Far Realms Exploration

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Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Far Realms Exploration

The most thruthful accounts of the Magic Circle of His Divine Glory, The Emperor, regarding the Exploration of the Interplanar Rift

by Leondar Khart, Apprentice of the Blue Star, Scribe of the Circle, excerpt

Day 24: Today we opened the Seal again, this time for a full minute. Any longer and the protection membrane would collapse.

Day 26 We tested a new version of the Reality Pocket Spell today. It seems that this time the slave lasted for a total of 23 seconds before dissolving into Protoplasm. Archmage Zor remarked that the circles power breaks of too fast after the slave has been pushed through the rift.

Day 31: After careful research, we managed to finish a version of the Reality Pocket Spell that is self-sustaining, without the power of the Circle. The effect is weaker, but lasting.
This time, the slave lasted for a whole 37 seconds and didn't as much dissolve into protoplasm as evaporate into a blue mist. Fascinating.

Day 45: With the help of Archmages Taqua of the Black Moon and Nuir of the Silent Wings a stronger spell has been established, this time complete with a speechlink. The following is a transcript of the slaves messages.

Noooooooo! Aaaaargh! The cube... I can hear it sneaking up from inside my stomach. Uuuuuuuurgh! The colour blue can not penetrate the past if I concentrate on the smell. Emperor, save me! Outside... I can taste the back of my ear if I look to the right. But then the tentacles will get me. Hehe. The inside is above me if the...

After careful analysis, we decided to send in more slaves until we get a more coherent account. Otherwise, something bad might happen.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Far Realms Exploration

'Eldan' wrote:
the tentacles



BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Far Realms Exploration

Day 56 Even though we have taken to protect the slaves with mindblanking and protective spells, it seems that even with the reality pocket they can not comprehend the contents of the rift for any amount of time. We now have more than a dozen verbal accounts stored in memory crystals, and even with the most powerful spells our archmages could weave, only one slave managed to produce one meaningful sentence.

Everything here is red and slimy. Bubbles! The smoke is turning into... AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!

Day 61: Glyphmaster Prakandra of the Ninefold Circle came up with a radical suggestion: instead of sending more slaves into the Rift, we should try to pull small amounts of Trans-rift material out, into our reality. Under greatest security measures, of course.
We are currently busy reinforcing the walls with lead and runes and drawing stronger protection circles around the Rift. We should be prepared in less than a week.

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