Feedback: Desire and the Dead

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

Any and all feedback on our newest module is welcome. We reserve the right to direct all flames to Asmodeus.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

Just a question, but one that is relevant to me at the moment: I can't find anything about the blighthouse in the PDFs, like maps or descrpitions of the rooms. Were they removed?

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

All I can say is WOW! It looks looks beautiful and profesional.
I am proud that I have contributed to this product.
I am bit sad though, becaouse I have fealling I did not help enough.

Anyways, five thumbs (and two tentacles) up for Armoury 99 and his project.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

Hmm. Read it through now. There are a lot of changes to the version I used. I like them all. However, I'm sure now: there is no description of the Blighthouse or any of the random encounters in the Pyres. Why? I liked them so much! Especially Lord Winsome, he's a major NPC in my campaign now. The Quasit Swashbuckler. The Guy who knows everything about everyone.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Feedback: Desire and the Dead


Hey, you're right!

Not sure how that disapeared... and whether it was actually at my end (if so double embarasso emoticons to me), but you're right! Blighthouse and Gnarlybone's Lair go in Appendix I, right after the current section. There's also a random encounters table (where the delightful Quasit and friends are located), so you're spot on.

God bless you sir, for pointing that out.

Edit: The appropriate section is winging its way to the editors right now!

'Squaff' wrote:
I am bit sad though, becaouse I have fealling I did not help enough.

Actually everyone on the development thread was absolutely brilliant. having intelligent people to bounce ideas off is worth its weight in gold... and hats off to your hordlings again, by the way - love those guys!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

Got it - as soon as I get home I'll clean up the new additions and get everything re-added and recreated. Then I suppose we'll get the announcement out to the rest of the world. Eye-wink

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

'Armoury99' wrote:
God bless you sir, for pointing that out.

Sniff... what a moment... I've never been called "Sir" before.

Tiefling's picture
Joined: 2007-02-01
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

Wonderful, wonderful stuff Laughing out loud LOVED the Fiendish Females book!

'Squaff' wrote:
I am proud that I have contributed to this product. I am bit sad though, becaouse I have fealling I did not help enough.
I feel like this too, wish I had the time to do some more for this.

Well done Armoury99!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

Ok - new version is uploaded! Have at - now complete with Blighthouse!

Rofflestopheles's picture
Joined: 2008-04-25
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

Wow, this is awesome. I'm a new DM and was planning on starting a campaign with players mostly new to D&D in a few weeks after finals are over. (One has some experience). I've been a long time reader and lurker, but have only recently started actually playing the game. My experience with D&D is probably pretty different from most in that I got interested in D&D after playing torment and finding planewalker. Right now I've been playing in one campaign for a for 6 months or so and I dm'd two sessions.

I'm halfway through reading the adventure now and it looks great.
The only suggestion I have is that it would be nice if you included the class and level of the NPCs so that I could scale them down easier. (We'll be starting at first level)

Another option I was thinking about is to try going through a small adventure on a prime world to give them (and me) some experience and level up. I think that having at lease a couple simple encounters, (tutorials if you will) might be good, or I could just start with some of the simpler random encounters to get us started. I also think it would be interesting to introduce new players directly to planescape rather than a prime. Perhaps rather than a prime world we could start in a planar setting outside of Sigil with the planar form of clueless?
Any thoughts on this?

We won't be starting for a little while but I'll tell you how it goes.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

'Rofflestopheles' wrote:
My experience with D&D is probably pretty different from most in that I got interested in D&D after playing torment and finding planewalker.

Actually I hear that from a surprisingly large number of people - which speaks for itself about the quality of Torment - so you're not alone and its always good that there are new Planescape fans regularly coming to us and proving that Planescape isn't all about nostalgic 2e players (espeically since WotC are now tantalising us with hints of a 4th ed planescape release...)

Onto your points however:

Most of the characters have their level included, but most is of course not all (my bad). In general, you can use the HD (hit dice) score as a guide, especially if I've described their class in the text. This certainly doesn't help in all cases however, and I'll bear this in mind for an inevitable... possiible...potential relook at the adventure in a while.

In the meantime, delving into the statistic blocs might help you spot a clue (Ambergris has a caster level of nine, so he's probaly a ninth level cleric), and you can also work backwards from their abilities, e.g. she's got X number of feats so she's probably about Y level. Not a great system though, especially if you're relatively new to the game.

Refering to the Monstrous Manual might also be handy. Some of the characters have full stat blocks because I've messed with their feats, statistics, or equipment but are otherwise straight from the book (Fingers the ghast and Eyes' asimaar bodyguards are good examples). Checking their Challenge Rating can also help, but its not true every time. The Festhall guards for example, are 6th level warriors rather than fighters.

Regarding running it with 1st level groups:

Hopefully the notes on running with lower level parties will be useful to you(please let me know either way!) but don't be afraid to cut up encounters into more manageable chunks (like facing off against just one or two Joculators), or just sit down to redesign it from scratch: Its great practise for your DMing skills, and I deliberately kept just about everything Core Only so you can add to it with whatever suppliments you like (or just make something up). I don't know where you live and won't crash through the window with a SWAT team from the Gaming Police if you decide to make Eyes into a cackling eight-armed avatar of Lolth or give everyone ten bonus levels of monk and turn it into a kung-fu movie.

Doing a 'prime' adventure first:

One of the classic ways to enter Planescape is by accident - i.e. the player characters acidentally trigger a portal and end up in (for example) Sigil with no idea how they got here or how to get back. This essentially means that you can run any adventure you want, but interrupt it with a sudden flash of golden light that dumps the PCs wherever - possibly with enemies in tow.

Alternatively... maybe they Just sat on the wrong rollercoster?

Hope this waffle in some way helps.

WilliamDarkgates's picture
Joined: 2008-05-14
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

I am reading the module and really more than I can say it is a work of art

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

You have no idea how wonderful it is to hear that. Smiling

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Feedback: Desire and the Dead


I think that sums up my feelings neatly

WilliamDarkgates's picture
Joined: 2008-05-14
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

'Clueless' wrote:
You have no idea how wonderful it is to hear that. Smiling

Thank you for the Greetings, I've been revising its website and this time I'm actually much more interested in Planescape than before. Moreover unaware that the words had so much weight.

as curious information that comes not know if in my profile, I am a native of Venezuela, so that a greeting here from the south

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

Welcome! I hope you will stay around Smiling

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

Ooh. Lot's of nice new stuff.

Overall, I think it looks great. Much easier to browse through than the version I playtested with.

WilliamDarkgates's picture
Joined: 2008-05-14
Feedback: Desire and the Dead

I'm done the desire and death, and actually I think a job done with affection, I was like everything fits perfectly, the only thing that I liked a lot was at the end, but also makes sense because it is a result of actions carried out by Joculator.

I also think it is very good the initial question to adapt the adventure according to the level of the characters, this is one element that plays more in favour of the module and your work

Actually this is an excellent module, quality work. My respect and greetings to you

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