Everway in Planescape ?

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vini_lessa's picture
Joined: 2007-10-03
Everway in Planescape ?

I was always amazed by the Everway setting, even if never had the chance to play it.

Now, with a Planescape campaign on the horizon, I would like to fuse the 2 games, or at least insert the city of Everway inside PS. I dont know exactly how, though (thats the purpose of the topic Eye-wink ).

Any ideas?

ps: for those who never heard about Everway, it is a "multiversal" hub, but more oniric-bronze age in flavour, instead of the industrial-esoteric tone of Sigil. Here: http://rdushay.home.mindspring.com/Museum/Fantasy/EWrevw.html

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Everway in Planescape ?

Pre-faction Sigil?

Keep the torus, ditch the smog. Its a glorious majestic city at the centre of the universe. Set the game as the Great Ring is expanding/fracturing from the 'original' nine planes... and the PCs are the first ever travellers from the Prime and possibly the original progenitors of all those factions and halfbreed races.

vini_lessa's picture
Joined: 2007-10-03
Everway in Planescape ?


Maybe pre-Lady too? The golden age of Aoskar! An age of simple and nature beauty, of bronze statues, stone temples, sandal-foot peoples, and tribal-clan ways.

Before the Lady take over, and the decadence, industrial, and jade atitude, will change the city forever.

- - -

Or maybe Everway is a hub of material planes, recently discovered by the Guvners scholars' (or planewalker's guild membes hired by them). Or even the other way around - the explorers sponsored by the Library of Worlds (from Everway setting) find Sigil and the Outlands!

This way we could have 3 multiplanar hub cities - Sigil for the Great Wheel. Everway for the Prime Material worlds. And City of Brass for the Elemental planes (is this right? I dont remember ).

Rule of three would be served! Laughing out loud

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Everway in Planescape ?

The city of brass is an important location, but it's not a hub like Sigil is because because it isn't at the center of all the elemental planes like sigil is to the outer planes.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Everway in Planescape ?

The City of Glass is the "Sigil of the Inner Planes."

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