Faction Affiliations

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Cyriss's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Faction Affiliations

Hi, I found these Faction Affiliations that someone made:

and I'm tweaking them a bit more for my campaign. I removed a few of the Criterion because they consisted of faction feats or classes that appeared in Dragon magazines or from online sources. I want to use as much as I can from WotC 3.5 material or even 2e PS fluff.

Would anyone want to throw some suggestions my way? I'm just looking for Criterion to use for each faction for PC's to gain points towards the affiliation.

If you aren't familiar with affiliations (from the PHB2), it's pretty simple. To rise in ranks in the faction, the PC needs to accomplish various tasks (Criterion) that are related to the faction in order to gain points to add to their rank. When they gain enough points, they rise in rank. So a Criterion could be something like: A Fated member that owns 10k gold gains a 1 point. Or, A Fated member that has taken something of value from someone gains 1 point.

I need about 3 more ideas like that for each faction. You can see what has already been thought of in the link above. Any ideas for any factions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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