Exocet Heavy

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Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Exocet Heavy

Does anybody know where I can find the bold version of the Exocet font for free download? The one linked to on the front page of Planewalker is Exocet Light whereas I'm looking for Exocet Heavy. Any suggestions much appreciated.

Edit: To clarify - although the *.zip file on the front page includes both heavy and light, I can only ever seem to find one Exocet in Word after I install both and making it bold does not switch to heavy. Am I doing something wrong?

The Barmy's picture
Joined: 2007-03-26
Exocet Heavy

When using exocet, click the bold button to make it "heavy." If you look in your fonts folder, you'll see that most fonts have separate files for each "font-face", as in bold, italic, etc.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Exocet Heavy

See, that's what I thought, but then even when it is bold, it looks nothing like the fat short font used in the 2e titles.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Exocet Heavy

'Iavas' wrote:
Edit: To clarify - although the *.zip file on the front page includes both heavy and light, I can only ever seem to find one Exocet in Word after I install both and making it bold does not switch to heavy. Am I doing something wrong?
I just downloaded that file and copied the 2 .ttf files into my control panel's "fonts" folder. I got a window (that went by super fast) that said "Installing fonts 1/2" then "2/2" with progress bars.

After that I opened Word 97 and the Exocet font appeared. I typed a few lines (in 10 point type) and then bolded them, seemed to work fine. One thing I did notice however is that at 10 point type the ! becomes a [ but at larger type it appears correctly.

Try it at different point sizes and make sure your type in normal and not one of the heading styles. I think all newer versions of Word are crap, so it could totally be something about what version of Word you are using also.


Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Exocet Heavy

Right. Ah well, thanks for all the suggestions. I did the same thing as 420... drop the two .ttf's into the font folder, get the superfast install bars, and opened word... albeit a more recent version.

I think the problem was my expectation. See, Exocet bolds finely, but not enough. It's still rather slim. I was hoping for something along the lines of what you get on the first page after the cover in the 2e Planescape adventures. In fact.. that's what I need it for. I'm trying to make the "Tremors of Malbolge" adventure I'm working on look like the good ol' days. Oh well.. I'll get it as close as possible.

Thanks again, all... er... Barmy and 420... both.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Exocet Heavy

Ah I misunderstood your problem. That font would probably have to be created in WordArt since it has outlines and fill color and all that fancy stuff.


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