Father of Chaos

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TheServant's picture
Joined: 2007-08-09
Father of Chaos

I admit it. I have never read Dragon Lance and probably never will. However, im always more interested in the larger scheme, powers and stuff.

A friend of mine mentioned a god called "Father of Chaos" who apparently was the creator of prime ? or a parallel to Ao ?

I pretty much started out playing rpg with 2edition forgotten realms. Forgotten Realms and Krynn was all they ever talked about. How great Raistling was and how mighty a hafling was bla bla but i always wanted to find "things" that were more powerful than those, so i started lookin into planescape and was hook at once. Planescape and Raven loft is my favorite setting. I f****** hate drow campaign called menzobar-something.

ohh got abit off topic, in short, is there any material or could people tell me abit about Ao and Father of chaos and how they "fit in"

thx Smiling

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Father of Chaos

Ao is the overgod of the Forgotten Realms (Toril and the other planets around its star), and the best way to describe him is that he's a effectively the living spirit of that solar system, watching over and loosely regulating the gods who have or seek to establish a divin presence upon one of those planets. He may or may not have created those worlds, or arisen after they formed.

Chaos is a powerful greater god (not overgod) from Krynn who was imprisoned by several other gods of the Krynnish pantheon. Chaos believed that he created the other gods of his pantheon, but he and they were both creations of the Highgod, Krynn's largely undetailed overgod.

Like Ao, Krynn's Highgod holds sway over Krynn's deities, but otherwise has no concern beyond his specific world in the multiverse at large (and likely has no power beyond the bounds of that claimed domain).

Archibald's picture
Joined: 2007-03-13
Father of Chaos

There's q good (though short) detail of the way overgods work in faiths and avatars, the gods supplement for the forgotten ralms. At the beginning of the book they explain how the number of gods in a specific world is regulated by it's overpower.
The forgotten realms novels are the best source of understanding what is Ao, still. To summarize, he can do pretty much everything and anything in his crystal sphere, has no existence out of it, and has for role to maintain the balance between the gods. He actually has no interest whatsoever in mortals, and his worship is plain useless. In his role of maintaining balance in the realms, he refers to a "being of light" who oversees all the overpowers. No more information in stock about that over-overpower (it's getting a little too much for me anyways..)
What I'm asking myself is: how could have the Krynnish gods have been created by an overpower, since the main twos (Paladine and Thakhisis) are just pseudonymes for Bahamut and Tiamat, children of Io, the dragon at the origin of everything, first before creation?

But anyways, this all is of such little importance in terms of gaming that I wonder why they even bothered creating it. Players should hardly ever interfere with powers, and overpowers are absolutely not concerced by mortals, except to rise them up at the status of greater power all at once, which certainly isn't of any concern to the players. Actually, overpowers don't even manifest only Ao ever did, and only once. So I'm really wondering what's the point...

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Father of Chaos

'Archibald' wrote:
What I'm asking myself is: how could have the Krynnish gods have been created by an overpower, since the main twos (Paladine and Thakhisis) are just pseudonymes for Bahamut and Tiamat, children of Io, the dragon at the origin of everything, first before creation?

Because while out of game, Paladine and Thakhisis are virtual carbon copies of Bahamut and Tiamat dressed up in Krynnish colors, in-game they've been seperate entities except for a period in 1e. As seperate beings, there's no conflict between the Io mythology, or the creation of the Krynnish gods by their own Highgod (assuming that either is actually more than myth, and they weren't all formed by mortal worship at a later date than mythology might predict).

TheServant's picture
Joined: 2007-08-09
Father of Chaos

hehe dont worry. My players wont meet any powers. The only reason i asked was that i absolutely love background material and especially the more powerfull ones.

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