Favorite fiend?

Rhys's picture

In honor of the "Favorite planar race" thread, I thought we could start some more specific ones. What are people's favorite fiendish races? I know you could probably add more, but I think it'll be more interesting with more competition, and fewer competitors.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Favorite fiend?

I voted for tanar'ri. I know that there are much more subtle ways of spreading evil than a tanar'ri's plan of devouring you and murdering your family and squashing your puppy, but there's nothing quite like the extremes that a tanar'ri will go to. They are the incarnation of hate, terror, and violence, and they simply don't care. It doesn't even matter to them how much power they get for themselves along the way. It's easy to brush them off as mindless killers, but I think there's a lot more to them than most people give them credit for. The important thing, though, is that you can't reason with a tanar'ri. There's no signing a contract with them like with the baatezu, and there's no squirming out of their schemes like with the yugoloths. They don't have to lie or decieve their victims, because everyone knows what they want: everything they can't have. Tanar'ri live in agonizing envy, hate, fear, and madness, and so they focus all of their hatred in a seething rage toward all of existence. You can't reason with a tanar'ri because he doesn't want anything short of your terrified, screaming death; nothing short of your agony, horror, destruction, and total despair; he wants not your enslavement or manipulation, but to torturously devour your soul from your broken, mangled body while you scream for help that will never come.

As for my specific fiend, I choose the maurezhi. So great. Nothing like the horror as your best friend's face turns to ash and falls away, revealing a grinning skull underneath with ragged flesh and vicious claws reaching for you. Suddenly you realize that your friend has actually been dead for days and that the tavern he was leading you to...

Anyways, sorry if I creeped you out. Take care.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Favorite fiend?

:shock: Yes Rhys, actually, that was terrifying. congrats.

I prefer the Bataazu. Say what you will about the rampaging swarms of mercyless Tan'ari. Or The Yugoloth overlords that have a hand in every pie, while secretly owning both the pie and the table its on. I Just goptta admit that lawful evil always added a nice touch to battle. There is cause to fear a Bataazu in battle, thats to be sure. Anyone who doesn't is barmy in need of heavy medication. But the Fiends of Baator also have the deliciously tricky side, the side that makes a play roll spot checks, cast several heavy divination spells, and preparing a scroll of planeshift (just in case) before so much as shaking a Bataazu's hand. (or claw)
Not to mention, you have to love the pit fiends.

Love the pit fiend

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Favorite fiend?

Theres nothing scaryer than a dancing pit fiend

But my 'loth overlord tells me to vote for them. You don't want to know what it would do to me if I didn't.
Wait, this is planewalker, you probably already do know.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Favorite fiend?

I votes loth only because the Baernaloth weren't listed...

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Favorite fiend?

I voted for the 'loths becasue ambiguous evil is always the best friend of the DM.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Favorite fiend?

I think keeping people off balance is the greatest fun. I think you can do that with any creature, race, or plot hook. Always fun when the characters do something the players "know" is going to work because of either book knowledge or because the plan is so "great" but then something totally unexpected or unplanned happened which makes sense but they realize they had blinders on Smiling

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Favorite fiend?

That's usually when you have a fiend step out of the shadows because it was the one manipulating the characters. :twisted:

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Favorite fiend?

"Fidrikon" wrote:
Or The Yugoloth overlords that have a hand in every pie, while secretly owning both the pie and the table its on.
That's why I like the 'loths... Laughing out loud.

There's a somwhat perverse pleasure I feel everytime I use any yugoloths in my game. I enjoy the "master-manipulators" aspect they exemplify, as well as the treachery and the pure indulgence in destruction and chaos. They are what they are. They'll try to hide it... they'll flaunt it... they'll lie about it... and they'll reveal the truth about themselves. It's all done in such a graceful yet deadly fashion, that they will always demand the respect and attentions of those they meet in battle... Even if they are manipulating the battle from three-planes over, through an army of proxies and mercenaries hired to fight for them and their cause... Sticking out tongue.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17

Ah, the Yugoloths...

I've had fiends in almost every PS Campaign I've run, but it was when the Yugoloths were involved that were the most...


In particular, I would have to say that A'Kin is by far my favorite 'Loth to DM. The decadence and decor of The Friendly Fiend has sent every last one of my PC's squirming whenever they realize they need to see the Multiverse's Most (Outwardly) Chivalrous Arcanoloth.

But I fear that the Gehreleths are poorly represented. Liquified Farastu have caused more than one problem with Automata in my campaigns, and Xideous's work on The Book of Keeping is noteworthy as well. To call them "Demodands" in 3E... Well, it pains me.

-JordarAd, the Manuel of the Planes

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Favorite fiend?

Heh...I just came up with a great quote....lol

I think I'll submit it...lol

"I don't know who said wherever you go, there you are. Out here, wherever you go, there's a 'loth."

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Favorite fiend?

Poor Gehreleths. Nobody likes them. Not even themselves.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Favorite fiend?

That's because they're too depressing, being full of self-hatred and all.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Favorite fiend?

"Rhys" wrote:
Poor Gehreleths. Nobody likes them. Not even themselves.
I wouldn't say that. The Shator hold some appeal for me... but then that's mostly because of their scholarly leanings...

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
I love me, oh how I love me, and so should you ;)

*self-satisfied grin*

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Re: I love me, oh how I love me, and so should you ;)

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:

*self-satisfied grin*

I'd expect nothing less... Laughing out loud.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Favorite fiend?

The Baatezu are way coolest. They're evil the way evil is supposed to be. No mindless violence, no dirty-work, no bad manners. They have a well organised hierarchy and persons at the top getting the respect they deserve :twisted:

Tan'ari were never my idea of something to look up to because "I'm gonna kill you for no reason because I'm evil!!!" is... Well, it sucks, that's what it does Sticking out tongue

Yugoloth are okay, they always remind me of that T-shirt "mercenaries never die, they just go to hell to regroup", but they are too blinded by simple forms of greed to ever reach the top of the planar food-chain :roll:

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Favorite fiend?

You simply can't beat the tanar'ri. They're evil in its most vile, horrifying form. They just simply revel in death and blood. There's no philosophy more despicable and repugnant than that which the tanar'ri promote. Demons don't want to kill you and destroy your dreams so that they can take what's left. They just want to kill you and destroy your dreams so that you don't have them. Because inflicting any kind of pain relieves them from their own inner torment.

"[u wrote:
Faces of Evil: The Fiends[/u]"]You want to understand the tanar'ri? Here's how. Look into yourself. Find the core of hatred there. Don't worry if you can't find it right away. Just keep searching. Eventually, you'll peel away the skin of what you thought was virtue and find a writhing pit of darkest sin. Even if you're one of the purest berks in existence, you'll still discover the part of you that's blacker than any ebony. The part that tastes of bitterness, despair, and envy. The part that tastes, most of all, of rage at all the things you can't change and all the things you can't have.

Hold that malevolent core in the palm of your mind for a time. Picture it expanding, slowly growing to become the size of your entire heart. Feel it thumping in your chest, stronger and stronger, attuning every fiber of your being to its wicked rhythms of pain and horror. Can you imagine the groundswell of rage needed to make it grow this large, the anger that would drive you ever onward with a heart choked by unreleased fury? You can?

Good. Continue.

You haven't even understood what it is to be a manes yet.

Your heart of darkness keeps growing. It extends its veins like spitting serpents through your body, cancerous lesions of violence erupting across your skin. Your body blackens to match your heart, and your mind soon follows. Everything you see becomes tainted by your rage and bleak hatred. You can't imagine a time when you felt any of the emotions that creatures of good are said to possess. Love and friendship are foreign concepts; you know their meaning but not their truth. Instead, you use the words cruelly to create hope in others -- but only so you can crush it later.

You become a creature without a conscience. Others exist only to serve as your tools, only to satiate your needs -- even if those needs are merely for things that you can burn and sting and tear to mewling shreds. Creatures mightier than you are obstacles to be overcome. Creatures weaker than you are worms to be crushed or ignored or abused. The only time you might form an alliance is to join forces with another being in order to tear down an obstacle greater than the two of you, though once that goal has been accomplished, you quickly turn on each other.

Life is cheap, in other words. You might as well make the most of your existence, and to the Abyss with anyone else.

Got all that? That's only the barest glimmer of how the tanar'ri feel.

There's not many things in the planes you fear more than an angry balor (or rather, a balor, to avoid redundancy). Tanar'ri are not in it for money, power, promotion, appeasing masters, scheming, or even a love their cause, because they have no cause. Causes are for the weak, who hold to truth and beauty in a multiverse that holds nothing but suffering and death. The tanar'ri are the nightmarish destruction of everything you love and of love itself, and that is why they are the force that, more than anything else, must be opposed.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Favorite fiend?

"[u wrote:
Faces of Evil: The Fiends[/u] (Xanxost)"]Electricity, poison, and nonmagical fire do not hurt the tanar'ri at all. Not even poison that has been set on fire. Xanxost has tried.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Favorite fiend?

"Rhys" wrote:
Faces of Evil: The Fiends (Xanxost) wrote:
Electricity, poison, and nonmagical fire do not hurt the tanar'ri at all. Not even poison that has been set on fire. Xanxost has tried.

I love Xanxost! He made Faces of Evil an even better read than it would have been.


Pants of the North!

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Favorite fiend?

FoE, like BoVD, wasn't nearly dark enough...

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Favorite fiend?

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
FoE, like BoVD, wasn't nearly dark enough...
Maybe not. But they both had their moments...

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Favorite fiend?

Wait a sec, I know the bataazu tempt mortals using contracts and the like, but what type of bataazu does this?
In torment, it was all abashi.
But there aint any abashi no more. So do the horned devils do it? Or the pit fiends?
If its the lemures I just lost all respect for the Nine Hells.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17

Abishai still exist, you can pick them up in the "Monsters of Faerun" book. It details all types.

And as for...

"Wait a sec, I know the bataazu tempt mortals using contracts and the like, but what type of bataazu does this?"

Take a look at an Erinyes lately? Eye-wink

Any Baatezu can tempt mortals... They all have different means and methods, and some are just better at it than others. I'll be damned (pun intended) if f a Lemure's going to get me to sign a contract...

-JordarAd, Manuel of the Planes

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Favorite fiend?

"Evil Construct" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
FoE, like BoVD, wasn't nearly dark enough...
Maybe not. But they both had their moments...

I write darker material than those books. If you want to show evil without getting graphic, you can still make your readers nervous.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Favorite fiend?

Abishai are more like warriors for the baatezu than anything else. They don't do too much tempting. But erinyes certainly do, and even pit fiends, if you're worth their time. Cornugons would be happy to do it too. And I'm sure amnizu do it all day long. They're Fjhull ones from the Torment novel.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Favorite fiend?

:queEs: wait, I thought Fjhull forket tounge was a Cornugon, not an amnizu. A somewaht cubby, and severly beaten cornugun, but a cornugon none-the-less.

You hear that sound? It my whole world crashing down.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Favorite fiend?

They're lawful but they're not modrons. Most baatezu probably get a day off sooner or later, so the can take a trip to the material, disguise themselves as humanoids (or gods) and pick themselves up a soul or two... Maybe even some worshippers Smiling

It's like sex - they all WANT to do it, but it's easier if you have enough XP Sticking out tongue

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Favorite fiend?

Fjhull was a cornugon in the game, but I'm pretty sure he was an amnizu in the novel.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Favorite fiend?

"Rhys" wrote:
Fjhull was a cornugon in the game, but I'm pretty sure he was an amnizu in the novel.

With a fake beard, yes.

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Favorite fiend?

I'd vote for the rilmani, but they're not listed.

What? You don't think they're fiends? Shows what you know, berk...

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Favorite fiend?

Well, if you'd like to present your theory...

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