Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

These are the draft release for these chapters - so I wanted to gather some feedback and any errors or aspects overlooked in these chapters. Errata reports can also go to [REDACTED].

I'm really curious to know what ya guys think - so let me know! I'm sure I've missed something along the way.

PSCS Chapter 8 (first draft)
The Planes And Beyond – This chapter takes a more in depth look at the cosmology of the multiverse, mirroring books such as the Manual of the Planes while providing a Planescape spin. The information here provides players with everything they should know when playing planar characters.

Download: (.pdf 1289KB) No images: (.pdf 1162KB) (.rtf 3450KB)

PSCS Chapter 9 (first draft)
DM's Dark – This chapter will include advice for running Planescape games, background and plot information that players should not know but DMs may find useful, and tips for customizing the setting to your liking.

Download: (.pdf 461KB) No images: (.pdf 372KB) (.rtf 505KB)

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

I don't see them.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

Direct links being added to first post (the announcement in the forums also links to the download page for the chapters).

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

Call me narcissistic, but after I read the Introduction (which is a little rambling and has a couple spelling and grammar errors but is otherwise excellent), I skipped right to the parts I wrote. I really like your additions to my Magma write-up, but you somewhat messed up the Ice write up. The content was a great addition, but you messed up my intentionally annoying grammar scheme.

Basically what I did was replace all the verbs with their present participle (-ing) form (with some past participle thrown in as well). Aside from the -ing thing though, he talked totally normally. The point was that the whole funny talking thing was just an act he put on to seem more "mephity" (I even left a few verbs alone later on to show him slipping). I know this is pretty petty, but your new additions are just too darn easy to read (except where you put "be" where I would have put "is being"), could you please go back and make it more consistently annoying? Thanks.

I'll give you more feedback once I read the rest of it, promise.

Kensanata's picture
Joined: 2007-08-12
Feedback on Chapter 9

Seeing that chapter 9 is a lot shorter than chapter 8, I'll see what I can do... I'm not sure what kind of feedback you're looking for. Are you looking for editors? I must confess I'm a bit unclear on the process to follow, here. For now I'll just post. I'm reading this from the point of view of a Planescape DM wannabe who has but skimmed a few PDF files and is in the process of buying the boxed sets on eBay. Smiling

"favorite victi—ahem—players" – meh
"chapter of the PSCS" → "chapter"

Preparing the Game – I liked the advice given, but I think it could be trimmed a bit more. Only the aspects that are truly Planescape specific should remain.

Examples of things to trim or condense:

Last three sentences of the last paragraph of "Will this be a single plane or multi-plane campaign?" can be trimmed.

Last paragraph of "What tone will your game have?" can be trimmed.

"What are the players’ ultimate goals for the campaign?" should be condensed to a list of example goals that are Planescape specific. I liked "meeting a power or becoming a golden Lord of Sigil. Your player may wish to become immortal, or rule their own demiplane." More?

Last paragraph of "Who are your main characters?" can be trimmed.

First paragraph of "Key Elements" can be trimmed down to a sentence.

"Adventures such as Faction War" – the name of the adventure should be italic?

I liked "So what is a Planescape campaign?" but was stumped by the theme examples. I see no way of applying that to my game. Some more examples for newbie DMs?

I really liked "Key Elements".

No PDF bookmarks – will these be added at the end?

"Character Motivations" is too general and can be trimmed.

I really liked "Scale and Scope".

"Keeping it Organized" could be trimmed but the idea of shifting all answers to in character answers is excellent and must remain. I also liked the four examples of how to handle complexity.

"Introducing Players" – it's hard to understand what the imperative "go with Sigil" means. Perhaps merge the two paragraphs as follows: "and other p-words, start with a party of prime characters. That way the players will go through the same journey of discovery as their characters."

"Min-Maxers in Planescape" could be trimmed; it is very generic advice. The only important part seems to be "Min-maxers can‘t do a lot to wriggle out of a political situation and not every situation can be resolved by killing the bad guy behind the plot." Just use this sentence and a few examples?

I liked "Supply and Demand" and "Suggested Levels" – in fact I liked all the following sections! Smiling

"There‘s always Sigil available," → "There’s always Sigil,"

"a mortal‘s freewill." → "a mortal’s free will."

"forces everyone within it be good" → "forces everyone within it to be good"

"Unfunny Modrons" can be trimmed. Not having played a game with a funny roguish Modron I can't tell how important this advice it. But I'm sure it can be made shorter.

"Fiendish Contracts" can be made shorter. I'd love to see an in-game examples of how to handle the making of a contract.

"Faction War" can be condensed. Then again, as a newbie Planescape DM, perhaps I don't get the "game-altering bombshell". The advice given seems sound. So all it needs is a little trimming.

I loved "Module Reviews".

"Parting Words" is to generic. Trim? Or rewrite to expand on "build entire campaigns around an intellectual concept" – I'd love to see two or three examples. Same problem as with the themes introduced at the beginning: It's hard to picture as a beginning Planescape DM. Perhaps repeating the advice from "Keeping it Organized".

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

At this point I'm looking for feedback - along the lines of:
"Do you like - or should I hang up my hat and go hide my face in the corner for awhile?" Eye-wink
"Did I not cover something that I needed to?"
"Is there a credit missing?" (god I hope not)

As well as the obvious things like spelling, grammar, or general 'this is really good / this is really bad'. Your response really about covers exactly what I'm looking for. Smiling Some of the sections that are pretty long for you are definately addressing problems that come up with older GMs and older gamers.

Honestly, you're lucky to have avoid the 'funny modron' thing - that's why they were originally left out of 3rd ed entirely - because someone thought they were too silly to bother with, so they replaced them with giant ants. Eye-wink I envy you.

... and there *should* be bookmarks in there but apparently Word and Adobe decided to have an argument about that. I made a point of getting bookmarks throughout these things... I shall correct that in the next release of the chapter.

As for process, well - it's pretty simple and straightforward. Post in the thread or email it to the errata address. So you're right on track. Eye-wink

moogle001's picture
Joined: 2004-01-02
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

'Duckluck' wrote:
Call me narcissistic, but after I read the Introduction (which is a little rambling and has a couple spelling and grammar errors but is otherwise excellent), I skipped right to the parts I wrote. I really like your additions to my Magma write-up, but you somewhat messed up the Ice write up. The content was a great addition, but you messed up my intentionally annoying grammar scheme.

Basically what I did was replace all the verbs with their present participle (-ing) form (with some past participle thrown in as well). Aside from the -ing thing though, he talked totally normally. The point was that the whole funny talking thing was just an act he put on to seem more "mephity" (I even left a few verbs alone later on to show him slipping). I know this is pretty petty, but your new additions are just too darn easy to read (except where you put "be" where I would have put "is being"), could you please go back and make it more consistently annoying? Thanks.

I'll give you more feedback once I read the rest of it, promise.

You can blame that on me. I tried to maintain the style, but obviously didn't quite grasp the pattern. I'll be happy to work on it some more for the next version.


-Gabriel Sorrel,

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

I've only had time to scan both, so take this with a grain of salt.
I like the fluff, but the rules seem too MoP for me. Namely, I would have preferred more vague rules of the planes that don't necessarily have anything to do with numbers. Less mileages and so on. That's just nitpicking, though, and everybody did a great job.

Grayson_Mournblade's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

There are some typos and some paragraphs that appear twice in the same text etc, but it's a first draft, hey!

I really dig the shadowlie! Greeeeaaaaat work! All the other things are helpful too. Especially the tips for DMs. I read some of the tips on shortcuts through rules to my wife and she said:" hey, that's what you do on good days. Stop leafing through the books altogether during play!"
Even to long-time DMs chapter 9 should be helpful. And if its just confirming what they do all the time, all the better for DM egos, so cheers!

What I didn't like so much was the infinite staircase. I always imagined that it was a silver spiral at the base but then branched into many staircases from landings great and small (sometimes inhabited) which differed in outlook depending on where the doors went to and in which mood the DM was. But: I must confess that I don't own Tales from the Infinite Staircase so my opinion might not be canonic...(my impression was formed from web sources like voila and the old FR adventure For Duty and Deity and - of course - my imagination)

Altogether these two chapters were long expected and I give these two a thumbs up and congratulate all the contributors and - of course- the editors and the project manager on the splendid result! Terrrrrrrific!

P.S.: I agree: Cut the miles from the Outlands description. They might make the Outlands more managable fora noob DM, but for oldtimers it robs the magic from an infinite plane when you are told the diameter of infinite is some x-thousand miles....Oh, wait, this IS magic, making the infinite finite Sticking out tongue

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

"some paragraphs that appear twice in the same text " ... Um. Which ones? Where? Please don't tell me y'gonna make me read through the whole thing again paragraph by paragraph to find them?!

The biggest thing with rules is.... that's the core task at hand - if we were to say "make it up for your own game" for all of these - then we'd be out of a job so to speak. We are converting to 3.0 / 3.5, and that *is* rules - nothing setting wise changes between the two so the rules are the only thing we have that isn't just rephrasing existing work - at least in this sort of release. We can't not do it - or there won't be anything to release. Sad

Mind you - if it's not highlighted in the DM section I will add something about these rules NOT being a requirement to follow, since I fully get where you're coming from - I'm a rules-loose DM in my own games. Eye-wink

(And the hinterlands *are* infinite. Eye-wink )

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

I agree that I'd love to see some examples of how fiendish contracts get handled in a game. I know my players are too sensible to let their characters get talked into something as slimy as one of those Faustian nightmares, and my plots never seem to put me in a position to give 'em a "lesser-of-two-evils" situation. Right now, the chapter mostly gives you a lot of reasons to avoid them. Maybe a greater DM than I could use the suggestions here to craft something really nasty for his PCs, but I'd love to see a couple of ideas for getting your PCs in bed with the devil(s/demons/daemons).

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

*nodnod* I can think of a few ways (having had them pulled on me). So I'll toss those in and anything else anyone can work up from their evil-DM bag of tricks. Smiling

gnome's picture
Joined: 2007-10-22
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

'Clueless' wrote:
"Did I not cover something that I needed to?"

I just finished reading the Outer Planes section (and only the Energy Planes for the Inner Planes) and I think that it is quite well done. There were a few things that I missed, though. Are the madness stages caused by Pandemonium's winds the same? Do players make will saves to resist them and, if so, at what DC? Also, what are the mechanics of the ares that drain light sources, such ad Karasuthra, Negative Energy, and so forth? Otherwise, I think that this is excellent and I appreciate the hard work of all of the contributors to bring this to the PS fans out here.

P.S. In the Positive Energy Planar Traits, you listed the encounters of Negative Energy.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

One thing I noticed is that some of the rules default to the 3e MotP instead of the 2e sources, even though either one could have done just as well. For instance, in the description of Earth, the gravity is said to be double what it normally is. That is, indeed, how it is described in the MotP, but in 2e the gravity of that plane was non-existant. It was not entirely like Air, since you couldn't will a downward direction, but you did effectively float in a no-gravity field and could only get around by pushing off of solid objects, which were thankfully quite plentiful. So, that leads me to wonder... was this decision intentional, or did somebody simply use the MotP instead of going to the source, so to speak?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

Someone (namely me) was up at 4am on that section so hadn't even thought about it - and believe it or not - my collection of planar material is actually missing some Sizable pieces. :-/

Are there any other effects for the elemental planes that have the same problem? (If so - which ones and what's the 2nd ed. version so I can include it and put the 3.0 version under alternate rulesets.)

Lack of light draining rules noted to be filled in. Eye-wink

gnome's picture
Joined: 2007-10-22
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

No other Inner Plane has a light draining effect (I think...). Most either extinguish them immediately or let them burn (although part of Ice can freeze fire, if I remember correctly). I have to delve into my collection to get the 2e rules, but I'll post them here later, if no one beats me to it.

One more thing: I haven't completely read the Inner Planes yet, but I did notice that you applied the petrification effect of Mineral to Earth as well. Was this intentional? Thanks.

gnome's picture
Joined: 2007-10-22
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

Ok, on Karasuthra: non-magical light is extinguished immediately. Magical light has it's duration and power halved.

On Negative Energy, all light (even magical) is extinguished immediately. Creatures must rely on darkvision, echolocation, or other ways to see in the dark. Additionally, the senses of hearing and touch are halved in sensitivity.

Grayson_Mournblade's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9


I wanted to clarify my very little and minor (what's-the-english-word...suggestions?) thingies:

- repeating paragraphs: Well, 't was quite late in the evening...possible that I stumbled over some parts of the Pandemonium-narration...

- Infinite Staircase:
chapter 8, p.17:"The Planewalker’s Guild has taken over a massive landing as their kip high up on the Staircase," "Travelers might also run into the lillends, servants o’ Selûne, the moon goddess. The Staircase starts in the goddess’s palace"
chapter 9, p.14: "The Infinite Staircase could provide your players with many paths and the Planewalker's Guild at the base of the stairs makes for a great headquarters as well."

IMHO chapter 8 is right, chapter 9 not.

- then, I think there's a little inconsistency:
"a set of stairs that stretches beyond all horizons" "and is inside a silver tower shaft" "Fliers who stay close to the stairs do all right, but if they try to take a shortcut to another set o’ stairs or landing, they’re likely to get sucked into a fold in space and spit out onto the planes somewhere."

what got me confused yesterday was "inside a silver tower shaft", which, matches the description of the base of the stairs as described e.g. in the old FR adventure "For Duty and Deity" (alas, as I said, I don't own TfTIS), where a circular silver chamber is mentioned, that rises as far as one can see from the ground in Selune's palace. In the description of the Staircase in the old Planes of Chaos boxed set's Travelogue the variation and chaotic architect-nightmare nature of the staircase is stressed (as is in the later paragraphs of the really good new Gnarl-Hoof-article).
Perhaps, this seeming contradiction could be clarified by stating that seen from the base the staircase spirals up unsupported in a giant silver tower chamber of selunes palace and later branches out, etc. Alternatively, one could just erase the half sentence:"and is inside a silver tower shaft"

- on typos: I just read the first few pages of the chapter 8 as .rtf and changed the few little spelling errors (Yggdrassil->Yggdrasil, Chad->Shad etc.) In which way could I best contribute, because I think it would be on the one hand impractical to write these things with page count and everything into the forum and on the other hand, I doubt I will the time on my hands to proof-read both chapters any time, should people who find typos send you back the .rtf with (what's-that-english-word-again: correct-function?) enabled and an email pointing out which parts they read?


Gray (who, after a day at Uni is at the end of his wits for today and apologizes for convoluted sentences and all)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

Trying to merge RTF files is,... painful. I really can't take submissions of information like that - but since you would send an email noting what you changed *anyway*... what I recommend is listing the corrections in an email, note page and maybe paragraph location if it's hard to spot so I can find it and fix it in the master copy.

I set up the errata email address with this specifically in mind: [REDACTED] - It has a filter set up on it so all the emails sent to that address dump directly into an email folder for me to process. If you want to be really neat about it, you can list "chapter 8" or "chapter 9" somewhere in the email subject line and my filters will be able to pick that up to place it in *exactly* the right folder Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

Adding one for my own reference: Next version needs to include the alternate rules for spellkeys and magical weapons by plane. It's not something I want to make standard for us in 3.0 (in terms of being in our module releases etc) cause they can get really clunky. But for old-timers and those fond of the system - we need to have it.

nick's picture
Joined: 2006-11-27
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

Hey, I havent yet read the outer planes, but i've read all the inner planes and onward upto the ordial plane. And I thought everything was great. EXCEPT the ordial plane. One of the things i was most looking forward to was a good description of the Ordial plane and stats for it. However, there were none! Why go through all the trouble of saying theres an Ordial plane if your not going to put up the stats for it.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

Because the whole point of the Ordial plane is that you can't really go to it and the only evidence that it actually exists is that it has to exist to fulfill the Rule of Three. How can you have stats for somewhere no one has ever been to? I'm of the opinion that the point of the Ordial is it's mystery and if people were actually able to go there, it would suck away it's mystique.

I would hate to see stats for the Ordial -- unless, maybe, they came as part of a hundred page Faction War style adventure.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

And that - in a nutshell - is why we didn't define it any further. Planewalkers's have a habit of wanting to hold tightly to what mysteries they have, so we felt it wiser to leave this one undefined - awaiting the creative hand of the DM to define.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

Wow, I'm out of it for a little while and all of a sudden the thing's done. Sorta.

I haven't looked over it too thoroughly yet, but a couple of things popped out at me.

1) In chapter 8, why replace Wind Madness with a random chart of Pandaemonium hazards?

2) Some tips for designing and awarding non combat challenges would be very useful for chapter 9.

I'll give more feedback once a have a chance to look at them more thoroughly.

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

I can't help but feel there should be more 2ed-style impeded magic on the various outer planes. By removing these elements it makes it seem as if the planes are just another place to go and beat stuff up. By having the various impeded magics it makes for a more interesting time for everyone involved as the players try and work with what resources they have.

For example,

In my current campaign, the party are currently on Mechanus. Most of the party are fine except for the Xaositect in the party who's a wild mage. Now he's having to work out how to do things without relying on his magic since, by the rules given in Planes of Law, wild magic doesn't function on the plane.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

These documents are kinda hard to navigate without bookmarks. I'd appreciate if they were put in if that is at all possible.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

They should have been in the PDFs to begin with - my Adobe and Word didn't care for each other. :-/ Revisions will come with bookmarks for all.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

Thank you, I appreciate it.

Mask's picture
Joined: 2007-04-22
Feedback: Chapters 8 and 9

I really like the adventure-summarys, good idea for DMs to find sources.

But you might want to add some of those, which are not marked as planescape, but describe some part of the planes. For "Duty and Deity" or "A Paladin in Hell" come to mind - and there is/was a free adventure for "Warriors of Heaven" on the wizards homepage. (I can look it up and give a short summary if needed, afair it was about a party of Celestials that had to go to Avernus for a deal with a baatezu.)

As the PSCS is 3rd Ed, you might also include 3rd Ed Modules like Expedition to the Demonweb Pits.

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