(Faction idea) The Redeemers

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Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
(Faction idea) The Redeemers

This is the rough outline of a new faction that I've come up with: The Redeemers.

Basically it's a faction that supports Risen Fiends and redeemed villians, as well as those who support them.

The Faction is devided into two catagories: Redemtion Seekers and Soliderate Volunteers.

The Seekers are Risen Fiends, redeemed villians, members of otherwise evil races or mortal cutters who had a bit of difficulty finding Palor. They are the ones seeking redemtion for past crimes or sins.

The Soliderate Volunteers or Soliderates are paladins, good align races and other indivdiuals who have nothing to redeem for, but who support the Redeemers and Seekers in their cause, and stand by them as comrades and and sometime teachers.

The faction is then devided into two sub-factions: The Crusaders and the Caregivers. The Crusaders are like the warriors, they fight evil and protect the innocent, while the Caregivers are in charge of humantarian tasks, like running free clinics, homeless shealters ect.

HQ: Salvation Base, on the Elysium layer Amoria. Not far from the Phonix Medows and the city-state of Serenity.

Thats all I can think of for now. Let me know what you think!

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
(Faction idea) The Redeemers

Come on! Is anyone interested?

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
(Faction idea) The Redeemers

Well, I was thinking of having the Caregivers as pacifits, but not to the point where they'd throw flowers. And the Crusaders would defintaly be very agressive when fighting evil, espically the Redemtion Seekers, as they'll often be overzealous.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
(Faction idea) The Redeemers

It sounds interesting. My big qualm is that it sounds more like a support group than a faction. It's fine as an organization, I think, but to be a faction it's got to be a little more "assertive", their ideas have to be more "dangerous".

Here are some ideas:

-They're complete pacifists, they throw flowers at fiends because to them, every life is valuable and deserves a chance.
-They kidnap and brainwash fiends to the side of good, because anything is too much to show evil the right path.

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
(Faction idea) The Redeemers

Any more comments?

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
(Faction idea) The Redeemers

Well, I was thinking of having the Caregivers as pacifits, but not to the point where they'd throw flowers. And the Crusaders would defintaly be very agressive when fighting evil, espically the Redemtion Seekers, as they'll often be overzealous.

Well... it's not much of a faction as it is a knightly order. Maybe you should make them pacifists to the point of throwing flowers. It'd definitely make them interesting, have a more profound philosophy, and much more like a faction. As it is right now, the Redeemers are more like the Harmonium.

Ruy's picture
Joined: 2006-07-22
(Faction idea) The Redeemers

I think they are best left as a sect. It would be difficult to try to force them into being a full-fledged faction.

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
(Faction idea) The Redeemers

No, the Redeemers are not like the Harmonium, because some of its members don't care about laws, just protecting the innocent and stopping evil-doers. That's the unique thing about my faction, because it has not only NG, but also LG and CG.

Also, they'd have branches almost everywhere, even though their HQ is in Elysium.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
(Faction idea) The Redeemers

No, the Redeemers are not like the Harmonium, because some of its members don't care about laws, just protecting the innocent and stopping evil-doers. That's the unique thing about my faction, because it has not only NG, but also LG and CG.

If your faction is going to be seperate from the Harmonium, you need to have a philosophy that differs a lot from the Harmonium. As they are right now, they don't have any philosophy. Sure, they redeem fiends. But then the redeemed fiends go out killing fiends, as you mentioned, "overzealously". This doesn't make any sense. Theoretically, they believe that anyone can be redeemed. Wouldn't killing redeemable fiends be more of a last resort? I'm not saying they shouldn't exist, but they need to be better thought through.

My other problem is that I'm not sure the pool of redeemed fiends is big enough to make an entire faction out of it, unless you were willing to make a faction of fallen celestials.

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