Far Realm Resource Index

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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Far Realm Resource Index

You've seen my Inner and Outer Planes resource indices, well now here's on on the Far Realm.

The Far Realm, as described pre-4E, is a plane/dimension/reality independent of time, that exists outside the D&D Multiverse. It is inimical to both life and matter in the Multiverse, and its inspiration is based heavily on works from HP Lovecraft (mastermind behind the Cthulhu mythos) As of the end of 3.5, the Far Realm is only known to consist of the Amoebic Sea-- a multi-layered, (presumably) infinitely or practically infinitely deep ocean of green slime with empty air/space above, and planar pockets or even demiplanes of random terrain/elements/etc.
However, you can (and this is what I have done) decide that the Far Realm is an entire multiverse with its own cosmology, especially if you wish to encorporate creatures and dimensions from 3rd party materials.
It would be a myriad planes cosmology (see 3E Manual of the Planes), and under such provisions, at least 3 planes are known thus far to the cosmology. The most familiar is the Amoebic Sea, of course. The second one is a plane of cold and darkness from which Father Llymic and probably the Shivhads emerged, as suggested in Elder Evils. The third plane is that of the Luminas from the third-party Violet Dawn setting.

Lords of Madness and Dragon Magazine 330 (Enter the Far Realm) are the essential sourcebooks/accessories you'll need.
You'll also want to pick up Elder Evils, as it gives some new additional info on the Elder Elves.

You might want to pick up the 2E adventure "The Gates of Firestorm Peak", which began the concept, though it is hardly necessary-- most of the story-related information can be found in Dragon 330, and the monsters have been updated elsewhere, so it's more of a curiosity than anything else.

You might also want to pick up the Eberron Campaign Setting book, as the Plane of Xoriat (which plays a major role in the campaign setting) is modeled/synonymous with the Far Realm (though you won't want to use the Xoriat encounter table as monsters in Eberron are often ascribed a different history/origin than what is found in Abeir Toril, Greyhawk, and Planescape settings) The Gatekeeper organization is also of interest, though it will have to be reflavored for Planescape, Abeir-Toril, and Greyhawk settings. Faiths of Eberron and the Eberron Campaign Setting are the best books for info on this organization.

This is a list of powers either native to and living in the Far-Realm multiverse, or living in the D&D multiverse, but not naturalized.
--Bolothamogg/Him Who Watches from Beyond the Stars (Lords of Madness)
--Father Llymic (Elder Evils) (currently imprisoned in a mountain on Oerth)
--Ghulurak (DMGII p. 115)
--Holashner/The Hunger Below (Lords of Madness)
--Mak Thuum Ngatha (Lords of Madness)
--Piscaethces/The Blood Queen (Lords of Madness)
--Shothotugg/Eater of Worlds (Lords of Madness)
--Thoon (Monster Manual 5)
--Y'chak/The Violet Flame (Lords of Madness)
--Zurguth/The Consuming Vast (Dragon 358)

The following are powers that exist in our multiverse but are partially naturalized.
--Ghaunadaur (Faiths & Pantheons, Demihuman Deities, Lords of Madness)
--The Great Mother (Lords of Madness)
--The Patient One (Book of Vile Darkness, Lords of Madness)
--Temulea (Violet Dawn campaign setting books)
--Tharizdun (Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, Lords of Madness)

Here also is a vestige of a mortal woman who flirted with Far-Realm powers.

The following creatures are confirmed to be native to the Far-Realm or corrupted by it.
--Aleku (Dragon 348)
--Amoebic Crawler (Dragon 330)
--Bloodsipper (En World Converted Monsters)
--Brood Spawn template (Elder Evils) (associated with Father Llymic)
--Cloaker (MM)
--Cloaker Lord (Monsters of Faerun)
--Cloaker, Shadowcloak Elder (Lords of Madness)
--Cranial Encyster (Dragon 330)
--Daelkyr (Eberron Campaign Setting) (the appearance described in ECS should not be their true form)
--Dharculus (Planar Handbook)
--Dolgaunt (Eberron Campaign Setting) (created by Daelkyr)
--Dolgrim (Eberron Campaign Setting) (created by Daelkyr)
--Essence Reaver (Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona)
--Half-Farspawn (Lords of Madness)
--Gibberling Brood (En World Converted Monsters)
--Gibbering Mouther (Lords of Madness, Monster Manual 1)
--Kaorti (Fiend Folio, Dragon 358)
--Kaortic Hulk (Dragon 330)
--Kyra (Dragon 348)
--Mind Flayers of Thoon (Monster Manual 5)
--Neh-Thalggu (Epic Level Handbook)
--Nightseed (Dragon 330)
--Pseudo-Natural template (Epic Level handbook, Lords of Madness, Complete Arcane)
--Psurlon (Monster Manual 2, Lords of Madness)
--Scorrow (Eberron: Secrets of Xendrik)
--Snowcloak (Frostburn, Silver Marches) *member of the cloaker family*
--Squamous Spewer (Draconomicon)
--Tentacle Spider (Eberron: Secrets of Xendrik)
--The Thing From the Lake (Dungeon 134)
--Urquirsh (Dragon 358)
--Uvuudaum (Epic Level Handbook)
--Wyste (Monster Manual 2)

This is an Outsider, but it appears to be from the Far Realm (or would easily work as such).
Black Loper (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20010831a)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Aberration Rolecall

I'm listing here the known origins of aberrations by category, as a resource for those who wish to create ones for those lacking such.

(This category includes any creatures of magical or psionic origin. I'm going to assume that other mimic monsters are also magically created since it's confirmed that the standard mimic is.)
Apodalypse (EN World Converted Monsters)
Athach (MM) (presumed but not actually stated)
Balhannoth (MMIV)
Bi-Nou/Rockworm (EN World Converted Monsters)
Bowlder (not sure if it was ever converted) *presumed all mimics are magically created, but not confirmed*
Braintree (EN World Converted Monsters)
Carrion Crawler (MM)
Catoblepas (MM2)
Choker (Dragon 323*)
Chuul (MM, Stormwrack)
Cursed Cold One/Gelun (Sandstorm)
Diamondback Viper (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20001001a) *presumed but not confirmed; most likely creators were either humanoids or dragons.*
Dolghast (Magic of Eberron)
Dolgrue (Dragon 348)
Dragon, Brainstealer (Dragon 337)
Dustblight (Sandstorm) (presumably)
Dweomerborn (Spelljammer Beyond the Moons)
Elan (Expanded Psionics)
Firestar (En World Converted Monsters) *presumably created by the Windukes from air element/animental stock like the Hounds of Law*
Ghostlight (En World Converted Monsters) *presumably created by the Windukes from air element/animental stock like the Hounds of Law*
Hook Horror (MM2)
Howler Wasp (MM4)
Ineffable Horror (Underdark) (a safe guess, since it resembles mindflayers...)
Intellect Devourer (Expanded Psionics) (just a guess, since they're walking brains and domesticated by the Illithidae)
Julajimus (MM2)
Kython (Book of Vile Darkness)
Living Bridge (not sure if it was ever converted) (mimic-like creature confirmed to be magically created)
Lock Lurker (EN World Converted Monsters) *presumed all mimics are magically created, but not confirmed*
Lodestone Marauderer (MM4)
Lurking Strangler (MM3)
Mageripper Swarm (MM4)
Meenlock (MM2)
Mimic (MM)
Mimic, House Hunter (En World Converted Monsters) *presumed all mimics are magically created, but not confirmed*
Mind Worm (Dragon 337)
Naga (Monster Ecology, MM, Serpent Kingdoms)
Nasnas (En World Converted Monsters)
Nerve Swimmers (Dragon 337)
Nothic (Miniatures)
Nyth (Monsters of Faerun) *presumably created by the Windukes from air element/animental stock like the Hounds of Law*
Octopin (Dungeon 127
Opabiana (Dragon 348)
Palimpsest (never converted) *presumed all mimics are magically created, but not confirmed*
Peltast (EN World Converted Monsters) *presumed all mimics are magically created, but not confirmed*
Psi-Hulk (Expedition to Undermountain)
Ringworm (FR Monstrous Compendium II-- never updated) *presumed all mimics are magically created, but not confirmed*
Roper, Prismatic (MM3)
Rot Weaver (MM3)
Rukanyr (Fiend Folio) (created by the Kaorti)
Runehound (MM3)
Sharn (Anauroch, Monsters of Faerun)
Shrieking Terror (MM3)
Skum (MM)
Skybleeder (Fiend Folio) (created by the Kaorti)
Slasrath (Fiend Folio)
Spectral Lurker (Fiend Folio)
Spellwarped template (Monster Manual III)
Symbionts, Cerebral (Fiend Folio)
Thruock (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031007a) *created by Kaorti*
Tooth Beast (Tome of Magic)
Umber Hulk (MM)
Vampiric Mist (EN World Converted Monsters)
Xantravar (EN World Converted Monsters) *seems likely, but not confirmed; possibly an aboleth creation*
Xaver (EN World Converted Monsters) *presumed all mimics are magically created, but not confirmed*
Xenostelid (Dragon 348)
Wharlysk (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20030531a) *presumed but not confirmed*
Will-O-Wisp (MM) *presumably created by the Windukes from air element/animental stock like the Hounds of Law*
Witchlight (Spelljammer Beyond the Moons)
Zern Experiment, Arcanovore (MM4)

(As far as I can tell, these creatures are indigenous to some part of the multiverse.)
Abyssal Ant Swarm (Fiend Folio) *Abyss*
Darkweaver (Fiend Folio) *Shadow*
Ecto Fragment (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20030725b) *Demiplane of Ectoplasm*
Ethereal Defiler (MM5) *Ethereal*
Ethergaunt (Fiend Folio) *Ethereal*
Fihyr (MM2) *Dreamscape/Nightmare Lands*
Flumph (Dungeon 118, EN World Converted) *Antediluvian; possibly created by the Aboleth*
Folugub (Expanded Psionics) *related to rust monsters; turns crystal to slime, likely also native to Thuldanin*
Nilshai/Ethereal Theurge (Unapproachable East) *Ethereal*
Odopi (MMIII) *Carceri*
Oozecrawler (Violet Dawn: Complete Book of Denizens)
Oozes (most) *prime, Inner or Outer planes*
Phiuhl (Fiend Folio) *Gehenna*
Roper (MM, Lords of Madness) *Antediluvian, probably a creation of the Aboleth*
Rust Monster (MM) *Indigenous to Thuldanin, a layer of Acheron*
Seryulin (MM3) *I'm just guessing here. Seems likely however if they're associated with Kuo-Toa. ...Why are these things aberrations rather than magical beasts, anyway?*
Shadow Creature template (Lords of Madness) *Shadow*
Spirrax (MMV) *native to a dying demiplane*
Synad (Complete Psionic) *parralel world accessible through the Plane of Shadow*
Yurian (Fiend Folio) *Antediluvian?*

OUT OF TIME *Future*
Carrion Crawler (MM) *from the end of time/the Multiverse like the Illithidae*
Illithidae (various)
Sithilar (Lords of Madness)

(This list includes any creature created or altered through the direct intercession of a deity.)
Aboleth (MM and Lords of Madness) (Piscaethces/The Blood Queen)
Aracholoth (Dragon 298) (Lolth)
Beholders (MM and various) (Great Mother)
Brood Mother (Dragon 298) (Lolth)
Choldrith (Monsters of Faerun) (Lolth)
Chwedenja (FF, Drow of Underdark) (Lolth)
Destrachan (MM) (might be created by a Far Realm power)
Drider (MM) (Lolth)
Ettercap (MM)
Fachan (EN World Converted Monsters) (Gruumsh)
Gibbering Orb (Epic) (Great Mother)
Naga, Worm (Dungeon 130) (Kyuss)
Shunned (Drow of the Underdark) (Lolth)
Spiderleg Horror (Dragon 298) (Lolth)

(Creatures native to a planet other than the main prime ones-- such as Aebryinis, Athas, Eberron, Krynn, Mystra, Oerth, and Toril)
Bonetree (Dragon 280) *not an aberration*
Chilblain (Frostburn) *not explicitly stated, but it does say they're native to the Material Plane.*
Contemplator (Spelljammer Beyond the Moons)
Fal/Falmadrattha (Spelljammer Beyond the Moons)
Focoid (Spelljammer Beyond the Moons)
Gravislayer (Spelljammer Beyond the Moons)
Lutum (Spelljammer Beyond the Moons)
Meteorspawn (Spelljammer Beyond the Moons)
Moonbeast (MM2)
Moonlord (Dragon 340)
Murderoid (Spelljammer Beyond the Moons)
Neogi (MMII, Lords of Madness)
Ragewing (Dragon Compendium, Dragon 280)
Razortail (Dragon 280) *not an aberration*
Stonesinger (MM3) *not explicitly stated, but it does say they're native to the Material Plane.*
Treeleg Strangler (Dragon 280)
Trelon (EN World Convered Monsters)
Tsochar (Lords of Madness)
Umber Hulk (MM) *might be magically created; associated with Neogi*

Grell (MM2, Lords of Madness)
Nishruu (not sure this was ever converted)

Though I have yet to exhaust 2E resources for some of these monsters (to see if their origins are mentioned there), I have yet to find anything in 3x resources which determines their origin.
Adherer (EN World Converted Monsters)
Ahuizotl (Fiend Folio)
Annihilator (Underdark) *very similar to rust monster, but disintegrates living creatures instead*
Avolakia (MMII) *possibly a creation of the aboleth*
Boneleaf (Heroes of Horror)
Corruption Eater (Heroes of Horror)
Crystalmist (EN World Converted Monsters)
Darktentacles (MMII)
Deadly Dancer (Tome of Magic)
Deepspawn (Lost Empires of Faerun)
Delver (MM)
Denzelian (EN World Converted Monsters)
Ephemeral Hangman (Tome of Magic)
Faze (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ae/20030826a) *found on Astral, but uncertain if indigenous*
Foulwing (Lost Empires of Faerun, City of the Spider Queen WE)
Garbler (Tome of Magic)
Glasspane Horror (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
Grick (MM)
Gutpuppet (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/mm/mm20011215a)
Hagunemnon (Epic)
Horgar (EN World Converted Monsters)
Hound of the Gloom (Lords of Madness)
Ixitxachitl (MMII)
Krakentua (EN World Converted Monsters)
Lurker (Underdark, City of the Spiderqueen WE) *possibly the Far-Realm like the Cloakers*
Lythlyx (EN World Converted Monsters) *possibly a creation of the Aboleth, or a larval stage of certain psionics-using tentacled creatures*
Mad Slasher (Miniatures)
Malasynep (Frostburn)
Maulgoth (Fiend Folio)
Mindshredder (MMIII)
Mindstealer (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20030727a)
Ocularon (Fiend Folio)
Orpsu (EN World Converted Monsters)
Otyugh (MM) *conceivably a creation of the Aboleth*
Phaerimm (Lost Empires of Faerun, Monsters of Faerun)
Phasm (MM)
Quaraphon (MMIII)
Ripper (Cityscape)
Shadow Choker (Lords of Madness)
Shivhad (Frostburn)
Spark Lasher (Miniatures)
Harpoon Spider (MMIII)
Steel Shadow (EN World Converted Monsters)
Susurrus (MMIII) *not the same as the 2E sussurus*
Tall Mouther (Shining South, Monsters of Faerun)
Tentamort (EN World Converted Monsters)
Thorciasid (Epic)
Tinkerer (Spelljammer Beyond the Moons)
Tunnel Terror (FF) *distantly related to delvers*
Vermiurge (Epic)
Vivisector (MMV)
Windghost (MMII)
Zeugalak (LoM)

I'm leaning towards magical creation for the malasynep and treat the Shivhad as Far-Realm indigenous (presumably from the same dark, cold plane as Father Llymic). Seems like there should be an optional-rule psionic variant of the malasynep; I'll get to making one eventually.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Far Realm Resource Index

The vestige Otiax (Tome of Magic, 43) also seems connected somehow to the Far Realm.

•Acidic Broadleaf (Gates of Firestrom Peak, New Creature)
“Within the entrance to this cavern, small gray polyps are sporadically congregated. As you move through them into the open, the polyps give way to large, plantlike growths with very large fan-shaped leaves of bright yellow. These growths thickly cover the floor, rising to knee-height on a normal human. The leaves of the plant seem to be pulsating in unison, as if breathing, and each “breath” is accompanied by a warm, moist draft of air.”

• Squamous Spewer (Draconomicon)
“…an evil, amorphous mass of scales, mouths, fangs, and reptilian eyes…” Seemingly a hybrid of dragon and gibbering mouther.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Far Realm Resource Index

Double post

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Far Realm Resource Index

Hmm, on a slightly related note, shouldn't the Obyrith have psi-like abilities in addition to spell-like abilities? Seems logical to me considering how Cthulhu-tastic they are. Going with the theme of antediluvian= psionic, it seems like there should be some types of yugoloth with psi-like abilities in addition to or instead of spell-like abilities, as well.

So, Rip, any idea on the origins of the monsters I listed in the unknown category? I'm particularly curious about the Ixichitl, lurkers, darktentacles, and tall mouthers. (if no origin is even posited, then it seems likely that the darktentacles would be a creation of the aboleth.)

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Far Realm Resource Index

Can you have monsters with both? I was always under the impression that any given monster could have either PLAs or SLAs, but not both at once.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Far Realm Resource Index

Hmm, on a slightly related note, shouldn't the Obyrith have psi-like abilities in addition to spell-like abilities? Seems logical to me considering how Cthulhu-tastic they are. Going with the theme of antediluvian= psionic, it seems like there should be some types of yugoloth with psi-like abilities in addition to or instead of spell-like abilities, as well.

Possibly, depending on where you think psionics come from. In 1st edition, most powerful planar creatures (and even Elminster) had psionic powers added to their other abilities. The 2nd edition Complete Psionicist's Handbook also gave free psionic powers to most powerful planar creatures. The Psi and Omega article by Zadara on this site theorizes that all psionics is the result of Ilsensine projecting its power backwards from the end of time, which is pretty fascinating, but would indicate that antiquity isn't correlated with psionic ability. In Eberron, psionics are associated with some aberrations, but are mainly linked to the plane of dreams. In core 4th edition, psionics are either associated with the Far Realm or the result of nature reacting against the Far Realm's taint; extremely ancient creatures like obyriths would actually be less likely to be psionic by that standard, and aboleths are only psionic because of their Far Realm associations, not their antiquity.

So, Rip, any idea on the origins of the monsters I listed in the unknown category? I'm particularly curious about the Ixichitl, lurkers, darktentacles, and tall mouthers.

Lurkers are sometimes (for example, in the 1st edition Dungeoneer's Survival Guide) said to be related to cloakers, so would probably ultimately have the same origin.

Ixitxachitls are believed to be creations of Demogorgon (or conceivably of the god Ilxendren, described as patron of underdark ixitxachitls in Night Below). I could see the aboleth as having some role in their creation, though.

Carrion crawlers are said, like the illithidae, to be native to the "Sunset World" of illithids in Dragon #150.

I'm not aware of any specific origin of the darktentacles.

I always thought grick might be somehow created by grell, though I can't prove it.

I suspect the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahuizotl_(creature)]ahuizotl[/url] was created by the Aztec pantheon.

Any relation of the rust monster is likely associated with Acheron. Rust monsters seem to have been originally native to Thuldanin.

Athachs are almost certainly giant-kin, related to fomorians.

Foulwings are from some undefined other plane. They seem to be inspired by Lovecraft's byakhee.

Windghosts "may be" from another plane.

Tall mouthers sort of look like they might be related to girallons somehow.

You might be interested in taking a look at Misfit Monsters Redeemed from Paizo, which covers some of these creatures. It's been getting great reviews.

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Far Realm Resource Index

ripvanwormer wrote:
Any relation of the rust monster is likely associated with Acheron. Rust monsters seem to have been originally native to Thuldanin.

I seem to remember reading something at some point about rust monsters being the larval form of rust dragons, but I can't remember if that's from some fan product or from a canon source. Any chance you remember what I'm talking about, Rip?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Far Realm Resource Index

Yes, that's from Planes of Law, though 3rd edition sources dismissed the theory as the "ravings of a madman."

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Far Realm Resource Index

Sounds interesting, though I much prefer my theory about the Flumph being an aboleth creation since some of the 2E sources specifically note that the creature is "native" as I recall.

I figured that about the Rust Monster, but I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed anything.

As for the Obyrith, I was going with the whole "Cthulhu-tastic creatures use psionics" theme.

As far as other aboleth creations, looking at the evolutionary tree for the Precambiran and Cambrian, I think most of their creations are going to be ooze-like creatures (which of course does include the flumph), arthropods (e.g. crustaceans, insects, arachnids, trilobites, and everything in-between). and *wikis really quick* Cnidarians (jellyfish, sea anemones, corals), Echinoderms (urchins, starfish, and sea biscuits), and later on, early cephalopods.

I am also of the view that there was more than one "Aboleth Empire" and more than one collapse, with the final one occurring when the prime worlds warmed and aridified in the Permian-- this is also a perfect time for when the first advanced, modernistic sentient races would have appeared (ones likely to have worshipped deities-- namely sentient amniotes, such as quadrapedal, serpentine, or even bipedal gorgonopsids and cynodonts) which correlates with the materials in Lords of Madness. It would be at this point when the aboleth would finally be driven underground, and the collapse of their empire would be from the combined stressors of the sentient uprisings (which until the rise of the amniotes would have been possible for the aboleth to keep under control), combined with the climate change. Perhaps, even, the aboleth brought about their undoing even more directly by engineering many of their slave arthropod and amniote races to be capable of living in arid environments-- allowing rebellion to foment and rally in areas difficult for the aboleth to reach. After the fall of the aboleth empire of course, these creatures (along with several marine races) were among those who would dominate the prime worlds until the Permian-Triassic extinction event analogue. The aboleth would be dealt such a crippling blow that they would no longer have the power or numbers needed to control the fully aquatic races anymore, either. Of course, it's likely that the dominant aquatic races, like their dominant terrestrial kin, also now have the protection of deities, making things even more difficult for the aboleth.
Let's not forget the fact that, with the tides turned on the aboleth, their former slave races (esp. the aquatic ones) now want revenge for the centuries/millenia of oppression.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Far Realm Resource Index

More questions for Rip:

I'm also curious if you have any idea where the delver and its cousins come from; it appears to be a 3x-only monster, and no clues are given as to its origins.

Also curious as to where the Folugrub and Annihilator. The Folugub seems likely to be indigenous to an Outer planar layer, but I'm not well versed enough to know where it would fit. Ditto for the Annihilator.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Far Realm Resource Index

If rust monsters come from Thuldanin, evolved to munch on the scrap metal from eons of war, then folugrubs might come from the same place, originating in a region of the plane where the detritus of psionic wars falls instead. Or, more likely I think, they might wander about in the same scrapyards that the rust monsters do, feeding on the crystalline weapon parts that their kin ignore.

Alternately, you could argue that Tintibulus is the magical/psionic layer of Acheron, and its polyhedron cubes act as massive psionic foci, but I don't see much evidence of crystals there.

A completely different direction might be to put them in the Quasielemental Plane of Mineral, or some crystal-based demiplane that a group of rust monsters became stranded on.

Over all, I think I prefer the idea that the folugrub is just a mutant rust monster that originated in Thuldanin to exploit a niche its cousins couldn't.

The annihilator, on the other hand, seems to be a rust monster that was forced to evolve somewhere where there none of its usual food sources were available, forcing it to learn to consume any and all matter. They could have ended up stranded on Ocanthus or somewhere in the Underdark. Or they could be a Doomguard experiment.

Misfit Monsters Redeemed says that delvers are creations of a now-lost race that shaped the Underdark long ago, creating them to expand their ancient kingdoms.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Far Realm Resource Index

Sounds about right for the Folugrub. Thanks.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Far Realm Resource Index

The following is a list of spells that fit a Far-Realmish theme, including spells suited for cultists of Tharizdun. Some of these spells fit the theme due to a sort of 'reality bending' effect (for instance, blacklight and antimagic field)

Amorphous Form (Asn 3, Wiz 3) (Underdark)
Analyze Dweomer (Brd 6, Wiz 6)
Antimagic Field (Clr 8, Sha 8, Shu 6, Wiz 6)
Antipathy (Drd 9, Shu 9, Wiz 8, Wujen Cool
Arcane Eye (Wiz 4)
Arcane Sensitivity (Wiz 1) (Shining South)
Arcane Sight (Beg 3, Hex 3, Wiz 3)
Arcane Sight, Greater (Beg 7, Wiz 7)
Avascular Mass (Wiz Cool (SC, Libris Mortis)
Avasculate (Wiz 7) (SC, Libris Mortis)
Bane (Clr 1, Nec 1, Sha 1)
Beckoning Call (Brd 2) (Fiendish Codex I)
Befoul (Clr Cool (Fiendish Codex I, Lords of Madness, BoVD)
Blindness/Deafness (Brd 2, Clr 3, Hex 2, Nec 2, Sha 3, Wiz 2)
Blindsight (Clr 3, Drd 3/2, Wiz 2) (SC, PGF, Underdark)
Blindsight, Greater (Clr 4, Drd 4) (SC)
Bolts of Bedevilment (Brd 5, Madness 5) (SC, Cdiv, Lords of Madness)
Bothersome Babble (Hex 2, Wiz 3) (Cmag)
Brain Spider (Clr 8/7 Mind Cool (Expanded Psionics, Lords of Madness, SC)
Brittleskin (Drd 3, Rgr 3, Wiz 3) (Shining South)
Cause Fear (Brd 1, Blk 1, Clr 1, Hex 1, Nec 1, Shu 1, Wiz 1)
Chain of Eyes (Clr 3, Drd 4, Wiz 2) (SC)
Circle of Nausea (Clr 3, Drd 2) (BoVD)
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (Asn 4, Brd 3, Beg 3, Shu 3, Wiz 3)
Climb Walls (Drd 1, Rgr 1) (SC)
Comprehend Languages (Brd 1, Beg 1, Clr 1, Wiz 1, Wujen 1)
Confusion (Brd 3, Beg 4, Hex 3, Shu 5, Wiz 4, Wujen 4)
Confusion, Lesser (Brd 1)
Corporeal Instability (Wiz 4) (SC, Planar)
Countermoon (Drd 2) (SC)
Crisis of Confidence (Brd 3, Hex 2) (Heroes of Battle)
Crumble (Drd 3/6) (SC, Cdiv, MoF)
Damning Darkness (Clr 4, Wiz 4) (Lords of Madness, BoVD)
Darkbolt (vile) (Clr 2, Vile Darkness 2, Wiz 2) (Lords of Madness, BoVD)
Darklight (Asn 2, Wiz 1) (BoVD)
Darkness (Asn 2, Brd 2, Clr 2, Hex 2, Nec 2, Wiz 2)
Darkness, Deeper (Asn 3, Blk 3, Clr 3)
Despoil (Clr 9) (Fiendish Codex I, Lords of Madness, BoVD)
Destruction (Clr 7, Nec 7)
Detect Scrying (Brd 4, Hex 4, Shu 4, Wiz 4)
Detect Secret Doors (Brd 1, Beg 1, Wiz 1)
Detect Thoughts (Brd 2, Beg 2, Shu 2, Wiz 2, Wujen 2)
Detect Vestige (Clr 1, Pld 1, Wiz 1) (Tome of Magic)
Dimensional Lock (Clr 8, Sha 8, Wiz Cool
Dirge of Discord (Brd 3) (SC, Cadv)
Discern Location (Beg 8, Clr 8, Hlr 8, Sha 8, Shu 8, Wiz Cool
Divination (Clr 4, Sha 4)
Dominate Animal (Drd 3)
Dominate Monster (Beg 9, Wiz 9, Wujen 9)
Dominate Person (Brd 4, Beg 5, Hex 4, Wiz 5, Wujen 5)
Dominate Person, Mass (Brd 7, Wiz Cool (Dragon 312)
Endless Slumber (Brd 5, Wiz 6) (Cmag)
Energy Vulnerability (Clr 3, Wiz 3) (PHBII)
Enrage Animals (Drd 1, Rgr 1) (SC, Champions of Ruin)
Enthrall (Brd 2, Clr 2, Hex 2, Sha 2)
Eye of Stone (Wiz 6) (Races of Stone)
Fear (Brd 3, Hex 4, Nec 4, Wiz 4)
Feeblemind (Beg 5, Shu 5, Wiz 5, Wujen 5)
Fever Dream (Brd 5, Wiz 5) (Cmag)
Find the Gap (Asn 3, Pld 3, Rgr 3) (SC)
Find the Path (Brd 6, Clr 6, Drd 6, Sha 6)
Flaying Tendrils (Wiz 5) (Cmag)
Foresight (Beg 9, Drd 9, Hlr 9, Wiz 9)
Gaseous Form (Air 3, Brd 3, Wiz 3, Wujen 3)
Hallucinatory Terrain (Brd 4, Shu 4, Wiz 4)
Hindsight (Brd 6, Wiz 9) (SC, Cadv)
Hold Animal (Drd 2, Rgr 2)
Hold Monster (Brd 4, Beg 5, Wiz 5, Wujen 5)
Hold Monster, Mass (Beg 9, Wiz 9)
Hold Person (Brd 2, Beg 2, Clr 2, Sha 2, Shu 2, Wiz 3, Wujen 2)
Hold Person, Mass (Beg 7, Wiz 7)
Hypnotism (Brd 1, Beg 1, Shu 1, Wiz 1, Wujen 1)
Identify (Art 1, Brd 1, Hex 1, Wiz 1)
Interminable Echo (Brd 4) (Cmag)
Implacable Pursuer (Asn 4, Blk 4, Rgr 3) (SC)
Incite Riot (Brd 5, Beg 5, Wiz 5) (PHBII)
Insanity (Wiz 7)
Invoke Magic (Wiz 9) (Lords of Madness)
Know Direction (Brd 0, Drd 0, Shu 0)
Know Motivation (Sha 2) (Oriental Adventures)
Know Vulnerabilities (Brd 2, Clr 3, Wiz 4) (SC)
Legend Lore (Brd 4, Wiz 6)
Locate Creature (Asn 4, Brd 4, Beg 4, Shu 4, Wiz 4, Wujen 4)
Locate Node (Clr 3, Drd 2, Wiz 2) (Champions of Ruin, Underdark)
Locate Object (Brd 2, Clr 3, Sha 3, Shu 2, Wiz 2, Wujen 2)
Maddening Scream (Madness Cool (SC, Cdiv, Lords of Madness)
Magical Backlash (Brd 2, Hex 2, Wiz 2) (Drow of the Underdark)
Merge into Art (Asn 3, Blk 3) (Necromancer - Eldritch Sorcery)
Mind Fog (Brd 5, Wiz 5)
Mindless Rage (Brd 2, Wiz 2) (SC, Cadv)
Mindrape (Wiz 9) (BoVD)
Necrotic Curse (Clr 7, Wiz 7) (Cmag)
Nightmare (Brd 5, Sha 5, Wiz 5, Wujen 5)
Node Door (Drd 3, Wiz 3) (Underdark)
Node Genesis (Wiz 9) (Underdark)
Node Lock (Wiz 2) (Underdark)
No Light (Brd 1, Clr 0, Wiz 0) (BoVD)
Omen of Peril (Clr 1, Drd 1) (SC, Races of Destiny, Cdiv)
Precipitate Breach (Wiz 5) (Planar)
Precipitate Complete Breach (Wiz 9) (Planar)
Probe Thoughts (Mind 6, Wiz 6) (SC, Expanded Psionics, Lords of Madness, Cdiv)
Programmed Amnesia (Wiz 9) (SC, Carc)
Pronouncement of Fate (Clr 4) (Heroes of Horror)
Prying Eyes (Wiz 5)
Prying Eyes, Greater (Wiz Cool
Psychic Poison (Clr 4, Wiz 4) (BoVD)
Puppeteer (Brd 3) (SC)
Rage (Brd 2, Hex 2, Wiz 3)
Ravenous Darkness (Clr 7) (Ccha)
Ray of Enfeeblement (Nec 1, Wiz 1)
Ray of Dizziness (Brd 3, Wiz 3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (Wiz 1)
Ray of Entropy (Wiz 6) (SC)
Ray of Exhaustion (Wiz 3)
Ray of Sickness (Wiz 2) (SC)
Ray of Stupidity (Wiz 2)
Ray of Weakness (Wiz 4) (SC)
Reality Blind (Wiz 3) (BoVD)
Remorseless Charm (Brd 5, Clr 6, Wiz 6) (Champions of Ruin)
Rusting Fog (Drd 6) (Eberron: Forge of War)
Rusting Grasp (Drd 4) (SC)
Scale Weakening (Wiz 2) (SC)
Scare (Brd 2, Nec 2, Wiz 2)
Scintillating Pattern (Beg 8, Wiz Cool
Scramble Portal (Wiz 4) (SC)
See Invisibility (Brd 3, Beg 2, Hex 2, Wiz 2, Wujen 2)
Sever Ties of the Moon (Clr 3, Drd 3, Wiz 3) (Dragon 340)
Silence (Brd 2, Beg 2, Clr 2, Shu 2)
Sleep (Asn 1, Brd 1, Beg 1, Hex 1, Shu 1, Wiz 1, Wujen 1)
Slime Wave (Clr 7, Drd 7) (SC, Cdiv, Fiendish Codex I)
Soften Earth and Stone (Drd 2)
Song of Discord (Brd 5, Nec 7)
Spell Vulnerability (Clr 4, Wiz 3) (SC, Planar)
Starvation (Drd 4) (SC)
Stupor (Asn 1, Clr 1, Wiz 1) (BoVD)
Subvert Planar Essence (Clr 5, Wiz 6) (SC)
Tasha's Hideous Laughter (Brd 1, Hex 1, Wiz 2)
Telepathy Block (Brd 5, Clr 5, Wiz 5) (BoED)
Tongues (Brd 2, Clr 4, Sha 3, Wiz 3, Wujen 3)
Touch of Fatigue (Sha 0, Wiz 0)
Touch of Idiocy (Brd 1, Hex 2, Wiz 2)
Touch of Madness (Madness 2) (SC, Cdiv, Lords of Madness)
Touch of Years (Wiz 4) (Cmag)
True Seeing (Beg 6, Clr 5, Drd 7, Hlr 5, Sha 5, Shu 6, Wiz 6, Wujen 6)
True Seeing, Mass (Truth 9) (Races of Eberron)
Undetectable Alignment (Asn 2, Brd 1, Beg 1, Clr 2, Hex 1, Nec 1, Pld 2)
Undulant Innards (Wiz 3) (Lords of Madness)
Unluck (Brd 3, Hex 4, Wiz 3) (SC, Cadv)
Utterdark (Wiz 9) (Lords of Madness, BoVD)
Vertigo Field (Beg 3, Wiz 3) (PHBII)
Viscid Glob (Wiz 5/4) (SC, Underdark)
Vision (Wiz 7)
Vision of the Future (Clr Cool (PHBII)
Vulnerability (Asn 4, Clr 5, Sha 5, Wiz 5) (SC)
Wall of Eyes (Wiz 7) (BoVD)
Wall of Ooze (Clr 5, Wiz 5) (BoVD)
Waves of Cold (Wiz 6) (Frostburn) *replace material component w. heart of shivhad)
Waves of Exhaustion (Nec 6, Wiz 7)
Waves of Fatigue (Nec 5, Wiz 5)
Zone of Revelation (Clr 5) (SC)
Zone of Silence (Brd 4, Beg 4)
Zone of Truth (Clr 2, Pld 2)

On a similar note, I think we need a Far-Realm originating power whose portfolio is truth and forbidden knowledge. The power embodies truth in its bluntest form, with absolutely no consideration of possible consequences. For example, revealing to a small child that their mother was murdered + the greusome details, or on a more humorous note, telling a woman that, yes, that dress DOES make her ass look big. The power will answer any questions its clerics ask-- even self-destructive questions, such as what its weaknesses are. Of course, anyone who dares try to contemplate this being will end up with a permanent drain of all but a single point of INT. The priesthood tends to consists of diviners (the majority of which are insane-- yup, the insane oracle cliche-- I noticed that it didn't look like, as of the end of 3.5, that we had any such deity, yet.), arcanists seeking forbidden knowledge, and those guilty of slothful truth-seeking-- that is, devoting their lives to seeking truth for truth's sake rather than seeking it for a cause or utility.

The following are a list of spells for destroyers of aberrations and Far Realm thralls.
Banishment (Clr 6, Shu 6, Wiz 7)
Break Enchantment (Brd 4, Beg 5, Clr 5, Hex 4, Hlr 5, Pld 4, Sha 5, Wiz 5)
Calm Emotions (Brd 2, Clr 2, Hlr 2, Sha 2)
Clarity of Mind (Balance 3, Blk 2, Pld 2) (SC, Underdark)
Delay Disease (Clr 1, Drd 1) (SC)
Delay Poison (Brd 2, Clr 2, Drd 2, Hlr 2, Pld 2, Rgr 1, Sha 2, Shu 2)
Detect Aberration (Clr 2, Drd 2, Wiz 2) (Lords of Madness)
Detect Taint (Clr 1, Shu 1) (Heroes of Horror)
Dimensional Anchor (Clr 4, Shu 4, Wiz 4)
Dimensional Lock (Clr 8, Sha 8, Wiz Cool
Dream Lock (Wiz 2) (Secrets of Sarlona)
Dream Lock, Mass (Wiz 4) (Secrets of Sarlona)
Ethereal Chamber (Wiz 2/3) (SC, MotP)
Fleshbound (Clr 6, Wiz 6) (Secrets of Sarlona)
Foebane (Rgr 4) (SC, Cadv)
Heal (Clr 6, Drd 7, Hlr 6, Sha 6, Shu 6)
Heal, Mass (Clr 9, Hlr 8, Sha 8, Shu Cool
Healer's Vision (Asn 1, Clr 1) (Csco)
Hunter's Eye (Rgr 2) (PHBII)
Illusion Purge (Clr 8, Wiz Cool (Races of Eberron)
Invisibility Purge (Clr 3)
Invoke the Cerulean Sign (Brd 3, Clr 3, Drd 2, Pld 3, Rgr 2, Sha 2, Shu 3, Wiz 3, Wujen 3) (Lords of Madness)
Imprisonment (Shu 9, Wiz 9, Wujen 9)
Mark of the Hunter (Rgr 3) (SC)
Mark of Justice (Clr 5, Pld 4)
Moment of Clarity (Pld 2) (BoED)
Nature's Purity (Drd 3, Sha 3) (Lords of Madness)
Neutralize Poison (Brd 4, Clr 4, Drd 3, Hlr 3, Pld 4, Rgr 3, Sha 4, Shu 4)
Panacea (Clr 4, Drd 5, Hlr 4) (SC, Mini)
Reachwalker's Wariness (Drd 2, Rgr 2) (Races of Eberron)
Remove Disease (Clr 3, Drd 3, Hlr 2, Rgr 3, Sha 3, Shu 3)
Remove Fear (Brd 1, Clr 1, Hlr 1, Shu 1)
Remove Paralysis (Clr 2, Hlr 1, Pld 2, Sha 2, Shu 2)
Restoration, Greater (Clr 7, Hlr 6, Sha 7)
Restoration, Lesser (Clr 2, Drd 2, Hlr 2, Pld 1, Sha 2, Shu 2)
Restoration, Mass (Clr 7) (SC)
Seal Portal (Clr 3 or Wiz 6) (Planar, MotP)
Stalking Brand (Rgr 1) (SC, MoF)
True Seeing (Beg 6, Clr 5, Drd 7, Hlr 5, Sha 5, Shu 6, Wiz 6, Wujen 6)
Wall of Force (Art 5, Wiz 5, Wujen 5)
Word of Balance (Balance 7, Drd 7) (SC, Underdark)
Weighed in the Balance (Balance 9) (SC, Underdark)
Zone of Revelation (Clr 5) (SC)
Zone of Silence (Brd 4, Beg 4)

Eventually I'll get to an appropriate psionics list as well.

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