Feats of Belief

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link_the_hero's picture
Joined: 2006-06-28
Feats of Belief

belief points = action points...

i see both belief points and action points similars, what is the diference, thx

i have a idea,
we act like crazys.

- a letherhead prime trying to entering
to the gate hause.

link_the_hero's picture
Joined: 2006-06-28
Feats of Belief

if are not equal can some tell me the diference.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:17 am Subject: Feats of Belief #28865
belief points = action points...

i see both belief points and action points similars, what is the diference, thx

i have a idea,
we act like crazys.

- a letherhead prime trying to entering
to the gate hause.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Feats of Belief

I think this idea tends to work pretty well, especially with the... somewhat freeform view my group tends to take on action points. I'd restrict the way you gain belief points (as in, you don't get a big pile of them each level), and make sure people know they can be used for all kinds of cool belief-related things, but other than that is seems like a great match to me.


Pants of the North!

link_the_hero's picture
Joined: 2006-06-28
Feats of Belief

IMHO are great, but someone know where i find all about belief points.

i know very well the actions points, and want to implement it`s on my camping.

i have a idea,
we act like crazys.

- a letherhead prime trying to entering
to the gate hause.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Feats of Belief

The 2e Planewalker's Handbook discussed them.

The belief points I was talking about were nigh-identical to action points, though. The part I'd keep from the PWH is regarding to how they're gained.


Pants of the North!

link_the_hero's picture
Joined: 2006-06-28
Feats of Belief

thax, i already read it, i think that it work very well, using it like action points, but only spend it in belief relationed actions.

- the pj recive 5+1/2 level, and spènd it just for his belief.

the other think, how about primes and no belivers....

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

As I recall, belief points were acquired much slower than these "action" points, averaging 0-3 a level. Belief points should never be automatically gained, but earned through a player's close adherence to his beliefs, specifically when adhering to that belief comes at a cost. (if following the belief has no actual detrimental effect on the pc, or does not move the story forward in some significant way, points should not be awarded)

It is important that you impart to your players that Belief points are not something that just everyone gets - you have to be one dedicated cutter to earn them, truly and strongly following your beliefs - just being an adventurer is not enough; heck, just being a cleric is not enough. (after all, clerics are already rewarded by their gods with spells for their beliefs, what we are talking about here is belief strong enough to touch the planes - if only in small ways)

That all said, I made belief points a bit more potent in my games. Rather than merely allowing one to automatically succeed at a die roll (which is nifty, no doubt) I allowed the expenditure of 2 or 3 BP to shape fate in the pcs favor.

For example, say you get knocked off a cliff and are falling to your death, for a cost of 2BP you can arrange for a convenient handhold to be waiting for you - allowing you to hold on until someone can come to your rescue; for 3BP you may fall on the back of a flying beast which deposits you safely to land.

In another example: You find that you have to cross a lava filled cavern. For 2BP you recall that you had a rope ladder in your backpack, or find a salvagable rope and grapple near to hand; while, for 3BP you may dig through your pack to discover that scroll of fly you thought you'd used ages ago.

Now, the trick here is: I require the player to describe how his personal beliefs helped to insure this option was available. The Guvner might well explain how the odds stack in the favor of this being true, while the Bleaker might comment on how he wasn't paying attention to what he packed, or how obvious it is that someone realized the futility of trying to cross the chasm and left to rope behind. Whatever the approach, it has to be a reasonable argument - the more creative the better. (for very, very creative excuses I might even lower the BP cost)

For a single BP I still only allow that automatic success, but encourage people to describe how their belief applied - for example, a Sensate might comment on how he felt the warmth of the fireball ahead of time and knew to move; or the Fated might simply comment on how things work out for the man on top.

Thus I not only stress the belief aspect of the setting, but expand upon just what that belief can bring a person.

link_the_hero's picture
Joined: 2006-06-28
Feats of Belief

OKej, the pc may spend and win the belief points followin her belief.

i want to use i like action points, but they may to win its, and may follow her belief to spend its.

i think that he may recive 1/2 of her level in rounded down, and win more like
points of ligth/dark in the star wars system.

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