Evil Mercykillers

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LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30
Evil Mercykillers

I'm aware that this site isn't supporting pre-Faction War stuff, but just humor me here Smiling

I was re-reading the books of the basic Planescape boxed set last night when I was bored (I was excited that I had just won an auction for the Planes of Chaos Boxed set, still in original shrink wrap).

Something really jumped out at me while I was reading the brief write up on the factions.

There is no alignment restriction against evil for their requirements (however, you can't be a known criminal).

However according to their philosophy:
"Justice purges the evil in foks and makes them better, fit to belong in the multiverse. Once everyone has been cleansed, then the multiverse reaches perfection, and perfection's the goal of the multiverse"

So, they want to cleanse all evil from the multiverse through the use of Justice.

How can an evil being be a member of this faction then if the goal is to cleanse all evil from the multiverse?

I've got a pretty good imagination and the only thing I've been able to think of is that the methods used to carry out this particular being's view of justice could be seen as evil by others, even though he himself may not think he is evil. That doesn't seem like a very good explanation to me though.

I have yet to get the Factol's Manifesto, so it could be in there but I have no clue.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Evil Mercykillers

"LegatoX" wrote:
How can an evil being be a member of this faction then if the goal is to cleanse all evil from the multiverse?

I've got a pretty good imagination and the only thing I've been able to think of is that the methods used to carry out this particular being's view of justice could be seen as evil by others, even though he himself may not think he is evil. That doesn't seem like a very good explanation to me though.

Actually, it's perfect. You can be on a crusade to destroy all evil, and in the process commit evils of your own.

He who fights monsters should take care lest he become a monster And when you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. How far into savagery to defeat the savage?

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Evil Mercykillers

"LegatoX" wrote:
II've got a pretty good imagination and the only thing I've been able to think of is that the methods used to carry out this particular being's view of justice could be seen as evil by others, even though he himself may not think he is evil. That doesn't seem like a very good explanation to me though.

It seems like a good explanation to me. Evil Mercykillers see evil as identical with injustice, which to them is the state of committing a crime and not being punished for it. What a "crime" is is determined by local laws, although outside Sigil the faction has laws of its own. These laws need not be just by the standards of good characters. The laws can be downright evil, but to Mercykillers the only evil is in not following them. Punishment cleanses a soul of this evil. It's the duty of the Red Death to cleanse the multiverse in this way, one soul at a time.

There are good Mercykillers too, who believe in tempering justice with mercy. They recognize that some laws aren't inherently just, and seek to change the system from within. In the meantime, they work to find lenient or purely symbolic sentences for those who violate unjust laws. They wouldn't support no punishment, because respect for law and order in general is important, but they wouldn't be too harsh.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Evil Mercykillers

The fun thing about Mercykillers is that they get away with a lot of stuff mainly because they believe that their ways the correct way. Who's to argue with them win. There are the ones dispensing justice at the point of a sword?

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Evil Mercykillers

To sum it all up, for the mercykillers evil=stuff we don't approve of
They're not really a "genuine" law-keeping force like the harmonium, but rather a bunch of bullies who do prettymuch what they want.

One thing I didn't quite get, however. Supposedly, were the gods indeed frauds (as the athar claim), the mercykillers would have to bring them to justice. Why is that? For lying to their worshippers?

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
Re: Evil Mercykillers

"LegatoX" wrote:
I'm aware that this site isn't supporting pre-Faction War stuff, but just humor me here Smiling

Total aside here - actually, no, we are perfectly willing to support pre-Faction War on the site. It's the Planescape Campaign Setting material (the compiled RTF and PDF chapters) that is going to be post-Faction War. (Although personally I think it'd be cool to at least have an appendix convert the pre-FW factions to our new system, but that's not my call).

However, even if the majority of the site is post-FW, on the site we are willing to accept any and all decent Planescape content regardless of time period. Heck, there was once talk of making rules for playing during the Gith uprising. So pre-FW, post-FW, ancient Planescape, future Planescape, whatever - we'd like it all.

Sorry for the diversion, but I wanted to officially clear up that misconception. Now, back to your discussions!

-Ken Marable

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Evil Mercykillers

Hmm...imagine a planar network...

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Evil Mercykillers

Laws can be just or unjust depending on your point of view or the prevalent mores of a given society. An evil Mercykiller would enjoy enforcing unjust laws. A good Mercykiller would not have much enthusiasm for unjust laws, might try to get them changed, or would try to interpret the spirit rather than the letter of the law. Good Mercykillers would not commit other crimes while persecuting injustice. Conversely, evil Mercykillers would abuse their immunity and commit as many crimes as possible "in the course of duty". Sometimes the best protection for a crook is an officer's badge.

"Zjelani" wrote:
Total aside here - actually, no, we are perfectly willing to support pre-Faction War on the site. It's the Planescape Campaign Setting material (the compiled RTF and PDF chapters) that is going to be post-Faction War. (Although personally I think it'd be cool to at least have an appendix convert the pre-FW factions to our new system, but that's not my call).

I second that opinion. The majority of people playing Planescape today are doing so in the pre-Faction War environment. There should be at least minimal support for that timeline in the official PSCS material. I hope Moogle takes that under consideration.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Evil Mercykillers

I agree, I want the PSCS to say the following:

Variant: Pre-Faction War.
It is assumed that Planescape will be played after the events of the Faction War in Sigil, in which the fifteen factions at that time were expelled from the city and their power base in Sigil removed. Planescape can be played in a setting prior to these events with the following modifications:
Omitted feats
Added feats
New faction descriptions

That's all that is needed, really. I know that the site accepts pre-FW material, but I want the actual setting to say, "Here's how to play 3.5 Planescape before the Faction War."

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Evil Mercykillers

Like someone else said, the Star Wars attitude would be best: you can play in the Old Republic, during the Empire period, or the New Republic, and the books support all three to a certain extent. I doubt the rules would be much different; only the prose would have to change.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Evil Mercykillers

In order to play in any time period of Planescape, you have to detail the factions pre- and post-FW.

Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Evil Mercykillers

Hi (Long time reader, new poster, big PS fan)

I agree with some opinions in this topic that it would be nice to see Pre-FW material on the site.
But like others I don't see why the rules themself should change. Only the material such as factions, NPC's, locations and what not are different. Or am I wrong in this?

It's hard to find good sources of Pre-FW material these days. I only know a few sites and only own one manual. (Due to not being able to order over the internet ) Thus extra information, Fan Fic is always nice to read.

And of course, keep up the great work on the site! It's a pearl!


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Evil Mercykillers

In order to play in any time period of Planescape, you have to detail the factions pre- and post-FW.

Technically no, the correct statement is "In order to play in any time period of Sigil you have to detail the factions pre- and post-FW." As far as the rest of the planes are concerned the effects are very much lessened, and beyond the great ring (with the small exception of the Doomguard citadels) the repercusions of the war are minimal and the factioneers probably exist in pre- and post- states effectively at once.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Evil Mercykillers

Evil is relative to perspective. The person who BELIEVES they are good may not be necessarily good when they are doing things, but their Belief may keep them in power and sway the ideals of the Planes. Belief is a strong power to truly wield.

Even Adolf Hitler thought what he was doing was for the "good" of humanity. Some evil Mercykillers may be along the same lines. I mean, how many racial/faith wars are transpiring on the Planes?

(By the way, in case you're wondering, I'm a Pinko Liberal and think Hitler was a douche-bag. Just on the odd chance anyone reading this thinks to the contrary.)

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