Fair Game? Playing with a loaded canon.

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Joined: 2004-05-10
Fair Game? Playing with a loaded canon.

Hello all

Well I've been working on some recent ideas posted to these boards, most of which are being or going to be submitted to planewalker.

What I'm curios about is what people consider to be acceptable when playing with certain ideas in the PS canon.

The two ideas that I am playing with are:

1. Magic being nullified close to the spire.
My ideas for the Draken (found in Hall of Records currently) have them using magical rituals that allow them to cast high level spells right up next to the spire itself. The way they do this is through using longer rituals and mulitple spell casters as well as a chorus from the rest of the tribe. The magics cast through these means are often very potent and difficult to deflect.

2. Gods may not enter Sigil (Or at least stay in the city).
In my Lady's Dark Sea writeups the major race I introduced into the seas under Sigil are the cranium eels, and they worship their own gods inside the city of doors. In fact their entire pantheon is inside the city. However the gods they worship are animals, and un-intelligent themselves. In fact the animal gods are more diefic idols than actual dieties as the death of one animal does not mean that the divine nature associated with it is dead but rather is just out of favor with the universe. Still their entire pantheon (and almost entire race) is held inside the city of doors.

Personally I consider both of these fair play as they don't directly contradict stated matiral, nor do they answer any major questions of the setting. Rather they bring up more questions and speculation about the setting.

What do the rest of you think? Any other interesting ideas?

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