Feedback Requested: Article Submission

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback Requested: Article Submission

I've been looking over the article submission system here and have at this point come to the conclusion that it frankly isn't working at all. This is something that we need to have worked out if this site is to stay as vital and lively as it has in the past. We need articles and new content to survive. So please, take a moment to read over this and comment - this post is about some very major changes I had in mind for the site in the near future.

While the code does function and all, it's just not being used. Which means one of two things is happening - either everyone on the site is dry-as-bone creatively speaking (I *seriously* doubt that!). Or the system as it stands just isn't convenient, useful, or obvious enough in it's use.


I would like to hear some feedback on a new approach to the idea. If you have another solution, please suggest it. But in the absence of feedback or other ideas, here's what I had in mind:

1) Closing out existing submissions
2) Moving all articles to blog ownership of their respective authors
3) Making an effort from here on out to simply promote to the front page good blog posts or forum posts
4) Eventually closing down the sub-section based menus that we have in favor of merged, tagged, and searchable content

What this means for the end user:

1) No more editorial overview of your work. So you will be required to mind your own spelling and grammar if you want the work on the front page

2) No more sub sections in the menus. Yes, this means no more 'Rrakkma', 'Kyto's Hooks', or 'Creature Codex' - though the content will still be in our system and accessible via other means. You'll be finding content via search, related tags, or other menu structures to get you to what you want

I don't think I can emphasize quite enough how very very important it is that I get feedback on this decision from you guys. I need to know what you think and how you go about using the site. So please, sound off in the comments!

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Sounds handy. Seems to me

Sounds handy. Seems to me like we don't really need individual subsections and article submissions - with good tags and searchability, everything creatively useful can go in forum and blog posts (which is what everyone is using anyway). Slightly more work for the seeker of truth, perhaps, but once we get used to how it works it should be fine.


Pants of the North!

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
I tried posting artwork in

I tried posting artwork in the art gallery section a while ago, but ultimately it became too unclear exactly what was being posted that I gave up in fear of posting the art in the wrong place :S

I don't know how similar that part is to the other upload sections, but for my part, the upload form I was faced with was way too confusing for me to use. I also don't know if your suggested changes would affect the art gallery section of the website, and I have very limited experience with the rest of the site apart from looking up deities, domains and the like in your Encyclopedia (which I love!), but it looks good to me ?


Would your proposed changes alter the Encyclopedia as well? I noticed a while ago that it has actually been acting up a bit, not searching very well, displaying funny, etc.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
2) No more sub sections in

2) No more sub sections in the menus. Yes, this means no more 'Rrakkma', 'Kyto's Hooks', or 'Creature Codex' - though the content will still be in our system and accessible via other means. You'll be finding content via search, related tags, or other menu structures to get you to what you want

I have to say I DISLIKE this idea greatly.  I use the Rrakkma section alot.  I've also, in my home game said to myself "I want an NPC of power here, let me look in 'The Golden Lords' section on planewalker."  I've revolved whole adventures around NPCs or Kytos' Hooks. 

Well, that's my 2 cents anyway.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
@Azure - would it help if

@Azure - would it help if you could still cross reference in our search engine 'githzerai' and 'npc' and still get to your rrakkma stuff, or likewise cross referencing sigil and npc and golden lord to get to the golden lords? (Right now even the current material is just the results of a taxonomy search, so our search system could definately get at the data for you.)

My idea here is that the material isn't going to vanish or even ideally be more than a click away from the top - I'm just looking at moving away from the slightly gimmicky subsections. The concept of subsites doesn't seem to really be doing us much good overall from what I'm seeing on the site statistics. Rrakkma got a grand total over all of 1681 views since January 1st this year. Keeping in mind we average around 450 unique visitors a day, that should give an idea how low the percentage of visits really is for that section.

I guess really I'm trying to narrow in on what your real needs are - I'm thinking the sub site's themselves are less the issue than the easy findability of what you're looking for? I'd like to make sure you can still get at what you need to get at in terms of menu structure. My original idea was to rely on search, related terms in our article displays, and a general article-by-type submenu, such as "NPCs | Locations | Items | Culture | Spells/Psionic Powers", with perhaps a side bar showing locations as well to allow you to get at things from that angle too. Does that make a little more sense?

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I do think a solid

I do think a solid reorganization of the whole site will be useful. Plus, I see more "creativity" style articles in then blogs these days than I do in the articles. I think there could be a mistaken impression is that an article submission is some kind of formal affair, as if you're submitting to an actual academic journal or somesuch. On the other hand, I, at least, have submitted a few articles in my time that were just written on-the-spot. But I agree with Bob that proper use of tags and search engines could really help make the site look more active again.

How will articles become "front page worthy?" Will there be a sort of voting system? Will it be by committee/by webmaster's choice? Some other method? A combination of the two?

I think the best way to revitalize this site is place more emphasis on the forums as Planewalker's community. Forums are extremely convenient, easy to have discussions on, and are usually the first place people go to look for interaction. A lot of people probably bypass the front page completely most of the time and go straight to the forums, so it's probably best to emphasize the forums more. People that come to this site are most likely coming to meet and interact with other Planescape fans, not simply read articles.

I think the blogs have good intentions but I ultimately believe they segregate Planewalker's active community. I have seen a few good blog entries that would make even better forum topics because they'd have more visibility and would then spur more discussion. As it is, though, blogs are not clearly visible or accessible, and they spread the community too thin. Some people don't use the blogs at all, others use them almost exclusively. I think if the blogs and the forums were combined, this place would suddenly look a lot more active.

Furthermore, I think if people want to ramble on about the movie they saw last week or how their date was with this new girl, there are plenty of blogging services for that. If they want to write their thoughts on something Planescape- or planar-related, then I think it's much, MUCH better off as a forum topic.  Just looking at the "New Blogs" list at the time I made this post, I have to wonder why fourof the five are only blog entries and not forum topics. Specifically, I'm looking at all of them except "He could have made her beautiful." This is an information site, but my impression is that it's also meant to be a community where Planescape fans can get together and discuss Planescape. As I said, the blogs spread that community way too thin.

If, as you suggest above, there's a way to "promote" good forum posts, then I suggest you abolish the blog system completely. Put all articles and planar-related blog entries under the domain of the forums. Someone found a link to an article that seems useful for Planescape fans? Post it in the forums. Someone has a youtube video that reminds them of Planescape? Post it in the forums. Someone wants to talk about the weather? Heartily recommend they head over to Wordpress or Blogspot or Livejournal and get a personal blog.

I also believe that the article system, while a good part of Planewalker in the older days, would also be better served if it were just part of the forums. Plus, now that many forum technologies offer the ability to tag posts, it can make the forums serve as the article repository and still keep things easily searchable.

Revamp the forums. Most of these section forums haven't been touched months. A few have been collecting dust for over a year and it looks kind of bad to see so many inactive forums. Move all of the inactive forums to an archive -- even better, does the forum software support child forums? Stuff them in a parent board so the content still exists, but you don't have five or six long-dormant forums all in a row.

Make the purpose of each board clearer. Is it possible to put a bit of text after each board to explain the board's function, ala phpBB3 and others? I know the site used to have something like this, but it seems to have disappeared. Anyway, after my years-long hiatus, I've been back for almost a year now and I'm still not certain what the difference between RPG Discussion, Planar Ventures, and Hall of Records are supposed to be, and as best I can guess, we wouldn't lose much (and we might look more active!) if we merged all three into one board.  This will be a BIG help if the site focuses more on the forums.

<a href="">The Fraternity of Shadows</a>, a popular and very active Ravenloft board that I frequent, has the following layout for forums, which seems to be a familiar structure for most gaming-related sites, both tabletop and video game.

- The Announcements Board for all important site manager announcements- The Bug Board for reporting issues (Actually at FoS, these first two are the same board but two separate boards work)- A general "On Topic" board for all discussion, articles, etc., related to the site's setting or theme (Any and all Planescape discussion, in this case)- An "on topic" "creative endeavors" board for fiction, art, etc. This board is strictly for literary, artistic, and similar pursuits. If you're posting about a site, a cutter, a faction, etc., you go to the general Planescape board. If you're writing a piece of fiction or drawing a picture, it goes in this creativity board- A "general gaming" board for all non-Planescape gaming. General 3.x/4e, Pathfinder, White Wolf, whatever other gaming topics would go here.- An "off topic" forum for discussion about almost anything. A lot of sites I've seen limit what you can actually talk about here (i.e., no politics or religion) and I think this is a good idea - especially in a place like this where we have some pretty peaceful philosophical discussions beyond the scope of our world. We don't need real-world politics here and if people want to discuss them, they can go to a political site- The requisite gaming boards for PbP gaming. As a side note, I think the Sensorium board could probably fit in the "on topic fiction" board.- Some sites (like FoS) have a forum dedicated to site projects and community projects. A site project would be the 4e Planescape Setting, while a community project would be if someone decided to create, say, Arborea: The Campaign Setting or Professor Thomas Carter's Notes on the Lower Planes or Angels, Aasimon, and Aasimar, a Book on Celestials or whatnot. I think these kinds of boards would be useful to Planewalker.

The short version is that I think the best way to make this site really go is to put the forums at the center of attention and derive the front page articles from the forums and from major site announcements and features. I think the blogs should go completely, and I think the article system, while useful in the past, is better served by being part of the forums. I think the forums should be revamped, clearly labelled and made more user-friendly, and I think this will really make a big difference in the site's apparent and real activity.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Hmmmm. Now that's a

Hmmmm. Now that's a *completely* different approach than I had considered, but not a bad suggestion at all.

I think before making a call one way or the other on moving to a forum centric approach - I'm going to sit back and listen to some opinions, arguments/counter-arguments from the others on the thread regarding that idea. But it's definitely not a bad idea for how to kick us back into high-gear.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Well, even if you don't make

Well, even if you don't make the site forum-centric, I think some forum cleanup and streamlining would still go a long way toward helping the site out Smiling

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Aik's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Seconding everything that

Seconding everything that Centre of All just said. And if there's a thread that would look good with the first post on the front page as an article, there are generally ways to do that (although I've no idea about this forum software). But yes - forum threads are much more interesting than articles or blog posts off somewhere else because they encourage discussion.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
I have been on other sites

I have been on other sites where featured articles were selections from the standard postings that the site editors liked, with occasional additions or nominations from the general readership.  That's where all or most of mine started, anyway: I posted something, it was recommended as an article, and I submitted it.

I agree that the blog sections should be merged to the forums, which would have small descriptions of the board purposes added; I'm always in favor of one less sidebar menu.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
A few

A few questions/thoughts:

1.) What do you plan to use to determine what posts and articles are "front-page-worthy?" Will it be site staff, popular vote, some combination of the two?

2.) Assuming site staff has a hand in front-page-worthiness, will there be somewhere that we can clearly see who the kingmakers are? I really don't know who besides Clueless is actually "staff" on this site anymore, and if it's just you, Clueless, delegate some of that to others Eye-wink There are plenty of planars that I'm sure would be quite willing to help out.

3.) I think a list of popular tags like what you proposed in response to Azure would be useful regardless of whether the site goes forum-centric or article-centric. Makes it easy to quickly see where the articles are and what tags you should use if you want your article seen in the search engine.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Right now the staff is me

Right now the staff is me and Loki - Loki is sweet for putting up with me as my partner in crime. Eye-wink He's focused solidly on a lot of interviewy stuff, with the occasional dip into pushing out NPCs or locations articles. I'm dev and a lot of day to day front page promotion and project management.

Ideally what I would like to see for a front page article is in one of two flavours:

1) A news scoop or blurb, announcements and the like. Short, sweet, with all the links needed. Ideally with an image or logo of the relevant party as well so folks know what it's about.

2) Longer articles, such as stories, npc or location writeups, cultural pieces, etc.

In both cases they need to be spelling and grammar checked. Ideally they'd come with an illustrative image. We're really heavy on text on the site here and I think that impacts our readability. But having something *to* read is more important.

The biggest problem I see with making something front-page based on site votes is timing. At the moment, by the time we got enough votes to know if something should go on the front, it's essentially out of date for the front page and/or all the target audience has seen and voted on it. I'm not sure if that gets us much of anywhere - at least at the size and use patterns we have right now. (A year from now when our traffic has gone through the roof... that will probably be very different. ;)   )

Though - if I've missed something of interest - I'd love to have it brought to my attention... that might be a better way to do it for now - as a straight up nomimation rather than with voting.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Hmm, I see your point re:

Hmm, I see your point re: problems with voting. Unfortunately, nothing comes to mind as an alternative other than expanding forum management staff to some people with the ability to promote posts. Obviously not every forum post can go on the front page and the ones that merit the attention should probably go up front as soon as possible after it's posted. So if there's no separate article section, I think it will have to be a manual promotion process.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
All the subcategories were

All the subcategories were always kind of hard for novices to navigate, so I wouldn't mind seeing it all replaced by tags.  And often I've been posting articles to the forums instead of bothering to make them formal articles. I've had articles languishing in my queue for years because I've never gotten around to revising them to be published (and I haven't thought of them in a long time). Perhaps a less formal system is needed.

Ddraig Maharishi's picture
Joined: 2006-10-23
Simplification is key when

Simplification is key when it comes to any sort of website. Of course, there is always the danger of oversimplifying, especially when it comes to information-loaded websites such as this.

Center of All is most certainly on to something. Keeping new content in the forums does tend to spur discussion and provides an opportunity for refinement. The design offered (along with quick little descriptions under the category links) would certainly be easier to navigate and perhaps a little less intimidating to the typical user (and even perhaps some atypical users). Promoting the best topics would also encourage more activity and perhaps provide inspiration.

An alternative, if such a thing can't be programmed into the site itself, are monthly "Admin's Choice" front-page articles with lists of links of topics that the admins found particularly interesting and/or informative, plus a brief summary of the contents of those topics. There could also be "Overlooked Topics" or "Development Encouraged" articles for the underdogs.

These could be categories on the front page instead--and the topics themselves could be the articles.

An effective way to organize all the "official" material would be to put it in a Wiki sort of design. I find that, in most cases, Wikis make it ridiculously easy to look up information--not to mention they are often quite addicting and I find myself learning more than I initially intended. However, you won't be winning any awards for uniqueness.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
The more I think about it,

The more I think about it, the more the forums seem the way to go if there is a way to tag one's posts or the forum topics are arranged in a way that was similar to the article sections.I like the blogs only in that I thought they were a good place for the random things that might be of interest to PS fans, or as inspiration. There are little things I like to post that inspire me, but would simply clutter the forums. I suppose if we had a forum specifically for inspirations that would be better.I do think if all creative content is easily searchable via tags/topics then putting it all in one place would increase visibility/comments.


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Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
I think we have some really

I think we have some really great ideas here, and would like to add a few notes drawn from my professional experience with the web.

1) I think forums need to be made more central as that is where the maority of our activity goes on. That said I do not think going over to nothing but is a good idea. There are many people who do not use forums and seem to have a block against it. I do not want to users lost because we have not met them on a common ground. This is supposed to be for all of us Planescape junkies after all.

2) Subheadings need to be cleaned up, but I think they should stay. Again this comes back to having site users with varying levels of digital ability. There are many who use those as a quick fix during games for real time info. While most of us on the forums have the ability to easily use a tag based folksonomie there are others who would feel lost and miss out on finding the Planescapey goodness they seek. While I love seeing all the younger gamers embrace my favorite setting please recall that a significant number of PS players and DMs are in their 40's like I am. Many in that age range lack skills most of you grew up with.

3) I would like to enable social platforms so that things can be easily shared on Facebook, delicious, twitter, etc. Of course that's what I do for a living so I'll be talking wth Clueless about it when we have a better idea of the shape of things to come. Anyone with input on this let me know here or hit me on twitter ( @planejammer ).

4) Search and discovery of info need to be rebooted. I spent a large chunk of time looking for nemui's 3.5 reboot of the quasi-elemental planes recently without coming up with them.

5) A static page with the download links for our "products" (PSCS, etc.) Get them out there in the most efficient way possible.

I'm in the midst of an ugly set of deadlines so I'll stop here for now. I'll be back with more grist for the fiend mill soon. In the meantime keep in mind that I may not post frequently but I am her to serve the Planewalker community. Never be afraid to reach out with any questions whatsoever. You might have a 24-48 hour response time depending on my work schedule but you will get an answer.([REDACTED] )



DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I've added a new module

I've added a new module called Flags to let us flag good content. This is more to test the system out and make sure the code is stable than switching to the promote system as described earlier in the thread. At least for now. Smiling

My intentions are to leave this thread going for another week or two to give our once in awhile users a chance to see it and reply.

At that time I'm going to weigh everything that's been said and come up with a concrete plan for where we're going to go from here. At the same time I will also be performing an update on the site to bring  us from Drupal 5 to Drupal 6 (better features, more community supported modules, etc). Might as well do it all at once, y'know

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
@Loki - shortly after you

@Loki - shortly after you mentioned the problem you were having searching, I updated the search system and re-ran the indexing for it. It's now using facets, so I'm hoping that will give you a better chance of locating the articles this time?

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"sciborg" wrote:I like the

"sciborg" wrote:
I like the blogs only in that I thought they were a good place for the random things that might be of interest to PS fans, or as inspiration. There are little things I like to post that inspire me, but would simply clutter the forums. I suppose if we had a forum specifically for inspirations that would be better.

I don't see any reason why this kind of thing can't go in a "PS General" forum. It keeps the forums active and while it may not be much, it's very relevant to the site and will probably be less of a clutter than it sounds. I think a separate board would just make more confusion on where a particular post belongs. Like I mentioned in my original post on the topic, I don't see any reason why the blog entries you had up at the time can't be in a general PS forum.

"Loki" wrote:
1) I think forums need to be made more central as that is where the maority of our activity goes on. That said I do not think going over to nothing but is a good idea. There are many people who do not use forums and seem to have a block against it. I do not want to users lost because we have not met them on a common ground. This is supposed to be for all of us Planescape junkies after all.

I'm very curious to know more about this, mainly because I've never heard of anything like this before. I can understand people being shy or reluctant to sign up and jump headfirst into the community, but I don't understand the "block" you're talking about. It seems to me that forums are the lifeblood of any active online community, especially interest-specific communities, and if someone has a "block" against using -- or even strictly searching and reading -- forums, it makes me wonder why they seek out interest communities to begin with.

I know a lot of people come solely to look up certain bits of information and have no interest in participating in the community (and I find that forum searches often prove adequate for many people in finding what they want without participating). However, I find it extremely hard to believe that we'd lose all that much traffic simply because we've become a forum-centric site. I find the converse more palpable: We'd lose more traffic because we don't have a clear and centralized community system.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
@Center of All Sory for the

@Center of All Sory for the lack of clarity, mea culpa. I did not mean block as in Spam block or other such, I meant "a mental block or bias against." I know a number of Planescape gamers that do not use forums, hell I did not use forums for much prior to my involvement as a manager here and that was mostly because I view community management as part of the gig.

If we are creating a resource we need to make it as user friendly to people at varying tech levels as possible. That was all I was attempting to get across. Think of like the legally required handicapped access that physical buildings must adhere to. In our case it is not mandated, but out of obligation to our userbase should be seriously considered.

I'm also not decrying the need for an intuitive and centralized forum system. I do think it is incorrect to believe the two to be mutually exclusive.

@Clueless will check on the faceted search when I have a moment. Up to my eyeballs just now.Any input from Marable on this, btw?

Lets keep the dialogue going, its the best way to hammer out a consensus approach.


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Marable's been ate by the

Marable's been ate by the Real Life monster for about 2 to 3 years now, so no comment from him as of yet. He's not on the site very much at all anymore.

Re: moving to forum centric - I think what we're talking about here isn't stripping out the whole page until all that's left is forums. We're talking about using the forums as the main seeding ground for new posts and articles, and restructuring the front page's menus and search to be cleaner and simpler. The front page will be where it always has been, only with articles that saw their birth on the forums instead of the harder-to-find/use story interface. Drupal sees no difference between the two on the backend, so it's relatively easy to set up. Does that help make things a little clearer and ease the worry re: users who hate going on forums to read stuff? They'll still be reading it from the front page none-the-wiser.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
*facepalm* Thats right, this

*facepalm* Thats right, this is drupal based! Issue no lnger an issue.

That reminds me, doesn't the current version of Drupal allow for a Digg style "thumbs up/ thumbs down" on articles? If so we could activate that and the front page promotion issue will mostly handle itself.

I'd love to see some other folks diving in as mods and such on the forums, we sould throw together some clear guidelines for them (I've got some for a non profit site I help run that can be rewritten/ repurposed) before we do so.

Idea: we can use the previous subheadings as tags in addition to the usual content tags making it super simple for people who have the old organization ingrained. Always up for improved ease of use.

So I guess I'll have to bootstrap myself on Drupal now.....


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Clueless wrote:Re: moving to

Clueless wrote:
Re: moving to forum centric - I think what we're talking about here isn't stripping out the whole page until all that's left is forums. We're talking about using the forums as the main seeding ground for new posts and articles, and restructuring the front page's menus and search to be cleaner and simpler. The front page will be where it always has been, only with articles that saw their birth on the forums instead of the harder-to-find/use story interface. Drupal sees no difference between the two on the backend, so it's relatively easy to set up. Does that help make things a little clearer and ease the worry re: users who hate going on forums to read stuff? They'll still be reading it from the front page none-the-wiser.

Yeah, this is what I meant wrt the forums.

@Loki: I knew what you meant with block insofar as spam block vs. voluntarily avoiding it, but you more or less explained what I was asking. I still have some doubts that the issues you raise are actually as pronounced as you suggest, but I suppose I'll leave it at that.

We mentioned something about the voting system earlier in the thread, and the biggest issue is that it might take too long for some articles to get voted up past the threshold.

Perhaps a "suggest" button that allows members to suggest to the mods that they promote a thread to the front page? I could see this getting abused easily, what with some people "suggesting" every thread posted, or every thread by a particular person, or so on. On the other hand, I think most mods will be able to filter out that kind of noise. It's pretty easy to tell who is spamming the button and also pretty easy to ignore them -- or perhaps revoke their suggestion privileges.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
@Center of All I think the

@Center of All I think the suggest button is an outstanding idea! 

As t the other it is something I run across frequently (I work online in web dev and social media) in my job. It is not a huge concern but it is a concern. Ditial literacy is on the upswing but it is still a concern.

BTW, been enjoying the comic!


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Big Mac's picture
Joined: 2007-07-23
Hi, I mostly lurk at

Hi, I mostly lurk at Planewalker, but I'm a big fan of your work and am really pleased that you got an ENNie for all the hard work you have put in over the years.

I've not written any articles for Planewalker (at least I have not written any...yet) and I think I have a very low post count on the forums, but maybe my less requent use can help me to give you a newbie point of view of how your homepage and website look to me.

When I look at your homepage I see a lot of sections that I just don't understand. I'm not saying you are any worse than any other D&D fansite, because clearly you are an award winning site. If I dig around I find great content, but I just don't "get" what all of these sections are supposed to be. I think they have a meaning for your regular users (so it would be a shame for you to dump these sections if the regular users love the names) but a bit of a restructure could help newbies. At the moment I find it a lot easier to find things with Google toolbar than your own website. That isn't going to be good news for a casual visitor.

The forum idea is a fairly good one, but the non-forum parts of Planewalker are the things that change this place from "some bloke with a Planescape forum" into "THE Planescape website". have done the forum-only thing and it really buries their netbooks. And there are so many "blokes with forums" in the world, that I'm not sure how a casual visitor to is going to realise they are any better than "a bloke with a Birthright forum" (and dig down to the great stuff they have over there). I think that blogs are probably more idea for things like campaign journals than forums, but if they can also be used to help your trusted staff to post news directly onto your homepage that is going to make it more dynamic. I don't really use blogs myself, but if some people use them for specific things like that, maybe they have a place next to the forums.

One thing that I think would be very useful (for the non-forum stuff) would be a big friendly "how to find things on" link. I would want to see that link on the homepage (and maybe a much smaller link in your footer) and would want it to take me to a page that explains the difference between "Kyto's Hooks" and "Snails Outfitters". If you put the newbie help off of the front page, you can go into a lot more detail about how to find stuff (without getting in the way of the stuff the regulars want to be reading). You could even describe how to find things by content type, so that I could look up something like "pregen characters" and then be told where I should surf off too. And please...if you have a newbie page...please don't fill it up with all that Planescape speak.  That might look good in a player handout, but it is confusing to newbies (and probably also to people that have English as a second language) and it is also a bit pointless when stuff is meant to be out of character content for a GM.

I'm not sure if you had your sights set on revamping the Planewalker Encyclopedia, but it is one of the main reasons why I visit your website. I've just checked it in Firefox and I see an uber long list of words (and the letters of the alphabet) at the top of every article (I think this may be invisible content in IE). If you could make this section work a little bit more like Forgotten Realms Wiki, The Great Library of Greyhawk or even Dragonlance Lexicon I would be happy beyond belief. Those things do the same thing as your encyclopedia, but look a lot prettier and have a lot more internal hyperlinks.

My main technical problem with the encyclopdia is that you have a weird way of doing your links. Instead of linking directly to other articles, you have this strange "freelinking" URL. Sometimes when I click on a link I get sent to a search page instead of another article (and when you have got used to the other encyclopedia's I've mentioned, as well as the Hypertext d20 SRD that sort of unexpected redirection feels a bit disjointed). You have some great artwork in Artist's Alley and I wonder if you could find some sort of way to put that art into appropriate Encyclopedia articles. Dragonlance Lexicon did this (and even ran an "art request thread" in the Dragonlance Forums) and they went from a text only encyclopedia to a beautifully illustrated one. The two wiki's I mentioned have always had the ability to have art in them. I think that if you could recycle your existing art it would really beautify a part of the website that is the newbie's encyclopedia of Planescape. And if you don't have art for specific articles, then a thread requesting artwork to order can help your amateur artists to help revamp your website.

Anyway, I've had years of interspaced pleasure from your website, so I hope you take this as constructive criticism rather than moaning. I'll carry on sneaking around the back way even if I have problems with the front page.

Good luck with your revamp and thanks to all of the people you have working to upload stuff here.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Big Mac! Great to see you on

Big Mac! Great to see you on our forums, brother! Hope England is treating you well. Great input as always!

@Clueless Bg Mac is one of our best and most prolific Spelljammer developers over the Official SJ Site, always worth listening when he chimes in.

I'll be back in the coversation after today is over, its the 4th Anniversary of the day HUrricane Katrina pounded my city so Im taking the day of before my funk becomes communicable.


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
"Clueless" wrote:We need

"Clueless" wrote:
We need articles and new content to survive

I hesitated for a while before making this post, but I guess I'll be the one to make the tactless reply.

When I visit, I just want the site features to work correctly.



BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Sword of Spirit's picture
Joined: 2007-06-04
I'm an infrequent, casual

I'm an infrequent, casual visitor to the site, so I can offer a different perspective.

Whatever you do, don't abolish the submenus.  Clean them up, make their content more obvious, but do not relegate them to a search engine.  Search engines presuppose that people know what is on the site and what terms are likely to turn it up.  Without good menu headings, how would a Planescape newbie, or a D&D fan who just randomly hit the site even know what's here?

Casual visitors like myself are probably more likely to browse than to target.  And search engines are most definitely not browsing friendly.  I don't know how many times I've found myself frustrated trying to find information I'm looking for on one site or another, because the only way to find it is to guess the right terms to plug into a search engine.

Just remember that all of those who visit the site--especially those you want to get interested in Planescape--don't know what to expect here and what terms to search for already.  Make menus with a logical format that is self-explanatory, and that draws the attention towards the sections that help newbies figure out what's going on and find the meatiest portions (such as the 3E Planescape conversion--a wonderful product by the way, and the main reason I've visited the site).

As far as the other issues, I can't comment much, but I'd assume that a forum would be more central and accessible than numerous blogs and scattered submissions.  The most "official," established, or reference-oriented material ought to be clearly accessible through front page menus, however, rather than through forums.

Big Mac's picture
Joined: 2007-07-23
Loki De Carabas wrote: Big

Loki De Carabas wrote:

Big Mac! Great to see you on our forums, brother! Hope England is treating you well. Great input as always!

@Clueless Bg Mac is one of our best and most prolific Spelljammer developers over the Official SJ Site, always worth listening when he chimes in.

Thanks for the welcome, but just to correct your statement to Clueless, I've not got a massive amount of content on BtM. I've got one article actually up and a few things tied up in the stalled SJ netmag (Into the Void). I have more content, but it is all partially developed stuff that has not been put online yet.

My relevance (from a Planewalker point of view) is probably down to two facts: I'm the founder of the Spellljammer Wiki (which is hoping to eventally do for Spelljammer, what Planewalker's Encyclopedia is doing for Planescape) and I'm one of the three moderators on the Spelljammer forum at The Piazza (which is the world's most active Spelljammer forum). I'm also part of the effort (also via The Piazza) to restart the 3e SJCS project and try to catch up a bit with what faster people have done over here.

From a Planewalker point of view the SJCS is the Material Plane, and any good fanon that gets developed by the SJ community is somthing that you could have a "how to use X in Planescape" article about over here. People like Loki (who have a foot in both camps) would be good for writing this sort of thing (if you can't get the original author to revisit their work from a PS point of view). The SJ Wiki is primarily going to be aimed at authors of SJ fanon, as it is a canon encyclopedia (this is why I'm trying to get accurate citations into every article - and why I would also find citations useful over here). But when it gets going the SJ Wiki might also be useful to Planescape authors working on crossover fanon (or even Planescape GMs who want to raid SJ for ideas).

I'm also hoping to see the Planejammer concept (which I believe that Loki might have started) moved forward and would be keen to see a joint BtM/Planewalker netbook that follows on the heels of the PW's PSCS and BtM's SJCS and creates a Planejammer Campaign Sourcebook (or dare I say it - a full blown Planejammer Campaign Setting) that shows GMs how to get D&D's two transitive settings to work in tandem. If I can do anything that is of any significant use to Planescape GMs - I would guess that work on Planejammer would be my niche.

I'm not sure where this sort of stuff could go onto the Planewalker website (as I said there are not any newbie friendly instructions...yet) but as a crossover fan, I would also enjoy seeing other material on Planewalker for connecting Planewalker to every published D&D campaing setting. I think that isn't going to be what most Planescape fans are into, so wouldn't suggest sticking this sort of thing on the front page, but there are a few "official" sites out there and it would be cool beyond belief if they could work together to support these sorts of concepts. Many of these settings are long out of print and it is only us fans that keep their vision alive. I would like to see all of the major fansites (not just Planewalker) refer visitors to each other. Other websites have pages that exchange links. That is OK, but I'd rather see something that exchanges more than just a link. It would be nice if at some point in the future there could be a page that describes setting X, how it can be made to work with Planescape, a bibliography of official products (or a link to a page elsewhere that already does this), a link to a netbook (or if that doesn't exist a link to a page that has a bunch of links to relievant articles). And with things like RSS feeds out there, I would like to see these sort of pages be dynamic pages that allow a PS fan to see if the other fansites have any articles of interest up. (For example, I could browse over to a Dragonlance page that explains how Planewalkers might visit Adlatum and has a link to download the Adlatum Campaign Setting from Dragonlance Nexus.)

I realise that sort of thing (especially the community/community support side) is going to take time to put into place, but someone has got to start the ball rolling and if you are doing a revamp anyway, it could be you. You say that one of your aims is to have more Planscape content, but I think that a bit of cross community work could enable you to "convert" every bit of top quality content that is on another leading D&D website. That might send a few random visitors over to another D&D website, but I think it could also potentially expand a PS GMs options by a tenfold. I'm sure there are already PS GMs doing this, but I wouldn't know where to look to see their notes or ask their advice.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
@zimrazim Could you throw us

@zimrazim Could you throw us some specifics? No offense taken, but this is exactly the type of input we need to build the best site possible.

@SwordOfSpirit That is exactly why I brought up retaining them earlier in the thread. Clueless is the web dabus so its much more in her court than my own, but I agree with your comments pretty much across the board. 

@BigMac Yeah, Planejmmer was the term coined in our campaign back in  the early '9os and I don't know of anyone using the term prior to that.Sorry to have misrepresented you there, I thought we had more of your stuff up on Beyond the Moons, something we will have to recitfy

As you know I've always thought that more collaboration between Planewalker and BTM would be great for all concerned, after al the Spejammer cosmology is presented as the Planescape view of the Prime. Anyway I'll do what I can to get the cross campaign setting stuff up a online if the consensus ends up beig to do it, I've wanted to see that happen for awhile ut havent had the time to spearhead due to real life issues.

@Clueless Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the above input.

Everyone else: please keep leaving input, especially if you are a  new visitor or lurker. We can't fix problems and streamline tings properly if we don't know where the snags are. You help is hugely apprecited by both of us and by the Planescape community.  



DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

waermodi's picture
Joined: 2009-05-17
Here is a snippit of

Here is a snippit of something I sent to the web dabus, but perhaps here is the better place, add to the discussion and all that. This is from the perspective of a fledgling DM, who wanted to take his players back, most of which are ten years younger than me, to my setting, the setting I started out in as a player;  Sigil.  Been a player for a while, but seeking a 3.5 adaptation of Planescape is what brought me here, and I'll admit, I barely managed, at first.  Its not the most flattering thing, but its honest.  I may be quiet, and keep to myself, mostly, but I love what you all have here, and I want to see it continue to thrive.

Navigation is painful.  But I'm not actually sure if its the navigation thats painful, or just the fact that I'm not sure what to be looking for.  I still have very little idea what most of the sections on the site mean.  Beyond that, the site itself is functional, if not somewhat slow to respond. * 3.x official ...   * Sourcebooks   * Modules   * Monster Addendum   * Spells

Same structure for 4x, when that day comes.

 To my mind, its vitally important that Planescape Setting "core" remain intact, and easy to access. Which, somewhat exists now.  But you have to actually be here for a while to understand that.  I know when I first arrived, I didn't quite know the difference between the PSCS and PS3E sections, and still have no idea what Planar Portals really is. Smiling If Planewalker ends up going pure content submission/drupal type, I'd be worried that the official material would be lost -- and both are needed.  Searchable content is amazing.  I just.. have problems with the engine.  I'm not exactly sure why, I haven't looked at it too closely, I'll admit -- but the results I get, are never the results I expect.  It sounds like I'm not alone in that sentiment. I don't know if anyone familar with the d20srd site, but if so, take a look.. the entire system reference document, laid out in html and easily searchable. A DMs best friend, if I ever saw one.  Applying the same concept to Planewalker would make it infinitely more usable as a source.  Perhaps not practical, and surely not really an option for most of the player-generated content, but for the "core"...? More than anything, a guide for new players, or new DMs, explaining how to use the resources that exist, is needed.  A clueless without a guide, stays that way.At first glance, I thought that the site was abandoned, when the New Articles section shows precious little activity, and an article going back 4+ years.  Thought it was Mimir all over again.  Glad to see that wasn't the case Smiling


Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Loki De Carabas

Loki De Carabas wrote:
@zimrazim Could you throw us some specifics? No offense taken, but this is exactly the type of input we need to build the best site possible.

OK.  At the moment I'm using a non-state of the art browser version.  Right now, the text box I'm typing into doesn't display correctly.  I'm not getting the B I U stuff or the options for producing text in particular colors.  (I don't have rich-text disabled) Over on the sidebar to the right, under "New Articles," it displays articles that are a couple of weeks old (which is ok), and an article that's several years old.  (If it's that old, it shouldn't be presented as "new.")

If PW wants to put up something like "you should use this browser/version," it can do that, though I think a number of sites make an effort to make sure that their core content/functionality works OK even in older browsers/versions.

There have been lots of little bugs/issues like this.  Dice breaking for a while was frustrating.  I think the website search function wasn't working at some point.  I also seem to recall a time when I wanted to submit an article, but all my line breaks got screwed up, and I would have had to manually reinsert/fix all the line breaks in the article.  (I wasn't using MS Word at the time, and the submission UI had worked OK before).

I remember that there was a test server before the change over to the new code base.  Now, I'm going from memory here and might be wrong (someone please let me know if I am), but I'm not sure if there was a very big database attached to that test server.  It's harder to detect bugs involving multi-page threads if you don't have multi-page threads available to test.

There are some things that I had regarded as "features" that disappeared and haven't come back.  I liked them but not every user might think they're important.  For example, you used to have the ability to see which users are online if you're in the middle of a 50+ page thread, rather than just from the main forum page.  If you're in a pbp game and about to make a new post, it's just nice to be able to see if your DM or another player in the game is on without having to flip back and forth to the main forum page.  It can also help a little to prevent simultaneous posts.

On the main page, when it linked to updates in the forums, it used to mention the name of the author of the most recent post, and link you directly to the last post in the thread.  If I'm looking for BoGr updates I don't want to know that Azure wrote the first post in the thread, I want to know that Burning Spear or Bladedancer or whoever made a new post.  (I think this one is being worked on.)

The BBCode has also been wacky at times.  I want that to work consistently.

I'm not completely averse to change, but a lot of features have stopped working the way I like and the UI hasn't always been working consistently.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
@zim What browser and

@zim What browser and browser version are you on? What OS are you on? A number of the things you're looking at are issues that can be fixed / will be fixed during the upgrade to Drupal 6, but I need to know what to test them against.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
IE 6 right now (I did say

IE 6 right now (I did say the browser isn't state of the art...), Windows XP.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Awesome - I've got a copy of

Awesome - I've got a copy of that still floating about on my system, so I'll be able to test on it once the upgrade goes in. A number of the features you've listed are actually things that become much easier to monitor and/or fix with the upgrade to 6, so if you can bear with me while we gather a little more info on site navigation - I've printed out your list of things to check when the upgrade hits.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Keep 'em coming folks! This

Keep 'em coming folks! This is the kind of thing that really helps us out a lot, detailed input. Anything else? Anoyone? Bueller?


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
A couple of

A couple of suggestions/ideas:

I would like for the Rrakkma subsections and other subsections to remain easily accessible.  If some of them are obscurely named (and maybe confusing to new site visitors), you could name them something like (Fancy Name) -- NPCs or (Fancy Name) -- Locations.  Basically, you could have the "fancy theme name" and the "easy to understand name" side by side.

I would be happy to offer my services checking article submissions for proper spelling and grammar, at least for now.

If I write something in the Rrakkma forum, some readers may think it should be promoted, but I might only think it's half done.  I might have it up there hoping that others will suggest how I can revise it, or they might add more content relating to that topic.  Basically I wouldn't want it to be promoted to article status until I think it's done.  (Yes, I know I need to turn more of the Rrakkma content into articles.  If the UI is working well for me that day, I could work on that some more...)

I'm hoping that we get another active DM or two.



BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
What if Rrakkma had its own

What if Rrakkma had its own special board on the forums like it does now instead of being a site category? It's my opinion that active sections should be allowed to remain active, while the others should be culled and archived.

If it is a board with select articles promoted to front page status, then it gives easier access to ALL Rrakkma-related material instead of just what's been "published" to the section. I think this is important -- just because something's not front page doesn't mean it's not worth reading or won't be useful to someone. A visitor that wants to read the featured articles can still do that, but there's also the option to rummage through everything people are saying about Rrakkma.

Personally, (and somewhat in keeping with Loki's themes of accessibility) I believe the categories immediately visible on the front page should stay much more general than Rrakkma. Flavored names are fine, but I think we should stick with broader topics like (but not limited to) NPCs, monsters, adventure hooks, locations, and fiction rather than more specific topics like Rrakkma. Rrakkma will still be around, but as Clueless said, that section receives only a tiny portion of Planewalker's traffic. I think it's safe to say that the majority of people that come to Planewalker specifically to look at Rrakkma content already know it's there and already use it frequently. To me, that does not merit a front page section listing, but since it's still quite active, I think it deserves its own board. Of course, that is not my decision to make Eye-wink

Clueless did mention that forums and articles are virtually the same thing in Drupal's back-end (that sounds really dirty all of a sudden) so the matter may be academic.

Regarding the promoting of "unfinished" topics to the front page, I have a couple of ideas for that:

1.) Allow a poster to disable voting 

2.) Encourage the use of a [DRAFT] tag to let people know this isn't something that should be promoted.

3.) Incorporate the above DRAFT tag into the tag code to prevent all posts with DRAFT from ever making it to the front page.

4.) Just put the onus on the poster to produce the best product he or she can when posting.

I think asking for absolute perfection is a bit much. We're all volunteers and a majority of us are amateurs, so I think we should cut each other (and ourselves) a lot of slack on how much editing has to go into a front page article. My perspective is if a post is readable and mostly error-free, it passes the first test for front-page featurehood. Once it passes that test, it should get voted on based on its content.

For example, I'm too lazy to edit myself most of the time. As a result, I have posted (and had published) a few of articles that have never been edited. You can probably tell which of my articles have been really thought out and which ones were just kinda thrown together on a whim. I don't have many articles, but every one of them I've written has gone up front at some point.

So I think we should be content to settle for "good enough" as a site standard. If the writer demonstrates at least a passable understanding of English grammar and spelling, then I think we should look past all but the most glaring technical concerns and stick to rating the content.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
From a technical point of

From a technical point of view encouraging a site wide use of the [DRAFT] tag in the forum topic until it's ready to go is actually the easiest way to do it. I'm not sure at the moment if I can make one flag dependant on another to disable the possiblity of something being recommended for the front page (I will find out if it's feasible though). [DRAFT] if everyone agrees on it - is guranteed to work.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Well, as I've stated before,

Well, as I've stated before, I'd be very sorry to see the sections go.   I sympathize, and empatize, with those who find the sections confusing.  I didn't know what the heck Kyto's Hooks were when I first discovered Planewalker, and it took me awhile to get the reference.  Still, I found the exploration of the sections a lot of fun, especially on the older version of the site, which seemed to have more artwork.

Anyway, my real problem with bannishing the sections is that certain content will disappear like a candle in Limbo if it goes to seach terms only.  Things like the Lady's Sharper Eye and the SIGIS archives, which I still use as hooks for my players.  Who would know enough to do a search for "Planar Newspapers"?  Nobody, that's who.  (self-humor here.  I love refering to 'nobody' like that's a real person)  Anyway, that comment is somewhat biased by the fact that I've been working on the last couple of LSE issues (new one coming out around halloween, hopefully) and want to see it a prominant feature on the site.  Yea, I'm a bit narccisistic, but at least I'm willing to admit it. Wink

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
I must throw my support to

I must throw my support to the idea of keeping and refining the sections. 

I also agree with the need to rename them to something that is easier for new people, probably with the original header names as a subtitle to preserve continuity.

I also intend to start working on a "First Time Visitor: Read Me" page, other than a  breakdown of what is where on the site I'd love input on text you;d like to see there.

I think that site managers should be the ones to make the final choice once something is voted up. Not because I am a manager, but because I think that human eyes aimed at the last hurdle with sort out any drafts comig through or other "not yet ready for prime time" content. Of course I also hope to see the Mgmnt team expand again down the line.

Offers of assistance with editing for grammar and puctuation are appreciated. We may well take you up on it once we have the gameplan finished and implemented.

As to Rrakkma and other sections. I think the section issue is best served by the following approach:

The forum for each section should remain live if it is still garnering traffic. The section should be composed of the "ready to play" stuf that has been finished and deemed of suitable quality. Anything that has been used in the PSCS (3.5 and future editions) should be flagged with a small logo to denote it. That way we have not hindered the creativity of the contributors but we have improved accessibility for novice internet users (more of them every day) and for new vistors. 

I also think that an RPG news section for interviews, etc might be worthwhile. I'm hoping to have some more interviews with old guard PS writers soon. Of course if there is not enought density of material for this then it should not be a section after all. I bow to Clueless on this as she has a better idea of hits garnered on any given article.

@Clueless BTW, hit a bug when trying to update my long out of date sig. Help?

Thanks again for helping us out, it cannot be a community site without community input.


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
I must throw my support to

I must throw my support to the idea of keeping and refining the sections. 

I also agree with the need to rename them to something that is easier for new people, probably with the original header names as a subtitle to preserve continuity.

I also intend to start working on a "First Time Visitor: Read Me" page, other than a  breakdown of what is where on the site I'd love input on text you;d like to see there.

I think that site managers should be the ones to make the final choice once something is voted up. Not because I am a manager, but because I think that human eyes aimed at the last hurdle with sort out any drafts comig through or other "not yet ready for prime time" content. Of course I also hope to see the Mgmnt team expand again down the line.

Offers of assistance with editing for grammar and puctuation are appreciated. We may well take you up on it once we have the gameplan finished and implemented.

As to Rrakkma and other sections. I think the section issue is best served by the following approach:

The forum for each section should remain live if it is still garnering traffic. The section should be composed of the "ready to play" stuf that has been finished and deemed of suitable quality. Anything that has been used in the PSCS (3.5 and future editions) should be flagged with a small logo to denote it. That way we have not hindered the creativity of the contributors but we have improved accessibility for novice internet users (more of them every day) and for new vistors. 

I also think that an RPG news section for interviews, etc might be worthwhile. I'm hoping to have some more interviews with old guard PS writers soon. Of course if there is not enought density of material for this then it should not be a section after all. I bow to Clueless on this as she has a better idea of hits garnered on any given article.

@Clueless BTW, hit a bug when trying to update my long out of date sig. Help?

Thanks again for helping us out, it cannot be a community site without community input.


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Loki De Carabas wrote:I

Loki De Carabas wrote:
I think that site managers should be the ones to make the final choice once something is voted up. Not because I am a manager, but because I think that human eyes aimed at the last hurdle with sort out any drafts comig through or other "not yet ready for prime time" content. Of course I also hope to see the Mgmnt team expand again down the line.

I'd like to see the management team expand, too. I expect that if the interactive part of the site community gets streamlined, the forums will see more activity and may require more moderation and management. Furthermore, a larger pool of promoters would see a larger variety of articles that get onto the front page. I'm not trying to say you two current leaders are doing a bad job by any means, but different people have different tastes and different interests. I think it would make our front page more eclectic. 

As to Rrakkma and other sections. I think the section issue is best served by the following approach:

The forum for each section should remain live if it is still garnering traffic. The section should be composed of the "ready to play" stuf that has been finished and deemed of suitable quality. Anything that has been used in the PSCS (3.5 and future editions) should be flagged with a small logo to denote it. That way we have not hindered the creativity of the contributors but we have improved accessibility for novice internet users (more of them every day) and for new vistors.

This is similar to what I suggest, though I really think if Rrakkma, etc., have special front page sections, there should be an explanation. While many old Planewalkers will know generally what a Rrakkma is, and that the section will probably have to do with gith, the term has fallen into disuse in D&D at large.

I also think that an RPG news section for interviews, etc might be worthwhile. I'm hoping to have some more interviews with old guard PS writers soon. Of course if there is not enought density of material for this then it should not be a section after all. I bow to Clueless on this as she has a better idea of hits garnered on any given article.

I think major interviews and the like with PS celebrities, as it were, don't really need to go through the forums and can just go straight to the front page.

Ultimately, though, I am a big proponent of moving away from "sections" as we have them now and going to a tag system. Tags are more flexible, more all-encompassing, and allow for a much broader search range. Have a "Rrakkma" tag, but don't limit Rrakkma-related content to a Rrakkma section. This way it gets more exposure if someone just searches for "gith" or "npcs" or so on. And really, if someone just wants Rrakkma content, how hard is it to search for "rrakkma?"

As has been mentioned, though, Rrakkma gets a comparatively tiny amount of site traffic, most of which is probably used strictly by regulars and people that know what's there. Its forums are active and I certainly think that should be kept, but I don't think it should get extra special attention.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

BlackDaggr's picture
Joined: 2007-11-15
Here's my 2cp. I would like

Here's my 2cp.

I would like the articles to stay, but be better organized. Furthermore, I think the site should have some guidelines for what constitutes an article vs. a forum post. For instance, something describing a new planar location in great detail should be an article, while something discussing ideas for planar locations should be a forum topic.

Having some form of organized archive of user-created content is particularly useful. Forums are wonderful, but they aren't particularly organized. If I want to browse for new planar critters, I want to go to the Creature Codex.

I'd organize the articles by (A) Plane, (B) type of article, (C) Special Tag. Plane is self-explanatory. NPCs, Creatures, Spells, Equipment, Magic all would be different Types. Special tags might include Rrakma - something I may not be interested in, but others might. Consider the Special tag to be a "Theme".

Another thing I think should be fixed is the submission form itself. It is buggy, and sometimes difficult to use. Right now, the different organizational categories are all lumped together (sort of). If the submission process were easier, more writers might create articles.

Another thing we might consider is some sort of promotion of a particular forum post to Article status (or draft Article status).

I also feel that the blogs seem to be useless and counter-productive. I've never seen the benefit of a blog on a site like PW - they're more appropriate for personal sites where someone wants to soapbox about something.


BlackDaggr's picture
Joined: 2007-11-15
Here's another (possibly

Here's another (possibly related) question: How does one go about starting up a Project? That might be another thing we want to make easier. A Project could be defined as something containing a related group of articles. It would also get its own Forum category.


Just another 2cp into the fountain...

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
BlackDaggr wrote: Here's

BlackDaggr wrote:

Here's another (possibly related) question: How does one go about starting up a Project? That might be another thing we want to make easier. A Project could be defined as something containing a related group of articles. It would also get its own Forum category.


Just another 2cp into the fountain...

My personal thought on this (and take it with a grain of salt because I'm not on staff, so this is just my opinion) is that if you want a project you just make it.

I don't think each project should get its own forum category. At least 90% of all projects never get finished and barely get much past the starting stage. If every project that springs up gets a forum, we'll have a whole bunch of forums that start active and then go quiet.

My suggestion is we have one forum for discussion of projects and each project get a thread or three. Projects that are consistently popular and active (like Rrakkma) should get their own forums, but I think that's something that should be reserved only for projects that withstand the test of time.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
I believe that things with

I believe that things with polished content and lots of activty basically get ther own forums. That's Clueless so she may drop in and say "nope," but that is the way I think its handled. I remember watching Rrakkma expand and get plit off on its own in the Gith crazy days after Incursion came out.

Got a project make a post and announce it. Email Clueless or I if you want us to keep an eye out on it. I often am absent from the forums for periods of up to a week so a private message or an email to cutters at planewalker dot com will get my attention n those cases.


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
re: projects - I generally

re: projects - I generally just keep an ear open when someone says they want to do something - and if they have enough interest and momentum it will eventually get it's own forum. So very much what you guys have already been saying. It's just been that long since we had an active project.----- Ok folks,It's been about two weeks since I set this thread up and we're coming up on a long holiday (perfect time to upgrade, I've lots of spare time to fix something if it breaks). Bear with me - this is a long post, but it outlines my work for the next few days here.So here's what the plan looks like - with the upgrade to Drupal 6:a) The main page is going to stay the main page. We are NOT moving to a just-forums site. (That was never on the table actually, but I wanted to make it clear as there was some confusion about that earlier.)b) New sub menu system. No articles are going to be deleted. All of this is just a reorganization into how we are getting at our articles to make it more logical for new readers. Not all sections will be renamed, and all existing subsections will continue to exist in a tagging format so you Can get to what was there befor by subject matter. If you're still a little lost - I know the explination here is pretty technical - What it boils down to is: I've paid attention to the concerns on not finding the stuff you're looking for and will be trying to preserve existing relationships between articles so you Can get to them in some way shape or form. But we really *need* cleaner navigation for new readers - cause we really *need* new readers. Some features - specifical collections of informaiton - will remain named submenues (@ Azure - This includes the LSE, and other IC papers Eye-wink ) some features will be boiled down further. This will be a somewhat fluid/responsive reconfiguration of the site, so I will be asking for feedback again on it after a week has passed. I want a week so that my Google statistics can tell me if we've changed the traffic patterns any.c) Blogs will be discontinued. Sorry guys, consensus seems to be that they just dilute our attention way too much. Existing blog entries will continue to exist in the system.d) Article submission will change slightly, to more readily and easily accept articles from the forums as our primary input system.  This will include a button to allow other users to flag content as front-page worthy. On the manager end (for Loki's clarification) there will probably be an additional button for us to set somethign as a formal article and allow it to appear promoted on the front page, and in the views for article promotion and categories etc. Future updates may evolve into a self-regulating voting system, but we need more traffic to make that worthwhile. Secondary input from articles will still be possible but the workflow for that is still a little up in the air.e) Forums may recieve a minor reshuffle to make navigation easier.f) New theme with new location of menus - will look mostly like the existing ones though.g) Complete revision of the encyclopedia. We will be ditching the book module driving it - converting existing entries to a new article type, and cleaning up the navigation. Expect further changes and community driven efforts to improve it once the conversion has settled in.h) For the moment we will be rolling back on using WYSIWYG input features, and reverting to plain text with BBCode. This. Is. Temporary. I need to clean up some of our existing input issues before working on a WYSIWYG interface - and BBCode is reliable as heck.i) Blocks and menus visible on the main page will be visible on the forums page as well, for seamless presentation of information.Stuff I will need from others once this is up:a) Help pages, Loki is working on an introduction to the site already - if you see a need for other pages, please mention it on the thread or work with Loki on it so once we're up I can integrate it into the page.b) Promotion on our new system - the only way to test if we have successfully made ourselves more newbie friendly is... with... newbies. Eye-wink Get my drift?c) We will be moving to execute some community driven activites shortly after setting up - this includes things like adding art to the encyclopedia, or restructing projects, etc. So keep an ear open for that.The technical plan:Tonight: I will upgrade all of our Drupal 5 modules and deactivate a number of existing feature sets that are going to go away. (Blogs etc). I will also take a snapshot of our database to test an upgrade with.Saturday morning: I will do a dry run of that upgrade to make sure I have everything in order.Late Saturday / Sunday morning: Planewalker will go down. We will have a deactivation of the existing site so I don't lose data on the migration. I will execute the upgrade, test, and do all initial configurations under Drupal 6 to get us in shape. IF THIS FAILS: There will be a copy of the site under Drupal 5 kept around for us to fall back to. My plan is to have the site back up by Sunday at noon - either on the new system, or reverted to the old one.Monday - I will go through the new install for additional configurations, CSS modifications, or other needed feature sets.My contact: scream ASAP if you see something major I've left off.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
@Clueless Let me know if I

@Clueless Let me know if I can be of assistance at any point. I'll be checking email on my iphone just in case until we are back up.

If anybody requires my assistance please contact me at cutters at planewalker dot com



DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Feedback Requested: Article Submission

Ok - we're back up.

The majority of what needed done got done - but there are some major elements still in need of being worked on. These mostly include a revision of input formats, freelinks and the wiki as a whole.

New theme has been tested under Firefox 3.5, IE6, IE7, IE8. All but IE6 are spiffy cool - I apologize to IE6 users,but I had to make some CSS modifications to get the navbar to work, and it's not as awesome looking as I'd prefer.

For this week we are in bug hunt mode.

Please remember when you tell me about a bug to include your browser, your version of the browser, and your OS. Also - what you did to make it go all wierd on you.

Known Issues:

Dice Roller is inactive at the moment. I need to fix some database tables to get her back up.

Wiki links are broke. (Have been broke truth be told) Need to execute some very risky database scrubbing to attempt to reconnect those.

Wiki input as a whole isn't right. Need to update the filter once we get the articles somewhat reasonably connected.

Main forum input also isn't right. It probably needs to move more towards BBCode and drop the WYSIWYG format input - but I will gladly accept input from you guys on that subject. How do you want the formatting to work?

Search - the entire site is being re-indexed. You won't be able to do searching by anything but tags and keywords for the moment. Sorry but there were almost a gig worth of search entries *alone*. It had to get blasted away in the course of the upgrade or we wouldn't have been able to upgrade at all. We're now indexing with the PorterStemmer algorithm, which hopefully will make searches more effective once the site is re-indexed.

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