Feature request: Pages in topics

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joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Feature request: Pages in topics

Hi there,

as DM, I often browse through the older entries in my online games. Sometimes I actually search for some certain piece of information. I usually know roughly where it is, but there comes the problem:

When opening a topic, I can only start at the beginning or the end, not somewhere in-between. It's impossible to say "I wanna start on page 20 and browse from there on", rather I have to click through all the pages until I reach that page.

It'd be great to have a new feature, maybe a little text box or pulldown menu, where I can choose the page I want to jump to.

Any chance that could be built in?

Thanks in advance,


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feature request: Pages in topics

There's a navigation row under each thread that should allow you to go right to the page you need...?

Am I completely off base on what you're wanting to see - or are you looking for a similar feature on a different page?

Or is it that for the very very long threads the abbreviation for the list of numbers is the problem - you're trying to get to something in the middle which has been 'shrunk' down to '...' - not at either end, which is the source of problem? (Just to make sure I'm understanding Eye-wink )

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Feature request: Pages in topics

Or is it that for the very very long threads the abbreviation for the list of numbers is the problem - you're trying to get to something in the middle which has been 'shrunk' down to '...' - not at either end, which is the source of problem?

This one Smiling

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