Feats Feats

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moogle001's picture
Joined: 2004-01-02
Feats Feats

Leak... Leak....

Counter Indoctrinate [General]
Sometimes the best way to get your creed out on the planes is to convince someone else they’re wrong. Easier said than done, of course, yet some individuals choose to make an art of such persuading. Whether through daily debates of philosophy, propaganda, or plain old brainwashing, you know how to get your point through the thickest head.
Factions: Athar, Free League, Revolutionary League.
Prerequisites: 9 ranks in Diplomacy, 9 ranks in Knowledge (factions and guilds) or 9 ranks in Knowledge (religion).
Benefit: This feat can be used to convince someone to leave their faction or guild, or to abandon their current religion, depending on which prerequisites you meet. Each day, after spending at least an hour speaking with the target creature about philosophy (and how their organization is flawed), make a Diplomacy check. The target opposes this roll with the appropriate Knowledge check against the Diplomacy check result, adding their character level as a bonus. Each consecutive day the creature fails the check they become less convinced of the truth as proclaimed by their faction or religion, until after failing five checks in a row they reach the point where they will abandon their current affiliation without some significant event to change their mind. If the creature succeeds five consecutive times, they become immune to the effects of this feat for at least a year.
Special: Players should probably role-play some of these discussions during out of game time, and the DM may give up to a +4 bonus to the player’s Diplomacy check based on the merits of their arguments.
Naturally, characters are not required to have this feat to discuss faction politics or even to dissuade faction members from their current beliefs. Rather, this feat illustrates special training and consideration for effective arguments that make it much more likely for these arguments to succeed. If the DM wants to use this system without requiring a feat be taken, provide a large penalty to anyone who does not possess this feat or make it impossible to convince certain individuals.

Mental Conditioning [General]
Instead of simply deconstructing a target’s beliefs, the skilled Anarchist leaves their captive with just enough faith to pass within their faction while implanting commands deep in the target’s subconscious to be enacted at the Anarchist’s choosing.
Faction: Revolutionary League.
Prerequisites: Counter Indoctrinate, 15 ranks in Diplomacy, 15 ranks in Knowledge (factions and guilds), any nongood alignment.
Benefit: To use this ability you must successfully use Counter Indoctrinate to remove a subject’s loyalty to their faction. Afterwards you must spend at least eight hours a day attempting to indoctrinate the target through various methods of brainwashing, upon which you make another Diplomacy check against their Knowledge (factions and guilds) check as described for Counter Indoctrinate. Each day your check succeeds you may instill one command in the target’s subconscious to a maximum number of commands equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). While the target can be programmed to do anything, even suicidal actions, each command must be relatively simple, and no more than a sentence or two. The command can be activated by anything ranging from a certain amount of elapsed time to hearing a particular tune. The commands may remain dormant for years and each can have its own trigger.
Special: The target does not remember much of their imprisonment and nothing of the conditioning itself, and at the Anarchist’s choosing may truly wish to return to their faction or begin a new life elsewhere. Regardless, a sharp mind can detect the subconscious impulses imbedded if they are looking for mental influences and make a successful Sense Motive check against DC 30. Being treated for conditioning requires someone with at least 8 ranks of Heal who makes a Heal check at the end of each week of treatment (DC 15 + the patient's Will save). Each successful week of treatment removes one imbedded command from the target. A failed week of treatment results in either 1d4 temporary Wisdom damage or prematurely activating the commands, at the DM’s option. Treatment cannot be performed while the patient has Wisdom damage of any sort. If the individual treating the subject also has Mental Conditioning they automatically succeed at removing one command per week of treatment.

Confidant [General, Faction-Dependent]
Though the Revolutionary League has gained a reputation for impressive acts of spy insertion, none of the other factions, or even the majority of Anarchs, have the faintest idea how far the elite infiltrators have evolved their skills. Through secret training and bizarre initiation ceremonies, a select few are taught how to deceive the mind itself into trusting them without need of tools or spell. This is most commonly used to prompt targets into revealing their most intimate secrets while leaving the “Confidant” free of blame.
Faction: Revolutionary League.
Prerequisites: Infiltrator, 18 ranks in Bluff, 12 ranks in Disguise, 12 ranks in Knowledge (factions and guilds), instruction by a Confidant.
Benefit: As a full-round action choose a creature within line of sight who has not noticed you and make a Disguise check (DC 20 + target’s base Will save). Within seconds and without supplies you become convincingly disguised in the mind of the target as someone they know and trust, either a good friend or a respected authority figure. So long as you maintain the façade the creature will react to you as if affected by charm monster (creatures that would be unaffected by charm monster do not see through your deception and still treat you favorably, if not as much). Everyone else continues to perceive you as normal unless you use some other means to alter your appearance. The target unconsciously overlooks anything within reason that you say or do out of character, though use of spells or abilities that bypass illusions require a new Disguise check for the effect to be maintained. This is a supernatural ability that can only be used on one person at a time.


-Gabriel Sorrel, www.planewalker.com

moogle001's picture
Joined: 2004-01-02
Feats Feats


Do give feedback please! This are some radically different feats, so I want to make sure it's kosher by everyone here Eye-wink


-Gabriel Sorrel, www.planewalker.com

Zorlax's picture
Joined: 2004-12-08
Re: Feats Feats

"moogle001" wrote:
Counter Indoctrinate [General] [snip] If the DM wants to use this system without requiring a feat be taken, provide a large penalty to anyone who does not possess this feat or make it impossible to convince certain individuals.

Rather than giving penalties to those who don't have the feat, the feat itself could rather give a bonus of, say +4 to diplomacy and the relating knowledge check when performing the indoctrination.

[edit: otherwise, those feats are great!]

rustcannon's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Feats Feats

sound really cool to me... the idea of having actual game rules for convincing people to leave their current beliefs is very nutz. especially in a world where your beliefs are everything.

moogle001's picture
Joined: 2004-01-02
Feats Feats

So is it your feeling that it'd be better not to have a mechanic to change other people's beliefs? Prefer it be part of the skill and not a feat? Other thoughts?


-Gabriel Sorrel, www.planewalker.com

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Feats Feats

"moogle001" wrote:
... a mechanic to change other people's beliefs? Prefer it be part of the skill and not a feat?

This is pretty much what I thought. Write some alternate uses of Diplomacy, Intimidate, and other Cha-based skills, and restrict these techniques to members of certain groups.

I like the Counter Indoctrinate feat as it was in the Chapter 4 .rtf file... although there were many feats I found lacking, CI wasn't one of them.

Come to think of it, would it be possible to add a "Last Updated: xx-yy-zz" line next to the chapter rtfs on the releases page? TIA.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Feats Feats

Myself, I'd prefer it to be part of a skill as well - it doesn't rub me the right way to be able to just take a feat and change stuff. As valuable as feats are - this would imply theres no Other way to go about changing someone's views... and I like being *able* to change views through use of other skills. The bonus to a skill based attempt may be better.

So long as we're on revisions - I *still* want to use the original name for the Indep info network. *pester, harrass, pester*

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