Faction Symbols: huh?

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vini_lessa's picture
Joined: 2007-10-03
Faction Symbols: huh?

Can someone tell what the symbols mean? Or better, analise its symbology and in what way it relates to the factions´ ideals?

Some are obvious:

- the Sensates symbol (with the 5 senses)

- the Bleakers (a helmet with an empty inside, symbolizing "emptiness of meaning");

- the Doomguard (a supposedly decomposing skull, symbolizing entropy)

- the Dustman (the head of the faction´s founder - a undead lich );

But what about the others? Any ideas? I would like to "understand" those symbols!

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Faction Symbols: huh?

The Bleakers' helmet was also already on the floor of the Gatehouse when they took it over. The idea of using a symbol that actually had no meaning was pretty appealing to them.

Believers of the Source essectially shows a sword in the process of being forged, a double symbol of the foundry and of the process of 'forging' oneself into something better.

Harmonium is a sword and shield. Pretty simple.

Mercykillers shows the Wyrm that they gather their truth-serum from, and occasionally use to execute prisoners.

Not sure about the Signers, but it's a neat dragon Laughing out loud

Xaositects have a screaming demon. Random enough for them, I guess

Not sure about the Athar, though it might be an outline of the shattered temple.

Transcendent Order, no idea at all.

Same with the Fated.

Same with Fraternity of Order.

Indeps symbol is the Ouroboros, though I'm not sure why.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Faction Symbols: huh?

Fraternity of Order's is a dagger cutting through the laws of the multiverse

Spiteful Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
Faction Symbols: huh?

The Athar symbol kinda resembles the lady of pain's headdress, which may have played a part in Aoskar's appearance on the Astral Plane.

vini_lessa's picture
Joined: 2007-10-03
Faction Symbols: huh?

Is there some place where the authors explained this?


Fraternity of Order's is a dagger cutting through the laws of the multiverse

Or would it be cuttin through the chaos of the multiverse?

The Bleakers' helmet was also already on the floor of the Gatehouse when they took it over. The idea of using a symbol that actually had no meaning was pretty appealing to them.
Interesting. I thought that symbol (an empty helmet, "empty meaning") was perfect for them.

Harmonium is a sword and shield. Pretty simple
Totalitarism, police state, etc. Yeah, seems obvious.

Mercykillers shows the Wyrm that they gather their truth-serum from, and occasionally use to execute prisoners.
Now thats makes sense for me! Finally. (Ive forgotten that wyrm story..)

Indeps symbol is the Ouroboros, though I'm not sure why.
But, different from the Ouroboros, the Indep serpent do not eat its tail. Infact , the serpents head is up, like if activelly refusing to eat its own tail. This may represent the will to be free from imposed/stablished patterns, which would relate perfectly to the "freedom" (of behaviour, expression and ideology) philosophy of the Indeps. No?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Faction Symbols: huh?

Fraternity of Order's icon symbolizes incisive reason, cutting through confusion and applying force at a fulcrum point.

Transcendent Order is a sun and a moon in a sky; the astronomical patterns of the celestial spheres used as a symbol for the Cadence of the Planes. It always seems to me as if it's being viewed inside a clear, round gem for some reason.

This is only a vague connection, but the symbol of the Fated strikes me as an image of a noble by birth, someone with every confidence in his natural right to rule.

That leaves Athar and Anarchists, Indeps and Signers, two groups whose symbols are fairly similar but in neither case seem to me to be particularly related to their philosophies. The Athar and Anarchists are both about exposing lies and refuting commonly held beliefs regarding meaning, which might be the reason for their arrays of blades. The Indeps and Signers both put stock in strength of personal beliefs, for which the notoriously solitary and powerful dragons make decent symbols.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Faction Symbols: huh?

I'm pretty sure the Indeps symbol is actually the serpent Jormagund from Norse mythology, the mighty serpent whose body wrapped around the world and his tail sat in his mouth. But I don't understand its significance. Curiously enough, its the same symbol as the vampire clan Tzimsce(forgive me if the spelling is off) in Vampire the Masquerade, the kindred who embrace the inner beast. Hmm..

Alexi's picture
Joined: 2007-05-16
Faction Symbols: huh?

the serpent eating his tail is pretty common symbol. It can mean eternity, and apparently in celtic mythology represents wisdom.

vini_lessa's picture
Joined: 2007-10-03
Faction Symbols: huh?

But the serpent in Indeps symbol is NOT eating its tail!!! Its head is up, and its tongue is out - like if refusing to eat the tail!!!!

Only I perceive this? :shock:

Spiteful Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
Faction Symbols: huh?

'vini_lessa' wrote:
But the serpent in Indeps symbol is NOT eating its tail!!! Its head is up, and its tongue is out - like if refusing to eat the tail!!!!

Only I perceive this? :shock:

Never noticed it until you pointed it out. And, I don't see any other references to that. Heck, even the PSCS chapter on factions incorrectly describes it as eating its tail. :shock:

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Faction Symbols: huh?

Just like Jormagund. Who isn't actually swallowing his tail, he just holding it in his mouth. Kinda like peoplewho chew on their hair.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Faction Symbols: huh?

Hm... noted and added to the errata list. (And really that's how it's described in the Books Too!! That's where I *got* that from!)

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