Eternal Boundary Modern

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nasrat's picture
Joined: 2004-11-11
Eternal Boundary Modern

I ran a modernised version of the Eternal Boundary for my regular group and a house con. I felt it worked pretty well, and wanted to share here as the idea of Modern Planescape originated here.

I used D20 Modern + Urban Arcana as the rule set and it mostly converted without pain. Some of the descriptions were just fine for the setting. I'm pretty sure lots of the original adventures would convert well enough. I made the Shadowknave a telepath rather than a mage.

The setting was modern urban, pre-faction war with original factions. Some of the flavour the modern Sigil presented was wonderful to convey and I felt it captured a lot of the spirit of the original setting. Cynicism and wonder hand in hand. Hidden notes from Green Marvent became an email. The dominant search engine was called Mimir. Some well known Sigil to Sigil portals had been co-oped into a public transit system, with standardised pricing for keys across them.

In case people are curious these are the pre-gens I used, third level characters one from each of the basic classes:

Rebecca Wright (Mercykiller) - A former police woman, Rebecca believes that mercy is the greatest obstacle in the application of justice. She left the force following multiple issues with her over-enthusiastic application of justice to suspects and convicts and has taken up a position in private security. She can be a little paranoid and uptight, and carries a varied arsenal of weaponry to get the job done.

Daeku (Indep) - A heavily pierced athletic and trendy young elf. Nimble and fast Daeku is rarely seen without his bike and courier-bag which make his profession obvious. Daeku carries a light oriental short sword concealed in his bag just in case of trouble in the more dangerous wards of Sigil - although his speed and agility often gets him out of trouble.

Pat "the brick" McGann (Doomguard) - A hardy and thick set construction worker, Pat is very much proud Dwarven heritage - despite his family having been in the city for several generations. The tough nature of his work hasn't broken Pat's sense of humor, he knows that everything he builds will eventually fall apart - but entropy doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

Karl Martinson (Guvner) - A young computer hacker type, studying at university. He never leaves the house without his mobile phone, pda, laptop and duct tape for emergencies. Karl likes caffeine, spicy foods, techno music, reading about the arcane arts and re-enacting famous historical battles, using period weapons like his crossbow.

Theia (Athar) - A very talented para-medic Theia has seen it all on the job, giving her a dark sense of humor. An evangelical atheist, Theia finds it highly ironic that she is supposed to have divine heritage. Spells don't come from the gods, they come from belief in your own ability. Theia dedicates her life to helping others and can keep her head in a crisis.

Richard Hitchcock (Fated) - A life long con-man, with an knack for charm and persuasion. He has a criminal background specializing in check fraud, identity theft and impulsive shoplifting. Richard's sweet and charming demeanor breaks down when he gets himself into a brawl revealing his truly sociopathic nature.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Eternal Boundary Modern

Wow, that's a pretty interesting bit of pre-history for UPS.

What were the names of your players? Anyone on this board?

nasrat's picture
Joined: 2004-11-11
Eternal Boundary Modern

I don't think any of the players are on this board. I'm probably going to play a campaign in a few months, but again it's probably not going to be fully using the Urban Planescape Setting, but I'll happily post material for people.

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