Extree! Extree! - Ghosts in the Cage

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Joined: 2004-05-10
Extree! Extree! - Ghosts in the Cage

Ghosts in the Cage
Strange happenings seem to take this city for their kip; so often that they are often seen as not worth mentioning. However a rash of strange sightings and encounters has sprung up of late that just does not happen here in Sigil, at least that often. Ghost, specters and other incorporeal varieties of critters normally held to those planes with a tie to the ethereal have started appearing all across the cage, from the Lady's ward to the Hive, causing trouble for many Sigilian residents. Even the high and mighty have been effected. Lady Shemeska, the Wise, has even moved her meetings to a different room in the Fortune's wheel while having several priests deal with a particularly surly spirit. She has posted a bounty of 500 jink for anyone who comes to her with information on the phenomena, and has hinted that her generosity will be far more bountiful for those with better darks to share and for those with methods that give results.

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