Faction favouritism

Bob the Efreet's picture

So, I have a bit of a dilemma. See, I'd like to give my players little benefits based on faction beliefs (a little outside the realm of the faction feats), but I can only think of one to give: the Ciphers. I can give a Cipher PC little hints and nudges based on the Cadence, but it seems like just doing that would be playing favourite to one faction (while it is my favourite one, I don't think lovely Rhys would approve of unfairness). What I'm asking for, then, is other little benefits (mostly roleplaying or story-based) that I can give PCs of other factions to help balance out this natural inclination I have to favour a Cipher.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Faction favouritism

Never forget - the "not a faction" faction - has an intellegence network... that's one way of tossing little hooks and hints out.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Faction favouritism

As Sarah said, a number of factions have the unspoken benefit of being there to back their members. While the Transcendent Order of course looks after its own, we cannot afford to extend significant assistance to what should be a personal quest for enlightenment. That is not to say that our members may expect no help from our organization, but merely that other factions more regularly do so for their members.

Factions with powerful agendas and a sense of unity tend to be ready to equip their members when necessary (and still with a cost, except on explicit faction business). So Hardheads, Sinkers, Mercykillers, Anarchists, and even Dustmen and Athar could probably obtain gear from their faction headquarters, hole up somewhere if they needed a place to stay, find work there, and recieve aid. No feat required.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Faction favouritism

And if you want to get technical, you could use the "requisition gear" rules from d20 Modern. Just come up with a list of suitable equipment for each faction, and have the PCs make a Wealth check to requisition some. (Essentially a level check against an assigned DC, no need to use Wealth rules for this...)

As far as belief-related stuff is concerned, you could:

- Let any Sinker sift when the circumstances are appropriate (as per the Sift feat)
- Let Guvners (and Fated, pre-FW) do extensive research at faction HQ to gain bonuses on a specific Knowledge check.
- Let Sensates gain ad hoc bonuses to Listen and Spot checks.
- Let Dustmen gain ad hoc interaction bonuses with the undead (either improved initial reaction or Diplomacy check bonuses)
- Let Harmonium and/or Red Death gain Intimidate and/or Sense Motive bonuses in the Cage.

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