For this release I fished out all the classes that had been submitted early in the PSCS project (before I was even on the scene!) and got them all cleaned up and coherent. Now our feats should have a dependency structure that functions properly with our prestige classes.
In addition, (currently offline) was kind enough to give us permission to use the classes and feats found at that site - which I had well before it went down.
So - chapters 3 and 4 are an amalgamation of those two sources of material. This is effectively the first draft of the prestige class material, so I'm looking for the usual feedback: Missed rules, flawed grammar and formating. Errata reports can also go to [REDACTED].
PSCS Chapter 3
Factions - This chapter introduces the 16 major factions of the multiverse, including the history of the factions and a detailed description of each group. This chapter also explains everything a player needs to know about being a member faction and using the material found in Chapter 4.
Download: (.pdf 1961KB) No images: (.pdf 1818KB) (.rtf 2912KB)
PSCS Chapter 4
Feats and Skills - This chapter contains updated and additional skills for a Planescape campaign. It also includes well over 100 new regional and faction feats, with about 9 feats per faction alone.
Download: (.pdf 1428KB) No images: (.pdf 1.11KB) (.rtf 1997KB)
That looks awesome! Pg 158 onwards of Chapter 3 are giving me an error that is preventing them from being read for what ever reason. It classified it as (14), if that helps at all.