Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

Wow. Erik Mona agreed to let us do an interview with him. Smiling This would be in regards to the new WotC release: Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (Offer's open to James Jacobs, and Ed Stark too but they've not yet confirmed for us.)

Of course, you know what that means - Planewalker needs to have some *questions* for him!

Please ask the questions you want us to ask the authors in this thread, and the moment the authors are free from their WotC NDA - we'll fire off an interview email. Smiling

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

Hm. I don't want to ask questions that the book itself will answer, so I'll think I'll wait until I see a copy of it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

I know I'm plannign to ask questions regarding if and how they plan to use the books in their own campaigns. Also favorite and least favorite parts. Eye-wink

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

I suggest we bastardize this thread for answers that weren't answered in the official interview. There are som indepth questions that should be interesting to get answers to.

Also suggest some questions about how they see the planes evolving with new products. What they would like to focus on when it comes to the planes.

Evil's picture
Joined: 2005-11-12
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

I'd say, since we are a dedicated Planescape society, it would be OK to ask whether the development was affected by Planescape products, and if so, how much?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

'Evil' wrote:
I'd say, since we are a dedicated Planescape society, it would be OK to ask whether the development was affected by Planescape products, and if so, how much?

That seems a decent question, and one I hadn't thought to ask (since he's pretty much answered it at ENWorld). But it would be good for the interview.

Question: On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being awesome and 10 being most awesome, how awesome is Hordes of the Abyss going to be?
Question: Which part is most awesome of all?
Question: Will its horrors make me cry?
Question: Will I wet myself?
Question: Will I vomit on the floor of the Canadia Suite?
Question: Will it teach me how to summon real demons?
Question: Will it teach me to cast the Mind Bondage spell on my father?
Question: It's my fault Black Leaf died. I can't face life alone!
Question: Which is more important, my spiritual development through the game or some lousy loser's life?
Question: I don't want to be Elfstar anymore! I want to be Debbie!
Question: I need help... my life's a mess. Help me!
Question: How do I witness with Chick tracts?
Question: Who would win in a fight, Demogorgon or Goku?

Uh, I'm pretty bad at this.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

Is the book more in the tone of a Lords of Madness and Libris Mortis or more in the tone of a Monster Manual?

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

Does this book go more with the concept that the Abyss (and other planes) is sentient?

What is there in the book from Planescape that's been brought back for 3.5e?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
What is there in the book from Planescape that's been brought back for 3.5e?

We finally get a 3e molydeus! \m/


Pants of the North!

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

Has the work had any inspiration drawn from the (incredibly excellent) "Fiends: Faces of Evil" or will this be more geared towards monster stats and less ecology/physiology/society of the fiends?

The Abyss is an infinite source of monsters (quite literally); does Erik believe that there will ever be a limit to how many monsters can be catalogues from this plane? At what point will a line be drawn to say: no more monsters from the Abyss for awhile?

Are there going to be supplements dealing with monsters from a specific plane? For example, are there any plans to do: Heavenly Voices - Choirs of Mount Celestia?

Have you ever rejected a monster as its write-up was only suitable for a more adult audience?

Does the flump have a place in the Abyss?

Is there any truth to the rumours that the quality team for this product was made up entirely of Bodaks?

Does Monty Cook (aka the Montoloth) have an entry in this book or will he have his write-up published as a web supplement?

Is it OK if I use your name as the name of a Ethereal Plane exploration vessel in an upcoming adventure for the site that I am writing to be used at GenCon 2006?

Is there a monster that did not make it in to this book that you'd really like to have had included but did not make it for one reason or another?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

'simmo' wrote:
Monty Cook (aka the Montoloth)



Pants of the North!

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

'simmo' wrote:
Does Monty Cook (aka the Montoloth) have an entry in this book or will he have his write-up published as a web supplement?

Are you sure he isn't an Arcana-Unearthed-oloth? (sorry for the bad pun..)

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

Can we expect the Baator-themed follow-up any time soon?

What 2E fiend conversions will it contain? (the FC II, not FC I)

Am I just too lazy to find the answers in the ENWorld thread?

Why don't I visit as often as I used to?

Are rhetorical questions OK?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

'Nemui' wrote:
Can we expect the Baator-themed follow-up any time soon?

Yes, it's due later this year. It's written by Robin Laws and Robert Schwalb. Nothing's been revealed about it, by Mr. Schwalb confirmed he used Planescape heavily in writing it.

Edit: Here it is.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

Does Shemmy stand a shot at working on Feindish Codex 3 (the one on Yugoloths)?

Zimimar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-09
Fiendish Codex II

I got all excited when I saw the name Robin, but on Amazon, alas, he is a well....a fella!

I am *really* hoping for a woman to put in her two cents on some of these books in development. Or am I the only gamer chick in her 30's left alive?

Also, would love to see if Colin McComb was contributing, esp to the Ba'atorian version. I LOVE his interpretations and used to email him back when I was publishing tidbits on the site. I wonder now in reading these threads just how much PS might wind up in these books! I say, I hope a lot.....nothing says Fiends like Planescape adventures IMHO!

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

Gwendolyn Kestral is a woman, and worked on the Planar Handbook.

As for gamer chicks, there are a number on these forums.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

Book's out. Where's our interview? Sticking out tongue


Pants of the North!

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

Someone please ask who is responsible for the obryths, so we can have a lynching on the last day of GenCon.

Unless that is the same person who is responsible for the Black Scrolls of Ahm, then they may live.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

Smiling I will ask - I think Mr. Mona and co. won't be able to get to the questions till after Gencon (busy time of year) - but as soon as they do, it'll be up here.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12

Ask how they came up with the idea for obyrith class demons. Also, if they could, would they rewrite any previous non-Tanar'ri demons, such as the Bebilith, as obyriths?

Personally, I like the idea of obyriths. They're kind of the chaotic equivalent of ancient baatorians and tie in really well with the idea that the Baernaloths created the Baatezu and Tanar'ri to replace the older fiends that called their respective planes home. I was first introduced to the point of view that the Baern were responsible through Shemeska's Baernaloth series, namely Methikus sar Telmuril, and loved the idea. It seems with the official WotC description of obyriths, the whole thing may stand a chance of becoming canon. For me, that's always a yay.

PS: I vote for Shemmy to write canon any day.

Bran Dawri's picture
Joined: 2006-07-30
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Question7: Will it teach me to cast the Mind Bondage spell on my father? Question: It's my fault Black Leaf died. I can't face life alone! Question: Which is more important, my spiritual development through the game or some lousy loser's life? Question: I don't want to be Elfstar anymore! I want to be Debbie! Question: I need help... my life's a mess. Help me! Question: How do I witness with Chick tracts?

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

So will we ever be seeing the results of this interview?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

Likely after GenCon - this time of year is understandably a *bit* busy for the folks we're trying to interview. Eye-wink

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

'Iavas' wrote:
Personally, I like the idea of obyriths. They're kind of the chaotic equivalent of ancient baatorians and tie in really well with the idea that the Baernaloths created the Baatezu and Tanar'ri to replace the older fiends that called their respective planes home.
Except, they *don't* tie in with that idea (or any of the background from Hellbound) because it says that *they* created the tanar'ri, and that *any other source* with information about demons, tanar'ri or the Abyss is wrong.

In fact, on the very first page, this book claims to be the new canonic source for all things Abyssal, overruling pretty much everything Planescape-related already written.

*That's* why I don't like the obryths.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

'Orroloth' wrote:
Except, they *don't* tie in with that idea (or any of the background from Hellbound) because it says that *they* created the tanar'ri, and that *any other source* with information about demons, tanar'ri or the Abyss is wrong.

Except, they changed that particular bit of yugoloth background, just a little bit, to say that they created the obyriths, rather than the tanar'ri. And, I think, the ancient Baatorians. Although I really prefer the idea that the baatezu were made by yugoloths and took over Baator from the A.Baatorians. But I suppose we'll need to see if FC2 is as well-written and incorporates Hellbound material to know for sure.


Pants of the North!

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Retcons... bleh

See, I just kind of ignored all that. I just assume that this, like the earlier Planescape stuff, was written in the style of speculation. Mortals weren't meant to know, but here are some guesses that they've come up with. What I'm saying, though, is that the idea of Obyriths is easily incoporated into the Planescape canon to be chaotic equivalent of the ancient Baatorians, which were hinted at but never named. And now we have stats for them. As for them making the Tannar'ri and being made by the Yugoloths and all that, well, the codex was written by clueless primes and other green berks of retcon fame. What can you do?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

'Iavas' wrote:
As for them making the Tannar'ri and being made by the Yugoloths and all that, well, the codex was written by clueless primes and other green berks of retcon fame. What can you do?

I love using this excuse as to why certain books are wrong.


Pants of the North!

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
'Iavas' wrote:
As for them making the Tannar'ri and being made by the Yugoloths and all that, well, the codex was written by clueless primes and other green berks of retcon fame. What can you do?

I love using this excuse as to why certain books are wrong.

It's a good excuse, sure enough. And you're very right - all the ideas in the book are salvagable.

However, the people who are responsible for this book should know better (Jeff Grubb? Erik Mona? Guys...), and I think it is perfectly appropriate to make them sweat a bit over the arrogance of the first page.

Even if it isn't their fault. Cool

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12

Fair enough, Orroloth. We can pull a good-cop bad-cop routine on them. Sticking out tongue

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

It was Erik Mona's "fault." Note that obyriths are nearly identical to the qlippoth from Erik Mona's d20 book, Armies of the Abyss.

Given there was no pressure on him to conform to Planescape canon at all, though, Fiendish Codex I was shockingly Planescape-friendly. It even had a section on the various planar factions.

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Erik Mona, et al. Interview Questions?

Some other random questions for Erik Mona:

- Have you ever dreamt of The Lady of Pain?
- Do you know of any portals to Sigil?
- What is your view on the number of dragons in the Planescape setting? Should there be more, less or is the level just right?
- When cooking for friends what is your favourite recipe?
- Does you ever play in any non-D&D setting games?
- Who would be your three dream GMs?
- Would you mind if gnomes were dropped as a playable race?
- Do you receive fan-mail?

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