Feedback Requested: Article Submission

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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Re: Input format: I much prefer BBCode to wysiwyg.  One less script to go haywire and more assurance that when I put in a linebreak it'll actually show up.

Also, new screen layout in the forums deserves a thumbs up.  Much better division of real estate for the material.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

I'm all for BBCode. It's reliable, simple, and like Jem said, it is one less thing to worry about. Moreover, I haven't seen many posts on the forums that can't be done in BBCode.

Bugs: Found some kind of weeeeeird template issue. I'm in IE7, WinXP. When my browser is not maximized here, there's an extra column between the forum thread column and the recent links/control panel column. Not a major issue since it fixes itself when I maximize. It just looks funny and I don't usually keep my windows maximized when I'm at work (these screens are sodding huge)

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

New bug to add to the list: Artist alley and other associated image content is not being included as it should. Most likely related to directory paths changing.

@Center - I can get IE7 to do that as well. Oddly, if I make the window resizable, resizde it slightly, then maximize it again, it works. Basically once the sidebar is where it ought to be it stays there. I'll look into the CSS a little further on it.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Going into serious bug hunt mode, hopefully tonight. Will report back.


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

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Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

I agree with BBcode. It's simple and most people who use any forums use it.

I like the new layout. It's pretty.


Pants of the North!

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

As an addendum, the post my reply button being called "save" was mildly confusing at first. Now that I'm used to it it'll be fine, but I'd guess it might throw other people off, too.


Pants of the North!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

@Bob - thanks :)  I was a little worried my artistic side had withered away over the years Eye-wink

Re: the save/submit button - it's something that Drupal went to as a whole with Drupal6 - they found a lot of newer users were worried about what was really happening when they hit the submit button for forums, since Submit wasn't really descriptive or reassuring of what was going on when they put information in. It's small enough for forums that I didn't feel like digging into the system to replace the button - and I could see the arguement for non-forum situations, where you want the mental assurance of 'saving' your work. It's semantics really, but the change wasn't made without some thought to it from the D6 guys. Eye-wink

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Bug  Fixed: Image and Attachment links are reestablished. Directory structure has been sorted out now.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Ok - so far I'm hearing an almost unanamous request to move to purely BBCode in the forums. Last call - anyone object?

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

As long as I can use text colors, italics, and smilies, I'm probably cool with it.

Clueless, the "Views" column.  Could you widen it slightly so that it can handle 5 digits?  (It only handles 4 digits in a row in my UI.)


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Views column..... on the forums? Can I get some context for where you're seeing that?

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Right... for # of views for the BoGr game.  It's five digits and takes up two lines on my screen.  Laughing


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

A few more things:

Using Ctrl+V to paste doesn't seem to be working right now (it did before...).

The results of prior dice rolls don't seem to have migrated with the rest of the database.  Will they come back when the dice roller does?



BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

re: Ctrl+V - lemme get things switched over to pure BBCode here and then we can tell if it'll continue to work or not.

re: Dice rolls - yes, they will. I just need to confirm that the database table is working right before I turn it back on. All the data is still there.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

We've switch to BBCode.
I'm going to test it here -

Font color
Font size
Font family

Please please please let me know if you see odd behaviors or bugs. you should still have access to the image picker to upload images and insert them if you want to.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Text colors now missing. (At least with regard to recent posts.)


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Big Mac's picture
Joined: 2007-07-23
Re: Artical Submission

@ Clueless. I can't find the Planewalker Encyclopedia. Has that been moved over to the wiki?

If it has are you planning to put canon information in a separate place to fanon information? I hope you are as I need a bit of a leg-up with Planescape and that encyclopedia is very helpful to me. I was hoping that (when the internal navigation was a little bit better) I could use it as my 4th source of external encyclopedic links for the Spelljammer Wiki. The information there is fantastic, but I do need to be able to navigate around it to find useful links.

Loki De Carabas wrote:

@BigMac Yeah, Planejmmer was the term coined in our campaign back in  the early '9os and I don't know of anyone using the term prior to that.Sorry to have misrepresented you there, I thought we had more of your stuff up on Beyond the Moons, something we will have to recitfy

As you know I've always thought that more collaboration between Planewalker and BTM would be great for all concerned, after al the Spejammer cosmology is presented as the Planescape view of the Prime. Anyway I'll do what I can to get the cross campaign setting stuff up a online if the consensus ends up beig to do it, I've wanted to see that happen for awhile ut havent had the time to spearhead due to real life issues.

@ Loki: I'm juggling too many projects at the moment. I'm fairly tied up getting the Spelljammer Wiki up and running, but was hoping that after I got specific parts of the SJ canon wikified I could then see where there are gaps in the canon and write bespoke fanon to expand it. I orignially thougth that this could only be useful to Beyond the Moons, but maybe Planescape fans could get some use out of it (even if they don't want to do your Planejammer thing).

With Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance all having a different "theme" and even different rules I'm thinking we should be shooting for making every crystal sphere seem unique. Now the vast majority of that work would be something that would be appropriate for Beyond the Moons, but if BtM has somethig like a Greatspace section built for it, I see no reason why Planewalker couldn't get a plug on article (or even a PDF) along the lines of "A Planewalker's Guide to Greatspace". I see Greatspace as a chance to build "The Hellenic crystal sphere" and from a Planescape point of view, it would be the chance to visit a part of the Material Plane that features an advanced Hellenic culture and iconic monsters from Greek history.

One of the great things I think that could be done from the Planescape point of view is that planewalkers who randomly visit the Material Plane might not be aware of the crystal spheres and might not realise that different regions of the Material Plane have been "claimed" by different gods and "customised" to their tastes. I think that if a PS GM wants to raid Spelljammer (and Beyond the Moons) for places to visit (and maybe even ignore spelljamming ships) they could pick random planets and let their players learn about that part of the Material Plane the hard way. I think this sort of "piggy back" stuff could be built by people like us and sent to the appropriate official site.

I think Clueless's tag idea would be very useful, because all stuff like this could be written by people like you and I and tagged with "spelljammer" "crossover" and/or "planejammer". And if Planejammer ever got to be big, it could have a "homepage" that gave appropriate links to Beyond the Moons (as well as a ton of articles explaining how to reuse those things in a planejamming way as well as a more conventional planewalking way).

And I think that the "official cooperation" idea is something that can be built by people who have a foot in both camps and then used as a model to encourage other people to form crossover groups with other D&D communities. (Even without going through Spelljammer it could be very interesting for PS players to be taken to less well known D&D settings, like Wilderlands or Jakandor.) I'm not quite ready to start churning out new stuff yet, but I'd be very happy to have Planewalker get equal access to anything I write for Beyond the Moons. And if you ever get around to starting work on a Planejammer netbook please poke me with a stick, as I would love to be involved.

waermodi wrote:

 To my mind, its vitally important that Planescape Setting "core" remain intact, and easy to access. Which, somewhat exists now.  But you have to actually be here for a while to understand that.  I know when I first arrived, I didn't quite know the difference between the PSCS and PS3E sections, and still have no idea what Planar Portals really is. Smiling If Planewalker ends up going pure content submission/drupal type, I'd be worried that the official material would be lost -- and both are needed.  Searchable content is amazing.  I just.. have problems with the engine.  I'm not exactly sure why, I haven't looked at it too closely, I'll admit -- but the results I get, are never the results I expect.  It sounds like I'm not alone in that sentiment. I don't know if anyone familar with the d20srd site, but if so, take a look.. the entire system reference document, laid out in html and easily searchable. A DMs best friend, if I ever saw one.  Applying the same concept to Planewalker would make it infinitely more usable as a source.  Perhaps not practical, and surely not really an option for most of the player-generated content, but for the "core"...? More than anything, a guide for new players, or new DMs, explaining how to use the resources that exist, is needed.  A clueless without a guide, stays that way.At first glance, I thought that the site was abandoned, when the New Articles section shows precious little activity, and an article going back 4+ years.  Thought it was Mimir all over again.  Glad to see that wasn't the case Smiling


I am a massive fan of the Hypertext d20 SRD. I've got all the core 3e books, but I find it far faster to build characters online than by flipping the pages of gamebooks. I agree totally that the hyperlinks are incredibly useful and would like to see an online 3e PSCS that was chopped up like the Hypertext d20 SRD. I think it is essential to have the full monty PDF version (as it is far easier to read that sort of thing cover-to-cover) but a hyperlinked version could link over to the appropriate parts of the SRD and make it uber fast for people to create Planescape characters.

My main issue would be how do you separate the 3e PSCS from the 4e PSCG, or any other PS conversion (or even a PS retro-conversion that allows classic D&D fans to join in with the fun).

If you are going to have various canon, fanon and conversion efforts on the same site visitors need to be able to spot the difference fairly easily. Dragonlance Nexus has some nice looking masthead banners. You have some great art over here, and I wonder if you could do something similar. You could even bring back those funky section names as subtitles for individual sections. That way people could see the new and old name on a masthead (as well as maybe a planewalking character that reminds them where they are).

waermodi's picture
Joined: 2009-05-17
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Aight. Looks like I missed all the fun due to real world stuff.. but.. I have a bug.

I can't navigate the site. At all.

OS: Mac OS 10.6
Browsers tried: Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome 4

OS: Windows XP
Browsers tried: Chrome 4, IE6

The top navigation bar (Planewalker | Setting | Resources, etc), when clicked, creates a second tier menu, that overlaps with the second line of the first tier menu. making the second-tier menu unclickable, the first tier unreadable.

In this case, I was trying to navigate to the sourcebooks.

Attempted to upload a screenshot, but got a "Unable to create directory structure for your images" error.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

@waermodi email the screenshot to me or to Clueless



Stuck in the real world, detailed responses coming for you son Big Mac.


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Aik's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

I've the same problem - will send a screenshot. Firefox 3.5.3 on XP.

Respen Starym's picture
Joined: 2005-08-26
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

i was having the same problem for a while, but it turned out being a switch thing.

i clicked on the one tab, then tried to switch to another, and then it overlapped. It turns out you have to click the one you had selected first in order to turn it off, so you can then click the one you want.

also, just as a quick thing to say, i really like the new site so far! it looks really good, and its pretty easy to navigate (above issue aside)


I got it all wrong.
I wound up believing in words the way a scientist
Believes in carbon, after death.

- Larry Levis, excerpt from Winter Stars

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

I will freely admit guys - I suck - I've been buried under work for the last two weeks and sorely neglected all of you. Please - my sincerest apologies, I'm compiling a list of all reported bugs and am working on cleaning up the dust from our transition.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Dice roller initialized with all our old dice information. And back up and functional.

Testing below

I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 27 = 27.
Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission



BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Uh, can I make a suggestion? I don't mean any offense, but this site is very, very, VERY user-unfriendly. There is nothing in the FAQ that gives a how-to for submitting wiki articles, for one. I'd love to submit some myself, but I have no idea how. There doesn't seem to be (or at least I can't find it) a guide/description of what each forum is for, leaving those like myself rather confused.
And heaven forbid you want to browse the spells/equipment/etc. submissions... (A list page with hypertext for many of these things would be nice)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

I think I have the menu stuff fixed - can those who were seeing a bug with it, check on it again and tell me if it's better now?

Aik's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Yup - all good now.

waermodi's picture
Joined: 2009-05-17
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Hey Clueless,

Looks good on the Mac end of things.

Safari 4 and Firefox 3.5 check out.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Good to hear the menu is sorted out now. Smiling

I've performed some brain surgery on the encyclopedia articles in the database, I've updated all the entry links amongst the articles in an attempt to restore the interlinks as free links. Hopefully it'll be much more usable now.

Wiki editting should still be open to everyone as well, so you can fix what you run across that doesn't seem right. (If there isn't an 'edit' tab at the top of the page let me know.)

I'm still working on some of our other issues, and will update as I get those working.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

@zim - is the views count still wrapping for you on topics listings in the forums? I added some CSS that I hope will help you out there.

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Speaking as someone who dropped in again after a long time off the site is frankly a huge mess. It's almost impossible to get to anything save through the search function. The Wiki link dead ends at the opening page. The search function seems well organized but it conflates forum posts and articles.

Most depressingly, even if you find something, the formatting has all vanished so every article is now nothing but a giant wall of text (it's depressing looks at my submissions, which had formatting when submitted, in such a state). This has afflicted even such essential things as the FAQ.

If maintaining the articles in a functional state is too much of a strain on the staff's energies, I'd think it might be best to subsume them into the forums. Create an entire section of the forums purely for articles in a finished state as a way to ease the administrative requirements. Then you could get rid of the now superfluous sub-menus which are currently not functioning.

I'd be quite willing to help organize such material (though I have no coding skills) in the interest of getting things into a format where they could be accessed and read by a visitor browsing the site.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Re: The wiki dead ending at the first link - I just found a misconfiguration in our system - can you check now for me?

Re: Sub menus - the errors with those were fixed three days ago for the majority of errors reported. Are you still seeing problems with that?

Can you think of better ways to set up access to the articles short of just dumping them all in one bucket? I'm not sure doing that would be any greater improvement really. But tag links, and related content links - more likely. Perhaps an additional box within a sub section listing most popular articles?

I'm currently working on formatting through the wiki to get something more like how it's supposed to be, and will be looking into doing something similar with the regular articles if the wiki fixes go well. The thing is - moving everything into the forums won't fix formatting, so I'm currently working on other solutions.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

@Zimrazim - Are those fonts for the older posts showing correctly now?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

@Mecha - would the search be easier to work with if I divided the forum search from the article search?

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

The wiki is is definitely as of right now. You click on the Wiki link in the upper right, it takes you to Rip's Grand Tour Submission, and then clicking on any of those links renders and 'Access Denied' message. You can get to articles within the Wiki using the search, but once in those articles it rapidly becomes impossible to move through the supposed links between them (though that might be in code of the individual pages, I have no idea really).

As to the sub-menus I didn't mean not functioning int he technical sense (apologies) but in that they really aren't useful. They just lead to a submission log for the various categories, and if an article is not in one of those categories there's no way to reach it via menus at all.

As far as the articles go, I think they need to be organized by some measure. I mentioned putting them into the forums because then you could (presumably) create a sort of pseudo-directory system by using a system of sub-forums. Perhaps the wiki would work this way if it was functional, I don't know. Regardless I think there needs to be some kind of topology to organize all the many submissions. I believe the original intent was to mostly sort everything that wasn't part of a specific project by plane. Obviously this never happened and a number of articles ended up floating in nothingness.

I think ultimately it's probably best if things can be organized using as few different methods as possible. So, for example, if the Wiki method is to be used for the encyclopedia summaries of the canon material, then it probably makes sense to organize the fan-created stuff the same way, and just put a label at the top of each age for differentiation.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Re: fonts for older posts. Yes.

The results for older dice rolls are back. However, the descriptive text for those dice rolls is totally messed up/truncated. Can this be fixed?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Can you check again on the wiki access now? I suspect I discovered the misconfiguration at about the same time you were testing it.

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Okay, the Wiki appears to be working now.

Bug note with the search: if you use the general search box (upper right hand of the page and all) it keeps throwing validation errors at me, sometime with a redirect to a random page. This does not appear to be a problem with the faceted search.

As for whether or not to separate the search functions, after running some searches it doesn't appear to be as big a problem as I thought.

I do wonder about the search algorithm though, or perhaps simply the limitations of the search function in general and why it's important to be able to have some kind of browsability. I ran some random searches for fairly broad topics, and you get some interesting results.

For example, doing a faceted search for devil returns my story 'Devil Drakes for a Dark Searcher' as the first hit, then a bunch of codex conversions, and then a blank wiki article, then a D20 modern themed article, and it's result 10 where the wiki article for Baatezu crops up. Some other searches work better some worse, but the general impression I get is that any sort of broad search won't tell a newbie very much.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Hm - the search should be much cleaner than that. I'm going to check to see if it's getting hung up on anything. The algorithm is the Porter-Stemmer algorithm, combined with MySQL's own match.

Also, I'll be testing out the advanced taxonomy blocks for enhanced navigation in the subsections over the next few days. Quite literally you're looking at the site while I'm upgrading sizable parts of it with the move, so there's likely to be a lot of "Can you check to see if -" as I work on the requests and bug reports coming in.

My estimation of where we are on the cleanup is about at 60%, so ideas for how to make subsections more useful are more than welcome at this point.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

@Big Mac - the wiki is the renamed Encyclopedia, renamed as enough of the new site users were confused about where it was to be found.

Canon vs. non-canon are split up by user convention, which is to say there isn't a computerize split of the information. Efforts have been made with the Encyclopedia to keep it canon-only as our users put the information in, or at most clearly labeled sources for anythign non-canon. Let me know if the navigation on the wiki is any better. I'm debating adding a block or two for 'latest updated' and 'most popular' for wiki articles and possibly something like that for sections as well.

I'm definitely interested in this Greatspace idea Eye-wink Tis a good project to get started on once the site updates are solidified Smiling

@Hyena - we're working on it Eye-wink Thats what this thread is all about really. You're still seeing a lot of dust in the air as we're rearranging things, so consider the need for directions on how to add to the wiki added to the To Do list. The forums are set for some re-organization once some of the other sections are settled in, so expect some guidance to come there as well when that changes.

@Zim - re: the descriptive text, that's going to be trickier. What we had before didn't translate well into the current. I can try and remerge the data again - but since dice rolls are fairly temporary things, mostly important at that individual moment to the GM and players only - I'd like to spend those manhours working on getting other parts of the site back up instead. I've got it on the list, but I wanted to let you know that it's going to be fairly low on the list while I work on the rest.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Ok - major bug issue worked out - the search system has finally finished indexing all of our site material. So searching should be much more effective now. Which means that cron is now completing - which means subscription notices are now moving again.

Next on the list: Fixing the legacy stuff for Venues and Gods List.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Sigil Venues, NPCs and the God's List are back up and available under the Resources menu. Please let me know if you spot any bugs!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Ok, I'm trying out something new on some of our section pages. They now have a block offering you some insight into the most popular articles of the section, some of the older bits, and some random goodies you may have forgotten about over the years. Have fun exploring! Smiling

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

This block is really fun! I could spend DAYS staring at the random updates. DAYS, I tell you!

Also, I am in love with the faceted search. There have been times recently where I've needed to look up something and the search is extremely quick. It's really easy to find what I need, even if it's not on the first few hits.

Also the site seems to be running much more quickly and smoothly since the upgrade, even on this crappy work connection. A++++

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Hey, just looking at the site again after a long absence, and... I hate to sound too negative, but I've got to agree with Hyena of Ice above, especially this part:

And heaven forbid you want to browse the spells/equipment/etc. submissions... (A list page with hypertext for many of these things would be nice)

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Sure, the searches are nice if you know what you're looking for, but if you just want to browse the monsters, or locations, or whatever, it's an excruciating experience. You only get lists of ten articles at a time, with snippets of each article, in apparently random order. (Well, I assume in reverse chronological order of submission, but it almost might as well be random.) If there would be any possible way to have a page just listing all the pages in a category—just listing the titles alone, without a summary would be fine, and not even necessarily every page in the category, but certainly much more than ten—that would be extremely helpful. (Especially if they could be listed in alphabetical order.) I'm not saying to get rid of the current way it's listed, but a (prominent and clearly visible) tab or button to bring up just a plain list of articles would make for a vast improvement in browsability.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

You've no idea how helpful it is to hear - not so much what's wrong - but suggestions on *how* to fix it. I'm far too close to and familiar with the site as it currently is. My brain compensates for its flaws. In literally years of running the site - I'm running dry on new interfaces that may seem obvious to others who are further back from it.

I'm not sure I can even begin to tell you how *invaluable* suggestions on what you want to see really are.

I've worked up a glossary of articles for both the wiki and the regular stories. For now, it's by alphabetical order. If that's a good format and direction to go, I may do something similar as section directory tabs, but I don't want it to become too redundant.

You'll see the new index lists on the right hand menu within the next few hours.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Did the new indexes help any? Are they what you guys were looking for?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Section index tabs have been added - to go along with the random/last year/most popular blocks.

Are we getting closer to what you g uys are needing out of the site here?

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Everything looks great!

I would ask one thing - how does something come up onto the front page? Because I recommend articles for the front page but it seems in the last month we've had the same stuff on here. Does it take a certain number of votes to get this stuff up here?

Thanks again Clueless (et al?), your dedication and hard work are much appreciated!


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Big Mac's picture
Joined: 2007-07-23
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Clueless wrote:
@Big Mac - the wiki is the renamed Encyclopedia, renamed as enough of the new site users were confused about where it was to be found.

The freelinking thing seems to be working again, which is great. Direct links might be a bit better (they would probably be faster and put less load on the PW server) but that sort of tweak could be done later.

May I suggest a more descriptive name than just the word 'wiki'? I think that 'Planescape Wiki' would be pretty good (from a 'marketing' point of view) as it lets people know that it is 'Planescape' and it is a wiki. 'Planewalker Wiki' would also be good, but it depends on people already being aware that Planewalker is the official Planescape website. So I think that 'Planescape Wiki' would be better from a marketing point of view.

I would like to add your wiki to WikiIndex in the same section as the other D&D wikis. But at the moment, I think that there isn't a 'homepage' that will explain things to people who surf in on that index page. This is a really great resource (and one of my main reasons for coming here), but I don't really want to send people into an A-Z index that may make them give up before they realised how useful the wiki is.

BTW: I am not saying that you should get rid of the wiki index. That is a great feature for navigation. But I think it should be a subpage, rather the page people arrive on.

It would be great if the link to the wiki 'homepage' explained that the wiki was an encyclopedia of Planescape canon. Maybe it doesn't need a great deal of information, and maybe the bulk of the explanation could be put on an 'about Planescape Wiki' subpage (and maybe another subpage could have the 'how do I get involved' instructions), but I would like to promote your Planescape wiki and a bit of blurb that I could copy and paste would be helpful for that. (Mentioning in the blurb that the 'Planescape Wiki was hosted on Planewalker - the official Planescape site', would also be good, as it gives Planewalker a namecheck and extends its 'officialness' to the wiki.)

Clueless wrote:
Canon vs. non-canon are split up by user convention, which is to say there isn't a computerize split of the information. Efforts have been made with the Encyclopedia to keep it canon-only as our users put the information in, or at most clearly labeled sources for anythign non-canon. Let me know if the navigation on the wiki is any better. I'm debating adding a block or two for 'latest updated' and 'most popular' for wiki articles and possibly something like that for sections as well.

I really do like the idea of the 'latest updated' and 'most popular' sections. Please do put them in. Another thing I love about the canon wikis I visit is that they have a 'random page' feature. If there could be a link to see a random bit of Planescape canon that would be a great way for newbies to hunt for interesting things to read. Many other wikis have a 'featured article'. I really like this sort of thing (although I've not yet implimented it over at Spelljammer Wiki) because it allows a wiki to showcase the best articles. That is a really useful way to show would be editors what your house style is (as well as a really good way to give someone a pat on the back).

Canonfire! have put a homepage on The Great Library of Greyhawk which helps give an overview of what it is. Something similar would be great. As you can see that page has a couple of bare bits. The Forgotten Realms Wiki homepage (which sadly is not connected to Candlekeep) has a bit more on it. (I especially like the 'there are no spoilers here' warning.)

I've not seen a list of official Planescape products (i.e. the TSR stuff). If you don't have that somewhere else, then it might be nice if that could be added to the role of the wiki. There are some fairly obscure sources out there (like Gates in the World of Greyhawk, a TSR download that was put up on AOL) that could be things that some Planescape fans don't know about, yet.

Clueless wrote:
I'm definitely interested in this Greatspace idea Eye-wink Tis a good project to get started on once the site updates are solidified Smiling

This is getting a bit off-topic now. I should really take this sort of crossover-talk thing out of here and off to somewhere else. I've got to finish wikifying the Greatspace stuff, before I can even think about what can be done with this, but it is only a subsection of the SJA3 Crystal Spheres adventure, so would be a lot easier to deal with than something involving an entire campaign setting. From a planewalker's point of view, I'd say they would ignore wildspace itself and concentrate on the nine celestial bodies of Greatspace that they could visit.

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