's conduct, people are sticking it too them, and some people involved with 4e are vanishing--fired on account of awful sales. 

 At this point in my gaming experience, I'm quite cynical. Both systems aren't great, but 3x is probably easier to fix (ToB and modification of ToB to get less absurdness)

 I should stop derailing the thread.


Starting level and the like?

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Starting level depends, of

Starting level depends, of course, on Center's judgment and on the modules that are used.  My feeling is that the initial chapters of Dead Gods and The Great Modron March could be playable at levels as low as 1, but starting at level 3-5 might be easier just for pacing purposes.  Harbringer House is a high-Heroic module I think (I've never actually read or played it, one of the few missing from my collection though I could probably borrow a copy if needed), climax of The Great Modron March as well as Faction War get into Paragon turf.  Depending on how things go, the end of Dead Gods might just be low-Epic tier.

 As a side note, one of the small benefits of 4e as a system is the ease in levelling and also de-levelling characters, so for actual play purposes the need to have a tightly-scripted game where everyone earns exactly enough XP to level up before facing the next adventure isn't nearly as much of an issue.  If the party's running around at level 12 when The Great Modron March wraps up and Center decides "hey! I think everyone should be Level 15 for the start of Faction War", it's just a matter of dropping offline for a couple days, tweaking some numbers and away we go.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
All right, how's this

All right, how's this sound?

I've got a pretty busy April and May coming up.  Between performances, final papers (curse graduate school), a teeny tiny gaming con, and assorted other things I'm going to be quite swamped.

Once the semester's over and I don't have to worry about school for a while, I'll start up a 4E game using at least one of the older modules.  I won't tell you which one it is.  That's something you'll have to figure out in the game itself.  

I'll put starting information up later, but those of you that are interested can use this thread to come up with character ideas.  To get you started, be advised that all official Wizards products that are out and that are to be released will be acceptable source material for this game.  I will make some cosmetic and flavor changes to certain things (the 4E "eladrin" player race, for example) to make the ideas fit within the Planescape setting in a way I feel suits it better.  For you Factioneers, I don't think it needs to be said but I'll say it anway Smiling Most, if not all of the modules occur before Faction War, so the Factions are in Sigil.  If you are going to align your character to a Faction (and I have no preference either way), then make sure you use Factions before the Faction War, not after.

There's one other thing I believe bears mentioning.  In my games, the fluff presented by WotC can be waived.  For example, just because you are playing an Invoker mechanically does not mean you have to adhere to how PH2 describes Invokers.  You can flavor your character however you like as long as the re-flavor causes no functional or mechanical change.  To me, the classes are just a list of abilities.   How you come by those abilities and what they mean to your character is open to great interpretation.  

Probably the most striking example is Tamara Voidborn in my Facets game.  Mechanically, she's an Eladrin, but conceptually, she's more of a human with weird teleporting powers.  Does that make sense?

Anyway, if you are interested, it's never too soon to come up with a concept Smiling


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Submitted for

Submitted for Center-Of-All's approval:

Heroic Feat - Faction Training

You have devoted yourself to the methods and techniques favored by your faction, studying diligently alongside your peers and learning respectfully from the higher-ups. Your effort has been rewarded with both new knowledge and a network of contacts willing to assist you when you need it.

From the list below, choose one of the skills associated with your faction. You become trained in that skill. If you are already trained in every one of the skills associated with your faction, choose one skill from your class's skill list. You become trained in that skill.

In addition, once per day you can request assistance from your factionmates in completing a task. Unless there's no reasonable way that your faction could assist you, you can use this to gain a +2 bonus to one skill check or ability check.

- Athar: Heal, Religion, Stealth
- Believers of the Source: Insight, Nature, Religion
- Bleak Cabal: Dungeoneering, Heal, Streetwise
- Doomguard: Athletics, Dungeoneering, Intimidate
- Dustmen: Arcana, Endurance, Religion
- Fated: Endurance, Heal, Nature
- Fraternity of Order: Arcana, History, Insight
- Free League: Diplomacy, Streetwise, Thievery
- Harmonium: Athletics, Diplomacy, Intimidate
- Mercykillers: Intimidate, Perception, Thievery
- Revolutionary League: Bluff, Stealth, Thievery
- Sign of One: Bluff, History, Perception
- Society of Sensation: Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Nature
- Transcendent Order: Acrobatics, Insight, Perception
- Xaositects: Acrobatics, Bluff, Streetwise

(OOC design note - skill list is hopefully reasonably in-flavor, but has also been run through something of a game-mechanics wringer; I wanted to make sure each of the 4e skills were associated with either two factions or three factions, that any two factions had at most only one associated skill in common. Any seeming mismatches in the skill assignments are probably due to this - it's a playability issue as much as anything else.)

Veltharis ap Rylix's picture
Joined: 2008-07-17
I know it's early, but I've

I know it's early, but I've been wanting to play my namesake for quite some time...

Veltharis ap Rylix:

Gloom-blood Tiefling (Kobold Avenger's in the 4E Races thread, assuming Center okays it.) Dark Pact Warlock (possibly multiclassed, haven't decided yet)


Looking for help fleshing out the Lords of the Nine: here.

charl's picture
Joined: 2009-04-09
I was thinking of doing an

I was thinking of doing an air genasi (refluffed eladrin? I don't think there's any genasi race yet) who is a former Anarch assassin (Avenger class) who has abandoned his old faction is now a Xaositect.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Genasi do exist.  WotC, in

Genasi do exist.  WotC, in its infinite wisdom, has decided they're suitable Forgotten Realms material.  And per their marketing policy, the race will not be reprinted in any other book for the foreseeable future.

 On the off chance that you aren't hankering to go out and spend $29.95 supporting the setting that brought us the Great Tree, here's a capsule of the game mechanics involved in being an air genasi: +2 Str, +2 Int, speak Common and Primordial, +2 to Endurance and Nature skills, resist 5 cold, and 1/encounter as a move action you can fly 8 squares.

 There's also some genasi-specific feats in the Forgotten Realms player's guide - a PC who takes then displays an unusual heritage and gets extra resistance or the powers of a different type of genasi as needed.

charl's picture
Joined: 2009-04-09
I think I know a guy who has

I think I know a guy who has the FR4E book I can check with about those feats, but there is really no hurry anyway is there?

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The faction training feat

The faction training feat sounds fine to me, so people can go ahead and use that if they wish.

The "Gloom" Tiefling should be okay, but I'll have to go look it over again to double-check.

Eldersphinx beat me to the genasi bit.  However, there is one thing I would like to say about 4e genasi in my Planescape games.  I don't do the extra manifestation thing.  If you are a genasi, then you are one element, period.  If you plan to do a paragon path or something that would require you to take multiple manifestations, then we'll work something out.  However, I don't feel that the ability to change elements virtually on a whim meshes with the Great Wheel cosmology.  The 4e concept seems based on the 4e cosmology where there is an "Elemental Chaos" that mashes all the elements together.  In that context, extra manifestations make perfect sense.  In the Great Wheel, where each element has its own very distinct plane, that kind of mishmash genasi makes much less sense.

That being said, I am certainly willing to entertain ideas for para-elemental, quasi-elemental, and energy genasi.  I always refer to the Roaming Genasi Tavern for information and background.  If you want to make an off-element genasi, please use that site as the basis for your concept, then talk to me and we'll work out some mechanics for you to use.

To all those interested in playing and/or participating in some form or another (as map-maker, assistant DM, other resources), I have a request.  Please tell me what, if any modules you've read or played through.  This will give me an idea of what modules to prepare both for the players and for anyone I'll be working with to run the game.  Thank you!


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

charl's picture
Joined: 2009-04-09
I'm really interested in

I'm really interested in exploring the vacuum genasi as a character concept now. Imagine going from an infinite dark void to Sigil... no wonder the berk goes barmy and joins the anarchs or Xaositects, or the Sensates. All those things to see and touch and hear... the natural impulse would be the either feel overwhelmed (like a massive overdose of LSD overwhelmed) constantly, feel an urge to tear all that thingness down, or to try and experience it all. Yes... I like this idea.

First the guy feels like destroying everything around him, and becomes recruited by anarchs, then after realizing the actual full extent of things and how impossible the task of obliterating the universe would be, he goes completely insane, runs away, ends up in the Hive and unknowingly joins the Xaositects, where he somewhat learns to control his madness to become a bit... less batshit crazy, and ready to venture into the planes again and try to understand things by seeing them firsthand.

Mechanically... +2 Int +2 Con, +2 Endurance +2 Insight, something about not breathing (resistence to gases and other attacks that require air intake?), some kind of darkvision deal, and make the encounter power cause silence or negates effects.

Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Center: I just sent you a

Center: I just sent you a pm explaining my situation.

Eldersphinx: You may want to submit your feat over here as well. Clueless is slowly building up the file for the 4e PSCS.

Veltharis ap Rylix's picture
Joined: 2008-07-17
Being a relative newbie to

Being a relative newbie to Planescape, I have not played even read any of the modules (a brief glance through the short adventures in the five 2e era pdfs I have - Campaign Setting, Planewalkers Handbook, In the Cage, Planes of Law, Planes of Conflict - but none of the full-on "modules"), so I'm up for anything play-wise.


Looking for help fleshing out the Lords of the Nine: here.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Oh!  One other important

Oh!  One other important matter before I go review posts again.  This one pertains to character concept.

I greatly prefer a party that can work together and hopefully likes to work together, especially when I'm running a module.  While there's room for interpretation in most modules, they tend to be more story-oriented than character-oriented.  As a result, most character development needs to be done during the course of the story.  Furthermore, while the characters may all have different motivations for doing what they do, the end goal for all characters in a module tends to be the same.  Thus, I find it saves me as a DM a lot of headache if I enforce the idea that the characters ought to all have backgrounds that will at least make them neutral toward each other, if not amiable.  So, for example, it is preferred that we have no Athar if someone is going to play a divine spellcaster unless that divine character doesn't gain power from a god.  A character currently an Anarchist is less preferable to a character of most other factions because the Anarchists exist strictly to work against other factions.  Ultimately I've found that when the characters aren't willing to work together, then it seriously derails the game. 

In short: No PC should be so antagonistic to another PC (or PCs) that he cannot work with them, or is compelled to work against them.

That's not to say clashes are completely forbidden, but I seriously urge everyone to carefully consider their own character's balance and position within the group.  Talk to the other players and see what ideas are popping up.  If a conflict seems unavoidable, communicate and find a way to get your characters to at least tolerate each other.  While an Athar would never, ever, ever travel with a group that harbors a priest, an Indep and a Hardhead could learn to live with each other.  The road would be bumpy and full of argument, but they could always learn to approach the same end with different means that they each find acceptable, if not agreeable. 

In short: Your characters need not get along, but I require adaptability in the character concepts so that even characters of two opposing philosophies or backgrounds can manage to work together as a party toward the same goal.

To that end, here's a quick list of things I'd like to avoid.  The list is likely to be updated if I come up with other issues I consider major barriers.  I'm also including some "exceptions" as ideas to work with if the situation comes up.

  • Athar and Divine characters mixing.  The conflict is far too volatile for two characters of these respective backgrounds to work together effectively.  Exceptions: The divine character is not drawing power from a deity; or the Athar is doubtful of his conviction to the faction philosophy and wants to learn more from someone who experiences divine power firsthand.
  • Anarchists in general.  Anarchists in general tend to be too directly antagonistic, especially when other Factioneers are in play.  Exception: A former Anarchist who no longer seeks to bring down the establishment is fine.
  • Factioneers too stuck in their faction philosophy to be a decent party member.  This includes things like Xaositects who act so randomly as to be overtly destructive or derailing (the same goes for Sinkers, too).  Character development is fine as long as it's not throwing the game onto a completely different track because one player has to monopolize the spotlight.
  • Githyanki and githzerai.  Do I really need to explain?

I think you can get the gist.  Basically, inter-character conflict is fine.  In fact, it's great and I have no problem with it (and even encourage it in some situations).  However, when the inter-PC conflict gets to a point where it's game-stopping or game-derailing, it becomes a major problem.  So if you are playing a potentially provocative character type, talk with me and with the other players to find a nice resolution where your character can work with the others.

Lastly, no evil-aligned characters allowed!

Make sense?  Any questions?


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

charl's picture
Joined: 2009-04-09
Well, I wasn't planning to

Well, I wasn't planning to play my xaositect as a babbling violent schizophrenic or anything. At most he'll be saying odd stuff and staring at mundane things like walls and rocks in astonishment, sometimes seemingly forgetting (or not knowing in the first place) what things do. So at most he might pick up an ordinary knife, stare at it for a bit, then carefully touching it and when he gets cut yelling: "No!" at the knife and tasting his own blood, but he won't be impossible to converse with because he speaks in non sequiteurs or something like that.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Hahaha, that's all right

Hahaha, that's all right Smiling It's even okay if you use scramblespeak.  I just want to throw it out there so that people can understand that I do draw a line.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Veltharis ap Rylix's picture
Joined: 2008-07-17
No evil characters? Rats...

No evil characters? Rats... Sticking out tongue

Wait... Would True Neutral with slightly malicious tendancies work. Laughing out loud


Looking for help fleshing out the Lords of the Nine: here.

charl's picture
Joined: 2009-04-09
Chaotic neutral all the way

Chaotic neutral all the way baby. Eye-wink

But in a good way. Mentally ill people dislike change, so while he only lives for his own random thought processes, he will still want to have his friends be around and like him, because he isn't sure what to do without the company.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
I need to get a hold of all

I need to get a hold of all the relevant PDFs before I commit more strongly, but I tend to favor wizards as far as concept goes. Hoping to play a dustman of some sort. Somewhat disturbing, and not winning any prizes for being well on the way to true death, He/she/it(?) has a slightly morbid and disturbing sense of humor and is surprisingly affable, if extremely detatached. By 3.5's alignments, he'd be true neutral. 

 Depending on what 4e allows, I may try a character who's focus is on growth and creating life, but not nescesarily in a natural way (though he is not evil as such), he is slightly barmy.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
As a general note, I got

As a general note, I got bored/inspired - /forum/4e-planescape-race-updates?page=1#comme...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
The dead truce is a key part

The dead truce is a key part of being a dustie, how will that work?

charl's picture
Joined: 2009-04-09
There are suggested rules

There are suggested rules for the dead truce here: /forum/4e-planescape-factions-updates

 Personally I'd just roleplay it and leave the mechanics to the DM. Remember, just as a dustie can break the truce, the undead can as well. The big bad lich probably won't care if one of its enemies allies are a dustman or not. It will take out anyone that stands in its way.


Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I haven't been too deeply

I haven't been too deeply involved with the PSCS 4e mechanics workshop for a large variety of reasons, not the least of which being time concerns.  However, I did go and look up the Dustmen in that thread and if I'm reading it correctly, it seems way, way too powerful.  You get an awful lot of benefit for a penalty that is not all that stringent.

I like charl's idea where you just RP it.  As  mentioned, the Dead Truce is hardly inviolate, and I personally don't think a feat should be able to stop a powerful, evil, and intelligent undead from trouncing you if he feels like he doesn't want to deal with your truce anymore.

I'd have to read the faction feats in detail later but what I'm seeing so far, most of them give a lot more benefit than any other 4e feat, often for what basically amounts to an RP restriction in return.  I think they can be much better balanced.

I glanced (very) briefly over the genasi ideas and they look good at a cursory glance.  I'll give them a more thorough once-over a bit later and repost here.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
This character is more of a

This character is more of a design exercise than anything else - an idea for how to reskin 4e material into something more Planescape-friendly. I originally conceived of this character as an Anarchist - but one who was more of a cross between Robin Hood and Che Guevara, someone who was part of the Revolutionary League to upset factols' schemes and keep any one group from getting too powerful and tyrannical, rather than to wreck PC-level faction activity.  On balance, though, the same general role and attitude is just as doable from an Indep, so that's where he stands now.  I expect I could flesh him out and run him as a PC, but I won't be brokenhearted if I never do.

Xakekis Thrynn Race: Chaond (Dragonborn) Class: Warlord Level: 1 Faction: Free League Alignment: Good

Str 18
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 12
Wis  8
Cha 18

HP 24, bloodied 12
Surges 8, 7 hp/surge
AC 17
Fort 12
Ref 11
Will 15
Speed 5

Basic melee attack - Battleaxe (+6 vs AC, 1d8+4 dmg) 15 gp
Basic missile attack - Sling (+2 vs AC, 1d6 dmg, rng 10/20) 1 gp
Initiative +3
Perception -1
Insight -1

Powers/Features Combat Leader (all allies within 10 gain +2 to Init; already factored into statblock) Commanding Presence (any ally who spends an action point heals 4 hp) Chaotic Tenacity (+1 racial bonus to attack rolls when bloodied) Furious Strike (At-Will, Std; melee, +6 vs Fort, target takes 4 dmg and 1 ally gains +4 to hit and dmg on next attack against the target taken before end of next turn) Wolf Pack Tactics (At-Will, Std; melee, +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 dmg and 1 adj ally can shift 1 square before the attack) Chaotic Blast (Enc, Minor; close blast 3, +6 vs Ref, 1d6+1 lightning dmg) Guarding Attack (Enc, Std; melee, +6 vs AC, 2d8+4 dmg and 1 adj ally gains a +5 power bonus to AC against the target's attacks until end of next turn) Bastion of Defense (Day, Std; melee, +6 vs AC, 3d8+4 dmg and all allies within 5 gain a +1 power bonus to all defenses until end of the encounter; effect - all allies within 5 gain 9 temp hp)

Skills Athletics +9 Diplomacy +9 Endurance +6 History +8 Intimidate +6 Streetwise +9

Feats Faction Training (Free League)

Equipment Battleaxe Sling Chainmail Light Shield Standard Adventurer's Kit (hempen rope replaced with silken rope) 15 gp

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